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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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Okay. Used a creator and have some options.


Operata Symphonia. AKA: The mad tenor.

He's a hero... Technically. He does wander the lands, doing good. Yet he is barely above tolerated by most countries, as he have a tendency to inflict an almost overzealous degree of damage to his opponents, if they are being too difficult. And as for those he does handle, he sometimes takes them away, and they're rarely seen again. He is currently under varied degrees of investigation for ten unsolves kidnappings, with the only reason for him being free, being that his victims were the sort that no one cared went missing. It is likely he have more kidnappings that that to his name, that is just not known about.

He doesn't take them away to do something horrendous though. He works for an organisation that have interest in picking up things that should not be in circulation, and ensure they go places where they can be kept safely out of the hooves of the public. He doesn't personally much care for their goal, beyond thinking it best these things does not vause havoc, but working for them does allow him some freedoms that he greatly enjoys.

Symphonia have a rather narcissistic side, and enjoys putting on a show when he fights. As well as doing so in populared areas for more of an audience. And as for how he fights? Primarily through spells manifested via sound, used to empower his pets to do the heavy lifting. That being the cats. I have yet to think of names for them, but they are very dear to him, and are in essence, his weapons, as he stands back and focused more on empowerment, and illusions. If you can get close, he's weak up front.

If Magnolia eventually looks towards redemption, he'd help her, as he have done with the others whom he kidnapped, but might take a more personal interest in things, and stand for her rehabilitation himself. He's a good enough stallion underneath his uhm... Everything, but you gotta dig for a while. :)


Zeehva Millefleur. Aka: The weeping widow.

A lot of different beings have their reasons to be heroes. In the case of Zeehva, it came down to a horrible attack on herself, and her husband, several years ago. He were a heroic zebra, that helped a lot, but it came back to haunt him, when their home were attacked. Zeehva were dragged out of the ruins, as the sole survivor of the mysterious attack, and were it not for the zebras concoctions being as effective as they were, she'd likely wouldn't have survived either.

When she eventually woke up, several days later, the authorities had already finished their work, and found no tangible evidence of who had done this to them.

With no home, and no answers, Zeehva would stay to tend to her husbands funeral, and then take off to find the answers herself.

She found one who have shown to have knowledge of several things the authorities did not, yet she have to earn her answers. Her *Employee* have a vested interest in Magnolia, and have said that if Zeehva can bring her in, she'll get a name. It gives her incentive to do this, as she have done several other odd jobs for the past few years now.

The jobs have helped others, but she still doesn't have her heart fully in this. She's too focused on getting answers who killed her husband, as well as scarred her for life. Maybe when she does have her answers, she will be able to move on, and understand that she is making life better for a lot of others, and find some purpose in that.

Her way of fighting involves no weapons, but full on magic and elixirs. A speciality of hers, is to mix varied latent magic residue into a concoction that can be hard to predict, when it comes to the effect. The flasks she uses are just regular glass ones, and she carries 4 with her. Take those, and it messes somewhat with her potential.


And mostly because the option have now come to the creator I use, and I was doodling with it already: Here is a mummy doe, recently awakened and unsure about the world, but very friendly. The sort who seeks friends and a little more, if possible. A little undeath is surely nothing but a minor inconvenience. Nothing that can really come in the way of things, right? Maybe going around and helping others will make them open up to their presence, and their sort of life can go on.

Anyway, those are what I have come up with the last few hours. Lemme know if you like any of them. :) Including the last one. I'll find a use for those you do not pick eventually. ^_^

P.S. Keep in mind that all of this is off the top of my head, at night. I have little issue adjusting things, as need be.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom

I find Zeehava very interesting. She seems like he can be Magnolia's main 'rival' and interest in defeating. Magnolia isn't one to show her voice in battles generally. When in fights she doesn't speak at all and puts all of her thought and energy towards her attacks. Mostly using overwhelming spells such as summons, and that of the nature. For physical battles I imagine she has a blade or something of the sort and has trained herself as to how to fight with such a blade, that she stole from some other fallen hero of the past. She fights extremely brutally and spares no pain or injury in her battles. She fights to win, at all costs.

As for Magnolia's past, I don't know yet. I imagine it has to do with something being stolen from her or her being overshadowed / mistreated by others and wanting to prove herself to them. She was never one to make friends and never will be, really. Even if she is 'reformed' you wouldn't find her being all cute and huggable. She is extremely hard headed in what she believes and wants to become an alicorn to vanquish all the evils of the land. Under her rule, there would be no evils in the land and there would be justice for all, but at a cost of extreme servitude and living under her harsh and manipulative rules and structure. 

Magnolia's way of fighting will involve lots of geo-manipulation (rocks, stones, etc), elemental magic (Fire, Air, Wind, Water), and Dark and more cryptic magic and spells. She is very corrupted by her powerful magic and the Amulet she wears that feeds her ego and self-delusions. In battles she often combines these to form various deadly attacks and maneuvers, so watch out. You can probably use them all at some point in their interactions. Although if you have any others, I'll be very happy to take a look.

What creator did you use? I would like to make Magnolia in that creator since it looks pretty high quality! 

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Free mobile app, called Avatar Maker: Fantasy Pony. It's pretty good, frankly. :) Made all kinds via that program.

I'll mull over Zeehva some more then, and bring up more details, once I have thought further on them. Though be advised: Using varied magic like you describe, is ammo for her. :) Magnolia may want to be somewhat cautious, though I could see the two eventaully being able to see eye to eye. In the end, what Magnolia want, is what Zeehva wished had happened before: A world where no evil, would rip a family apart 

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@Blitz Boom

I'll have to check it out!

And yes, that would be an interesting relationship to explore. The 2 worst of rivals eventually become...best friends? Something like that maybe. Magnolia won't be doing pure energy blasts and such of that nature, she doesn't do lasers as she is smart enough to realize that can be used against her. I find this idea very interesting and I look forward to more.

I made Magnolia here. Her cutie mark isn't shown, though. You can see all the dark magic, her corrupted eyes.


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@Blitz Boom, @Widdershins

I'm going to be honest. I wanted to take a break because I was burning out on the RP along with being busy with school. Now that school's finished and I'm in a better mindset, I have completely forgotten what our characters were doing. Can either of you fill me in?

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Wauh that's a lot of folks. :o Gonna try a d reply to all, but keep in mind, still a week until I am at a PC, so spelling and length won't be perfect. As won't certain tracking of old posts. :)




Nicely done. :) A great creator, is it not? And yes, the other chars might pop in eventually, depending on how things goes. Or they get used elsewhere. A place for everything, eventually.

And you don't need to fire off energy blasts to leave magic around. Residual magic happens when magic is used, though the strength of said spell, determines how much residue, and for how long. It's generally not important, and just dampers off, as if you dropped some water here and there, but it can be used by the right sort, if taken in time.




Page 409, roughly halfway down. :) Found where you last posted there, via your profile. It shows near the bottom, the last few things you posted in. :)



@Windy Breeze

Looks like a happy, sunny pony. Nice. :)




It helps that there is no overarching plot here. It's a lot of varied plots, happening all around, in the same timeline. We've had a few thread-wide things happen, but overall, it is a casual thread, where I focus on supporting a story around the characters people would like to join with, rather than trying to push it all into the same story. After 400+ pages, that'd be pretty much impossible. :)

To put it baseline: If you wished to join for example, we would talk what char you wished to join with, and then when cleared, try to see if perhaps you'd fit matched with someone else, into one of the ongoing ones happening (with the blessing of the other ones involved, of course), or if I just scrounge up a char, and at the very least start to deal with you myself in the RP, until such a time as there may be overlay with others. ^_^

I allow for most sorts of chars, including self made races and alicorns, long as one does not go overpowered, and in the case of new eaces, can argue for their place in the world. Very few I had to reject, over the years.

So, do you feel enticed to give it a bash? And noworries. If you are to try and fit in somewhere already going on, I will summarize what have happened in that area. :)



@Galaxical Phoenix

*tacklehugs Phoenix* Heyah! And welcome back. :)

My memory is horrid, so I don't remember right now, but I feel totally certain that anything you were involved in, can be reignited somehow. Or restarted. Eitger way, more than happy to have you back. :D

Could you maybe tell me a bit about your char? Might ring a few bells. :)

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Have you tried to make it work like all of us actually interacts and has 1 story?... Hahaha thatd be hard and fun and interesting.... A lot of rules would be implemented though.... And time...

Can i also try joining? Better way to learn is to join aswell right?


I guess "white light"  is my safest character to join...cuz he's a time/ dimension traveling earth pony who uses artifacts to use magix...

He travel to fix time and dimensions and what not...

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@Windy Breeze

I can start making a setup for it, once I get home, start of next year. Writing on the phone gets annoying for long posts. Maybe before, but we'll see where things lead. :)




I don't really want to make one story though. At this point, it would mean having to essentially throw out the entire RP, and story that some folks have worked on for years, for something that they might not want to be part of. I can't do that to folks.

Also, it'd require me to have some idea where everything is going, and I don't really. I have some things in the back of my head for leading certain things, but nothing major. Though there are some chars that spans most of the RP, to varying degrees. And it does al technically take place in the same timeline. Just that while some major thjngs happen in one place, far from there, is perhaps a pair going flower shopping, unaware of what is going on for others, far away. :)

and White Light sounds somewhat interesting. I do have some dimensional characters of my own that could be drawn on, and have had powerful magic here and there, which may have made the wall between worlds a little frayed, and in need of repair.

Can you tell me a bit more about him? Age, looks, and a teensie bit of backstory? His powers seems in check  if he have to rely on artifacts, so I worry less about that one. I'd just like to know the char a little, if possible. :) Unless it is the sort where itis best to learn through interaction. Some are like that.

And it sounds as if Windy have some interest in joining up, with the two mares set up, and Molotov...

I could imagine one if his experiments goinghaywire, and White Light zapping in out of nowhere, to stop the potential dimensional hole from expanding, and we then tookthibgs from there. Could lead them towards some of the other high conflict areas that have been up, and make a sort of overarching plot there then. :)

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I dunno. Spur of the moment mostly, when I start it. But hmm...

Probably trekking through the forest, following a trail of magic and steps, while she have some internal monologue. What you decide to do from there, is up to you. :) For all I know, Magnolia knows that she is being followed, and aims to get Zeehva's magic.

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@Blitz Boom

Perhaps she was going to Ponyville to capture some of the high level ponies there or ponies in general to make use of their magic, and that is when she senses that Zeehva is following her and prepares for a conflict. I imagine that she would be able to sense stuff like that.

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@Blitz Boom

[also hugs]


So I was roleplaying with my ponysona Eventide Melody, who at the time looked like this [cringes at old art]:


She and Cover Up ran into each other and proceeded to have an awkward conversation because they both look pretty weird by normal pony standards

I think the last time I posted in the IC thread was here (yes I went back and looked for it): https://mlpforums.com/topic/110191-casual-stroll/page/364/ 

I may or may not have gone back to where I was in this thread also and got all hyped over the roleplay again because PLOT POTENTIAL and stuff

Of course, by now her design has gone through a few changes and I have more OCs I might want to RP with sometime but that’s beside the point


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@Galaxical Phoenix

Ooooh. I remember that one! Man that's a while back by now. :) No need to cringe I'd say though. Still looks better than anything I'd ever be able to draw. ^_^

So, what's the plan? Making use of her again, with Cover-Up, or go for something else? And what design changes were you on about, if I may ask? Curious. :)

Right, and what plot potential caught your eye? Might be something we could work with.

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Been spending some time reading that, and uhm... I'm very, very confused, honestly. Seems rather disjointed, and I don't see anyone named White Light there, though I may have missed it. They also seem to want to destroy the dimensions, which seems like more or a villain thing? I'll make the setup for all here, but I'm gonna need a bit more context for this. Just a small summary, of their goal. Are they a team of dimension dealers of some sorts, and they take off to various rifts being caused, to shut them off, under the direction of a draqonequui? Again, just trying to understand, as it makes it easier to get what your char is about. :)

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