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Describe your dark side.


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Well the truth is, my dark side is very sadistic. If I am angered to a point that I no long care for my moral code, that means you've crossed me and that's the last thing anypony wants. My inner darkness knows only hate even with Xanthis (My dark self) gone. Sadist in truth is the real representation of my darkside. She was a monster in life and now pays for it as a demon.

Xanthis, when I had him, in truth was a demon. He was born from the pure hate I had and still have for my Step-Mother to this day. I'm typically a very sweet person and reserved around strangers. One thing you must know about me though is that I am very protective of family and friends. I'm especially protective of close friends. Harming them will incur my wrath, and I'm not one to take bullshit. If I must, I will take the lethal approach though I try not to get to that point.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Quite honestly, my dark side, isn't very "harmful". though I am always seen like Pinkie Pie. I am always cracking jokes, laughing and talking. In other words, I am generally a happy person and my tolerance and patience level is incredibly high. 


My dark side is very often triggered by negative emotions but I do have limits and levels. 


When I am able to control my negative emotions, I just keep very quite and resign into my "mind dungeon". That is when I start writing angsty poems and stuff. I write poems best when I am feeling depressed (or at the edge of suicide). At this level, I normally keep things to myself. I won't talk to anyone - to the extend where people forget that I exist. 


However, the urge to strangle someone is when someone step on my toes despite me not bothering them. I will start spitting out words that is not supposed to be uttered. I have anger management problems when someone stab me in the back or even step on my head. by this stage, that person is my enemy by default.


i am not one for revenge though but quite honestly, anyone betraying my trust, will get murdered and beaten up multiple times in my head. either that, they would get a high five in the face with a porcupine (or durian - a thorny fruit from my country). other than that, i start ranting like nobody's business. 


once upon a time, my dark side, was more to inflicting harm onto myself. but thank goodness, I don't inflict pain onto myself anymore. 

:muffins: "I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." :derp:

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Here you go.



We'll,I have kinda a dark side in me and I don't like it I wish these thoughts would go away.Once I had this dark side and I don't like it also when I told somebody about it they thought I did it but I did not then they stopped being my friend and ever since that happened I hardly tell anyone about it...because some people or more might think I did it and they might label me as a bad person so that's why I hardly talk too other people about it and that happened since I was 13 year's old and the thought is still in my head...


Ok here it goes,Once I thought of hurting my pets (I did not want that in my mind) and I do not do it.


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Hmm, my dark side, well she's very fond of cursing, it gets more then slightly irritating, She's sadistic, hates everyone (especially me), I'm confused whether she wants to hurt anyone or just me (She sent me the vision thing in one of my lessons on school, I had a breakdown and now I have to see some person about it...)

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i usually dont let other people see my darkside. but theirs one way to describe it




when ever i get really angry (aka i want to stab you to death angry) i usually draw a picture about how i feel, i listen to some music. i fear that if i didn't have these things i might hurt someone.

457798.jpg?1411077077  ~Gravity Falls~

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Something i have to add is that when im really REALLY sad I start thinking that i have no benifit to the the world then i start thinking of suicide

These thoughts started when i was like 8


I've got something else to add here (separate from what I originally posted a while ago)...


Whenever I read, hear, or see things pertaining to child abuse, a raging anger spurs inside me, and I imagine horrible things I would do to the abuser (the people who do the abusing)...  


I've never done actually done anything, but the things I think about doing to those cruel people are horribly, horribly twisted... 




You might not want to know this stuff so just don't open the next spoiler if you're easily frightened...


Seeing children being abused just pushes me over the edge and my insane thoughts even scare myself, because I know that the best punishment for them would just be getting the death sentence (or life in prison if you are against that [the other prisoners would give the abusers a living hell there anyway])... but those thoughts of what I would do to them still occur...  Sometimes I imagine drugging them so I can strap them to a table in location far from the city out in the middle of nowhere in a garage... where I would... (2nd warning here...)



wait for them to awake, and torture them... with heavy tools... like sledge hammers, crow bars, Louisville sluggers... and then leave them there, strapped to the table, letting them suffer and die.








Whoever would abuse children in such horrid ways deserve a million times worse done to them.  If I ever were to see it happen right before my eyes I don't think I'd be able to be calm enough to just call the cops.  My 'switch' would be flipped and all rationality would go down the drain.  I may only be 6 foot and 180 pounds, but my adrenaline would make me near invincible and it'd almost take the jaws of life to pry me off of beating the life out an abuser with my bear hands if I were to see it happen with my own eyes.  And that doesn't even cover what I'd do if someone were to physically abuse a child in my family... 

Dear God, please forgive me for these thoughts... my heart goes out to every child ever abused, and I shake with anger I can't control when I see it...

... Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil...

In Jesus name, Amen.


Yeah I Agree with you 100% This easily gets me to cry even the thought of it

Especially since i was slightly abused

Edited by Eliash147
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My dark side. It has only truly come out once in my life. It was during one of my millions of fights with my stepmom. She tried grabbing me, and I put a fist up at her as a "stay away from me or you're getting it" warning, but she didn't listen and swung at me, hitting me in the face. She was about to swing at me again, and I grabbed her by the wrist. After that, my vision went completely black, and I just started destroying everything in sight.

And when I came to, my stepmom was writhing on the floor, missing an arm, her car was completely torn to pieces, her collection of religious antiques were destroyed (I had nothing against Christianity, but she deserved it), the front door was in a thousand pieces, and there was about 6 giant dents in the stone walls of the living room. I don't know if I did that, but... yeah. I never saw her again after that. She's alive, but I'm glad that controlling bitch is out of my life...

I'm assuming this is a joke because you should have been charged as an adult for this if you somehow severed her arm (and even just for somehow destroying a car and denting stone which makes no sense because it would be broken not dented) and should also have gone to prison.

So yeah, assuming this is a joke.

Edited by Shizune


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Multiple personalities.

My dark dark side is completely mad, think discord with a pinkamina side as well. 


But hey


My dark side (one where I actually do care if I accidentally murder somebody) Is a sarcastic, angry ******** which can vary from reducing you to tears from pulling up your worst memories and feelings and basically reducing you to your lowest point, to punching a hole in the wall. 


But I got control over these sides of me a while ago now (after an particularly nasty outburst at one of my friends, who is thankfully extremely thick skinned, but it still took the better part of 2 years to be friends again) so I would probably just glare at you if I was feeling down but stay silent. Just like normal. But I still do have these parts of me, and they are still usable, although I don't know why I would like to use the second.

But I'm generally a nice person, and occasional comedic amusement for children (I'm really good with kids for some reason 0_o)


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My sarcasm and intelligence might be my greatest ally, but I like to take over innocent and inferior life forms.

...That sounded weird...


Well, not all life forms, just kids, for example, make fun of them, or manipulate them to make fun of theirselves. Enjoy the disharmony.

Also, trolling is sometimes fun, especially when you're trolling a 7-year old online.

Overlord of Darkness








Signature made by: Astral Blitzen





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I can be a pretty happy guy especially around my friends but when I get into a "mood" I get solemn, cynical, bitter and can be outright cruel, my friends tend to recognize when it happens apparently according to them I have a signature smile fade. But yeah I can turn pretty evil.

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Kate O doesn't have a dark side because both sides are dark. She is even holding a torture party inspired by cupcakes...even though she hasn't read it ...and she isn't even a brony

Edited by Steam Bean



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I can become very apathetic towards things at times and sometimes a brooding hatred for humanity passes over me from time to time. Sometimes I tend to stay to myself a lot and try to remove myself from others company to let them be so I won't bother others. In past recent days I have felt a little bit like this. Hard to trust others and such. 


But *sigh* you just have to remind yourself to becareful and keep your head up during rough times we always go through.



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I am not sure if I should call it "dark side".


I could describe it being a megalomaniac, or just being delusional.

I want to work to reach greatness. Climb the highest mountain. etc.

The whole world is a competition to win. And I will win trough, no matter the cost.




The downside is I hate being struck and ordinary people things are so alien to me.


But I am meditating a lot.
Adapted some stoic, nihilist and zen philosophy to deal with it.


I just go on the rails of my destiny, I try to enjoy the ride.



Edited by biomechfairy
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  • 5 years later...

I can get pretty defensive, and I normally become somewhat toxic when I do. I've gotten much better about this over the years (MLP actually inspires be to try to be a better person), but it can still be a problem sometimes. Mostly in multiplayer games, which is one reason I don't play those as much as I used to.

There's also my anger issues (which have claimed the lives of one smart phone and a few other things), but they're not bad anymore. I've gotten that mostly under control recently.

I'm pretty stubborn, and even if I realize later I was wrong, sometimes I'm too proud about it to admit it. Not always, but sometimes.

I give up way too easily. If I hit a minor road bump, it makes me want to curl up in a corner and consider whatever just went wrong a lost cause. It takes hours or even days for me to bounce back, assuming I ever do.

I'm too sensitive and I overthink everything. That one's fairly self-explanatory. It causes problems, and to avoid those problems I seclude myself.

I can get selfish sometimes. Hell, most of the time. It's another thing I'm trying to change, and while I am improving, there are times when I relapse. Deep down, I just want to get through life and do my own thing, and while I won't intentionally seriously hurt someone to get there, I'm not always mindful of others, either.

And of course, I push people away, which caused me to become reclusive. My only real irl friend I have left has been with me for about twelve years, and while we used to hang out once a week, we barely even talk anymore. A few messages back and forth once a month is about as much as we talk. I can walk to his house in just a few minutes, and we never see each other. And I push away people online, too. So many potential friendships have died within the first five minutes, and I never end up talking to that person again.

  • Brohoof 1

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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My bad side can get bad, but it used to be OH so much worse if you read my old post on here. I was so f***ed up back then and had some serious, I guess you could say psychosexual baggage... Seriously, don't read it, especially if you're prone to vomiting. You might think I'll become a serial killer, when I doubt I could ever bring myself to actually kill anyone. Even though I still get f***ed up thoughts from time to time, it's nothing like that.

  • If something really, really upsets me I'll pretty much go into a period of blind rage. It used to happen way more often than I'd like and resulted in a now ruined PC (that cost a load of money to build), two destroyed keyboards, one destroyed Nintendo DS Lite, and a f***ed up GameCube controller. And that might not be all. It almost caused me to inflict physical harm to my boyfriend once in an incident I wish we could both forget. I had one of these quite recently that caused me to violently beat my laptop.
  • I sometimes have an issue with being a bit on the defensive side, and it sometimes gets to the point where I'm downright vindictive. But you know what? That wasn't a problem until I dealt with all the $#!+ I have on the internet. Toxic people on the internet have made me into a defensive, and sometimes a little too easily slighted person, at least online. In real life, I don't have this issue quite as much. But unfortunately, $#!+heads on the internet really made me this way. Thanks to all the personal attacks and nonsense I've had to take over the years, from people on multitudes of sites, INCLUDING THIS ONE. :dry: 


Though 99% of the time, I'm just a shy awkward recluse who in real life just takes what's dealt to them and hardly says a word. Of course, except to myself because I talk to myself a lot. Generally in real life, I try to be nice to people and polite (although by my own definition of manners), though I won't go out of my way to demonstrate it because I'm extremely non-confrontational unless somebody really, really, really angers me in a way far beyond reconcile.

Edited by AngelDustlicious
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I can become cold and distant from just about anyone, even those I am super close to. If they made me upset, broke my trust, or hell....even if they did something hurtful to me they didn't realize they did, I distance myself so far from them I completely block them out of my life, often leading them to wondering what they did wrong. My pride keeps me from coming back. 

Which is another dark side of mine. My pride. I can be extremely prideful and self-centered, even if I don't always show it. Deep down I'm also an attention whore. 

My final dark side I will mention here is how I'm really good at lying. Granted, I don't usually lie and I'm pretty much the most honest person you'll meet....but if in an emergency or if my safety or someone else's is jeopardized, or if the situation calls for it in extreme cases, I can and WILL lie. I'm one of the best liars I've ever seen. I can deceive so easily and so well, I'm surprised I don't put that ability to everyday use. I know how to keep it at bay I guess.

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My dark side is pompous, conceited, contemptuous, selfish, callous, lazy, cantankerous, cruel, antagonistic, insecure, immature, self-pitying and self-destructive. I become haughty and self-obsessed, as well as fiery and vicious. I lash out at the people who attempt to reach out to me, and I give off zero warmth or affection to anyone and everyone, even my own family. I proclaim hateful things that I don't mean, and tend to be way over the line and unnecessarily harsh/spiteful. And then, when I damage said relationships and those people turn against me, I feel bad for myself, despite often knowing deep down that it's my fault. I then become disillusioned and cynical with life as a whole. I stop trying hard for anything and become extremely reckless/careless/irresponsible and endeavour in many unwise activities such as massive overeating, or drinking heavily until I have something of a nervous breakdown.

So, yeah, I have a lot of faults, but I tend to keep them in check most of the time. At least I'm aware of them, which, and I know that it's a cliched statement, but just being able to  acknowledge these problems is basically half of the process towards fixing them.:grin:


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“Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage”



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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