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Everything posted by poniesforfun

  1. What's with all the hate with Spike at your Service? People were complaining that Spike doesn't have any developing personalities but in that episode it finally showed another side of Spike. He actually did have this side of him before as well in the Crystal Empire when he promised Twilight he won't help he wouldn't till she asked him to help. It's a trait given to certain male characters in shows that men stick to their code or promises.
  2. But what if they make Twilight princess at the beginning of Equestrian Girls and the setting can be a French/Medieval 14th century period. That's a possibility. In any case that would make Equestrian Girls watchable compared to a high school setting. Just as long as they don't have wings and horns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XacLk1XUZCo FOR EQUESTRIAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!111
  3. That could be why Discord is an abomination. Just like it's supposedly impossible for human and cow to produce a Minotaur (who was a result of a woman and a bull in greek myth) the result is a monster of some kind.
  4. Now for the Twilicorn, they will be able to sell new products. But Equestrian Girls? All I can tell is that they're doing this for TV ratings. Knowing Hasbro they need to sell toys, blankets and other stuff. By attracting an older audience of girls how are they going to sell any of that stuff to them? I doubt teenage girls would buy a bedsheet of MLP or a pony playset. They would be buying boy band songs or something. If anything Bronies should boycott Equestrian Girls.
  5. Hmmm maybe mayor mare and Twilight Sparkle might clash in terms of who is running Ponyville if Twilight Sparkle is nominated to be the princess of Ponyville. Twilight would have to run Ponyville otherwise she would be separated from her friends. I just got thinking where did Twilight Sparkle even come from? She's obviously not from Ponyville. Was she originally a Canterlot resident? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBJ4e6MeTfA
  6. Tara Strong is not a writer and doesn't sit in the same room. Voice actors do their part in an audio room and hardly have any interaction with the writers.
  7. Would it turn out to be a draconequus? The fact that that term exists means there could be other draconequus besides Discord. Maybe that's how he was conceived as well? Draco means dragon and equus means horse. Dragon-horse. Eh? Eh?
  8. So I was just thinking after watching the latest episode. What if Applejack had Rainbow Dash's job? Without magic how was she supposed to control the weather? So what would be the worst switches? Applejack: Rainbow Dash's job. Without magic or flight/pegasus abilities how was she supposed to change the weather? Rarity: Applejack's job. Rarity can't stand getting even a little dirt on her hooves. This job would be... the... absolutely... worst for her. Twilight: Pinkie Pie's job. Though Twilight is funny to me by her accidental self, I don't think she will know how to force humor on herself. Fluttershy: Pinkie Pie's job. Pinkie Pie: Twilight's job. With her ADD she wouldn't be able to read even the page of a single book. Rainbow Dash: Rarity's job. She has zero idea about fashion and about dainty stuff. She couldn't even stand one second getting her hooves getting even touched in that spa.
  9. From what I gather Spike is not an ordinary dragon (maybe Twilight's powerful magic influenced him somehow she did accidently turn him into a huge dinosaur thingie that looked nothing like the one in Secret of My Excess). He can grow when he becomes greedy but he's not growing older just bigger. I mean he's at the same age as those teenage dragons but he could grow to a size that dwarfs all the dragons we've seen so far. And if it's an on/off switch then it's not the same kind of growing up we expect. And he did grow older since he was just a baby so it's not the same thing.
  10. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/10-women-who-are-great-role-models-for-my-daughter-7878698.html Here's a blog of women that can be good role models. They have their own elements of harmony too. I think Martha Payne could be featured for MLP, she is ten years old now I think so she fits the age criteria for the show and to inspire girls.
  11. It should of been a 100 parter that way we get more seasons before they ruin her. XD Oh well we can always watch Equestria Girls....
  12. But in all seriousness, I finally googled it and think I found an article that explains why she was on there. Miss America in MLP There was a My Little Pony Coronation Concert at the Children's Hospital Los Angles as a live musical event and Miss America, Mallory Hagan hosted the event.
  13. Meh I've seen lot of cartoon characters act that way but it appears more like they're talking to themselves to me. Breaking the fourth wall is more like when the characters know they're in a cartoon and start talking about the script and how the story that is unfolding isn't the way it should be.
  14. It's a sign of a new episode in Season 4 just for Rarity in which she must design clothes for herself or for a Miss Equestria candidate for a beauty pageant.
  15. Twilight trying to adjust to the life and responsibilities of being a princess. An episode concerning why Discord's magic was needed. The pony games. Reappearance of Chrysalis (hopefully). Hopefully a sitcom thanks to Pinkie Pie's madness with a laugh track. Return of Gilda (long due!) More Luna More dragon episodes A long due Rarity specific episode.
  16. Season 4 may start out on Twilight having trouble taking up royal duties as the newest princess (probably a princess of Ponyville which would soon become a kingdom). Or it could involve the pony games since that was kind of left hanging.
  17. Well sorry to say but she's my least favorite of the six. It's mainly due to her boastful narcissistic attitude. I think she is kind of a narcissist. And after watching Sonic Rainboom and the Mare-do-Well episode has a bit of an inferiority superiority complex. But thanks to her I can understand why there are people that overexaggerate their traits.
  18. I guess I kind of liked to think of Discord as an abomination of magic created by stitching different animal parts. But he may have been around before Celestia and Luna were even born.
  19. Of course they're not called Separatists, it's just a variable I set for the unicorns, pegasus and earth ponies that disagreed with uniting together. The unicorns, pegasus and earth ponies that refused to unite may have had their own factions. King Sombra just gave me the idea that there were these kinds of ponies before Celestia and Luna stepped in. See how hard it is to say "unicorns, pegasus and earth ponies that refused to unite" compared to Separatists. :/
  20. So this is how I think it went. Most of it's just speculation. Pre-Equestria There was no Equestria. The ponies were divided in three tribes: the earth ponies, unicorns and pegasus. The earth ponies grew the crops, the unicorns raised and lowered the sun and moon and the pegasus controlled the weather. There was a fight amongst the tribes and soon they all left to find a new place to live. Early Equestria The Fire of Friendship forged an alliance with the three tribes and they settled in Equestria clearing away the Windigoes. Some unicorns however did not agree to this alliance and broke away from the rest of the Equestrians. The allied tribes were the Equestrians, the unicorns that did not like this idea I will call them Separatists. King Sombra was one of the prominent members of the Separatists. King Sombra used earth ponies to work in the crystal mines to find magic crystals in the Crystal Kingdom where he ruled (this could also be a place where the Elements of Harmony originated). The unicorns begin dabbling in the dark arts to create magical weapons to destroy the Equestrians. While in the kingdom of the Equestrians alicorns began to be born between unicorn and pegasus families which never happened until the alliance. The Separatists had done grisly experiments that ended up creating the spirit of disharmony - Discord. But he went completely out of their control and began to take over Equestria bringing chaos everywhere. Or Discord could have come from a different plane of existence and was attracted to the ire and chaos created by the two warring pony factions. Amongst the Equestrians Celestia and Luna were born as sisters with the power to defeat Discord. King Sombra was sealed away. The castle is questionable at best. I believe this castle could have existed during the Equestrian vs. Separatist wars. Perhaps this is where Celestia and Luna first got their elements of friendship and the Crystal Heart could have been made in a similar castle or here as well. I got this idea that maybe each of the elements belonged to the six leaders of Equestria that time? And they signify their allegiance to each other? Post Separatist War The Equestrians celebrate their victory and crown Celestia as the true hero and leader of Equestria. Luna isn't given the same glory and fame but was also nominated a leader as well. At this time the Equestrian unicorns and Separatist unicorns had fought over controlling the sun and the moon causing many weather related disasters. Now Celestia and Luna were given the sole task of controlling the sun and the moon. And over time the passing over the magic arts of controlling the sun and moon had been forgotten and are only known by Celestia and Luna. Celestia has always been more favored over Luna even as children by friends and family. She was always a step ahead in magic lessons and excelled over Luna in everything they did together. Like the Abel and Cain story Luna became jealous of Celestia. She became resentful when the ponies slept at night when it was her turn to rule but they awoke and celebrated the morning when Celestia was in charge. When Luna refused to bring the moon down to make way for the sun, Celestia was forced to banish her to the moon using the Elements of Harmony. Present Day After 1000 years Luna came back. And the rest is history...
  21. The thing is MLP villains are very softcore villains. They never stand out to me as despicable, ruthless, cunning and cruel. Discord is more of a prankster who just had some powers, in fact he reminds me of Loki the god of mischief. Many people get this misguided thought that Loki is evil but the fact of the matter is all of the scandinavian gods were flawed and messed up, they didn't give a crap about the mortals and did whatever they pleased. Loki wasn't a good guy but neither is he a bad guy he just caused trouble. In fact Thor and Loki are always known to be a pair that went on adventures together. Thor as the rugged tough guy and Loki as the pretty boy sidekick. I'm pretty sure Discord will still cause mischief when he just can't resist to troll a bit though.
  22. Alicorns are not immortal. Cadence is proof of that. So in any case Twilight will not live forever, she may have an extended lifespan however. I see alicorns more like elves from Tolkien myth. They can live a very long time but not forever.
  23. Season 1 was what made my love for the show reach it's greatest peak. It gave lots of nice inspirational episodes. Season 2 cemented my feelings for the characters and it's ending was phenomenal. I do like Season 2's finale better than Season 1 but Season 1 in entirety is better than Season 2 in my book. Season 3? Ahhh gawd no... not really the best out there. Had some good ones like Keep Calm and Flutter On and Wonderbolts Academy but overall was like an introduction to the disaster Hasbro would be bringing after Faust's influence on the show left after Season 2's finale.
  24. Doing it as a musical was a good idea. Can't think of a better way to express the ascension of Twilight to an Alicorn. Though still feeling the cramps about Season 4. I still feel MLP kind of ended after Season 2. :/
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