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Everything posted by Jeporauta

  1. Not really sure if post-rock is the exact genre i have been listening to, but atmospheric and really calm rock is one of my favourite music styles. Well really like i like to say Bring me almost any music genre and i'm open to it(Be it opera, extreme metal, dubstep or pop music) Not sure if post-rock fits the genre, but this is the closes from my playlist that i can think of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CecPH7Wj10M
  2. They are realists and like to be pessimistic about things like these. The demo for "The Last of Us" was impressive sure, but remember that live demos are highly controlled and are often misleading. People have a case for being cautious. I was impressed, but my expectations aren't too high, because that will usually ruin the game for you. It's better to be surprised positively than negatively. Tomb raider might look like a good game but is it going to be. It might be, but people have their right to doubt it too. It's not childish to want the best out of your games especially when you are the one paying for them. It's more this: "Do i want to spend money on this game that i think is mediocre or do i want to play a game that i think is great." I'm not really picky about games either and like many games that are even considered terrible by others, but you don't see me dissing people unjustly based on their opinions and their tastes. Why does it matter if some people are more picky about their games?
  3. To some really bad ass blackened death metal. This music and random pony art is an experience of it's own kind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGsP2E8N2CQ
  4. People have the right to love and hate what they want. Everyone has their own tastes and they are not any lesser for them. Before i call hypocrisy on this, I'd like to hear you opinions on the modern warfare series. Or how about the sonic series or any other series or any other "popular to hate" series.
  5. Pegasus. cause flying is awesome and from what I've gathered from the show it's rare to be as good at magic as twilight is.
  6. I meant that particular scene. Yes there is visual gore otherwise but it is not nearly as bad what is out there. Are you going to find a new way to twist my comments around XD
  7. -How did you become a brony? Heard about how popular the show is and i thought that there has to be something to it's popularity(boy, was i right) -How long have you been a brony? 2 weeks. Yes I'm that new. -Have you told anyone? A friend of mine that has been checking out pretty much every fandom there is. -Say anything else that's on your mind! I have almost forgotten how good something so cheery and happy can be.
  8. That part was so utterly ridiculous that i had forgotten it completely. Yeah the idea of what's happening is really terrible. When it comes to graphic scenes that one is pretty tame with no real visible gore that i can remember. I guess i should have been more clearer that i was talking about graphic scenes.
  9. I'm pretty much most of brony discussions with the people i know would go like this "Brony what?", "You like My Little Pony?", "Umm whatever". The topic would never be visited again. I'm not going out of my way to tell everyone i'm a brony, but i'm not really hiding it either. There's a lot of evidence of me being a brony online. My friends only have to check out my Youtube account and my recent activities will pretty much be a dead giveaway.
  10. This. Plus it made me seek out more of the happy lighthearted entertainment. Most of what i have been enjoying recently has been anything but happy.
  11. I love that movie. It's not really that violent compared to what's out there and the hobo is a cool guy. Can't really point out which film is the most gory, but i have seen a lot worse gore on the internet. The problem with gory films is that they are terrible or most likely will have nothing special about them except the gore. Gore does nothing for me. It doesn't shock me anymore and it never aroused(you'd be surprised how many watch it for this reason) me either.
  12. Jeporauta

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Since you asked for local you are going to get something "very local". You probably wont understand a word he's singing, but here it goes. It's really a Progressive Rock band with a different style on each album. This track is from a Progressive Metal album that has a scifi theme. Of all the amazings bands i listen to this is the best possible band.
  13. Maybe not ninja metal, but something similar. Samurai Metal
  14. Anything Ender's game related is great. -Ender's -game series -Ender's Shadow series They are must have's as audiobooks. There are so many readers and different voices for characters that it feels like you are watching a show. I really loved David Eddings when i was a teen -The Belagriad -The Malloreon. An epic quest with really likeable characters. The book is lighthearted and serious at the same time. I really need to find another series with equally likeable characters and the same sense of adventure. -Song of Ice and Fire. Started reading it at the same time the show started. The storylines are well crafted and interesting. It has a great way of making all kind of characters interesting.
  15. Tennant was subtle? I think Tennant was great because he was anything but subtle. Eccleston is my favorite. He feels authentic, less outlandhis and more relatable than Tennant My favorite season is with Tennant though because of Catherine Tate(Donna). Together they made the show amazing. Not really feeling Smith though. He's ok but seems little off.
  16. Wasn't too impressed at the first episode and really disliked Pinkie(completely misjudged her character). Also the plot of the pilot was way too unoriginal for me to really like it. The second episode was better but the part with the elements was really hard to watch. It felt like watching ponified Sailor Moon. I was also right there with twilight when she commented on Pinkie's singing("Tell me she's not"). I had grown to like the characters by the end of the 2nd episode so i was able to forgive the things that bothered me. Knowing that many good series only get good after multiple episodes i gave it a second chance. The way the series started to introduce each character really hook me in and i loved the show more and more after each episode. Now that i know what the series is really about, the pilot is a lot better. Pinkie pie who i hated at first Is now my favorite with everyone else being a close second. Also singing that i have always hated in all cartoons is one of my favorite parts of this show. Songs bored me when i was little or were often really bad for me to like them when i was older.
  17. The best pony is winning. From all things that make me smile in this show pinkie pie does it best.
  18. Slayer# doesn't do it for me anymore. It's a modification of a surname i heard once that just stuck in my head. also Rauta = Iron in my language.
  19. I'm straight myself. I don't let things like sexualit affect my view on other people. Guys don't hate all right-wingers we are not all biggots. Our views differ a lot varying from country to country.
  20. I'm very hard to anger and i'm quite calm and when i'm not being calm i'm usually in a silly clownish mood... but if i'm angered towards the breaking point(i can count with one hand how many times that has happened)it can get pretty vile...
  21. This is the most welcoming community i've seen. Thank you guys ^^
  22. I'm very rarely depressed or down. I don't remember when i truly cried, but i get teary-eyed when i'm moved. I'm easily moved. So kinda happen s to me often
  23. I come from a Lutheran background and kinda appreciate some of their values. Even though Lutheran my family was never really a church going type and over the years my beliefs have developed to almost to Agnosticism. There are many things in the bible and Christianity that i cannot take seriously or believe in anymore. I still consider myself a Christian because there there is still something about Christianity that i want to believe in. Tolerance is a big word when it comes to this topic I'm sad to see how little there is when it comes to opposing views about religion. I find it refreshing when i meet with people with different religions. It's interesting to see how it gives a different approaches on their views.
  24. I'm quite a fresh brony and i have already seen how great this community is. I rarely bother to join online communities, but this one just has something to it that drew me in. Also this site keeps popping up on google whenever i try to search anything pony related. I heard this people actually love this show and not because it's a funny "meme". I thought that there must be a reason to it and wanted to find out why. I'm not a very artistic person, but it's not because i lack creativity. I love to ponder and debate and might consider writing, but my pretty mediocre grammar skills are kind of hindering that. In any case I'm looking froward to enjoying and discussing what this community has to offer with you guys.
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