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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by LyraHeartstrings

  1. I'm not surprized at all that they're already on the third season. They were working on the second when episode 3 (S 1) was released. They do these very far ahead of schedule so they have to record, animate and render. Still, pretty awesome that S 3 is official!
  2. I was so busy all day! School, and sports are a brony's worst nightmare... I finally get home, and now I'm tired as ****! Talk to you silly fillys tomorrow...

  3. This looks amazing! I totally agree with Bon Bon on this one. Luna looks a lot more royal and almost sophisticated with this look. Really love it!
  4. He can't make popcorn with his burps now. (no fire)
  5. LyraHeartstrings

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    A lot deeper and more masculine...
  6. LyraHeartstrings

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I win because Chuck's voice is different then what I though it'd be like...
  7. Banned because you reminded me of sleep. Now I'm tired.
  8. They clearly know how to make epic arrangements! Even the background music is by a full orchestra, not just stupid little jingles played over and over like most cartoons.
  9. LyraHeartstrings

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Really? Do you have videos of such nonsense?
  10. Granted, people now smother you. Literally. You die from suffocation. I wish for Raibowdash to demolish my old barn.
  11. Doesn't matter for me! (wow, we really aren't that much of a help...)
  12. Banned because I have a long list of things to do, but I choose to go on here instead.
  13. I love anything chocolaty! My favourite bars are Eatmore, Oh Henry, Kit Kat and Bueno, but 3 out of those have nuts and aren't given out for Halloween. Now that I don't trick or treat anymore, I go out and buy some for myself while I hand out candy! I also love chips. I'm not a big fan of candy, but my favourite would have to be skittles... Now I'm freakin' hungry...
  14. I have a shiny Beedrill, Huntail and Magcargo. Also, this is in LG, where it's hard to get shinys...
  15. Somewhere, somehow, some lucky bastard got a shiny starter... Do you know how beast it would be to have a shiny Charizard? You would have to work so hard with that, to get it perfect. None of this 'just go through the game normally' crap...
  16. Banned because this work with everything, and should probably be stopped now...
  17. It's impossible to over analyze ponies. I think Twilight made up her own year schedule. She changed stuff around that she didn't agree with, and so it worked better for her.
  18. Green bay all the way! (No, I'm not a cheese-head. It's my dad's favourite team and I've had to live with it for __ years...)
  19. Granted. Its in monopoly money. I wish I had X-Ray vision. (that I could turn on and off!)
  20. LyraHeartstrings

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I win because I hold Chuck Norris in my right hand and Chuck Testa in the other.
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