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Tom Gallagher

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Everything posted by Tom Gallagher

  1. Looks like I’m not the only one who noticed that! It’s just her being the Element of Magic!
  2. This issue has been going on for a ridiculously long amount of time and I’ve already previously made a topic about it and another issue that has been resolved. I feel the only way for it to get attention and alert the staff members is by making another in case one is wondering why there’s duplicates. We’ve all given the people in charge of this ordeal loads of time and they haven’t done jack. The fact that it’s been this long for it to go on is idiotic and ridiculous. It is not giving the forum a good name at all especially for any new people who join. Please fix this issue right away and try not to let something as bad as this happen for this long again.
  3. I find it hard to believe but it definitely is. Crazy how it’s brilliantly established backstory with the three tribes has been completely ignored or forgotten about.
  4. @Samurai Equine, @DivineDivine1000. Ever want to do this? :sunbutt:


    1. DivineMist1000


      @TomDaBombMLP I would do all of that for her and worship her like the goddess that she is!

    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      I'm imagining it on alumnx voice hahaahahaha

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      As much as I love this, I would never have the courage to do the last too nor the petting. Celestia would have to make the first move. :blush: Too afraid I'd be moving too fast, or that she doesn't feel the same. I wouldn't feel this way about anyone else, but as a samurai, my loyalty to the sun goddess comes first. I must not act until she tells me to act.

  5. My favourite drink. Forgive my dorky grin.
  6. I want them so bad! :wub:

    Good morning everypony! :squee: Have a great day! :mlp_smug:


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      Good morning.

    3. Rising Dusk
    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi Tom! :fluttershy: In the Philippines, it is considered good luck if a coconut is cleanly split open without jagged edges.

  7. Wish I could come up with something to say. :sealed:

    Goodnight everypony! :mlp_smug: See you all in the morning!


  8. I’ve sometimes dreamt about getting really close to something I love but never quite getting to it.
  9. Happy birthday, Lunaholic! :blue_baloon: Hope you had a fantastic day! :pinkie:


  10. I happened to be in the room when my dad was channel searching and I saw My Little Pony: The Movie appear when I glanced at the screen. :Tempest: I got incredibly excited for a second but then my heart sank when I found that it was on a channel that we have to pay for. :( Typical! :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. DivineMist1000


      @TomDaBombMLP Hooray for Tempest! Did you enjoy the movie?


    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      @DivineDivine1000 I couldn't watch it because we would've had to pay. I love it to bits though! :wub:

    3. ExplosionMare
  11. I know you have a soft side, Rainbow Dash. Don’t try to deny it. :sneer:

    She’s quoting Pinkie in that last one.


  12. Hit my hand on the gate trying to prevent the dog from getting out because she never comes back.
  13. Family show. If I can watch it with a family member without them thinking I'm crazy, I think it succeeds in being a family show.
  14. Discord and the Student Six. Only characters on the show who I outright can't stand.
  15. I always liked Shining Armour. I think he and Cadance deserve more love.
  16. The Season Four opening was my favourite. It had the right amount of focus on the Mane Six as well as the other characters. The intro from the last two seasons is the one I don't like as much, mostly because of the Student Six's presence.
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