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I haven't read too many fimfics but from the ones I have read, I liked "Your's Truly" because I like sad stories. And I didn't know what grimdark was but I looked up a list of grimdark fimfics and read one called "Life is Beautiful" It was sad. And depressing, but the ending was great.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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The Monster Below



"One of Equestria's greatest traits is tolerance.  Every pony, whether Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth, is accepted for who they are, and have their own parts to play in keeping Equestria running.

But what if an Earth pony decided he didn't want to play his assigned part?  What if he wanted to rise above everyone else, and become an Alicorn?  Such a thing is possible...but the path to fulfilling one's dreams is never simple.  Risks must be taken.  Sacrifices must be made.  And the question is always asked: How far would you go to get what you wanted?  And would you be willing to pay a terrible price to get it?"


This is one of the very few fanfics that can actually gets you to think about the horrible implications behind the protagonist's actions. Read it. If you have some free time, read it you must.


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Here are my favorite fan fictions so far. I haven't read the entirety of The Death of Princess Luna and Not All Who Wander Are Lost yet, because I got distracted. I listened to a reading of My Little Dashie instead of reading it myself.

Edited by SCS



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The Irony of Applejack


"For most of Applejack's life, she didn't know what she was. True, she understood who she was well enough.

But ponies don't change shapes, nor do they get strength from love.

Applejack never thought too hard on it... until the events of a certain wedding brought about some harsh realizations.

Now, with Equestria still reeling from the surprise attack, will Applejack manage to keep her secret safe?

For if the royal guards don't get her first, the conspirators in the shadows just might..."

Thoughts: Boasting brisk pacing, the occasional funny line, and an emotionally rooted plot it's quickly proven a success over at FiM Fanfic, success it certainly deserves.


Edit: I kinda thought this story went downhill later on. The praises I gave it above applied only to the first four or so chapters that were out when I submitted this comment. After the backstory finishes up the next four chapters are damned boring (the later two of which I only skimmed), comprising of little but one drawn out, dry action scene after another. After that the story never captured me enough again to recover. But, then again, I'm pretty far in the minority on this so perhaps you should go with my original recommendation and ignore this later addendum. 

Edited by ByTheTides
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All the fanfics I've written duh!(Just a joke don't kill me.) But seriously, the story "How every shipfic would actually happen."(Edit:Forgot to write the author because I am a dumb. It was written by TheOnly, and here is a link.  http://www.fimfiction.net/story/26061/how-every-shipfic-would-actually-happen)  was the first one I favorited, so probably that.

Edited by Brosparkles



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Who We Are

Description: "A letter from Celestia interrupts one of Pinkie's parties with disturbing news. Now friendships will be pushed to the limit as Twilight struggles to uncover which of her friends is not who, or even what, she appears to be."

Thoughts: Be prepared for one tease of an ending. That's my only complaint though, this story lives up to it's potential quite nicely. If the idea of a member of the main six secretly being a changeling appeals to you, check this out.

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Just read "To Love a Goddess" by Brony2893 and I gotta say, it was a fantastic fanfic.  One of the classiest ship fics I've ever read (not that you can really call it a ship, but I don't want to give away too much, so you'll just have to read it yourself everypony to see what I mean).  Definitely check it out if you get the chance! 




"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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The Immortal Game

Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there lived a powerful King and his dark Queen. Immortal and ignorant, their end came at the hooves of their daughters, Celestia and Luna, who sought to build a better future for ponykind.

Now ponykind’s old gods have returned.


Can't remember if it was Fallout Equestria or this that changed my opinion on Dark fanfics, but either way this is still a wonderfully written story. Originally written under the title of "Ponies Make War" and finally complete at almost 300,000 words, I recommend giving this a shot if your a fan of dark fiction or even if you just want something involving ponies being awesome in the face of full out war against an immortal god.  

Edited by PoisonClaw

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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So far I've read "My Little Dashie", "Pinkie Pie Watches Pain Dry", "Luna, There's a Sentient Race Inside Your Mane", and "But the Kitchen Sink". Dose any pony know of some good fics that are similar to these? 


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Ok, so I read through like 10 pages of this thread looking for new fics to read.  I love romance/shipping fics similar to Allegrezza, Flying High, Falling Hard, University Days, so if anyone has recommendations, let me know!   I especially loved Green.  


Clop is fine with me, as long as there is a story... Romance Reports was wonderful.  The two page fictions of only graphic descriptions of sex just don't interest me.  Grimdark sex or rape in a fic isn't for me either.  I learned that when I read Cadence's Present.   Ugh... just not right.  


After everyone here posted about their fave fic being Cupcakes, I read it last night.  My reaction:   WTF?!?!??  Why does everyone love that fic????  OMG I am scarred.  Like I literally cringed and could barely get through it.... even though it's like 4 pages total (somehow I was expecting something longer from this thread).  Makes that one about Chrysalis getting raped look like flowers and sunshine.  Geez.  NO MORE GRIMDARK FOR ME.  Why was I so curious?  Why did I have to google Cupcakes?  What has been seen can not be unseen.  :(

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Ok, so I read through like 10 pages of this thread looking for new fics to read.  I love romance/shipping fics similar to Allegrezza, Flying High, Falling Hard, University Days, so if anyone has recommendations, let me know!   I especially loved Green.  


Clop is fine with me, as long as there is a story... Romance Reports was wonderful.  The two page fictions of only graphic descriptions of sex just don't interest me.  Grimdark sex or rape in a fic isn't for me either.  I learned that when I read Cadence's Present.   Ugh... just not right.  


After everyone here posted about their fave fic being Cupcakes, I read it last night.  My reaction:   WTF?!?!??  Why does everyone love that fic????  OMG I am scarred.  Like I literally cringed and could barely get through it.... even though it's like 4 pages total (somehow I was expecting something longer from this thread).  Makes that one about Chrysalis getting raped look like flowers and sunshine.  Geez.  NO MORE GRIMDARK FOR ME.  Why was I so curious?  Why did I have to google Cupcakes?  What has been seen can not be unseen.  :(

 I also read Cupcakes and was horrified, i made it all the way to the gutting and had to take a breather to swallow the vomit in the back of my throat. Whoever wrote it is clearly a sicko.

 Most of the time I don't mind shipping, but since most of the characters are female it's not really my cup of tea. I also hate clop fics i just don't like the idea of defiling a children's show with adult content.

 "But the Kitchen Sink" is a great fic, it successfully crosses into the adult world and introduces a little more "grown up" humor without stooping to the level of dime-store smut.

Edited by firesoxs


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I am in the middle of a Wonderbolt fanfiction. It's called Fire and Water by Ruirik. It's really good so far!!! Spitfire breaks her wing and is grounded for 3-4 weeks. And yeah, I hate Grimdark. I don't know what I was thinking.... I read Rainbow Factory, Cheerilee's Garden, Cupcakes, AND Rocket to Insanity. IN THE SAME NIGHT!!

Edited by SingSongThePegasus
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There's a great one called What Mommies Do by SanityLost, which is all about Rainbow Dash's supposed fillyhood, and about all the things she does that make her mother mad.


Another great Dash fic is Rainbow Dash: Alpha Mare - it's comedy gold. There is a sex scene in it though.


Two interesting fics involving the writer's OCs are Cerulean - Tears in the Snow (OC Cerulean shipped with Twilight Sparkle), and The Risks of Braving a Storm (OC Storm shipped with Rainbow Dash). I believe others have been written in the series, which I've yet to read. Cerulean and Storm are both great characters, especially Cerulean.

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hm well the only fanfic i know is cupcakes its kinda disgusting but strangely good in fact it was so good that i even made a revenge about it on youtube its called cupcakes the revenge

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I've read and liked a lot so I'd just leave some of my recommendations


Past Sins

Through the Eyes of Another Pony

F:oE Pink Eyes

F:oE Heroes

(and the main story of course)

The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments


All-American Girl

It Takes a Village

Our First Steps

Crossed Paths

Justice Itself

Blue Angel

Why Am I Pinkie Pie?

My Little Denarians

Project Sunflower

Do you believe in Ghosts?

Heroes and Allies

Friend of the Night

Tonight I shall be Laughter.

Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger

Ambassador's Son



And I got carried away xp. That's more than enough recommendations from me.

Edited by clonezero
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The only fanfics I've read are My Little Dashie and Some other Sad fic about Fluttershy.


I really haven't read much of any fanfics, and even though I know about Rainbow factory and Cupcakes, i've never read em. just watched flimflamfilosphy's dash commentary thing on them. Which is more humorous then horror really. Not really into horror anyways.


Strangely enough I enjoyed reading My little dashie and the other sad fic I forget the same of, I almost feel kinda sadistic in a way for it, but idk :P.


I think i'll start reading some fanfics though maybe. If I get the time.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Fallout: Equestria, and Of War and Friendship.


I love epic fics, fics that immerse you into their universe. I'm also currently reading Upheaval: Breaking Point, and it's pretty good so far. Though, that might be because it reminds me so much of Dragon Age: Origins.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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If it's not so minded, I'd like to ask for some personalized recommendations. Here's a list of things I'm looking for:


(Examples included so you know what I've already read or know of)


1) A member of the main six turns out to be a changeling

Examples: Forever a Changeling, Who We Are, The Irony of Applejack, Mirror Image, Three Sisters, Winds of Change


2) A Doctor Who crossover

Examples: My Little Timelord, The Doctor Dances, Timelords and Terror


3) Pretty much anything Rule 63

Examples: The 63rd Rune, On a Cross and Arrow


4) Body swap stories


5) I'm actually quite receptive to brony in Equestria stories. I hear most of them suck but if you know any good ones I'd like to check them out.

Examples: Why am I Pinkie Pie?!, A New, Different, Better Life, WD: The HiE Experiment, Project Peacemaker


6) A story where one character is hiding some kind of secret

Examples: Dance of the Rainbow, Project Sunflower


7) Stories dealing with gender identity

Examples: Dash's Secret, Fluttershy the Transcolt, The Regalia


8) A Halo crossover


9) Stories which use awkward situations for comedy

Example: "And Then Rainbow Dash Was A Colt," And Ten Other Really Awkward Stories


10) Something with a really bizarre yet intriguing premise.


All recommendations appreciated, thank you.

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I remember a thread like this. I was looking for something short to read because I was bored, and I stumbled upon a jewel of a story. Fallout: Equestria. Now its not actually a short story (around 607 thousand words) which wasn't what I was looking for but it is amazing. Also Love. Sick which I found funny. (I read both of these on ponyfictionarchive.com though, not Equestria Daily or FiMfiction.) Also that period is supposed to be there after love.


I just thought to put this in Fo:E Ear Never Changes. Of course MLD too.


And Cupcakes which I, for a reason that makes me question if I'm sadistic or not, found quite amusing.


Jayzus I should remember all the fics I've read. Anyway third edit. But the Kitchen Sink (or something like that) is a WTF fic. I just cracked up at the end though. Just happy ending then next thing you know BAM You have Tetanus.

Edited by Dashie is best pony

Psh. Signatures are for noobs, and people who are too lazy to get one.



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I would suggest anything by Ponky. He just is a great writer, enough said. He is descriptive,comedic and adventurous woth his fanfics. I will definately admit that his fanfics have influenced me greatly.



1. The Sisters Doo

2.Behind The Looking Glass and What Pinkie Found There.


read the second one after the first because its a side story.


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I just finished reading Fallout: Equestria (so,so good!) and I was wondering if there are other fan fictions similar to that one. :)

Millenium Wake - This is possibly my favorite MLP fanfiction that I have read thus far. It isn't actually a Fallout crossover, but it's very similar and is an incredible story.


Diamond of the Capital Wasteland - Excellent PoE/Fallout crossover staring Rarity. Unfortunately it will never be completed, but it's still pretty awesome.


Loyalty's Vengeance - Kind of depressing post-apocalyptic story, a lot like FoE. Highly recommended.


Steam Gears and Wings - Not really post-apocalyptic, but still very interesting and set in the industrial future of Equestria.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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