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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. *Meat warning* I’ve eaten tripe, which is very popular in some parts of the world, but honestly it was pretty awful and I won’t be returning to the buffet for a second helping of stomach lining. Escargot, despite being snails, is pretty good. It may vary depending on how it’s prepared. But I liked what I had, served at the France pavilion at Epcot. Czarnina (duck blood soup) is a Polish recipe. And being Polish myself, it was inevitable I'd have to try it one day. That day came and I was unimpressed. It just wasn’t right somehow. It’s made in different ways, either spicy and sweet, and I had the spicy, but it isn’t a favorite. Caviar is good. I was surprised how much I liked it. It was salty and went well on a cracker. I had what I strongly suspect was a horse meat hamburger at a restaurant in Lost Hills, CA. It definitely didn’t taste like beef, and my parents, who had both eaten horse meat burgers when they were younger (at a fast food restaurant, and it was no big deal apparently), said it was Horse. Personally I liked it and would happily have another. (Sorry ponies!) I had a box of toasted crickets at an airport once. I was starting a vacation and wanted to kick-start my adventure with some adventurous eating. I bought a box of bacon cheddar crickets and munched them down. They weren’t bad actually; just a bit dry and crunchy. Next time I’ll try the sour cream and onion variety.
  2. My opinion hasn’t changed. I would still have no particular problem with it. I even went to a clothing optional beach once in my more adventurous days and it wasn’t a big deal honestly. Most people didn’t pay much attention since they’re all there with the same basic philosophy. I don’t think naturism or nudism is a particularly good idea in general, but for the sake of this thread, and the focus being on a one-time pool visit, I’m fine with it.
  3. I remember Beanie Babies but I’ve never heard of Beanie Boos until now. I don’t have any but I looked them up and saw a very cute fox called ‘Meadow.’ I can see the addictive quality to them but I’m already addicted to too many other toys. Must…resist…Beanie…Boos…
  4. I can see the parking lot with my little car outside. Not much of a view out the back. My living room has a better view but that isn’t the closest window to me at the moment.
  5. Umm, I recently bought a cheap little ukulele but it was so cheap I couldn’t use it at all. So I sent it back and got three ukes to replace it. They’re more expensive, but saving money means nothing if I can’t play a note, which was the case with my first uke. I know, I didn’t need three, but circumstances compelled me against logic (nothing unusual for me). In other words, they were so pretty I couldn’t resist.
  6. I’d probably go with something that flies at a pretty good altitude and speed. Distance is also a factor, so I’ll jump on the Lunar Module. It may be old and considered rickety by modern standards, but its control system was analog, which is a pretty way of saying ‘functional’ even though it did have a digital guidance computer. I always feel better with old tech in either case, so that’s my choice for now. Now if you want to literally go with a ‘dream’ vehicle, I’ll add a more terrestrial entry with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which I think is one of the nicest (commercial) planes around.
  7. I had Italian steak and pasta. A nice summertime dish and fairly easy to make (all I had to do was stand there and watch someone else do the cooking. Very easy).
  8. I wasn’t so much happy as productive, which made me feel happy after I got all my tasks completed. So I guess by getting past a lot of unhappy things I ended up finding happiness.
  9. I used to dread getting my pic taken for my license. But now I'm seeing the humor in making it as awful as possible. My horrible new license may be my favorite one yet! Save your good pics for your FB account, but let the official stuff be as nasty as can be. It's kinda fun and it shows proper distain for the money-grab of license renewals.
  10. I had to go to the DMV to get my Driver’s License renewed, and I didn’t feel like messing with it, so when the attendant (who was wearing a face mask) told me to put may face against the same eye chart viewer that everyone else had pressed their own unwashed faces against, I had no choice but to do so and share their germs. But the part that made me laugh, aside from the sardonic chuckle I had for the whole situation, is that I went to the ladies’ room to wash my face and came back with my makeup gone and a ring of un-rinsed soap on my face and hair to sit for my photo. They couldn’t say anything indelicate, so they had to take the pic as-is. My license looks like a zombie’s yearbook photo and it was quite funny. It was my little rebellion for all the nonsense I had to deal with. I had to express my derision and now I can express it every time I have to show my license to a cop.
  11. My last memory was sprinting for the exit as soon as I got my meaningless diploma for graduating Junior High. There was a party afterward and I told everyone I’d be there but I blew it all off and got away as fast as I could. I could not get away from that living hell fast enough.
  12. The nearest thing is a Welcome mat and I don’t really want that ugly thing in my bedroom! If I had to put in in my room it would go in the trashcan. Beyond that is a wrought iron railing, and if I could somehow transport it indoors I would put hinges on it and make it into a swinging child-proof gate for my bedroom doorway.
  13. My workouts depend on what I want to accomplish. My full comprehensive workout (when I have time and the inclination) is cardio (elliptical machine at the gym for an hour, twice a week), light aerobics and minimal weights for all muscle groups. For weights I try to focus on different areas on different days; arms and shoulders one day, legs another day, core after that, etc. even though I don’t always follow that strictly and sometimes overlap different muscle groups if I feel like it. I only use weights for tone and never for building mass. When I don’t go to the gym I use Total Body Sculpt with Gilad videos I recorded off TV long ago, and they definitely do the job! They can be merciless at first though, but it’s good to follow along as well as the body will allow at the outset. Diet is a huge factor and while I don’t eat very healthy most of the time, amount of calories does play into the strategy. By simply changing from regular cola to diet cola saves me hundreds of calories per day. I eat two meals a day, with no second helpings, and if I get the munchies I use my favorite survivalist trick of eating a couple of breath mints at intervals, which can trick the brain into thinking it’s receiving calories and staves off the hunger. It actually does work. But the most important thing to keep in mind when working out is motivation! If I have a reason to get fit that can push me through all the pain and effort. Another important thing is managing weight loss into smaller increments; rather than deciding, “I need to lose 20 pounds” it’s a lot better, physically and psychologically, to attack the flab two or three pounds at a time, reward yourself at each mini goal, and then attack another few pounds until the greater goal is achieved. Patience is critical! The body needs time to change, so if it takes a long time and lots of effort at the outset, that’s normal. But once the body acclimates to a more active and healthy routine, the pounds fall off much easier. I’ve been there and lost a LOT of weight. Right now I’m doing a strenuous aerobic and cardio program with light weights to tighten up my midsection after I had my baby last year. I lost the mommy weight but still have to get tone back; that’s the current goal and I intend to reach it by mid-August.
  14. That Snowspeeder is a bit of a fixer-upper after that At-At used it as a doormat. Can we get you a shiny new one at no extra cost? Tarkin’s office sounds good, but I want the Emperor’s throne room! That view is hard to beat!
  15. The Boy and the Heron (2023) As with all Hiyao Miyazaki’s movies, it has beauty, style and plenty of surprises. It started off very well, taking it’s time without being boring or losing interest. Then, about halfway through it, it lost me. I don’t mind an intricate plot, but a convoluted one is another matter. In this case I think he was trying to tell one story too many and they all swirled together into an incoherent mishmash. I do appreciate seeing many of the touches Miyazaki is fond of putting in his various movies, and that was very cool, but movies must stick to a simple bare-bones plot at their core and make that as good as it can be, rather than making three or four intermingling plots and doing them haphazardly. I loved the artwork as always, and I love seeing Miyazaki back in action again, but this one didn’t deliver for me overall, I’m sorry to say. So, for the good first half and the various (though disparate) positive elements throughout, I give this a 5/10. The Hunger Games (2012) Despite many mistakes, a contrived story and a bad director, I still like this movie somehow. I can enjoy a flawed movie (I have to or I’ll never watch anything made after 2010!) and this movie manages to hold my attention. Jennifer Lawrence is a block of wood and has no chemistry whatsoever with Josh Hutcherson. They always seem to regard each other with more suspicion than appreciation (spoilers coming) and it makes their outcome in the final movie seem very unbelievable. The late Donald Sutherland is a gem in this movie and gave the whole series some much needed style. 6/.5/10
  16. Just a couple Advil over here. Working on artwork for too long without a breather.
  17. ^Exactly^ It's bad enough on its own, but having to drink so much of it is absolutely horrid!
  18. I don’t frequent any other forums at this time so I don’t use my pony avatar or name for anything else but MLPF. Even if I was on other forums I would have a different avvie befitting their individual theme.
  19. I had a simple summer repast of chicken salad with avocado on a flour tortilla wrap, devilled eggs and seedless watermelon. Too hot for anything too elaborate. There was birthday cake for dessert though. We had a little party for hubby.
  20. Feeling happy. T'was my hubby's birthday today and it was very pleasant.
  21. While Luna is by far my favorite pony princess, I would probably write to Twilight because she’s more likely to reply with a friendly letter that would be enjoyable to read, and it would probably be written on nice stationary in purple ink. Luna, if she replied at all, would probably be a little grim, businesslike and somewhat cold, written with some ectoplasmic goo on a scrap of wallpaper ripped from the wall. While each is compelling in their own ways, Twilight would be easier to correspond with.
  22. Here's a very long link! https://www.amazon.com/Ultrasonic-Repeller-Rodent-Repellent-Indoor/dp/B0D3QFTPY1/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1FGXNQND6KAZK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RHmtAjAJUmqXCk0d-d3BNVaPYdCPIvzhTjhpxnW-cQ1X306ScD5VM6LniVSfgg113ilB2DtztDESaVRlWNqz9T8X8mpwGTRGoRIfjUrEjlbuDug6xs32__pyzMWORoo2ORbiQfRuJOMW2DHMsTTaieI-MU0vYm6HZKDy97_EZBIqHgxxIicPkDI2qAIR969NCs5tuIV_dXhDSu86BtxGGmqAGDwezwMsgiBvshu2jyrzAEwJl0BxSa-pKWHVSz9FPT6YiCLCXfG5asWkHTb5nmbmggXSk-z8yAO3RTpKHHQ.Qg4rBXPKhxsBkimLHyZPJP4n4OSISDTXIP8vdi_QQGM&dib_tag=se&keywords=sunsonic+mouse+repellers&qid=1719892988&sprefix=sunsonic+mouse+repellers%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-6
  23. They're supposed to work on mice and insects, and so far they're working great on the bugs, so I assume they're working on the mice as well. It'll take a few weeks till I'll know for sure. I don't really want them 'offed' but I do want them out. We'll see how it goes.
  24. I still haven't caught up with Bojangles. I'll get it though. I never miss out out the tasty stuff, especially when they have good tea too.
  25. One of the coolest TV themes ever!
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