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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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I personally feel Trixie and Gilda are the highest on my list for most arrogant characters. Trixie is completely aware that she's exploiting a lie, and she never really did anything "better" than the ponies who challenged her. She just kinda humiliated them. Gilda, on the other hand, is just a plain meanie. Maybe with the right treatment, she could be nice. Trixie is beyond saving.


Every other villain had some sort of plan, plot, or reason for their actions. Snips & Snails fall into the "too stupid to rate" category xD

I mean, if that's okay with you...

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I had to go with Discord as being the most villainous character, simply because of all of the villainous characters, he not only is probably the most powerful and disruptive, but also, and this is the key right here, the most devious! Discord likes to act like everything that he's doing is just fun and in good spirit, when in reality he is disrupting the carefully balanced laws of nature and casting all of Equestria into an age of darkness and chaos!!! He is evil incarnate that goes around with a smile on his face pretending he's not evil at all. That is the most dangerous kind of evil, and has been treated as such throughout human history. For example, look to the Bible! How was the first sin, the Fall of Man itself, caused? Through deception and temptation from the Great Deceiver himself, the old serpent Satan! Frankly, that just adds to the genius of Discord's character, and my appreciation of MLP: FiM's writers!!! :D


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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And I just watched Call of the Cutie Yesterday. Twist is annoying as FUCK.


Just what we needed. More Twist haters.




I seriously don't get the whole "I hate this character because of thier voice" mentality. Makes no sense at all. :/ Twist is a nice filly. I don't understand this hate, especially when a person who seriously hates Twist goes around preching love and tolerance. So much hypocrisy.

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Just what we needed. More Twist haters.




I seriously don't get the whole "I hate this character because of thier voice" mentality. Makes no sense at all. :/ Twist is a nice filly. I don't understand this hate, especially when a person who seriously hates Twist goes around preching love and tolerance. So much hypocrisy.


Kinda joking. She is a good pony but her voice.....ARG! It annoys me. I have no problem with her character but her VOICE!



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Kinda joking. She is a good pony but her voice.....ARG! It annoys me. I have no problem with her character but her VOICE!


Okay, makes sense. Maybe she could have an episode about her where she gets a speaking class. That would be interesting. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, so most shows usually have that one character that EVERYBODY just hates with a passion. Scooby-Doo had Scrappy-Doo, Next Generation had Wesley Crusher. Now I want to find out who the most despised character in this show is. I'm making a poll with who I think all the likely candidates are. If it's someone I didn't list then put your answer in the reply. If I see enough agreement then I'll add that character to the poll. I will also make it possible to change your vote so that if you see a character added later on whom you hate more than the one you first voted for, you can update it.


A few rules


1) You can only pick ONE. You can't say, for example, "Snips and Snails". You'd have to decide Snips OR Snails. Rare exceptions will be allowed when two characters are practically indistinguishable from each other.


2) It doesn't have to be a pony. Any character that appears is fair game, regardless of species.


3) No fandom or OC characters. Canon show characters only. This does not include Hasbro toys.


4) You need a better reason for not liking the character than "they're too popular." That's not the character's fault and has no effect on the show. This is about characters who are annoying, infuriating, or insufferable purely within the context of the show itself. They have to piss you off AS you're watching.


5) I'm making the poll based on what I observe, not how I personally feel, so don't blame me if your favorite is up there.

Edited by Mister Jack
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im gonna make Jet Set and Upper Crust one character since they basically are. i hate them because they basically suck up to Fancypants all the time... never actually praising Rarity until Fancypants said something good about her..


from the poll, its gotta be snips. i hate him.

Edited by Scootabloom
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Even though I'm not big on Snips and Snails...

If I can speak uncensored.. I.... Don't like Trixie.

I don't understand her fandom. While S&S are more widely disliked they are too easy of an answer.

I'm gonna be objective and critical Trixie is a lame character. *dodges firebombing*

  • Brohoof 3
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Even though I'm not big on Snips and Snails...

If I can speak uncensored.. I.... Don't like Trixie.

I don't understand her fandom. While S&S are more widely disliked they are too easy of an answer.

I'm gonna be objective and critical Trixie is a lame character. *dodges firebombing*


i personally like trixie, just because shes awesome, but i dont hate you for not liking her. i can see why u dont like her though, her attitude isnt great.

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Forgot about Jet Set and his stupid wife. Since they are practically the same character, I went ahead and made them one option on the poll. They don't really get enough screen time to develop individual personalities.

  • Brohoof 3
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Why isn't Fluttershy up here? Fluttershy is the most FAKE, most DISGUSTING, most HORRIBLY HYPOCRITICAL character of the entire bunch. Nightmare Moon and Trixie are the best ponies, by far.

  • Brohoof 3
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Good luck making that dog hunt, that's all I can say.


I started off picking Diamond Tiara but eventually changed it to Snips. DT is a bitch, but on very rare occasions she can be at least superficially cute. On the other hand, I have never gotten any enjoyment out of looking at Snips' ugly mug, and he doesn't have a likable personality to make up for it either. Whenever someone brings up Snips I have a hard time not launching into a rant about how much he sucks. DT doesn't really have that kind of effect on me so I guess that means Snips "wins" this one.

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No Flim Flam? Chrysalis? Pinkie Pie?

Some people hate pinkie pie with passion, you know


I'll pick Snips this time. He was too damn gullible for his own good, and you can't really say that face of his was handsome.

  • Brohoof 1


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Good luck making that dog hunt, that's all I can say.


I started off picking Diamond Tiara but eventually changed it to Snips. DT is a bitch, but on very rare occasions she can be at least superficially cute. On the other hand, I have never gotten any enjoyment out of looking at Snips' ugly mug, and he doesn't have a likable personality to make up for it either. Whenever someone brings up Snips I have a hard time not launching into a rant about how much he sucks. DT doesn't really have that kind of effect on me so I guess that means Snips "wins" this one.


meh, i can see diamond tiara growing up to be at least a better pony in the future. snips on the other hand is just gonna be stupid his whole life



No Flim Flam? Chrysalis? Pinkie Pie?

Some people hate pinkie pie with passion, you know


I'll pick Snips this time. He was too damn gullible for his own good, and you can't really say that face of his was handsome.



Edited by Scootabloom
  • Brohoof 7
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Gilda hands down, although Snips got high consideration. I don't know how anyone could hate Apple Bloom, her spot in the first episode was heart-exploding adorable.

  • Brohoof 5


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Gilda hands down, although Snips got high consideration. I don't know how anyone could hate Apple Bloom, her spot in the first episode was heart-exploding adorable.


the reason i didnt do gilda is because i found her and dash singing the junior speedsters song fairly enjoyable lol. i can see how people can hate applebloom, she can be annoying at times, but i still love her :huh:

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I do kinda hate Flim and Flam. I didn't at first, but then they took away the Apple family's home in the bet. That part wasn't unforgivable since the Apples DID willingly make the bet, but laughing in their faces about it was totally unnecessary, especially with Apple Bloom right there.

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I do kinda hate Flim and Flam. I didn't at first, but then they took away the Apple family's home in the bet. That part wasn't unforgivable since the Apples DID willingly make the bet, but laughing in their faces about it was totally unnecessary, especially with Apple Bloom right there.


forgot about that, and i have to agree. seeing apple bloom's face when they were saying that made me want to go pinkamena on them.

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Diamond Tiara is probably my least favorite. She is a stuck up brat and goes around making fun of others that she feels are inferior to her, that is about it.

Edited by Scatterbolt
  • Brohoof 2
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I don't hate snips, I just find his voice slightly annoying, but I kinda like snails.



Snips and snails have more personality than many other ponys in the show, I personally find them interesting.


And why would you put spike as an option? Spike is downright awesome!

Edited by That Colt
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Huh? What's this? Where is Rainbow Dash?


I guess I will just have to go with the ones in the poll then.


I will go with Trixie. I don't really have anything againts her, but I'm sick and tired of seeing her being spammed in EqD over and over.

  • Brohoof 2
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