*mutters* cleverly avoiding the question.*soeaks normally again* how big is your family and are any of your family also musical? Did your siblings tease your musical talent?
Since there is like no wars are there no generals? Is shining armour a general? What do you think of shining armour and lastly does Cadance ever get involved with her husband being a big military cheese.
You are locked in a room with rainbow dash and twlight. You have 3 weapons a edable shoe, a banjo and a copy of Star Wars the original trilogy. Who would you kill first and with which weapon?
So cadance many elements of the fan fiction and fan art eg princess molesia, ask female shining armour and many fan fictions picture you as very sexually active, is this true or just an old mare's tale?
Did you make the shed or did you buy it. If so how long did it take to build or how much did it cost to buy. And what happened to the pony who sold it to you?
I liked this episode but was really disapointed by King Sombra. He had a interesting back story and looked awesome yet turned out to do very little damage in the episode, had a boring voice actor and had no were near as much....mmmmm....style as the others so far.
mmmm a Trixie episode. Looks cool though i wander, how will Trixie take over the town hopefully Celestia (for once in her life) will help out the town's folk. Will Trixie become a dictator?
I did actually but even though the basic idea was really good, it flopped due to silly grammar mistakes that people seem to be unable to forgive no FIMfiction. Oh well.
I could help. I sing and i have a low sort of deep voice. IF you need help with singers i can help if you want. As long as this is still open of course