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What is your greatest weakness


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It's my Aspergers (or whatever it's called now).  I just can't convey a straight answer most of the time.  Mostly because of how many times people like to correct me when I don't want to be corrected.  It's very disheartening when you get something wrong for the eleventh time in the same day.

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Hmm...my greatest weakness? Let's see, it's probably one of the following

  • Sleep Disorder-Falling asleep randomly can get annoying. Asides from not being able to drive, It's now more difficult to simply watch TV shows. 
  • Anti-Social-I'm very awkward, and I tend to keep to myself. I have a hard time making friends. 
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My greatest weakness is my temper. I get easily angry, and I do build this inside of me by bottling in the things I get angry about inside of me and when that bottle explodes, I snap out like hell. 

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other than my social akwardness, it would probably be if something doesnt go according to plan, if i plan something out, and if something goes wrong, i just shut down lol and have like a mini freak out

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  • 4 years later...

My tendency to give up easily, especially on my dreams. I get overwhelmed a bunch and just give in to pressure, which is one of the biggest reasons why my life isn't quite the way I want it to be. I've been trying to get over this recently, but it's not easy when I see the huge gap between where I am and where I want to be.

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The words "I love you".

Strike me with those words with absolute honesty and feeling that I can return in kind, then I'm pretty much tamed. That's pretty much my greatest weakness. Not that anyone has ever been able to use that weakness before. Some idiot out there in the world has the power to though. Outside of that though, my other weakness is that I find it hard to forgive myself for stuff. I hate failing or making mistakes and always take it to heart. It always feels like a blemish on my being.

  • Brohoof 1
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I take things really personally that are never aimed at me. I can read slights and insults in conversation that just aren’t there. Then later I dwell. Especially because I can read conversations really well when others are involved, but when it’s directed at me, nope. I’m probably going to take whatever was said negatively, even if it wasn’t meant to be.

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I worry if I don’t carry out various tasks correctly or at optimum level, I procrastinate, I let others take advantage of my generosity, I judge others, I’m selfish with my personal time and I don’t like being ignored when I have something to contribute. 

Yeah, that's my short list. :pout:

  • Brohoof 3
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Myself. Everything about me feels like a constant internal battle. Whether it is autism issues, depression, self hatred, anxiety, each day is a struggle to feel stable. I get angry easily, I cry easily, I try to love other things but not myself. 

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I have plenty of weaknesses, but my greatest is my inability to effectively communicate with other people. Whatever causes this problem, whether it's part of the autism that I suspect I may have or something else, it's so bad that I am basically incapable of talking to anyone aside from people I'm particularly close to...  :sealed:

Edited by ~Angel Dust~
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Physically or mentally? Sunlight. Can't stand it. People's absurdity. Can't stand it.

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My greatest weakness would have to be the fact that I let my emotions get the best of the me, to the point where I'm in a constant sour mood.

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  • 1 month later...

Food is probably one of my biggest weaknesses. I not only eat when I’m hungry, but also when I’m bored or even stressed. I try to avoid temptation but it’s really hard sometimes especially with the current medications I take. They can cause decreased blood sugar levels which leads to me needing to consume foods with high sugar content.

  • Brohoof 1
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