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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. Personally no, but I kind of expecting them to show it as a commercial for a family friendly movie. But I've seen plenty of posters. I know its kind of weird but they still had dark tower trailer week after it was released. Maybe the MLP movie is going to be just like that. The movie that I ve last seen in theaters was Spiderman Homecoming.
  2. So Commander Prissy Pants going to kill Gary with the Zepelin, and then she is going to destroy Canterlot for some reason. Then main 6 going to fall on to the prate ship which was there for some reason, and then main6 or was it main7 now going to "Please help us, uh for friendship!" And the pirates are like "No!" and the main7 "Pretty please!", and the pirates would still say :No!". After that main 7 is going to say "Alright fine we will give you booty!", and the pirates will be like "We are going to get us some booty!" I swear this is a G rated movie, y'all!" Anyway why do we still have this problem? Where is Equestrian military, and why invasions are so easy? And Why do we let complete noponies just invade the capital whenever they damn want to?
  3. Please tell me they don't just cast the new Starlight Glimmer for the role of we are going to steal your magic? I d figured that the unicorn with the broken horn would want to steal the magic awa. Also this movie have a potential to be bad, because I already see warning signs
  4. Daring Do Just feel more natural, I just don't know what the AK stands for, and the Yearling some kind of horse pun.
  5. Unless they animate this in a show, this will be similar to EQG, a beta canon
  6. The last post was two years ago, so anyway Diamond Dogs: Bitch Pegasi: Featherbrain Unicorn: Horn head Earth Pony Mud pony
  7. Where did you hide this discussion? Anyway I thought the episode was average quality, simply because of how Starlight and Trixie handled the whole situation, And Starlight plan was disaster waiting to happen. I am not saying that Thorax brother should of left the hive and I don't know would of ended up joining Celestial Guard in a process.Because Celestia values competent guards a lot more then the whole hive of a new changelings. Starlight Glimmer graduated the friendship lessons and apparently the school of common sense.
  8. I am ISTJA and for me it was very ridiculous that they wasted so much time to convert Fluttershy from doormat into assertive person. She should of grew a pair long time ago.
  9. Thats easy, we need somepony to blow up her crystal castle.And the new villain please, someone who would actually use their brains for once.
  10. in my head cannon Zecora died from potion accident, joking just joking, but I won't be surprised.
  11. I am going to do this by a joined house naming conventions Twilight Sparkle Slytheclaw Rarity is Slytherclaw Applejack is Gryffinpuff Pinkie Pie is Ravenpuff Rainbow Dash is Slyttherdor Fluttershy is Ravenpuff
  12. The funny thing is from my point of view Rainbow Dash does actually has curvy body type, I won't call her lean, like Applejack is, but she is more like aerodynamic curviness. Fluttershy despite the popular anime stereotype is actually more like a skinny supermodel
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