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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. Everything I love I'm obsessed with. This includes Disney everything, Star Wars, writing, art and cartoons.
  2. I hate superhero movies where the heroes are constantly taking their masks off in public. The whole point of the mask is to protect their civilian interests and loved ones. They're also very cool. No one cares about seeing the faces of the stars the studios overpaid to play the roles. It seems Hollywood is also trying to reinvent the superhero image by eliminating super costumes altogether or making them all look like Batman, in the feeling that colorful equates to being cheesy. Fans like superheroes the way they were drawn in the comics, that's why they're fans to begin with.
  3. Midnight snacking is an official meal for me. I have one meal during the day, than I have three smaller snacks equaling a second meal at night, usually while I'm parked in front of a movie or something.
  4. Chocolate chip cookies, any kind of cookies, macaroons and Napoleons.
  5. 2035 is only 19 years away. If (recent) history has shown us anything it's that NOTHING HAPPENS ANY MORE. There won't be significant changes in anything. Technology will advance in the same way it has for years, by taking existing tech, rearranging it to look like something new, and reselling it, with only the minimum of improvement needed to keep the dollars rolling in. Medical science will be the same; doling out just enough to keep stringing people along at insane prices. Greed and inflation? Do I really need to even go there? After the '60s, no one gave a crap about anything anymore. Everyone got lazy and content to just let the next generation down the line take care of things. Take a look at the movie Tomorrowland. It's a good analogy of the state of human indifference. It's no longer an optimistic innovative society, but a pessimistic and indifferent one. People talk about nuclear war, but it's never going to happen. Even if it did, it would merely be flushing a stagnant existence down the toilet. And frankly, at the moment things are getting pretty ripe.
  6. I'm very close to my family and consider all of them, to one extent or another, to be my friends (even best friends). I can count on them more than anyone and can be more candid and personal with them than I can anywhere else. I trust them totally and they have done more for me than can be expressed. Sure, everyone has their differences. You can't live your life or even spend any degree of time with someone without them getting on your nerves to some extent. That's just human behavior. But in the end, you always go back to the ones that love you most, and that's always been my family.
  7. Oh thank you for saying all this so I didn't have to! This is 100% accurate. I live in a big city now but I had the misfortune of having been 'exiled' to North/Central Arkansas for a few years when I was younger. My parents moved there (from Las Vegas) when I was too young to have a choice. Culture shock? You have no idea! Sure, being in the sticks had certain advantages like being able to leave your car unlocked, having all kinds of peace and quiet and the facade of everybody being best buddies with everybody. But there was absolutely NOTHING TO DO! If you wanted to buy something that wasn't the most common article in the world you'd have to go on the internet and pay to have it shipped and wait for it to arrive. Modern conveniences? Yer kiddin' right? Whenever a slight breeze came up we fired up the generator because a power blackout was ALWAYS moments behind. And you always had to drive for 20 minutes to get to the nearest freakin' gas station (yeah, you'd better hope you're not runnin' low!) Wanna buy a newspaper? Sure, they come out once a week (if you're lucky) and the biggest headline was always who caught the biggest fish that week (ugh!) The nearest civilized city was 2 1/2 hours away, and it wasn't even a very big one. In a real city, you have dependable utilities, convenience, things do do, places to go, people to see. New experiences every day. It's the future (at least I hope). My blood pressure dropped significantly as soon as I got free of all that 'peace and quiet,' and I'll never go back!
  8. Exactly. Also if you eat first and don't waste time brushing ahead of time, you have more time after breakfast to brush before heading out the door, and you don't have to mix the taste of milk and cereal with minty-fresh toothpaste (not a good blend). Technically you can go for weeks without brushing before your teeth really start to decay, so it may seem superfluous to brush so many times daily. But personal hygiene is never a bad idea; it promotes good habits, freshens breath and strengthens teeth, whether you literally need it or not. I've brushed twice a day my whole life and so far I've never had a cavity (knock on wood) so I must be doing something right.
  9. It's just like a human being having facial hair; it's just a personal sense of style. Facial hair on a pony is cool too because it's very cartoony. No real pony would have a beard or mustache so it's fun to toonify them with it, like putting clothes or glasses on an animal. In general, whatever works, go ahead with.
  10. If by following the morals of the show you mean following a sense of morality in general, which is what it is, than yes. Everyone knows what is socially acceptable and how to act with others. It's a universal unspoken law of civilization. We don't always follow it but we're at least aware of it. It's also why MLP and most other shows these days don't really have to spell out the moral and dumb it down to the audience. We all get it. It's nice to have a motto like Love and Tolerate because it gives us a catchy reminder in case we forget ourselves. I'm always surprised at how often it pops into my own head. So a mental bumper sticker is good. The rest is basic humanity 101.
  11. Thank you so much! I've already met so many lovely new friends here and I've only just begun! There's so much I want to do here, it's like trying to eat the whole cake in one bite. Not easy but I'll give it a good try!
  12. Hi RosaTookMySeat! Nice to have you come and join us in this brave new world called My Little Pony! You'll have no trouble finding MLP fans here to talk with! Hope to run into you on the boards!
  13. OreoPony! I love that name! You're gonna have such a great time here! I can't wait to see you on the boards and get to know you better! If you ever want to talk or ask a question or anything, just drop me a PM!
  14. Welcome, Princess Ember! I love the look of your profile, very nice! I like Ember a lot too and I hope she'll be featured a little more prominently in the future. I know you're going to have a great time with us here at MLP forums and I'm really looking forward to seeing you on the boards!
  15. Hey there, Cookies 'n Cream! Welcome to our (not so) little community of pastel ponies! I'm so glad you stumbled across our lovely world here and I know you'll have a great time with us! Everypony here is super friendly and we look forward to knowing you better! If you ever want to talk, asks questions or whatever, just drop a PM!
  16. Yes, I'd date a pony if I weren't a pony myself. I don't care if I was a three-headed dog, I'd date them regardless. If the ponies are okay with it, I certainly am. They're so fine!
  17. I love Jar Jar Binks and the Ewoks. The Ewoks were very popular until it became a trend to diss them all the time. Cute and cuddly should not equate to 'uncool and therefore undeserving of acceptance'. Jar Jar, had he come along in the original trilogy, would have been a big hit. It was a different world back then; not as cynical as it is now. Jar Jar has the great quality of innocence, and will forever be one of my favorites.
  18. The Cat From Outer Space. If you want totally innocent vintage Disney, this is it. What a great escape!
  19. I can't name just one because I love different ones for different reasons. Babs Bunny (Queen of all toons) Buster Bunny (No relation) Lola Bunny (pickin' up on a theme here?) Vixey (Fox and the Hound) Robin Hood & Maid Marian (Disney) Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle) Belle (Cuz I gotta) Rapunzel (Kindred spirit) I could go on but I've already named way too many. What can I say? I love toons!
  20. Nice! And I love traditional art on paper. Call me old fashioned (and you'd be right!)
  21. I love foxes so I'd have to be a fox. I identify with them and they match my personality to a tee. Just lovely creatures!
  22. Oooh! Intriguing idea! Yes, definitely! I'm not sure what pony from the show would work since they probably would have already become a student by now if they were going to. But a new pony, a new child pony would be fascinating. It would also give the writers a quality new character to work with. Maybe Luna could teach her/him about the stars that aided in her escape. There never was enough explanation for that.
  23. Lovely! She's so cute she doesn't need to be ponified (but it would be cool to see too!)
  24. That's a beautiful look! Me likey!
  25. Thanks NightShade! I've been looking for a good intuitive art site like that. Search: Over!
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