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Spring Storm

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Everything posted by Spring Storm

  1. I wear glasses so I can give people the sexy librarian look. But in all seriousness, I'm near-sighted. It really sucks, because I had trouble throughout high school copying things on the board, but it wasn't until after high school that I finally got glasses. I just thought blurry things far away were how everyone saw, until my mom proved me wrong My glasses are bucking awesome.
  2. My favorites are Derpy/Ditzy Doo and Doctor Hooves. They're the most fun to spot in my opinion, and I LOVE when the writers give us little nods, like Doctor Hooves being used to turn the hourglass in SSCS6000. I will admit, though, fanon has a lot of influence on my love for them as well:
  3. I have been absolutely blown away by every episode this season - they've all been AMAZING! It was hard to pick a favorite and least favorite, but I went with Sleepless in Ponyville for favorite, because that episode just turned out to be so much more than I was expecting, and Rainbow is FINALLY being regarded as Scoots' sister. Went with Crystal Empire part 1 for least favorite, because it's not too great without part 2 alongside it.
  4. Great episode. It was nice to FINALLY see Dash do something with the Wonderbolts, after saving them, hanging out with them, and then hearing pretty much nothing from them for so long. It's nice to see Merriweather write a good Rainbow Dash episode - she's certainly redeemed herself since MMDW. I thought this episode was AMAZING. The moral was well-done, and Dash acted exactly how I would have acted in that situation. Lightning Dust was a pretty cool antagonist. I really liked how she had Dash's negative qualities amped up a bit, because it allowed Dash to show just how much she's grown as a character. I didn't think Pinkie's actions were stupid at all - I found them to be really sweet. Pinkie's definitely got ADD, as she acted how someone with ADD would act, but I didn't think that was a bad thing. My heart melted a bit at how much she cared for Dash Besides, it's Pinkie. Do you really think she wouldn't freak out a bit if one of her dearest friends was away from her? Spitfire's change in VA didn't really bother me, as she's nowhere near to being a main character, but her strict attitude did feel a little weird at first. Not much of an issue for me, though, because it makes sense that she would take Wonderbolts training seriously. My only gripes with this episode - and these are minor nitpicks - are the lack of Scootaloo and the open ending. Considering the way the episode was done, it would have been nice to hear a bit from Scoots. The episode kinda seemed to just end without being brought to a whole lot of conclusion. Yes, it got brought to a conclusion - with Dust being canned and Dash being re-instated, but it left me wondering: is Dash a Wonderbolt or not? Upon further thought, it seems apparent that Dash has quite a bit more training to do before she can become a Wonderbolt, but feeling confuzzled at the end of an episode is still disorienting nonetheless. I guess we'll be seeing a few more Wonderbolts episodes in the future, to which I say: It'll be interesting to see if becoming a Wonderbolt gets in the way of Dash being able to spend enough time with her friends, and what Dash intends to do if this is the case. Tl;dr - AWESOME episode with a few very minor flaws. 8.5/10.
  5. Based on everything I've read so far, and compelling evidence for this being true and for it being false, I'm going to say it's a hoax. For one, "the next level of her studies" could mean anything - it doesn't necessarily mean she's going to become a princess or an alicorn. We'll just have to wait and see what happens in the season finale. Hasbro has still green-lighted multiple pieces of Derpy merch, and all of those started being sold after the whole fiasco happened. Derpy jackets, while listed as Ditzy Doo, are still being sold on Hot Topic's site. I'm guessing that since season 3 was being worked on right when the controversy happened, they took Derpy out as much as they could as a precaution, while still keeping minimal amounts of her in order to avoid complete fan panic. As this does not seem necessary now, I predict we'll see more Derpy in Season 4. I also wonder why a few people think this season is bad. Sure, the two-part season opener wasn't as good as Return to Harmony or A Canterlot Wedding, but it was still fun and was very good in its own right. Season one was great, and season two was very good overall, but it had some problematic moments. It seems to me that all the problematic moments are gone this season, and that the writers finally have a perfect grip on things. No episode, or even moment, has stood out as subpar. I think they really upped the quality this time around.
  6. I've heard from someone else that Hasbro is letting them bring Derpy back under strict conditions. Lack of Derpy and alicorn Twilight wouldn't ruin the show for me, but I'd rather not see that happen. In my opinion, if Twilight does become an alicorn, it should be during the series' finale, not at the end of season 3. I'm hoping this is a hoax, though, because we've had hoaxes in the past. Guess we won't really know until Season 3 ends.
  7. Years ago, before I even realized I was gay, I had a dream about red-haired girl, and how she was the one I was meant to be with. I don't think she was a natural ginger, either - I'm pretty sure the color was a dyed red color. Years later, the person who seems right for me is my girlfriend, who dyes her hair red. And I know she's so right for me because we've been together for over a year, with little fights along the way, but not any outstanding problems
  8. I didn't like my old OC, because her colors didn't quite fit in with the colors of the ponies on the show. So I made a new OC, pretty much just based on how my favorite color is green, but I still wasn't sure what to call her. I looked at cutie mark vectors people had made so I could choose one to import onto her, and chose a storm cloud. Since her colors were spring-ish, I decided to call her Spring Storm, and made that my name on here to match.
  9. As others have said, they probably use pigs for pets. Who knows, though; pigs could have some use to ponies that we don't know about.
  10. I thought the moral was less about religion and more about "Sometimes s**t happens that you just can't explain", which is very true. Anyway, I don't see how this episode even comes close to being the worst episode - the jokes are great and the characters are spot-on. It's one of my favorite episodes to be quite honest.
  11. Spring Storm

    general media Guilty Pleasures

    My guilty pleasure is girly stuff. Not gen 4 ponies, we're talking gen 3 (not 3.5, the one with the babies, though. DEAR SWEET CELESTIA NO!). I don't know why I like gen 3. I shouldn't like gen 3. But, I do Outside of MLP, I like Barbie movies as well. They're better than I had been expecting, and it's always fun to catch MLP voice actresses when they have roles in them.
  12. I don't really want Gilda to return, she was a b***h. Plus, what would she be doing at a Wonderbolt academy anyway? I would love at least a bit of Scootaloo though - I doubt she'll go with Dash to the academy since she can't fly, but a bit of her in the beginning of the episode would be nice. I'm guessing this will be the episode that Dash gives up on her dream to become a Wonderbolt. She'll realize that her new rival is better suited to be a Wonderbolt, that it would take her away from her friends, that she isn't very good at following orders and working in a team, etc. Realizing that what you thought you wanted to do isn't something you're actually able to do is a very powerful life lesson. But who knows? Dash just might make it into the Wonderbolts after all, and that would be awesome.
  13. Bon Bon, so I can date Lyra In all seriousness, though, I'd like to be Applebloom. I really love the Apple family, why wouldn't I want to be a part of it? Plus I get to hang out with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in an epic treehouse!
  14. She's totally a filly fooler, is hopelessly in love with applejack, and wouldn't hesitate to jump her bones I prefer to think of her as lesbian in my headcanon, but in terms of show canon, she'll never be one. There's a bit of a taboo on homosexual relationships being shown in cartoons, and while FiM has done some pretty bold things, I don't think they would make any character gay. It's too risky and would be responded to with massive amounts of complaints from parents. So, Dashie will always be asexual/straight. But that's FiM's charm anyway: there's little emphasis on romance, and it should stay that way. A show about friends going on adventures is much more compelling than a show about romance.
  15. I think I'd like to be Applejack. She's strong, hard-working, stubborn, and honest like I am. Plus, applebucking is bucking cool and sounds fun.
  16. I think the thing I dislike the most is having to click on two things just to see uploads and nothing else from my subscriptions, as the "What to Watch" and "All Activity" options are more annoying than helpful.
  17. More battle scenes would be awesome, but I think they're best kept for season openers/finales. Too many battle scenes just wouldn't be good ol' slice-of-life MLP.
  18. I didn't even think about Pearl Harbor till right now to be honest 8P It was horrible; any act of violence is, really. My respects go out to those who died and the families who missed them dearly.
  19. I can definitely forgive her - while she did do horrible things, it was because of the amulet. Everypony did suffer, but for... 1-2 days. Not too bad in my opinion, and it's best to be the bigger person and forgive. Also, am I the only one who actually likes the thought of Trixie turning good? I believe it shows how people can change for the better, and I like that.
  20. It's pretty good so far. A couple grammatical errors, but nothing too major. You're off to a strong start and I'd love to read more as the story progresses.
  21. I like it! The wintery feel is very appropriate for the season, and it's quite pretty. My only critique would be that it gets a bit repetitive - I don't think this track needs any revisions, but more note variety is something to keep in mind for future tracks
  22. My girlfriend, obviously. Best thing about her is that she's a brony too, so I never feel weird or anything about liking ponies around her
  23. Nice voice, would be perfect if you put more oomph into your singing and said your words more clearly. But you were sick and probably need a better mic, so it's okay
  24. I like putting beans on veggie sandwiches. It doesn't seem too weird to me, but then again, I've never really heard of anyone putting beans on veggie sandwiches. But it's so good
  25. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Derpy This lists all of the Derpy sightings. She was seen in Too Many Pinkie Pies and Magic Duel. I'm hoping we'll see more of Derpy in Season 4. Season 3 was made just as the whole Derpy incident happened, so let's hope that now that the issue has been kinda resolved, they'll bring her back.
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