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Everything posted by redaxted

  1. I was about to mention the song anyway, it's by Eurobeat Brony and remixed by TheLivingTombStone. I love that song so damn much. It sounds so cool, and I actually discovered it before I became a fan of the show. I also like Rainbow Factory. It's so great! Although it kinda misrepresents what's going on in MLP, it just sounds so awesome!
  2. That's awesome! I love drawings that have that scribbled look about them, it's so cool and quite different. Very nice I wish my scribbled drawings turned out like that, hahah.
  3. I'd totally have that on a shirt! I love that design, Rainbowdash got so much swag with those sunglasses
  4. Mario Kart Wii! I'm still only in my early teens but I thought I'd mention the games that I played when I was younger! Mario Kart was one of the first Wii games I ever got, and me and my brother played it day in, day out. My brother was far more obsessed with it though. I also liked Ben 10: Protector of Earth. I used to love Ben 10, and I was very upset when it was cancelled a few years ago, but before that I enjoyed playing what I think was the first video game based off of it on Wii. It still remains a great game to me today, despite the fact that I could only change into a small handful of aliens. It really made my day every time I played it. Same with Sonic Unleashed. Although the Wii version of that game is known to be inferior to the game on Xbox360, I was unaware of that at the time, and I didn't have an Xbox anyway. But I thought it was the best game ever. Now I realise that, yes, the Xbox version is better, but when I played Sonic Unleashed when I was younger it gave me a sense of wonderment... And I just loved it so damn much!
  5. There's a Stitch anime?! OMYGOD! Where? How? I need to see it! I looooove Stitch! What UK channels is it on, coz I've never seen it anywhere before? It looks amazing <3
  6. redaxted

    The 4DE Plushes

    I've been eying those plushies for a few days now, and they're extremely good quality! I'll definitely be getting all of them. And I mean ALL OF THEM XD I'll get the Mane 6 first though. I might need to save up some money.
  7. Thanks everyone for making me feel right at home here straight away! It means a lot :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. redaxted


      Definitely will, as long I'm an MLP fan! And even if I do go off the series, I'll stick around! But currently MLP is all I talk about, which my friends and family probably think is a nice change from my obsessive Tobuscus ramblings XD and thanks for making me feel instantly accepted here! This is a nice community :)

    3. Lightwing


      It's a pleasure to help you to feel better here. And remember, nobody bites here(except Feld0), so approach anyone safely c:

    4. redaxted


      XD shall do. This place is awesome

  8. https://youtu.be/tVj0ZTS4WF4 Chum Dum Bedrum by... 'Weird Russian Singer'. It's the chorus that really does it. And the dance moves. As for the weirdest song I actually like, I'd say it's gotta be Time To Dance by Panic! At The Disco. It's a bit all over the place, but I love it anyway. Also... any songs by Jacksfilms.
  9. I would say... Minecraft... It's alright, pretty fun for a while, I suppose, but I get awfully bored playing it after a while. Guess I'm just not good enough at it to get into the game properly, I guess. I can't forget the whole deal with smoking, drinking, etc., too. I understand that addictions are very serious, but when people do it just to be 'cool', it gets me. I'm not saying people can't make their own choice about this sort of thing, but I'd rather not even try most things that may be a danger to my health.
  10. I totally get where you're coming from with the bit about Ben 10! And how could I forget EMH? It was cancelled before I even gave it a try. Oh how I regret refusing to watch it when I still had the chance. The new Avengers series... I think it's good, I enjoy it, but not half as much as the few episodes of EMH I managed to find on YouTube. Hawkeye was even cooler in the older series. It was a silly move cancelling it... And I agree with you on Teen Titans, too. I used to love that show when I was younger. When it randomly disappeared, I was so confused!
  11. Super Robot Monkeys: Team Hyper Force Go. Sounds like nonsense, but it was amazing! I'd happily watch all of it now still, but it was cancelled many years ago. I watched it when I was younger, despite there being some very dark themes to it. Also, Ben 10. I loved that show. So what did they do? Cancel it and replace it with a new one, in which Ben is a teenager. Why's he gotta be a teen? Was it it to appeal more to the teenage generation or something? I'm not sure, but... Ben 10 Alien force wasn't all that bad. Then it all just got worse and wore. We had Ultimate Alien, which was really pushing it with even more new aliens, most of them now with ultimate forms (and the brough the old ones back, which I kinda liked though...). I could live with that. But then... Then the spawn of Satan, Ben 10 Omniverse tootles along to ruin everything. It doesn't feel like Ben 10 anymore. It just feels like another bad cartoon. Why'd they ever cancel Ben 10? I know they'd run out of episode idea eventually, but making more and more new shows about it won't make a difference to originality in the plot lines, will it? Hahah I'm going full on rant mode here. But anyway, I think I got my point across.
  12. I've done quite a few drawings, but this is definitely my best (I did use an image reference though... )
  13. MLP - I watched a few episodes on Bin Weevils, and a little while later I found out my friend was a pegasister. We watched a few episodes together not too long ago and that's what really got me hooked. That and the amazing looking merchandise. Gotta me some Vinyl Collectibles... Marvel - I used to hate the idea of superheroes, until I walked in on my parents watching Iron Man. I realised it wasn't that bad and therefore found myself in the cinema soon after watching The Avengers. My love kinda died off after that though... Until I watched a few more Marvel movies at home and found out when about the second Avengers movies would premiere! Pokemon - I received my first Pokemon game on Christmas. I was quite young. I'd been enjoying a few episodes of the anime for some time before, but Pokemon Platinum really got me hooked. I got every Pokemon game after that. YouTube - youtubers have fandoms... So why not? My brother introduced to Jacksepticeye, and I found out about Jacksfilms via another youtuber I used to watch.
  14. People don't understand me. Just... Me in general. My friends...? Even they don't fully understand the massive depths of my unusual (to say the least) personality. I like many different kinds of music, which is one thing people don't get about me, but they mainly don't understand my outlook on life. I see life as I'm sure Pinkie Pie sees it: just one big opportunity to have fun. But people don't get that. They're all about acting cool, being accepted into the teenage 'society'. A lot of the people I don't get along with are stereotypes. They all like the same damn thing. They don't get why I like different stuff. In return, I don't understand why they all love exactly the same things. Well... They try to... So yeah... That was an unnecessarily deep and detailed post about what people don't understand about me.
  15. I'm a bit of both, really. I'm outgoing, and I often make strange, incomprehensible sounds. I can see why a lot of people who don't know me well think I'm extremely weird. And I am. I like to express my taste in music and how much I love the youtubers I watch, but I keep some elements of my personality and likes hidden. For example, I've only ever confessed my love of MLP to two people: my brother, and my fellow pegasister friend. I'm working on my confidence about that though. But there are some people that flaunt everything to do with their crushes and love life. I feel awkward and turn literally bright red whenever I'm asked about that kinda stuff. Unfortunately, that leads to many misconceptions about who exactly I get crushes on. I'll never, ever mention my only crush anywhere, not even online or to my closest friends, despite the fact that I like to get them to try and guess (and they usually guess right but I don't tell them that). I always talk about him... But I don't say anything like that. So in that sense, I am very much an introvert. In the grand scheme of things, I'm quite an extrovert, although I am very bad at talking directly to new people. I'm also very quick to defend myself against meanies:)
  16. I don't say girls look beautiful very often... (I'm worried they'll take it the wrong way) but Rarity is fabulous! I love her mane and tail style, and her cutie mark is amazing. I like the way she looks the best next to Rainbowdash out of the Mane 6, but I also love how Scootaloo looks too.
  17. I saw that video not too long a Good! It's so awesome XD Fluttershy is damn adorable, I love story of how she got her cutie mark! She reminds me of an exaggerated version of my former, shy self.
  18. Form: Name: Wolves Text Wanted: Pinkie Specific Colors?: Pink, blue Images: Pinkie Pie, and maybe a a faded image of her too? If not, then just the regular image. Donor Size or Regular?: Regular please Extra Details?: All of your signatures are awesome! I'm looking forward to receiving my own
  19. Uh oh, let's see... I eat too much. I'm a lazy butt. I've never been in a relationship of any sort, and it's never bothered me, really. I have the strangest celebrity crushes I swear.
  20. AHHHHHH God XD I hate ads with Minions in them. Everywhere I go THERE IS A GOD DAMN MINION you cannot escape those things! And I don't even hate Minions! It's just the fact that the advertisers think we're so stupid that when we see an easily recognisable minion, we'll buy the product, thinking it's actually minion related. And also needless celebrity appearances. No George Clooney, I do not want to buy whatever you're advertising JUST BECAUSE YOURE IN THE COMMERCIALS!!!!
  21. I had a dream-mare about Sonic Unleashed... I was playing as Sonic in a creepy mansion and I could use little token things to switch between the two forms, but I kept getting beaten up by the bad guys.... Not too weird until everything was suddenly switched to first person and I was now myself, walking up a flight of stairs. I waited and looked around the corner, then carried on up the next flight of stairs until I got to the top. I went into the room before me and took a seat in front of what looked like a movie screen. The movie started (I can't remember what it was, but it was made up and weird) and then a ton of other people appeared out of nowhere. That was it. Weird. Lol
  22. I am TERRIFIED of being alone! I would hate to know I was completely lonely. Even if I was with complete strangers I'd feel safer than if I was in a store, alone. But the worst thing ever would be if everyone was gone, and I had the world to myself. That might be my darkest fear... But my weirdest fear is breaded mushrooms, or just cooked mushrooms... I ate a few one time and I became really ill, but I'm not sure why I'm scared of them now... I've eaten stuff that made me sick before! But mushrooms... Naw. Aw, mushrooms, no.
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