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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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I hate to repeat a one time thing, but I really dislike Rainbow Dash...a lot. Like a lot a lot. I despise her presence. Only few, if not, any member can capture my hatred of her that's burns more than a thousands Suns. But I won't do it here. That is all.

I thought I was the only one who had a raging inferno inside about this.

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That's funny.  Coulda sworn this was the "Which is your least fave of the main mane ponies six?" topic.  Not the, "For which mane six character do you unjustifiably and pointlessly harbor a seething ball of (presumably and hopefully hyperbolic) hate inside?"  Granted, the latter title is probably too long.  And surely that would have been overtly inflammatory.  One must be responsible and establish at least the illusion of tact.


My least favorite Mane Six character is...  Simply the Mane Six character that I don't like quite as much as the others.  Not the one I "hate."  Or can't stand to see on-screen.  Call me silly, but I favor sitting down and enjoying a form of entertainment whilst trying to appreciate the variety that exists within the strong, central ensemble cast.  Entirely without tapping into some misplaced and wasted fury that burns ceaselessly in my heart.  Because most of my fo' reals hatred is currently occupied with things that aren't animated, candy-colored equines.

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This topic is my least favorite pony.



I can't imagine that I'm the first person to say this, but I will say it anyway.  You express yourself both intelligently and capably, and I admire your ability to both get your points across and to thoroughly support them.  Without, that I've seen, ever resorting to name-calling, puerility, or excess (I'm often guilty of the last thing - maybe the others, too).  You're a better forums member than I.  *Was going to add an Applejack emoticon, but none seemed appropriate given the context.*

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Fluttershy. Boring character which reminds me too much about my past and times when I was very shy and afraid of life. 


I find her annoying, mostly because it seems as if they're justifying her shy nature instead of showing how to fight and deal with it. She barely learns anything, usually only repeating the lessons she should have learn in the first season. And yes, I understand that shyness is in her nature (even a part of her name), but being shy and being scared of almost everything are two different things. And it's toxic. And calling it "cute" or "adorable" is disgusting, because it doesn't work like that in real life. Morbid shyness is like an illness. People should cure it. And it's another thing - I DON'T FIND FLUTTERSHY CUTE. There, I said it. Sorry, but for me 'Shy is not cute at all. Why? Because I'm used to Fluttershy's cuteness. It just doesn't work on me anymore, I feel like her character, her design, everything about her desperately tries to tell me "Oh look, she's cute, you should d'aww everytime you see her!". Sorry, but I'm not. Instead I'm usually bored to death watching her episodes. And in most of the episodes I barely even notice her. 





All in favor of Applejack background pony jokes getting old say I.





PS Sorry for slightly chaotic post, but I don't have too much time post-20905-0-15864000-1407659236.png

Edited by Anilewe
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First of all: I love all of the mane 6!

But my least favourite is Rainbow Dash for two reasons;:

- I can't identify myself much with her, she's the opposite of myself

- I truly disliked her the first seasons,w hen she was an isensitive and rude pony.


The last seasons, she became more mature so I appreciate her a lot more these days.

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Here's my scale of favorite to meat pony (no error there. That's what I said.)


#1.Rarity (best pony)


#2.Twilight Sparkle






#5.Pinkie Pie


Least favorite RAINBOW DASH.

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My least favorite is Applejack, though I like her.

I'm just going to quote Banul:


In a group full of wizards, a logic defying party pony, a pony who can break the sound barrier and an animal whisperer saturated in innate shy cuteness, Applejack can come off as a little bland to some people.

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Sorry AJ. I don't hate her, but she's the only one I can't relate to... Maybe it's because my sister and me have more of a Rarity/Sweetie Belle relationship, or because I'm lazy as hell, or just because of her character in general. I don't know.

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It alternates between Rarity and Rainbow Dash.


Rarity - well, she's simply a character I just don't care much for. I have a general disdain for "regal" or "high class" characters/people, but thankfully Rarity doesn't really protrude the snobbiness or "more important than you" attitude that those kinds of characters commonly exhibit. Just not a character that I am highly interested in.


Rainbow Dash - While she has plenty of great moments, her inflated ego is grating, sometimes unbearable to watch. It was less intrusive in Season 4, but the writer's attempts at bringing her down a notch are sometimes just as annoying (such as in Flight to the Finish, where Dash was trying way too hard to be "professional".)


On another note, I see no reason for this thread to be shut down. It's just people giving their opinions and thoughts, for some in a constructive manner. There is no reason to get offended over someone not having the same enjoyment for a character as you do.

That's sort of a confusing reason to hate something...especially since there's people like me, who do relate to her, and that comes across like saying you hate me just because I'm not like you, to be honest.... :confused:


For me, being able to relate to the characters, lyrics, ideas, anything in media really - impacts how much I enjoy that character's presence in the show, words in a song, etc. to a large extent.


It doesn't have to directly relate. For example I've been asked a similar question, with someone mentioning "How can you like Batman for example, when it's impossible to relate to him?". Well, as a whole his situation isn't relateable as I've never been a superhero who's tasked with saving the town; but I can at least understand and relate to his inner struggles with the loss of loved ones, the uncertainty of his future, and so on.


Regarding Rarity, I simply don't relate. I'm not a fashionista, I'm not "upper class", I don't care for expensive and regal material, I don't care if I get dirty, I don't have an interest in living with the "elites", etc. There is a massive difference between being able to like a cartoon character, and a real person who both share some similar traits. I can relate to Spike in a lot of ways, but if someone hates or dislikes Spike I really wouldn't care, and definitely wouldn't take it as an insult towards me. We share traits, but the difference is, I'm real and he isn't. Spike's feeling aren't being hurt, and he isn't being oppressed against for being himself since he doesn't exist. Saying "Spike is annoying" is not the same as saying "Rivendare is annoying" unless explicably said so.


In other words, it's easier to tolerate and understand certain traits (such as Fluttershy's excessive shyness which some don't like) when shown by a real person, because with a person you don't want to be too blunt or too brash, or else you might make the situation worse or hinder their potential to improve. When it's a cartoon character, they don't exist and there's nothing you can do about it, so it's easy to think "Eh, this character is annoying".


A character doesn't have to be like me. In fact it can be the polar opposite and I might still enjoy them, but when I feel like my time is being wasted, or I'm just not interested or bored while watching, then that becomes a character I don't necessarily care for

Edited by Rivendare
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to be honest, fluttershy. and i know i should expect some axe murderers sometime today, but she seriously annoys me. shes loved on by the brony community so much its ridiculous, but her "shyness" just crosses the border on indecisive and even whiny. there were a few times where i truly found her NOT vomit inducing, but there is so much about her that annoys me i cant even remember those times.

"but, but, but shes....shy......... its HAAAAAARD-" bull. I know what shy feels like, and its not whatever "flutters" is doing..

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I appreciate everyone who added their thoughts about how to improve on some of the characters. I personally enjoyed reading some of the approaches a few of you would take, and the reasons behind them. Cogent discussion ... good stuff. :D


By having her more assertive side actually stick. It just seems that she gets reset back to crippling shyness at the end of every episode that pertains to her getting over her shyness.


Agreed. I think separating her fear from her shyness is one of the biggest challenges that the writers face with Fluttershy. A simple 30 second conversation between her and  Twilight, maybe pointing out to her how far she has come since their first encounter, would be a good first step at a gentle nudge in the right direction. Stellafera is right when she mentioned that too much change in a character's signature traits can be a bad thing. I for one don't want to see Fluttershy lose too much in terms of her timid nature. She is a hard character to progress because of that. Hmmm.




I find Rainbow Dash's brashness interesting because she's faking it nearly as much as Trixie. She does have so much to be proud of, she really does. She's saved her friends' lives, she inspired all of them to find their passions, she achieved a feat of flight many thought impossible! But it's hard for her to see that. She only thinks that she's awesome if others tell her she is, because she doesn't think of herself as an inherently awesome person.


There is so much unsaid about Dash that I think, to me anyway, I am absolutely desperate to see her character explored the most. Fear of failure is a driving force of character that most people can relate to at some level. Her occasional idleness can also explain this. If you don't try you can't fail, right? That ties into her decision in 'Rainbow Falls' (which is not half as bad as some people think) when she used the opt out approach. I know some RD fans may hate this idea, but I really want to see Rainbow Dash epically fail at something. To recognize the root of her fear and to address it head on. We have definitely see her ready to quit over this fear, and even more recently even downplay expectations so that failure is more acceptable. RD needs to learn from failure, internally and through the help of her friends. So much opportunity here!


Also, just to give Ghostie some credit, he has mirrored similar thoughts of wanting RD to be better developed. We had a brief discussion in the Rarity fan club on that and he came across as a bigger proponent of 'give me an RD episode to love' that I am.  




Fluttershy is trickier, because I'm not fundamentally attracted to her character archetype. If I were writing her, I fear that I'd pull her in directions that miss the point of why people like her in the first place.


I'm quoting the living heck out of you this morning.


It's funny because I agree with you and touched on part of this earlier in my post. There are character archetypes that turn me away as well. Flim and Flam are examples of characters that fit a template I tend to be annoyed with. Their first appearance was deftly handled. They came across more as opportunists than exploiters. It was a grey area that I appreciated. Their subsequent appearance blew that all to hell however. It was firmly entrenched in the classic evil agent of business category that it just about ruined those antagonists for me. Shame because they make great foils for the Apple family.


Funny enough, as I have said many times, I really didn't connect with Rarity at all when I first watched the show. The first viewer me would likely mention her as least favorite. At the same time, Twilight was easily hands down by favorite. The reasons are pretty basic. In animation I am drawn to the 'nerdy intellectual' archetype with characters like Donatello, Gadget Hackwrench, Dexter, Velma, Simon, are all my favorites of their respective franchises/series. I am turned away from the fashion and glamor centric characters. My Little Pony is the exception to the rule for me in how they took overplayed tropes and added depth and just enough was not said that the audience can appropriately fill in the blanks. Somehow the Adorkable nerd is not my favorite, or even in my top three. The fashion obsessed character is.




This show is weird like that. :please:

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Probably Rarity. I don't know if she's improved upon in S4, but to me she wasn't really... I dunno, relatable. I don't hate her, she's just 'mecchh' to me.


Sorry, Jeric. mlp-tsad.png

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Twilight's my least favorite simply because I enjoy her friends more. She's still a good character though.


And in defense of Rainbow Dash, people love her for the same reasons they love characters like Homer Simpson or Bender. Sure, they're jerks, but they're just so damn fun to watch! 

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Rainbow Dash is the only one of the mane six who I really don't like. Although she's a good character and definitely has her moments, she's just so proud and egotistic that I find it difficult to appreciate her most of the time. I would love to see her further developed, but until then she's just not a pony I'm going to like. I'll be honest, part of my distaste for her is due to the fact that I cannot relate to her whatsoever. I don't have the same sort of determination that she has, and her boldness and pride are rather off-putting to someone like me, who is usually quieter and not a fan of focused attention.

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She made Twilight cry in the episode "Winter Wrap Up"

Well to be fair she did almost die by runaway snowball (funny ass scene) ;)

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She made Twilight cry in the episode "Winter Wrap Up"



Is that all?


She's done a lot of good for those around her, and to so violently hate her because of the few things she's done wrong (which is probably less than any of the other mane 6, honestly) is kind of silly...

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She made Twilight cry in the episode "Winter Wrap Up"

Eh, I wouldn't consider that making her cry. Plus, Twilight WAS the one who broke the rule, No Magic Allowed.


Also, in that case, I should hate Fluttershy's guts for making Rarity cry.

Edited by Skarloey
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Is that all?


She's done a lot of good for those around her, and to so violently hate her because of the few things she's done wrong (which is probably less than any of the other mane 6, honestly) is kind of silly...

You know, the last thing I need is for you guys to be taking my OPINION too seriously :P Edited by GrauWitz
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Eh, I wouldn't consider that making her cry. Plus, Twilight WAS the one who broke the rule, No Magic Allowed.


Also, in that case, I should hate Fluttershy's guts for making Rarity cry.


Exactly. Not to mention that to be completely honest - I don't think that Twilight reacted this way because AJ yelled at her. It was a very stressful day for Twi, no matter how hard she tried to make things right she was achieving a compeletly different effect. She started to cry, because she was tired of it all. And Applejack's reaction was absolutely normal, I'm pretty sure that most people would react like that. Especially considering that Twilight is usually one to follow the rules and the rule to do things the earth pony way was Ponyville's important tradition, not just a stupid rule without a good reason. When Twilight started to participate in Winter Wrap-Up she kind of agreed to respect this tradition. Using magic was unrespectful.


If anything, Twilight cried because she KNEW that Applejack is right. She wasn't crying because she was yelled at, she cried because she didn't know what to do. She lost control over the whole situation.

You know, the last thing I need is for you guys to be taking my OPINION too seriously :P


Well, this is a topic to not only say who is our least favorite, but also explain it :P And if anyone thinks that your explanation is weak or have difficulty with understanding it - then there should be a chance to discuss it. It doesn't mean that we try to change your opinion.

Edited by Anilewe
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You know, the last thing I need is for you guys to be taking my OPINION too seriously :P

:confused: :confused:


I really don't think the fact that it's your opinion will land you a "get out of jail free" card when people are questioning your opinion...hell, a lot of people have questioned my opinion in this very thread, but I didn't respond - not because it was my opinion, but because I had no argument. I shared my opinion and I was proved wrong. :confused: So yeahh :P I still think these people deserve an actual explanation because they find a lot of fault in your original one, man :please:

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