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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Tropico

  1. I feel you xDD i just checked both lmao i had no idea. I have twitter if yall want but basically i just twit in spanish https://twitter.com/Mario_III my instagram is in english but i can be weeks without posting a photo and then post tons in a week https://www.instagram.com/mario_2d/ then my tumblr http://chokoraitodisuko.tumblr.com/ and thats basically all my social media i use
  2. aw just some days ago i discovered this channel and watched one [bronies react to Generation 3 (and 3.5)] and i laughed sooooooooooo much. i almost faint xDDDD they're crazy. gotta watch this one too!
  3. I love it! I love she's tall with long legs and kinda small head. it's an unique desing with your own style. it makes it so perfect and stands out! also the long mane is perfect! so cute and pure. 11/10!
  4. they did two episodes about a comunist village so i gont get why they cant make two episodes (better three) where a pony with lots of locuacity convinces the ponies to stop being friends and lures to make them to quit the princesess their role as rulers. The princesses wont attack their own citizens and will belive the better option is to quit. actually i find its easier to fit this plot in the show that the COMUNISM BY FORCE with secretly unhappy comunists ponies. so yeah, i can see it and i would love it.
  5. I love this new trend of men with long hair or buns, i find it SO HOT also long hair on girls is so pretty ♥♥
  6. I almost had a heart attack reading rarity's crush confesion cause i understood that SHE MEANT TWILIGHT HAD A CRUSH ON HER xDDDD that would be awesome xDDDD Human Pinkie having a crush on Shining Armor wtf. I dont see it. i mean hes sexycute and all, but..omg also Human Shining Armor is not brother from Sci-Twilight? That's weird Fluttershy's taste is perfect. That green haired guy is one of my top EG husbandos too
  7. I use to listen MLP music a lot but Rainbow Rocks is the least that i listened. Im trying to listen to it more now tho My favourite is Under Our Spell. super hypnotic! then Shine Like Rainbows. It has beautiful lyrics indeed! Shame I barelly listened till now! I didnt realized how beautiful it is. And the third one Let's Have A Battle (Of The Bands)
  8. Exaclty! Dont forget what happened at season 5 finale! If we stop Luna from becoming Nightmare Moon the first time, maybe the mane6 will never befriend and use the elements of harmony. So they wont be there to save Equestria dozens of times! _o:
  9. @@Prospekt, YAY im not alone! aw this one is so cute ♥♥
  10. I think it fits her innocent but a bit dorky. easily befriending everypony, being nice even to ponies who are mean to her, without noticing ironies and sarcasm but in a cute way (not like sheldon), being pretty exited about all the things from the world, even the small details like just a flower or eating. basically like Hana from DoReMi
  11. a 7th of january post..I want to know if OP finished the movie, watched the others, and if he liked them or not.. tell us please! xD
  12. WOAH there. Im already impressed and i havent watched it yet haha. I love timelapse and star-lapse videos. they're so beautiful and scientifically magic (twilight approves). plus 4K omg and California Sierras are like the ones i see in the movies its always lovely to see people that loves so much hobbies like hiking and photography/video♥♥ so cute and pure Wish you super luck in your hikings and this project! Thank you for the info! I just googled them to see. MOUNT RAINER LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE A PHOTOSHOPED IMAGE OMG ITS SO PERFECT??? im love-shocked _o: The lake! these locations remember me the show Gravity Falls wich takes place in Oregon too. so lovely. woah I totally can see the LOTR feel to those clouds too omg amazing xD Trully is u_u Thank you! Yesterday I checked and Discord, Celestia and Luna are extra expensive so im happy with just the ones i have♥♥ xDD
  13. @@SONICchaos WOW I love your gamming setup! HOLLY MOLLY ITS ASWEOME also a doggo ♥♥ love your retro consoles so much. I still have my N64 too, its something xD (I had TV at first but i later i when i moved i didnt have any for a more than year, so thats why :ninja: I have one now yay)
  14. @@ElementalFluttershee I pray for the MLP Movie to be succesful so they start releasing some more at least some months u_u AND WOAH THERE!!!! That photo is super artistic, i love it. I just watched your video from your signature and WOAH im extra amazed. Every photo you took is artistic and beautiful. Also the Black Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash Funko Vynils are sooo pretty! Love the photos with the clouds so close, the ones with the lake, and the ones with the ponies on the flowers. Awesome job you did there, congrats! ♥♥♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNzCujjqw2A
  15. I love to read/watch all your merch all yall have ♥♥♥ @@ElementalFluttershee OHMYGODDDDD THOSE FLUTTERSHIES ARE AMAZING!!! Im so impressed!! ♥♥ so beautiful! Im in the fandom since 2013 but i only have 3 things (in spain theres barely merch and importing online its expensive) 2 Funko Vinyls with their boxes & MLP Dog Tag: I love MLP Vinyl Funkos. so sad they're not producing them anymore. I would love so so so much to have a Sunburst Vinyl Funko Also Sunburst Dog Tag. And a Sunburst super faithful plush. EVERYTHING SUNBURST also a Big Mac Dog Tag and plush Then I would like to have the omnibus comics, and some hard cover books/comics.
  16. I TOTALLY forgot that rainbow power existed. Do they still have those powers and transformations or it was just a one-time power?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tropico


      Hola Scruffy friend! Google "rainbow power my little pony" and be prepared to be scared :o

    3. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      man i just looked it up


    4. Messy Mane
  17. some days have passed since my last post so i guess it's ok to bump this thread hoping more people will love him too I saw this one months ago and I loved it: source http://sambaneko.deviantart.com/art/Sunburst-Silhouette-Wall-610893810 Them crystal ponyfied are SO CUTE. look at that goatee!♥♥ what a sleepy cute potato♥♥ i love him♥♥ source http://pre05.deviantart.net/f2d9/th/pre/i/2016/086/c/1/sunburst_by_rizzych-d9wp21r.png
  18. I just watched an episode of g 3.5 and I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK _o: _o: _o: THEIR FACES ARE TOO SCARY xD thanks god i watched it with a bronies react and i laughed soooooo much its just surreal here's a snippet from the episode i watched (with the party parts edited to make it longer) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqCJYnkjXH4 the sound that sounds (huh) when they zoom in scootaloo's head is real. not edited. i almost cry laughing here xDDDDDDDD
  19. was about to say that their songs are my favourites of that movie tho. under our spell is the best ♥♥♥
  20. ^ I really like these last two post ideas. I didnt realized about that before, but I totally see it now
  21. nice to read all yalls ♥♥♥ I have some.. - When i eat/drink, just before the first bite/sip , without thinking i instinctively get the food/drink close to my nose and i smell it. specially if they're supermarket juices and new food i didnt try before. its kinda like when cats do it,help _o: - I gotta sleep with my closet 100% closed. and before i go to bed i always check it, even if i know its closed. - I eat the sub sandwiches kinda weird.. like i dont eat it vertically like a banana, i eat it horizontally like corn. at first i eat one side (typing machine style - from left to right all the side), then the other, and finally i eat the best part which is the center. - I dont touch the toilet seat/cover because ew, so to open/close it i do it with toilet paper in my hands. kinda like a pincer. thats all i can remember now but i guess i have some more :ninja:
  22. Woah i find these type of curiosities pretty interesting! i didnt know it, thanks both!
  23. Since i didnt have a TV or monitor to play, i used it always lmao but as i said, it looks so much worse on the gamepad so yeah tv better. i know more people in my position Now I dont even carry my 3DS outside. less even play it. I only take it outside when Im going to the GAME shop (for the street passes and Nintendo Zone sometimes) [and i dont use to go] or if I go to a freaky anime/manga/whatever convention (and that was years ago). Sometimes Ive played it while at the bus (not the short trajects), but it was not the usual. With the switch I dont think I'll carry it outside either. 3DS had streetpass and that was an incentive for me, but the switch it seems it doesnt have that either so wtf For me the portability will be more playing in my bed, then in the living room, the balcony... xD I did that sometimes with the wii U but carrying arround all the console + cables its kinda tiring xD
  24. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 100% that. it wouldnt be as diverse if she starts dating Quibble. "Rainbow Pants" lmao love it I dont like Rarity with Spike either. He's a kid and also I feel that Rarity sees him like a younger brother. (plus hes an annoying know-it-all but thats a personal opinion xD)
  25. actually i like them so much more now with their cutie marks than before with their repetitive objective so yay for them now. still i hope they dont appear that much tho. I like them but i want those episodes wasted on a mane6 episode instead. more CMC episodes wouldnt be a problem for me if seasons were longer also i hope we get some CMC episodes that arent arround solving cutie mark problems. now its kinda new so yay but after some episodes it will annoy me. (basically thats what happened when they only did episodes about finding their own cutie mark). CMC deserve new plots. even if that goes against their own gang name xD
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