ARagY 1,152 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I'm only this talkative online, because I feel like I can say what I want better, no awkward pauses like in real life or fumbling over words. I don't feel as awkward. But no matter where I am I at least try to be entertaining (not in the class clown type of way, but closer to sarcastic/snide humour often accompanied by ": ^)") 1 To each their own Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Leafeon Pinkeh 3,603 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Seem to always be in thought, but happy. Recently I've been seeming very distant and calm. I can be easily angered at times or very apathetic, too. I'm very jumpy, meaning I'm easily scared xD At school I'm the one that never talks, I just sit quietly and do everything by myself o: I have friends but I enjoy talking to them even less than I do doodling in my planner, but I'd never say that ^^; Difficult personality, I guess. Introverted sums it up pretty well. 1 Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime What do you think of me?: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,860 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Introverted at times, can't shut me up at others. Curious - I have to learn as much as I can about things that interest me Busy to a fault - I'm always moving and multitasking (explains my erratic post structure) Analytical - no need to elucidate there Open minded - different ideas don't bother me Loyal - I don't turn my back on friends and family Eccentric - I have an unusual way of seeing the world and expressing myself. Patient - says it all Dorky - no hiding that one Appreciative Hater of mayonnaise - ewwwww 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReGen 1,466 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 This should give you a good idea about what i'm like. I also register as an INTP, and it describes me very well. 1 "I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see." Cloud of Sounds | YouTube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gravelord Neat-O 305 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Sarcastic, i'm sarcastic most of the time. wait, is sarcasm even a personality? or is it a mood? Not too sure. Fuck it, i'mm eccentric most of the time. I like rainbows and cupcakes and hwat not. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Professor SnuSnu 100 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 INTJ I seem to be able to hide my rather aloof side quite well.Can be rather judgmental but I won't show whether i like you or not unless i really hate you/ like you.Probably a very boring person to talk to unless I know you well enough.Can be energetic when I'm around people I am comfortable with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frecklesareblooming 225 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I'm very outgoing with people I know well, but when it comes to strangers I'm a complete awkward mess that can't seem to get a coherent sentence out, so I usually stay quiet. My personality is probably what has me so far removed from people my age, as well as my interests, which are mostly seen as odd. This is why I usually stay in my room and watch television, read a book, stare at my ceiling, etc. I find myself a lot happier by myself rather than with people. Maybe this is why I find refuge in a forum like this, where I feel comfortable with fellow bronies/pegasisters, because some of you feel the same way. 1 "When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hip-indeed 304 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I'm an INFJ (click it to read about it). TL;DR... I'm an Idealist, who is introverted. I'm very loving/empathetic, but sometimes I'd rather just be alone to do my work (where I'm kind of an over-achiever). Sounds about exactly like me, except when I took the test I got ENFJ. I believe I truly am an extrovert but just have some introvert 'tendencies' like having a lot of 'time in my own head' as it was put a couple posts before. Sounds introverted but I really really truly crave friendship, meeting new people and talking to people all the time, even if it rarely happens yet except online. I also have pretty bad social anxiety, which sounds ironic and ridiculous for an extrovert, but it's true. I'd say the vast majority of my "issues" stem from the clash of being so naturally extroverted but also having social anxiety (an extreme fear of being criticized or judged, especially irl) and having all these deep and constant thoughts and ventures in my mind, which can and do often cause me to whittle away massive chunks of most every day just listening to the same ol' music or even just sitting around pondering, when a huge part of me is begging wildly to get up, get out and do things more than that. But then I can't, I lock up when trying, due to the anxiety. It's been a horribly vicious cycle since about highschool which I'm many years past now but first of all I've moved to a much better place as of recently where I do truly feel I'll grow out of this, plus things such as finally having a therapist to go see (which I've wanted for YEARS) are set in motion now, so hopefully it'll be all good in no time. But yeah, to really describe my *personality* in my own words here briefly now that you know the basics; - I'm kind of a real good-guy and openly naive to a fault. Don't care what you or anyone else has to say about it, that's how it is and is always gonna be. - As anyone who's seen me post or god forbid has suffered me PMing them on here knows for sure, I'm very very verbose. - I try my best to be a gentleman and I think my truest, innermost 'self' is like that. There must be a reason I got massively and almost solely Rarity on that pony personality test... - I'm very forward and blunt and honest but I try to also be nice and kind as much as I can. I do pride myself on my honesty so you may hear me say things you don't wanna hear or that everyone else is too nice/shy/whatever to say, if I feel it needs to be said, but I really want to be your friend and be kind to you at the end of the day and I only say such things because I feel in the long run it's for your own good. - I admit I have a problem with giving up things sometimes NOT because of their difficulty but because of my sometimes-terrible opinion of myself and sometimes-low confidence level (which I really try to work on all the time); but that being said, you can depend on me if you need me, especially if you're a friend, but even if you're not I'll probably try my darndest to do anything you'd want of me because I really, really like being needed or wanted by anyone for anything. Keep in mind though that even with this point and my naivety I CAN tell when I'm just being used and not cared about. - I'm really empathetic to the downtrodden and pushed-around and all that and it's reflected in several elements of me; I tend to always root for the underdog, I struggle to watch many TV shows, movies and even cartoons that deal with a lot of 'secondhand embarrassment' (Equestria Games KILLED me), and I generally feel very hurt by people picking on 'embarrassing awkward' people and the like, even though especially online they're often picked on by people who're just as bad. Might explain why /mlp/ and never did it for me as much as this place immediately does, for example. Not EVERYTHING I'm sure but it's a start and I can tell I'm getting to the point at which it'll be too lengthy for people to read lol, so this is good for now. 1 (Sig art © uc77) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 My personality is kind of weird, i'm not even entirely sure how to explain it, because I'm not very good at self analysis, but I suppose I can try. I tend to be a pretty shy, and maybe even socially awkward in many cases type of guy, I'm not really super masculine, but I'm not necessarily super feminine either, I tend to be considered kind by others, and a lot of times really soft spoken, I don't want to offend people, so i usually tend to withhold my opinion or saying of things, or if I do I say them in a very passive manner. I am also very caring and concerned with the feelings and wellbeing of others. I really don't like to see people down, infact when I do, i tend to get extra optimistic, and try my best to cheer them up and show love and care towards them, sometimes when I see those who are feeling down or who are hurting I just want to hug them, however my shyness and social awkwardness at times, as well as lacking confidence disallows that to happen(Or sometimes i just feel they won't be comfortable with it, or it could be with someone online and I couldn't even if I wanted to.) My personality at first glance can be very Fluttershyish. However my personality can be much different once I've opened up to people. Once I open up to people I can become very loud and sometimes not think about what i'm saying as much, or simply the fact i'm a bit socially inexperienced can cause me to just say stupid things. Sometimes I will sort of returned to my reserved Fluttershy state if I realize this, but it depends. I still tend to be optimistic in most cases, and I can be quite crazy too actually. I still try to be kind, but I may also become a bit more humorous, or atleast try to be humorous(usually to a failed effect as I'm not that funny.) sometimes I'll even be really loudly sarcastic. And I can be really joyful and peppy, full of energy. I'm kind of more of a Pinkie pie when I open up to people. Of course I can also have some Twilight in me, being a bit of a nerd as I do have times where I speak in a way where I try to sound intelligent, not necessarily to make myself seem superior, I just kind of do so randomly, sometimes I talk more sophisticated, other times more casual. I'm not really much of a book nerd, but I can be a bit nerdy with other things like Computers, and while I'm not much of a reader, I still enjoy knowledge and stuff. I can also be a bit socially awkward like Twilight is especially earlier in the show. And I have times where I am more like Twilight at the start of the series, where I don't really want friends, and just want to be isolated and alone. Of course I also have my times where I am more than happy to have friends, and will feel very strongly and love those who are around me very much. I can also be a bit of a perfectionist at times, I want to make certain things perfect, and anything less makes me dissatisfied, which gives me some self esteem issues. I'm not a perfectionist with everything, or always, but I can be. And sometimes I won't even do things just because I am such a perfectionist, and I feel I know I can't do something well anyways, so i just never attempt it. And I do like to be organized in some areas of my life at times, it all kind of depends it seems. I also like to help others, with anything I can really, I guess this plays more into my kindness, but regardless. I tend to be pretty loyal to people, i really try not to turn my back on anyone ever, I guess partly because I don't really have much in the way of friends, so I don't have much of any backups anyways, I'm not always very good at making friends, as I don't tend to have much courage to reach out to others. Sometimes I just flat out expect others to do all the friend making portion of things, and expect friendships to come to me. And I get frustrated when they don't. I'm pretty passionate when I get into something, I can get pretty into things, and I can also be one who wants to finish something within the same day I start it. Although not always. But I can get pretty passionate with things I enjoy and get into, like music for example. On the negative side, I can be pretty stubborn at times too, to the point where I blind my logic. This can also turn a bit tenacious on the plus side at times. I can also be pretty quick to anger, and lash out at people, I have a bad temper, and when it gets built up, anyone doing the slightest thing may cause me to lash out at them. Like I said before I lack courage, as well as self esteem. I can also get jealous since I have low self esteem, and feel as thought everyone is able to do everything way better than I can. Or maybe when others take the spotlight, because I can be a bit of an attention whore at times too, wanting attention to much, possibly because I am a bit lonely at times, even if I don't admit to it, or even know it myself, but regardless I can sometimes want attention to much. I am also pretty hard on myself, as I am a perfectionist. And I get frustrated at times easily if I don't do things well, possibly lacking some patience I suppose. There is probably more parts to my personality, but I can't think of anymore at this moment. Basically I'm kind of a mix of Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight, and then some other stuff thrown in. Something like that. But like I said i'm bad at personality analysis, so this whole thing could be incorrect really. Not to mention my personality seems to be hard read in the first place at times... And sorry for this being really long winded. I do that a lot. ;p Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miles 2,512 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Sounds about exactly like me, except when I took the test I got ENFJ. I believe I truly am an extrovert but just have some introvert 'tendencies' like having a lot of 'time in my own head' as it was put a couple posts before. Sounds introverted but I really really truly crave friendship, meeting new people and talking to people all the time, even if it rarely happens yet except online. I also have pretty bad social anxiety, which sounds ironic and ridiculous for an extrovert, but it's true. I'd say the vast majority of my "issues" stem from the clash of being so naturally extroverted but also having social anxiety (an extreme fear of being criticized or judged, especially irl) and having all these deep and constant thoughts and ventures in my mind, which can and do often cause me to whittle away massive chunks of most every day just listening to the same ol' music or even just sitting around pondering, when a huge part of me is begging wildly to get up, get out and do things more than that. But then I can't, I lock up when trying, due to the anxiety. It's been a horribly vicious cycle since about highschool which I'm many years past now but first of all I've moved to a much better place as of recently where I do truly feel I'll grow out of this, plus things such as finally having a therapist to go see (which I've wanted for YEARS) are set in motion now, so hopefully it'll be all good in no time. But yeah, to really describe my *personality* in my own words here briefly now that you know the basics; - I'm kind of a real good-guy and openly naive to a fault. Don't care what you or anyone else has to say about it, that's how it is and is always gonna be. - As anyone who's seen me post or god forbid has suffered me PMing them on here knows for sure, I'm very very verbose. - I try my best to be a gentleman and I think my truest, innermost 'self' is like that. There must be a reason I got massively and almost solely Rarity on that pony personality test... - I'm very forward and blunt and honest but I try to also be nice and kind as much as I can. I do pride myself on my honesty so you may hear me say things you don't wanna hear or that everyone else is too nice/shy/whatever to say, if I feel it needs to be said, but I really want to be your friend and be kind to you at the end of the day and I only say such things because I feel in the long run it's for your own good. - I admit I have a problem with giving up things sometimes NOT because of their difficulty but because of my sometimes-terrible opinion of myself and sometimes-low confidence level (which I really try to work on all the time); but that being said, you can depend on me if you need me, especially if you're a friend, but even if you're not I'll probably try my darndest to do anything you'd want of me because I really, really like being needed or wanted by anyone for anything. Keep in mind though that even with this point and my naivety I CAN tell when I'm just being used and not cared about. - I'm really empathetic to the downtrodden and pushed-around and all that and it's reflected in several elements of me; I tend to always root for the underdog, I struggle to watch many TV shows, movies and even cartoons that deal with a lot of 'secondhand embarrassment' (Equestria Games KILLED me), and I generally feel very hurt by people picking on 'embarrassing awkward' people and the like, even though especially online they're often picked on by people who're just as bad. Might explain why /mlp/ and never did it for me as much as this place immediately does, for example. Not EVERYTHING I'm sure but it's a start and I can tell I'm getting to the point at which it'll be too lengthy for people to read lol, so this is good for now. Are... are... ARE YOU MY CLONE??? The only thing where we differ is that your an extrovert, and I'm an introvert. Pretty much everything you said in your self description describes me to a T! The ironic thing about myself, is that I have ADHD, yet I'm introverted. Which, is kind of an extension of the one thing where we differ; as to which, that one trait where we differ is an inverse (I think you know what I mean, right?). 1 ~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyDream 315 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 People say I'm quiet. I don't say it though, because I don't really say anything. xP To be serious, I'm pretty introverted; it takes a bit to get me to talk a lot. I have a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor, although I very rarely mean any harm with it. I tend to like most people until they prove themselves unlikable. I don't mean to go all horoscope or anything, but I think you just described me as well as yourself. How did that happen? Though again, the first nine words of my post are response enough. I don't even really like to use snarky sarcasm. I know that it's rude and uncalled for. I definitely don't mean any harm, but it appears to be the internally appropriate response to questions that can extremely easily be answered by the person who asks the question itself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hip-indeed 304 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Are... are... ARE YOU MY CLONE??? The only thing where we differ is that your an extrovert, and I'm an introvert. Pretty much everything you said in your self description describes me to a T! The ironic thing about myself, is that I have ADHD, yet I'm introverted. Which, is kind of an extension of the one thing where we differ; as to which, that one trait where we differ is an inverse (I think you know what I mean, right?). I love it, I was even diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but I'm like 90% sure it was one of those "it's the early 90s and we're gonna diagnose every kid that misbehaves even once with this". I did just barely get E on the test, but the fact I got it despite answering many questions severely introvertedly as I was kind of depressed at the time tells me I can pretty solidly expect I'd always get an E. I really feel like I am deep down inside anyway, and I just have to dig it out and fix some stuff up to really 'unlock' it irl; online anyone who's ever met you could tell me i'm a SUPER EXTREME E. But yeah I wouldn't be at all surprised if our situations were completely interchangeable. Maybe your ADHD fosters extroversion and my anxiety hinders mine but at the end of the day we're both this weird mix of intro- and extro- kind of winding around each other in a weird dance. I do seek to go full strong confident E as time goes on, though, lol. 1 (Sig art © uc77) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
catnet 9,358 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 I'm like Fluttershy... but a coward, and somewhat misanthropic. I'm also not really that interesting or emotionally varied, but I can be pretty calm when it's needed, at times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LittleMac 3,085 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 Remember Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul before he got white hair? That's exactly how I am Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 Quiet, calm and kind, so a bit boring too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shy0wl 484 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 I'd consider myself creative, quiet, independent, introverted, a day dreamer, compassionate and kind. I get really paranoid about a lot of things though because of my anxiety but oh well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Black Circle 1,586 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 I don't have a personality because I have every trait (and lack it) at the same time. 1 Biscuit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magic Note 2,750 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 I would consider myself as shy, timid, sometimes grumpy but well-meaning, quiet, good sense of humour, and calm most of the time. (coming soon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 Confident, polite, empathic, kind, impatient, and honest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fender 1,284 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 INFP for life. I am an idealistic dreamer. Though, I tend to enjoy being both a dreamer and a doer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 -Anti-social -Wimpy -Indecisive -Sympathetic -Insane -Stubborn -Emotional -Lazy -Average Yupp,that about does it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadowed Watcher 183 June 28, 2015 Share June 28, 2015 General insanity, edging towards the "crazy" line but still not quite there. General insanity? Really? There is NOTHING general about this insanity whatsoever. Fuckitall! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,798 June 29, 2015 Share June 29, 2015 Shy, kind, genuine, sympathetic, kinda boring, child-like in some aspects, excitable, weird, not very self confident, and passionate about things I enjoy. :3 I am a weird mixture of aspects. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InfectedPone 1,550 June 29, 2015 Share June 29, 2015 Anxious Lazy Perfectionist Procrastinator Punctual Organised Easily Stressed Short Attention Span Humorous Crazy There's a lot of conflicting aspects here but it's just what I am. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
An Unknown Pony. 370 June 29, 2015 Share June 29, 2015 -Serious -Sometimes Funny -Helpful -Quiet -weird(for some people who don't understand me) -normal confidence -imaginative “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” DeviantArt Account/Youtube account Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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