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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bendy

  1. There could be hope of civil war among the aliens. With factions within the aliens saying. "Jeez guys! I don't like this whole genocide thing. How above peace and love instead of war?" *War breaks out between hippy aliens and warlike aliens.*
  2. Yeah, but we could have some aliens that just go around killing everyone. Wipe out an entire sapient species, with no mercy nor compassion. Followed by mining the alien's planets bare before moving on to commit genocide on another weak and non intergalactic civilisation. With the mindset of anyone who isn't them is be destroyed and their worlds to be harvested for resources. There could be some hope of an alien race that stops other aliens from killing everyone hopefully.
  3. If you seen most of my fan fictions/posts it's not the only thing I talk about. Yes, I admit, I talk about it a lot, but do you have something against me talking about mary sue/gary sue Equestria? Granted yes, I need to move on from that pile of rotten apples from this community.
  4. Ponies Are Superior To Humanity, but only by totally unrealistic standards that could only exist in a cartoon. Wouldn't you agree? Or do you believe there could be an alien race out there somewhere just like the ponies? Less wars and all that stuff. I have a feeling that pretty much any sapient minded species behaves rather similar to humans out there in the universe. I doubt an all peaceful hippy alien race does exist. Even if there is an all peaceful, hippy alien race exists, who live in a perfect garden world and have 100% green energy and blah blah blah. And somehow gets the ability to travel the stars with ease. If they meet a warlike, industrious alien race, while they pollute the hell out of their planets, they also build massive armies and would have vast numbers of space ships to overwhelm their enemies. Along with better military experience. Topped off with the ability to travel the stars. So, the hippy aliens would likely be destroyed or enslaved pretty easily by them.
  5. I've seen otherkin sorta based fan fiction which shall nameless. Basically, the person hates being human and hates humanity, so they want to be cartoon pony. Stories in which the person not only wants himself/herself to become a pony, but all of humanity as well. Even by force. Thankfully most of said stories tend to get the downvotes they deserve. Or just outright ignored.
  6. I'm looking forward to a 18 Plus My Little Pony spin off show! They get their ideas from fan fiction. XD But seriously, the show could become better. They can throw some more adult references.
  7. No, they are the kind to use a homophobic slur if one so much dares watch anything considered girly. Youtube comments... random Brony haters. Don't know them personally, but that's them in a nutshell. I know my friends for a fact just laughed me for liking My Little Pony for a little while. They stopped after a few days and ones who continued to mock be were told to shut up by other friends.
  8. That's what some Bronies are up too though. I never, ever did anything like that, but I've seen quite a few Bronies try this kind of stuff on people.
  9. I was myself was luckily, pretty much nobody I knew is into MLP FIM. I could not recall anyone I knew into MLP FIM. The only reason I took interest in it was how the Internet exploded with pony stuff.
  10. You can never convert some people into a Brony. I'll be honest when I first heard of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic I thought "I would never watch that show." Don't you agree you should not try convince someone to watch the show if they say that in bold above? Anyway, this brings up a valid point. There are some people you can never, ever convince to watch or take any interest in MLP FIM whatsoever. They will say it's girly and that would be the end of it. There is pretty much no way you can convince them to take interest in MLP FIM. I was in the same boat, before I started to watch it myself, without outside influence other than what I hear on the Internet about how good the show is I started to take interest.
  11. Well written, human and pony romance... I'm sorry but lots of people just love that on fimfiction.
  12. What are some of your personal trends in the fandom you wish would just die. A fab, a trend of things that people jump onto and create stuff around it's premise, before it fade away into obscurity. Some stuff of it made here now and then, but it doesn't get much attention, but then it suddenly does for some reason and it walks into the spotlight like a walking dead zombie, before walking away again back into the shadows. Get's a lot of attention before being cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came into obscurity. Top three things. Evil Celestia Fan Fiction (3) ... stories where somehow the quite possibly the most good pony in the show is turned into a monstrous tyrant. Human vs. Pony (2) ... been done to death and never has been good. It's either humans are all bastards or ponies are all bastards. The stories have no middle ground, it's either kill all the humans or kill all the ponies. It seems impossible to find a story where there is shades of grey, where both sides reach a compromise after the war. The Conversion Bureau (1)... throw it into the sun. Pretty much exactly the same as human vs pony, only even worse. The message is the same, it's either humans are all bastards or ponies are all bastards. ... That or it's the 'evil humans' are evil for fighting against the good and 'friendly alien invaders' that want to kill convert them all.
  13. We are talking about a human minded species (possibly higher in intelligence and morality) that seems to (OK, there are some bad ponies but still) radiate compassion and kindness. A sapient minded species, who use magic and their hooves to create their civilization. One might consider we are the animals if one thinks ponies are superior. I would probably cry in happiness, that a pony, especially if it was an alicorn would accept my flaws and enter a romantic relationship with me, a non magical human. I would show them the magic of my hands...
  14. There's quite a few reasons we are hated. Men liking anything for little girls is considered heresy by quite a few people. Cloppers... they are pretty much all the ammo they need to justify their hate of you and treat you as unclean, sub-human garbage that damages the moral fabric of society and blah blah blah. I personally hold no ill will toward Cloppers, but quite a few people will. The fact.... there are some up messed, twisted bronies out there that done some downright disturbing stuff. Plus.... it is going to be hard to taken seriously in anything if you talk passionately about your love for a show of small cartoon horses.
  15. Princess Celestia has a country to run. She may be immortal, but is not omnipotent and therefore makes mistakes. She clearly cares for the wellbeing of her mortal subjects, yet at the same time she doesn't want to do everything for them. She doesn't want them to be lazy and depend on her to do everything. If she did everything she would weaken her little ponies. She could easily kill them like a tyrant and make them bow down in fear before her. But she doesn't need to, because they love her. 'When you do things right, people will think you haven't done anything at all.'
  16. What would you say Princess Celestia's mane feels like? You give the big beautiful horse a pet. What do you think your hand running through her hair would feel like?
  17. That would never happen. They make too much money from it. But OK, let's say the CEO of Hasbro in an alternate universe got high as hell and said the following. "I love fan fiction! I want to see human in Equestra and M Rated fan fiction animated!" The Internet and humanity as a whole would be like 'Wat?!' My point is there are certain thing better left as fan stuff. I do love human in Equestra myself, but I'm not sure it would work for the show. Though, I do have a somewhat evil dream of watching Bronies cry with humans in Equestria.
  18. Even if supposedly one is a member of the 'master race'. Overpowered, super strength, mary sue powers and blah blah blah. You should still treat the less fortunate with dignity and respect. Princess Celestia is far more mighty than a mere unicorn, but is still a very friendly and compassionate pony over all. The alicorns are the 'master race', if you go by power. They are all three races combined. If these all powerful alicorns go around being bullies to the lesser ponies and killing them, than they are jerks. If you are the Overpowered One, you should be helpful to the less fortunate. Otherwise, you're just another evil overlord. Celestia and Luna want to be loved not feared. They want them to see them as guardians of the weak and beacons of hope against evil. The kind of compassion on a level that would take care of a lost and scared human child (somehow got there) in their world.
  19. You could basically say the say thing about pretty much any fandom or group. There are wackjobs in every group. And yeah, those bronies in the video were pretty disturbing. .... also.... I'm a Clopper. So, I must be a wackjob and it totally automatically makes me either a neckbeard or Ted Bundy by the way he's speaking about bronies. I think it's safe to say not all Cloppers (and probably most of them are aren't monster either) are monsters either. I don't even like other furry animals, just ponies, because I see the ponies from MLP FIM as basically human in my own twisted way. I'm not stupid enough to make a video of myself and post it on youtube, where I declare my love for ponies in that way. Because I don't want to commit complete social suicide.
  20. I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways... by force.

  21. Unless we're talking about an already prepared shield... no they could not stop a bullet. If caught of guard by surprise the sheer speed of a bullet would leave them utterly defenceless. Even then, a magic barrier could only take only so many bullets before they shatter and leave the unicorn vulnerable to being hit. A sniper with a silencer and magical enhanced rond could easily pick off even shielded unicorns.
  22. I don't know really. Seems to be a bit silly to me. If you want to I guess. But expect people to raise some eyebrows at you.
  23. There is a chance a great cataclysm may happen in the future, in which a massive amount of humanity will die to the point we have to rebuild ourselves from ashes. Be it from nuclear war or a big whooping asteroid hits Earth or whatever. It's going to be really hard for us to go extinct, we're stubborn, really stubborn. We could be hanging on the cliff to extinction and then suddenly bounce right back up again. For example: http://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2012/10/22/163397584/how-human-beings-almost-vanished-from-earth-in-70-000-b-c But yeah, something like this would be a issue to survive: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permian%E2%80%93Triassic_extinction_event In the end, we are all ultimately doomed no matter what. Even if we were all peaceful hippies and sing songs about sunshine and rainbows. There still be would be a big asteroid that will eventually hit us, failing that the sun one day expand into a red giant and eats the Earth whole or send it flying out into space. Only sapient machines could survive the end of everything. Because all organic life from the moment of it's creation is doomed to wither and die eventually. The universe will become a cold, dark place in which nothing but machines could live in one day. There will become a point when even extremophiles can't survive. When there's nothing but ice and cold, dark space outside the vast bunkers and tunnel networks machines would live in. So live life to the best you can. Live it up before the game of life ends.
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