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I Forgot I Was There
Description: "When Twilight receives one of the original journals of Starswirl the Bearded from Princess Luna, she can't wait to try the spells inside it, but the book's magic turns out to be a bit more than Twilight can handle, as her reckless experimentation leads to her accidentally bringing her reflection to life. At first, Twilight decides she quite likes the idea of having a copy around the library. But seeing herself from an outside perspective makes Twilight realize there are some parts of her personality she doesn't care for, forcing her to confront her issues."
Thoughts: Depth. This story has it.

The Daily Show with Ponies
Description: "In an effort to appeal to a wider range of audiences, we here at The Daily Show have decided to undertake a bold new approach to interviewing. We went beyond our own world and decided to send invitations to appear on our show to a far away land known as Equestria. Each story (Or interview) will be uploaded individually each depicting a new MLP character being interviewed. We're calling it: Equestrian Interviews. If this doesn't help launch us to #1 on the ratings nothing will!"
Thoughts: If the first interview with Spike doesn't impress you, don't stop reading as it improves rapidly. Altogether, this story works because it's not just interviews, there's a continuous story. By far, the best thing about it is Trixie and the chemistry she and Jon share. Trixie doesn't make an appearance until later chapters but once she does what was already an enjoyable tale takes off. She's a sympathetic and compelling character. Apart from her the story is also notable for taking characters who one would think would make for dull interviews like Ms. Cheerilee and Mayor Mare and making them as entertaining as the rest. How each character, including Jon, is presented is spot on. If you enjoy The Daily Show check this out.

Edited by ByTheTides
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I have some.

First I'd like to recommend Trinary's Dashverse, it is a series of fics exploring the question of what would have happened if Rainbow Dash were Celestia's student instead of Twilight. They are entertaining and well written. Right now there are three, chronologically Rainbooms and Royalty comes first, followed by May the Best Friends Win, and then Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel. A must for any Dash fan and extremely good even if you aren't.




I agree entirely. Rainbooms and Royalty is particularly well made - it's near enough incredible as makes no difference. May the Best Friends Win is not quite as great, but maintains the very strong characterization. On a separate note, Derpy (Ditzy Doo as she's called in these), plays a very large role, clearly not among the Mane 6, but she appears in many scenes and is given an interesting take which doesn't contradict the canon, but manages to greatly deepen the character.

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree entirely. Rainbooms and Royalty is particularly well made - it's near enough incredible as makes no difference. May the Best Friends Win is not quite as great, but maintains the very strong characterization. On a separate note, Derpy (Ditzy Doo as she's called in these), plays a very large role, clearly not among the Mane 6, but she appears in many scenes and is given an interesting take which doesn't contradict the canon, but manages to greatly deepen the character.

Glad that I'm not the only one who read these :). I agree on Ditzy as well, I didn't much care for her before I read Rainbooms and Royalty and it helped establish a personality for her that I could latch on to. Incidentally, have you been reading the latest story?

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i read my little dashie 2 days ago


i'm 31 years old and it make me cry like a little girl


it make you tear in a way you feel you soul become cleaner


i hear lots about it and how sad of story it is, and lit me say it lot better thin what i was thinking


after all it is one of the most beloved fanfic in the fandom

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My Little Dashie.... need i say more? the character design was amazing on the father ( i believe his name is brian in the sequels) the story will chang your life... it changed mine. (or in other words it made me cry)  

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Whatever happened to that shoe from Roger Rabbit?



A very fun read. It's a bit short, but the ending simply knocks you off from the chair :lol:


Let my ponies go



Do you like Tyrantlestia? Do you like the implied petrification? Or maybe you just want to see ponies in pain? Read this fic :P


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I think the first FiMfic I read was "Cupcakes" (why, oh why did that have to be the first one I read?), then I later read "My Little Dashie", which got me to watch the show. So yeah, MLD holds a special place in my memory, that and "In Another Land", the first HiE fic I read. That was an awesome story and convinced me to try my hand and writing an FiMfic too.

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Absolutely one of my favorite fan fics is the All good things And its sequels. Definitely worth reading if your into Grim Dark fics (Not super gory stories as that is NOT grim dark) It's got an excellent story line and excellent character designs. Honestly on my top 3 for best fics (that I have read) ever

Edited by Mellow
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My OCs: Mellow Genny Techmo

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There is a really cool fic called 'Broken Spirit' that I read. It's about Discord and Fluttershy (mainly). Not exactly a ship fic, but could be seen as one, especially near the end. I really loved it! One of my favs at the moment.


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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Ultimately my top fanfictions are the original Fallout: Equestria and the subsequent 4 most popular spin-offs after that:


-Project Horizions

-Pink Eyes


-Murky Number Seven


In combination with each other they've been the best fanfictions I've read, despite them being over 3.5 million words combined and mostly very grimdark...


Other favorites of mine that are much smaller in size.  

-Why Am I Pinkie Pie?

-Arrow 18 Mission Logs

-My Little Dashie

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Retired to Equestria
Description: "Retiring isn't always easy. Especially when your job title is Evil Overlord. Most of the time retirement from that particular position comes on the sharp end of an opportunistic hero's sword. But Damien didn't survive the past six centuries by playing by the rules. His retirement plans involve running. Running from his country, his continent, and his very universe to escape Fate's long reach. And what better place to run to in an attempt to live peacefully than the utopian land of Equestria?"
Thoughts: Don't let the painfully bad title image fool you; this is a highly competent story. Damien is a superb character who manages to sell his villainous nature without actually being villainous (anymore). The story walks the line between demonstrating this guy was the evil overlord the story claims him to have been and making sure he's likeable as a protagonist remarkably well. He's a force of personality and never fails to entertain. Next character is Gilda who has a highly satisfying arc about trying to regain Dash's friendship and who is also a compelling character, all while remaining true to her personality as seen in Griffon the Brush Off. As for the main six AJ and Fluttershy are very sparse in the story but are handled well when they're around, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are somewhat more prevalent and are also handled quite well, Pinkie Pie is handled exceptionally well... with one caveat. In this version Pinkie really was trying to break off Dash's and Gilda's friendship. It works well for the story but is directly opposed to canon. Other than that Pinkie has some major charm here, she stands out as the best written of the main six. Finally, the weak point, Twilight- if any of the main six are out of character it's her, mostly because of her response to Damien. Even when Damien outright admits he's killed people Twilight just asks to herself "but is he dangerous?" Gah! Still, her writing isn't that big a flaw given her small role in the story. Altogether, the main strength of this story is the relationships Damien forms. He forms strong bonds with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Luna, Zecora, and even the CMC. About the CMC, I love that they're portrayed almost like a natural disaster, Crusader Disasters being feared throughout Ponyville. Yet their portrayal remains affectionate which jibes with how I enjoy them in the show. I especially love that Damien seems to find them charming in the same way I do. They’re not so prevalent in the story though. So... yeah, check this one out.


Edit: This story is dead. Don't waste your time. 

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Mystery Pinkie Pie Theater 3000 by RatherHomely

if you know what is MST3K you must read these

MST3K is a Tv show from the 90's about a guy in space prison and to go out he must watch bad movies 


here the author with the help of 2 other ponies must read bad Fanfictions like (Cupcakes and rainbow factory and past sins <_< wat)

AKA it comedy gold


The Sisters Doo by Ponky


Daring Do and derpy DOO are sisters

great story about sisterhood and Adventure


My Little Pet Dashie by RapeTrain-Express (18+)

:( these is BAD BAD fiction in all way

but it kind of fun

:angry: i bad person for likeing these

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Finally got around to reading this one fanfic I had been putting off for some time and now I'm mad at myself for not reading it sooner. ;)


How We Met by Rated PonyStar on fimfiction.net. Give it a read. --> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/13022/how-we-met


I love it. Probably my new favorite fanfic. It combines a great story and plot with amazing writing and it doesn't hurt that it's my fav ship. Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash! ;)


It didn't make me cry like a few of the last ones I read, but I did get misty eyes. ;)

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Finally got around to reading this one fanfic I had been putting off for some time and now I'm mad at myself for not reading it sooner. ;)


How We Met by Rated PonyStar on fimfiction.net. Give it a read. --> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/13022/how-we-met


I love it. Probably my new favorite fanfic. It combines a great story and plot with amazing writing and it doesn't hurt that it's my fav ship. Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash! ;)


It didn't make me cry like a few of the last ones I read, but I did get misty eyes. ;)

If you're a Flutterdash fan then you have to read Magnetism by Souldin



It's absolutely fantastic. Even if Flutterdash isn't my favorite pairing I gained so much appreciation for it after that story. Truly phenomenal.

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I have no idea if these have been given out yet (too lazy to go through 24 pages) so I'll just list some Sparity fanfics I enjoy.


The Eternal Gift


On Pins and Needles


A Hearths Warming Romance


How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps


EDIT: I've decided to include a few more on here, they aren't complete, but they are pretty good so far


The Wonders of Time 


The Challenges of being a Dragon (Sparity and Flutterspike)


Love Anchor


Dawning Reality ( basically a Spike x mane 6 ship)


This has been your friendly neighbourhood Spider- I mean Sparityman, hoping you enjoy the stories I list! Gods speed citizens.

Edited by Lando

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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(I think I posted here already but whatever)


It depends on what you're in to.


If you like shipping, I recommend Caramel's Light, a TwilightXCaramek fic, and "Flying High, Falling Hard", a TwiDash fic.


If you like adventure fics, I recommend "Of Steam Gears and Wings", a story in a steampunk set future with Blueblood as an emperor. I also recommend "The Stranger and her Friend", a very well done Celestia origin fic.


If you're into sad fics, I recommend "Somewhere Only We Know." I won't even tell you about this one, because I don't want to lessen it's impact. If it doesn't make you "sad", per se, it will leave a long lasting, emotional impact.

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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"Anthropology" is probably my favorite, it's a must read for anyone who enjoys a little Lyra. Also check out "Of Steam Gears and Wings" if your into steampunk/adventure stuff. Other than that "Fallout Equestria", "Project Horizons", and "Pink Eyes" are all fun. "Past Sins" is amazing. There are probably lots more that I've liked that I can't remember, I'll get back to you on those.

Edited by thesteampunkninja
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Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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The Elements of Gaming. Everything about it worked spectacularly. It was superbly humorous, perfectly written, kept everypony true to their character and got the whole "human technology in Equestria" aspect spot-on. Who needs soppy sad stories or brutal grimdarks to make an "impact"? Just go for a laugh, I say! Elements of Gaming is my favourite fan fiction by a mile.

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Why am I Pinkie Pie?!
Description: "Okay, I don't know if anyone can hear this, or read this, or whatever, but I'm trying my best to use Pinkie Pie's legendary fourth-wall-breaking powers to try and get a message out. If you can hear this, I need help. I'm in Equestria, and man, this is strange. But I'm also stuck in Pinkie Pie's body, for some reason. Yes, it's just as weird as it sounds. And now, I need your help... because all the ponies in this town think I'm crazy!"
Thoughts: Comedy Gold

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I haven't read many but so far.... I loved Mothers Day, My little Dashie, the Rainbow Factory.....

I've only ever read the short stories because I don't really have time to read the others... Ascend was good, too. 

For shipping, I'm pretty sure I've only ever read two that I liked- How to Woo your lady in nine easy steps (Spike x Rarity) and An Innocent Game (Rainbow Dash x Twilight) And no, that last one wasn't a clopfic! It was just freakin adorable...  :P


~Sig by Kyoshi. ;)

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