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Spring Storm

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Everything posted by Spring Storm

  1. I'm a lesbian, and my girlfriend is as into ponies as I am *Does winning at life victory dance* My girlfriend is pansexual, by the way.
  2. Overrated: Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I LOVE them both, but they tend to be more popular than the rest of the mane 6. It does bother me that most pony merch has Rainbow Dash on it. What if I want a Pinkie Pie shirt and not another Rainbow Dash one?? Underrated: Rarity and Applejack. These two can never seem to catch a break among a lot of fans, for some reason. After season 2 ended, we started getting "Applejack is best background pony" jokes, and after season 3, Rarity picked up a lot of haters. To this day, they remain the least popular of the mane 6. I don't really understand why - both of them are GREAT characters in my opinion. Princess Cadence. I guess I can see why she's so underrated - we don't know a whole lot about her, unlike the other princesses. Spike. I don't much about the fandom's views on him, but it certainly seems like the writers leave him inexplicably out of a lot of episodes. King Sombra. I think he's a really badass villain, personally. I get why most don't care much for him, but I kinda think that his lack of lines and development makes him a cooler character. He isn't a villain who is obsessed with telling people his plans and whatnot; he just gets stuff done.
  3. It might actually be canon. It's probably up to personal taste. I'll probably consider everything canon when I get the chance to see it.
  4. Anyway, with the OP's post, if I use my actual name, Debby Printy, I get Dusk Shimmer, which is pretty, but barely seems any different than Sunset Shimmer. If I use my OC's name, Spring Storm, I get Candy Dash. So I guess my OC tastes like Skittles. Using the one Flutter Dash posted, I got Thunder Runner using my real name, and Lightning Twister using my OC's name. I like these two way better, especially Lightning Twister
  5. I usually have water if I do eat breakfast. Usually I just have a meal hours after I wake up, and then a snack or two, though, so it's rare that I actually eat soon after waking up.
  6. From a fan standpoint, I would love to see any of the hipster six (Derpy, Doctor Hooves, Bon Bon, Lyra, Octavia, DJ Pon3) get lines and/or back story. From a story-building standpoint, Cheerilee and Big Mac are my top two who need more back story and screen time in general. And Discord definitely needs to make at least one more appearance, because we really need to know why Celestia wanted to reform him.
  7. While I did like the Trixie and Discord reformations, I do hope they don't reform any of the other villains we've seen so far. With a tiny bit of a minor exception: perhaps give Gilda some little bits of redemption that would make Rainbow Dash willing to hang out with her again. Her presence in the Crystal Heart Spell book just made little sense: why would Rainbow Dash even be spending time with her after the events in Griffon the Brush-Off? I don't want her fully redeemed, but perhaps a little something would be nice. Or, we can have an episode that involves a different take on the story, one that excludes Gilda. We'll see what happens. I do want to see Flim and Flam return, but still as antagonists and still swindling ponies.
  8. Lol! Awesome that they've done more voice work, and that actually looks pretty cool. Except for the title. "Superbook" just calls to mind a book in a cape, which is just lulz.
  9. I just think Twilight didn't have much confidence in Pinkie's babysitting abilities, and was just eager to help her out. As others have said, she probably has some previous babysitting experience from Spike, and that made her a bit cocky about it.
  10. I have no problem at all with the fact that she brought Spike. Spike is her real friend, just as much as the rest of the mane six are. He already gets excluded from enough activities, and it would have made me, and probably a lot of others, sad if he hadn't been in Equestria Girls. But it wouldn't have really worked if Twilight went into the human world and tried to get a human Spike to be her assistant, so the reasoning behind bringing him with made sense. Anyway, I think Twilight's friends were very useful in the CHS novel. They came up with some decent ideas, and they helped her realize what it would take for her to become a good ruler. Calm down. People might not see this post, or they might not have read the book. Or if they have seen this and have read the book, they might have time for a quick poll vote, but be too busy to type out a response. I've posted topics that have barely gotten any responses. It happens. It takes a lot of patience to wait for replies. And honestly, a post like that is probably going to discourage the more timid ones from replying, so for future posts, it's best not to get angry at people for not replying
  11. G4 most likely won't be ending anytime soon. But I hope that, when it does, we're given an even better show a few years later. How awesome would it be to get an ending to G4, be kinda sad that we don't have more pony for a few years, and then have G5 be just as amazing? Hopefully they'll deliver when it inevitably comes to that point.
  12. Hmm, this is really interesting. It could be some sort of spin-off, or it could just be a little merchandise thing. Like, maybe a rainboom board game. We really don't know at this point. What the buck is "Rainbooms?"Well, we know that Rainbow Dash is able to make them when she flies fast enough, so it'll probably be something to do with Rainbow Dash. We will most likely see an episode or two of it. If it's a toyline, will you buy it?It really depends. I'm not hugely into collecting the brushables. The blind bag ponies have kind of become my thing to collect. So if they make any blind bag sets relating to it, I'll probably get it. If it's a movie or spin-off series, will you watch it? Heck yes!
  13. I reeeeally want to see it, but I don't think there are any places near me that are showing it. Really wish they would have brought it to more theaters - there's an AMC in a mall nearby that I could easily walk to. But, alas, I'm doubtful that I'll get to see it in theaters. At least the DVD should be coming out on August 6th.
  14. The show probably won't be all that different. Twilight might not even have duties at first, because she isn't a full-fledged princess yet. She's a princess-in-training. She'll have to learn how to perform various royal tasks here and there, and hopefully do more traveling, but for the most part, the show will probably still be equally focused on the mane six, and Twilight probably won't be away from them all that often. Equestria is a country. It's basically AmeriCanada:
  15. 1) Favorite MLP episode(s)? Hurricane Fluttershy, Suited for Success, Party of One, Apple Family Reunion 2) How often do you go back to watch the show? I might watch an episode here or there, but mostly, I watch them during my summer binge, which I just started yesterday. It has become tradition for me to watch all of the episodes over my summer break. 3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? Single if I'm just watching an episode at random, groups when I'm watching all of them. Usually three to six episodes a day. 4) Favorite season? Season 1. Yes, the show did keep getting better in later seasons, but season 1 had a more simplistic feel that I really love, and I also loved Pinkie's little songs (she hasn't had as many in later seasons).
  16. Wow, you're right, Veylon. I hadn't thought much of it, but now that I have, it is strange. A possible explanation could be that they're bringing out the book (and, presumably, dolls) in October because Equestria Girls is slated to make its Hub debut in fall of 2013. Loads of things about this reek of weird, though. Like how it's only being shown in select theaters on select dates and at select times. I really want to see it in theaters, but after trying to find one near me, I'm doubtful that I'll be able to. I know they probably have their reasons, being a bit doubtful of how well an MLP movie would do, but they've lost my money, and I wonder how many others really want to see it but can't. Oh well, there's always the August 6th DVD release
  17. I AM your Super Special Somepony! 8D Welcome to MLP forums, darling. Have fun ^-^
  18. I got the book a couple days ago now, and forgot to post in here again to talk about it. Great book! The commentary from the writers is well worth it!
  19. It's hard to say. I definitely think Crystal Ponies are their own breed, as they've been shown to retain some of their crystal looks outside of the Crystal Empire. I think their magic relates to love, much like Earth Pony magic relates to growing and making food, Pegasi magic relates to the weather and flying, and Unicorns have stronger magic in all sorts of things. One thing, that a line from the Crystal Heart Spell book seemed to hint at, was that the magic of the Crystal Heart temporarily crystallized the ponies who weren't already Crystal to begin with. So they weren't a different breed of pony - they were merely crystallized Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and an Alicorn. Sombra is some sort of shadow pony, but I don't think any other shadow ponies exist. I think he became the way he was because of his overuse of dark magic and his evil ways. Zebras might count. Either they're their own thing, separate from a pony, or they're like the Saddle Arabians - they're the type of equine who inhabit the pony universe's equivalent of Africa, and they count as a breed of pony. We don't know much about the Saddle Arabians - if they're another breed of pony, or if they're just like Equestrian ponies with minor differences. I could see Zebras as their own breed, definitely, as they seem to also have their own form of magic (herbal and potion based), but we haven't seen Saddle Arabian magic thus far, so it's too early to tell with them. I personally am very interested to know whether Luna's bat ponies are their own breed or not. It's a possibility, but like others have said, Luna probably used magic to alter them, both for Nightmare Night and for dramatic effect. Sea and Flutter ponies, so far, aren't canon. Personally, I'd love to see them both at some point, because I'm a fan of the older gens. Keeping Flutter ponies tiny would be cool, and some Shoo Bee Doo in gen 4 would be fun. They would also let Hasbro milk the cash cow some more, and as a blind bag collector, some of that cash would come from me. So, for me, it's win-win. But I digress; the two haven't been seen in the show so far, and thus aren't canon yet. In conclusion, we have Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, Alicorns, Crystal Ponies, and Changelings that are officially confirmed as breeds. That's six definite breeds of pony.
  20. He'll probably be in at least one season 4 episode. Would just be weird if we didn't see him. I really hope Celestia's purpose for him will be explained. "Keep Calm and Flutter On" really left us with more questions than answers.
  21. This screen shot has been my favorite for a long time now. It really demonstrates how adorable Rainbow Dash is, and I... just... *squee*
  22. I currently have "The Ballad of the Crystal Ponies" stuck in my head. This is what happens when I binge on ponies - my head becomes a radio that constantly plays songs from the show.
  23. I don't dislike any of the main characters at all, but I guess I'll vote for Spike because I like him the tiniest bit less than the mane 6. For the other two, I probably don't need even explain why I don't like Blueblood and Diamond Tiara. They're inconsiderate jerks.
  24. Ooo thanks! I never did find out where that rumor originated from! So it was a little joke, and probably not meant to taken seriously. Well, if they ever do decide to take it seriously (meaning put it in an episode), I think we can both agree that it would be amazing! ^-^
  25. Well, here are some things I'd like to see happen or I think will happen: - A Twilight learning how to fly episode. In fact, since Meghan McCarthy said that MMC was basically a three-parter (with the S3 finale having been the first part and the S4 opener slated to be the remaining two parts), I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the first thing that happens in S4 is Twilight crashing (MMC ended with her flying). Further liklihood of this happening is evidenced by a quick bit of animation that was seen in Twilight's "Hot Minute" promotional ad for Hot Topic. It shows Twilight struggling to fly while her friends look on. - A rodeo episode for Applejack. It's kinda funny. Back when we were still speculating about S3, I said I'd like to see either a rodeo that included a lot of Applejack's family, or a family reunion, in which Applejack and/or her family members got a song, and we saw the latter. So, now it's time for the former. Maybe touch on Applejack's competitive side again, and have the friendship lesson be related to that. This would be a great way to give Braeburn a cameo, hopefully with lines this time, and show off characters mentioned in "The Last Roundup", such as Wild Bull Hickok. Also, another song would be great. - A Rarity and Octavia duet. I remember hearing rumors that this was going to happen in S3, and it never did. I hope it happens, because it would certainly up appreciation for Rarity, and who doesn't love Octavia? Which brings me to my next one... - Episodes that focus on characters other than the mane 6/Spike/the CMC. Let's face it: We've got a full 26 episodes ahead of us. Too many of those not focusing on the mane 6, Spike, or the CMC would feel a little odd, but there's definitely room for at least two episodes that focus on somepony else. The most obvious candidates for this would probably be either Cheerilee or Bic Mac, whom I would love to know more about. But they could also focus on DJ Pon-3, Lyra, etc. The two huge fan favorites, Doctor Hooves and Derpy, are a lot less likely due to potential copyright issues with the former and scandal with the latter, but it's still entirely possible. - The Equestria Games. They were mentioned in "Games Ponies Play", and it would just feel so unsatisfying if we don't get to see them soon. Big potential to introduce new characters and have loads of awesomeness here. - Barber Groomsby. This guy has really intrigued me ever since he was first announced. If you're wondering why, take a look at his blind bag toy: Note the look of malice on his face. The only other blind bag figures that have eyes like that are Flim and Flam, who are antagonists. So, I'm hoping he'll be a minor villain for S4. He would certainly be a good candidate for a Rarity episode - he could give her a bad manecut or dye her mane green or something. And they should throw in a Sweeny Todd reference for good measure (hey, another great place for a song!) And speaking of blind bags and Flim and Flam... - A carnival episode where Flim and Flam return. These are basically just my imaginings based on the wave 8 blind bags: I really love the look of the carnival on the bags, so I'd love to see one in the show. The ponies in the wave are often referred to as neon, so the pure visual greatness that a neon-based carnival would offer is huge. I don't really see Flim and Flam being the focus of the episode in this scenario, but I see them still doing what they do best: swindling. Just on a much smaller scale. It's cliched, but I could see them having one of those "knock down the milk bottles" games, but the bottles are glued together, and we could even have Applejack try bucking to break the group of bottles apart, to no avail. Also, since Flim loves to sing, they could have a short song. - More about Luna and Celestia. This is something Twilight's Hot Minute also potentially hinted at, with Twilight saying, "I'd love to see Luna and Celestia as fillies". Maybe Twilight would be able to time travel more effectively due to her being an alicorn. Maybe there will be something similar to a remembrall from the Harry Potter series, where the person looking into it can see memories. I don't hugely care how they pull it off, I'd love to see the two as fillies. Aside from that, I'm hoping we will still get more information on the two. I would assume Twilight would need to spend more time with them now that she's a princess-in-training. - Cadence being pregnant. This would be a tough subject for FiM to handle, but I think they could pull it off decently. This is mostly more toy speculation of mine, as we've seen a baby alicorn named Princess Skyla. Of course, if Cadence does give birth to an alicorn, that will need explaining as well. Or they can make her filly or colt somepony else. Either way, it would be very interesting to see. - More information on the mane six's parents, except for Rarity's and Applejack's, since we've met Rarity's parents and Applejack's aren't alive anymore. I want to know more about Twilight's mother and father. I want to know about the rock farm Pinkie grew up on. I want to know something, anything, about the parents of the two pegasi (and yes, I am aware we got a glimpse of Rainbow's dad. I want to know more). - At least one cutie mark crusader earns her cutie mark. I think at this point we've exhausted the "try but fail to get their cutie marks" scenarios, and I do like that the writers seem to know this and have been placing the CMC into different situations, but this is a loose end that needs tying up at some point. And by CMC, I mean the ones in Ponyville. Babs getting her cutie mark when the other three don't would feel a bit like a slap in the face.
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