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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Discord? Me? Well, I think I could; at least I think so. Pretty sure we could be related, maybe he's my uncle even. Would be nice.





*Puts a claw to his chin thoughtfully* Well, maybe. There was that spat or two I had in that one dimension, oh but they had the most lovely cheeses! Well worth any minor mishaps, not even counting the deliciously chaotic creatures there... *Chuckles a bit, twirling a thick villainous mustache that hadn't been there but a moment ago.*

Edited by Shineling
  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:


Ah, I understand now. ^_^ Thank you for the informa- *gets cut off*

"Mine! And Cacora's plan sounds like fun. Gonna have to find her sometimes and see what she'd getting on with after a spell. Bet it could be fun. Or chaotic, but a bit of chaos is good too. Silly rules are just chains and restraints on fun most of the time.

Remember to send a postcard sometimes Cacora! Just mail it to *The empty bin, down Westwood* and it will pop right to me. Not even gonna need any stamps. I'll let you know ho I do with new friend who sounds like he's gonna be fun to mess around with.

I wonder what he'd do if I thought about blenders all the time... Hmmm...."

"Not going to be fun for me. I am called there and it seems nothing of the chaos sort are allowed. Sorry, but I feel this must be done alone." *Cacora shakes her head.*


Well now that she has said her piece, I can say mine. I only posted what I posted about discord because it fits and he wasn't mine to control. Besides, when the young Jelly gets home and Cacora leaves Anomaly with Twilight and Pinkie, I will then be backgrounding Cacora for a while and bringing in Silverwing, the oversized Breezie.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

    Army time? He just used ARMY TIME! Ugh! Regimented, structured time! That's like an oxymoron! A travesty! Ugh! Right in my aesthetics! I fully pity thee Anomnomnomoly! Having a creator with structure! Least my creator's mind has been rotted by tellyvision & the like to where his attention span is too short to focus on such things as Army Time!

    Don't make me intentionally draw one of your pictures malproportioned... How would that be any different from usual? Keyword "intentionally", curbing my creativity that is. You wouldn't dare! Besides, you haven't practiced in weeks anyway.   Oh ignore him.          *places a tall bucket on my head!* IGNORE ME!!!

Oh, n' thanks for the heads-up on that Blitzy! I'll make sure to be suuuper careful not to fiddle with the thingie that I now know will kill him. No reason for me to do that, nope, nope.

   ...How is it you're somehow better at sarcasm then I am?...


   I bring up Discord for good reason though. I somehow feel he's every bit the chaos he is Lord of. Too many chaos magic weilders around... and Daddy Discord may have to lay down the law and he does have seniority after all. (and yes, I call him that ever since that one Tombstone PMV with Screwball singing a duet with him. Absolutely awesome! And yes, should they meet, Widdy is going to call him Daddy whether or not they actually are related. If... if genetics is even a thing with them...) Draconequui being what they are, I somehow doubt they take well to sharing the limelight or having to rub proverbial elbows too close. Though if anything, to Discord, Widdershins would be like that one annoying, ne'erdowell nephew at the family reunion who corners you into telling him your life story. Point is... a narrative minefield if ever I saw one. Though I haven't read everything in here, somehow I doubt that this is the first time you've had draconequui factor in here!

   Lucky her, she actually has a brain! How come you didn't build me with any internal organs? Oh, you work fine without a brain... or worse?... I'm confusing myself again.

    Oh, and last word too! Pancakes are the best answer to everything! Liiiterally, eeeeverything! It's like having an endless supply of pillows! But that's a horse of a pinker color. There are many shticks, but this one is mine! A line I will not budge! I shall fight you to the death on this subject, my good lady-being-thing! Which is hilarious when you consider that neither of us can technically die! Cause that's where the fun starts!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

Are the Elements of Disharmony already present in Equestria? and if they are, do you know the whereabouts, or who currently has them? If they aren't already in Equestria, it'd be cool if you figured out a way to plant them in Equestria, so I wouldn't know, and neither would Warlock, which would be a fun little mystery for him/me.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Absolutely perfect. ^_^ Just a few bits of info you should know, and he's all yours.

First, using him a tiny bit more with EQ_Theta, but nothing major. He'll be on his way out of there shortly, but part of what went on there is some info you need. Mainly that the shadowy world he's currently in were one he visited by accident before he were turned to stone, and left with a servant. He haven't been there since, and just came looking for said servant, Omen. You can find more info on her and their story in her bios in the doc under my siggy. ^^

Second off (and you might need to read before this point) Omen have returned to him, after he had thought for millennia that she were dead. He hadn't counted on him forming her would also pass along a piece of his immortality to her (or he lied, but he did say this line. ^^ ), but regardless, she isn't in full service to him again yet. She haves things to do and made a deal with him that for the time being, she would only deliver messages and packages for him. I can imagine he will try and trick things more in his favor as time goes on, depending on his mood and how well his reforming is going. :P Your choice really.

Third off... Uhm... Cupcakes?

And fourth platter that matter, is that he can signal to her that he wants her there, through a tone that only she can hear, wherever she is in the Equine world. It doesn't go through if she is visiting home, but she can hear the tone otherwise, and what he say. I used a trumpet last time, but I can imagine you can think of more creative things. ^_^

That's it basically. Any more questions, just lemme know. Otherwise, I'm soon off to write in your possession of the lord of chaos himself to the front page of the OOC. :D




Roger that sparky. ^_^ Gonna be sad to see Cacora go for now, but hey, one over-sized breezie for some fun time is a good remedy. :D He's gonna get absolutely snuggled.




Actually, I didn't go with army time. I'm Danish, and here in Denmark we don't use PM and AM, we go with the 24 hour numbering. ^^

And I agree that Discord is the main gun when it comes to chaos, and he might want to cement that fact eventually, who knows? Though he will also be pestered to fix the buildings if he finally showed his lazy self, and Last knows he can do it. :P

Discord wouldn't just have to deal with her and the *annoying nephew* sort of lad that Widdershins is, he'd also have to deal with what I can best describe as a mixture between pure hatred and squealing fan-girl. Anomaly will have a complicated take on him. Though she's pretty easy to beat. I have her pegged down as one who likes to make things and try to make others happy, not intentionally fight if it can be helped. She'd cave in easily and/or think it was a game.

Also,. Daddy Discord? Good taste. ^^ Screwball is best Discord daughter.

"I didn't really get made with that much of a brain. The cultists couldn't find much of it after all that time they said, so they just took what they had, mixed it with some chewing gum and ground beef, and figured it was close enough. I think I ate it three days later? Can't really remember."

Dang it, I thought that I had finally been able to distract you for long enough to get a post in peace.

"Yeah yeah, whine whine whine. You monkey people really do complain a lot. Besides, it was just one flood, not hard to fix.

Now, I wanna talk about pancakes again, but I don't really wanna fight over this, so... Pumpkin pancake? Wrapped around some breezies perhaps?"

...You eat breezies?

"That's not important. New fruit pancakes are. Oh, and with ice cream. lot's and lots of delicious ice cream. Especially the one with gunpowder flavor and bits of rusty nails. Delicious.

Also you know, we can die. Or well, I could at least. I did get resurrected after all. Huh, wonder if that have anything to do with why my instincts tell me to eat Discord... Meh, not important. Old life over, new life full of creation and fun. And food fights! *throws a tomato at Widdershins*"




I don't think they are. I have seen some snippets of fanfics that included the disharmony ones, but usually with bearers already. If Warlock doesn't have his and was vanquished/trapped, likely the other bearers were as well, and the elements hidden. I can make up a few locations for the different ones as things goes along, but likely gonna be all over the map, to make it safer. Like, the dragons might have received one once upon a time, another could be buried inside the heart of a heavily warded statue in some sunken ruins, etc. Plenty of options I could work with.

I do have a question for you though: Would you like a traveling partner for that? I got some ideas when I had to use the presence inside Chow's head to explin why he did nothing when the gals were fighting Warlock, and I could go on more with this. Like it reaching slowly out to him, beckoning him to release it, so it could sow disharmony with him. I could imagine it being the suitable candidate for the Element of Treachery (Opposite of Loyalty) which would also make it a constant thing where Warlock would likely have to show his dominance and question how much he can trust this being to not stab him in the back.

It'd be easy enough to get him out really. Just need to ruin the mark on Chow's skull a bit, and it's free to take control again, and then likely jump to a new host. :) Kinda odd, but eh, figured I might as well run it by you.

Also, the Elements of Disharmony, should they be Greed (generosity), Treachery (loyalty), Cruelty (kindness), Lies (honesty), Misery (laughter) and... Okay, Magic one is hard, but potentially either Technology or Absorption? Not sure what the opposite if magic is beyond *plain*. Just suggestions anyway. Your idea, so your choice. :)



Post will be a day late all, sorry. I had most of it written down, and was about to go on, then my PC completely freezes, bundles down to a point where I need to restart, and the only thing of my post when I get back here is a tag... And that's it. So with five hours of work down the drain, I can't make it tonight anymore. :/


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

That idea intrigues me. Chow turning out to be that element, or the being inside him. Would be an interesting development. Likely involving him doing something to trick the group so he can get closer to Warlock to join him. As for the location of the elements, you're probably right, the other owners probably had theirs taken away too and stowed away and about magic, I'd assume it isn't the opposite, just the evil version. Like an Element of Dark Magic. Which could make Warlock the Element of Greed, and Dark Magic. Allowing Him to wield both at once, and we could also assume the Element of Dark Magic is also inside the Alicorn Amulet, If nobody has it already.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Trixie . @Blitz Boom

So this means Warlock has to meet up with Trixie's character to find it, oh and who is the character who has it, and where might they be located? Maybe Warlock could stumble across them, then I can have him convince your character to join him.

Which gives me, 3 out of 6 Elements of Disharmony. Chow, Warlock, and who ever Trixie's character is.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Trixie .

Well an interaction would most likely involve a battle, considering Warlock would be wanting it once he finds it. But that won't happen yet, but it will after Warlock gets the Element of Greed.

@Blitz Boom

Seems that all that needs to be accounted for are the other Elements of Disharmony, after that, I can't keep promises to if Warlock is going to hold back on leveling Ponyville.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:


You know, the first thing that pops in my head when looking at her name is a piano going


*Looks up from a Grand Piano... made out of many, smaller grand pianos.* That's odd, I could have sworn I just finished shaving the strings on this piano. *Appears next to it in a mechanic's outfit and pops the lid open* Let's just take a looksee under the hood here.. *Leans into the piano, throwing out many random things behind him* A cello, a poodle, Twilicane, and a-HA~! *Stands up, pulling a 20 foot ladder paw over claw out of the Piano* Here's the problem! *Tosses the ladder away, which lands a fair distance away balanced perfectly against a tree, scaring a nearby mole back into the ground.* Now then...




Ooo~ That sounded like an Electric guitar!


Exactly my dear Shine-a-day! A perfectly tuneless Piano! *Bows to the applause of a nearby crowd of Discords and one Pegasus* Thank you! Thank you! I'll be sure to perform again here soon! *Starts walking to a curtain nearby* You've been a lovely audience! Even if you're all lousy tippers... *Disappears behind the curtain*


...I changed my mind Blitz! Take him back! I'm crazy enough without all of this!!!



Kidding, of course. Chaos always keeps things a bit interesting. :P


Anyways, I'll definitely try and read back a bit and look over Omen's bio. :)


Oh please, why look at all of that, when you have me? *Poofs in seated on a high-backed comfy chair wearing fancy clothes and blowing into a bubble pipe.. and spinning* I'm great at telling stories!


Yeah, but you tend to embellish and tell with some serious self-bias.


Moi? Embellish? Bias? Why I'd never~... *Bursts out laughing before crunching down on the bubble pipe and making the chair disappear* I can't believe I managed to say that with a straight face *Wipes a stray tear of laughter and flicks it away, whereupon it immediately grows eyes and appears to roll away to parts unknown.* Aren't I just a laugh and ten thirteenths?

Edited by Shineling
  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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  *the tomato hits Widdershins's face and slowly gets absorbed into his head like a butter knife through poorly-made raw dough. He doesn't seem to take notice.*

   Ooh! Ooh! Somebeing's roleplaying the Great Discord! I must exasperate matters! I'm just your greatest fan, Discord! By which I mean I've heard only hearsay, and know absolutely nothing concrete and can only ramble incoherently! ...which isn't much different from usual.

  Oh, save it for the rp thread. Oh, like that much is ever going to hit the fan! The threads are already getting pretty muddled as it is...

   OOH! And that reminds me, Miss Predominately! And Blitzy McBoompants, of course. The answer is yes. You can totally eat Breezies. They're like slightly smaller, more insectoid gnomes. It helps that most of the smallest of species you come across tend to be so easily disrespectable. Every dimension has that one race you just can't help but fricassee with wild mushrooms! ...ooh, and maybe a nice bottle of Chicanti wine...

   I... weren't we getting a Breezie character in here? You're not... helping matters.

11 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

another could be buried inside the heart of a heavily warded statue in some sunken ruins,

  Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!  I have an OC for that!!!

   Pudding Tame, the Solid Gold Stallion!   Well... he's more of the soul of a stallion sucked into a protective, solid gold, 30-foot tall, guardian golem....

  It's.... uh... this whole Indiana-Jones-Esque adventure that went down with Daring Doo... the typical villain betrays hero, doesn't heed her warnings, suffers for his hubris...

   Uhh... I may have put too much thought into this... and yet, simultaneously not enough.

           Aaand now you all see where my Madcap Skills come from!

                                                                   ...may have to tone down his size.... wonder what's the smallest suitable Kaiju levels?

11 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Okay, Magic one is hard, but potentially either Technology or Absorption? Not sure what the opposite if magic is beyond *plain*. Just suggestions anyway.

   Well, for one, think there's a good amount of fanfics/youtube series that touch on the subject, but in my own view on the subject...

     I kind of see "Magic" being more like willpower. And yes, this does essentially make Twilight a Green Lantern. I feel she embodies it on more than just a "She good at it" level. Magic is about making your imagination, your feelings, what you will into reality. Sort of like putting your plans & dreams into action. I guess the opposite of that might be... sort of intentionally getting in the way of important change happening... like maybe Entropy or perhaps Ennui.

        Wait... if we're talking about the opposite of Twilight, who I likened to a Green Lantern, would that mean we're looking for a Yellow Lantern then? A.K.A a symbol of Fear then? Maybe fear is too played out a concept...                   ...The Element of Indecision? Doesn't sound all too intimidating...

    Have to say though, @Lloyd that that idea doesn't quite work. Dark Magic, Chaos Magic or indeed, even Anti-Magic still is technically magic. It's not quite far enough to be considered an opposite if that's the goal.  Hmm... didn't I see CreamedCorn make a video on this sometime?... I'll have to look that up.


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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When it comes to anti magic, I can see the pony who has it just absorbs power from those around him, for himself. Like Tirek. That kind of pony wouldn't know how to learn magic, just how to absorb it for themselves, which goes along with an Element of Greed. Either that or they cancel out the magic of those around him, like @Blitz Boom's Age old Characters, Null and Void, which I believe one of them can cancel out magic.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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    Yeah... but wouldn't taking magic also require magic? Thereby mitigating the spirit of keeping an antithesis? Like Deceit opposing Honesty giving the idea that the bearer is intentionally avoiding honesty. Uncontrolled, inherent magic still is magic. Like an Earth Pony's natural magics.

    Though, then again, one of those two characters you mentioned of Blitz Boom's (I forget which, but I remember reading) does seem to be a scaredy-pony that tries to avoid making things happen... thus also pertaining to my aforementioned concerns. That, and I also like the idea of an innocent mare getting roped into the schemes of a character who is intentionally evil. Though I haven't read up on this Warlock character of yours yet! I just like catching wind of a good story!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Will, my thoughts on the disharmonic form of magic are as follows. One, magic represents Leadership, a fact discovered during the ascension of twilight at the end of season three or four.

So, in fact, wouldn't a form of anti-leader or tragedy be the representation of Magic's Disharmony Version?

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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That reminds me of the headcanon that the Elements of Disharmony are not intended to be used together, but separately and become more powerful when they are. As they are disharmonic, and not meant to be used in harmony.

So if the opposite of the element of magic is anti leadership, it's meant to split the group up, and to make sure the band of Element of Disharmony bearers don't form, sort of a safeguard I'd guess. But in that case Warlock ends up with the Element of Greed, maybe the Alicorn amulet, causing a need for power in the bearer.

As to my theory on them, they force their representation onto the user, wear the element of Dishonesty and the user is dishonest, etc. Doesn't stop the bearer from having the traits before hand though.

@Blitz Boom What do you think of this idea?

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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While I would agree that disharmony would be that way, I would also like to add the prospective potential for this:


What if there was something equal to the EoH but also is stronger, we have seen these traits in some charas in cannon.


Example: Cadence. She represents love in all it holds. This includes the pure loves that I spoke of when introducing Cacora.

When one has truely be given the three pure loves, as Cadence has, and also shows a connection with the traits of the six Elements of Harmony, they gain an Element that is both an Equal and a stronger version of the elements there of.

I have four Elements that have, on top of, the six traits of the elements of harmony, an Element Classification all their own.


Hope: The Element of hope is derived solely on the never ending will of the one who best shows its trait. They inspire hope in the face of fear and uncertainty.


Dreams: The Element of Dreams is derived solely from the dreams of those who won't ever give up. They show that when one doesn't quit, dreams can come true.


Love: The purest form of friendship out there. This one is Love incarnate. Not only do they openly promote love, but will also protect and nurture it unyieldingly.

Balance: Sometimes called Tranquility. This one brings balance to itself. It is both Harmonic and Disharmonic. Its greatest potential is based on the nature of balance of the bearer. The more aligned the bearer is to their own balance the more powerful this Element becomes. It lives the very fine line between Harmony and Disharmony. It is the Only Element of its kind that can be both a benefit and a hindrance at the same time.


These four are one step up from the Elements. While able to be used alone, their greatest power comes from supporting the Elements in some way. If one of the six are indisposed of, any one of these Four can be substituted for the missing one. However, if all four are used with all 6, the combined power of the six is more than doubled in its effect.

However, when used alone the effectiveness of the four Elements' Harmonic Strike Ability is equal to half that of the base six.


What do ya think?

Also yes there is cannon charas we all know and love that can be wielders of these four.

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    There we go! Found that video I was thinking about on the subject!

Geez... that embedded in here pretty huge!

   Well, @Lloyd I would like to share the same sentiment as Blitz in wanting to somehow be involved in this too! Now, I don't know yet the story you're working on but from what I'm gathering here...

     The Elements of Disharmony don't work together, but they pretty much still are magical items that grant more power to the bearer, maybe not something as upfront as superpowers or enhance the corresponding trait in its subject. If your Warlock (right?) is going around trying to track them down by route of hunting down the descendants of the original wielders to find their whereabouts, an alternate route could be that they were once destroyed eons ago but can be recreated by forcibly drawing them out of the descendant of that line. On account of the elementbearer being linked to the element itself.

   Here's what I'm thinking...

   Your Warlock does some research on one of the descendant elementbearers & finds out much to his dismay that they died already leaving no heirs. Which would seemingly leave an apparent end to one of the elements. He goes to their last known whereabouts, a temple, to see if there wasn't something left behind, say bones, that he could use to recreate it.  When he gets there, he also inspects the massive golden statue guarding the temple and wakens my OC! Bam! You've got a hulking golem compatriot to act as the proverbial muscle to your mastermind! To note though, that I see him as antagonistic, but not too outright evil. A living wall, but not much of a threat as any agile adventurer could outmaneuver & dismantle.

      Not to try to wedge you out of your own idea of vying for Greed, but greed was sort of the basis for Pudding Tame. Though he is more prideful & can fit just as easily into deceit or dishonesty. If your character is the sort of avaricious villain type that'd use others to get to his own means then that can fit in well to the opposite of the Element of Kindness: The Element of Hatred.

   Which, if I may so interject, sounds totally Metal!

  Come to think of it, while Magic may tie together the Elements of Harmony, Disharmony's doesn't need to cooperate that well. Their leader could very well be just whomever brought them together or is the most threatening.

   Don't  yet have a page for Pudding Tame, but I'll get on that if I get a go ahead from you! Yeah... now that I think about it, maybe he fits more into Betrayal or Lies. (Wait, does deceit mean disloyalty or dishonesty?... Okay, just looked it up! I say: Element of Deceit for anti-honesty & the Element of Betrayal for anti-loyalty. Think I'll toss my vote in for the the Elementbearer of Betrayal. Quite ironic now that I think of it...)

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Maple Bat

Hey there, and welcome to the merry gathering. ^_^

Now to go through your char, she looks like a well thought out one, however, we do need to take a slioghtly different approach in this RP if you wish to join, as Discord and Fluttershy ain't even a pair here (yet...) though I like your char for the *Sometime in the future* sort of RP's. ^^

It's easy to make it fit here really. We'll just say that she were born of a vampire bat and some kind of chaos wielder, (or unknown father if it is easier to explain) and everything will fit in well to the point where I can give her an *approved* stamp. :)

Lemme know your thoughts on this, then we can move on. (And just to clarify, I don't mean you need to change your bios. Just saying that for the sake of this RP, we will think of it as a slightly edited version)



@Lloyd @Trixie . @Widdershins @Midnight_Aurora

Holy smokes Batman, that's a lot of constructive feedback going on from everypony here about the elements. Neat. ^^

Looking it over, I think we do go with the five opposites then, and then for the other spectrum of magic, then aim for perhaps forbidden magic? Twilight does a lot of different spells, but nothing evil like demonic, blood, ritual, and that sort of thing. Anti-magic could be seen as one of the forbidden ones too, as this world is pretty high on magic, and practicing something that could negate or disrupt it would be seen as dangerous.

No absorption like Tirek though. I like to think of that as his shtick, and with all the other things, I think being able to literally steal magic would be overkill.

The forbidden magic thing could also explain a few things, like why Warlock isn't dead, but was just imprisoned (Forbidden magic keeps him alive. Likely necromancy for my first guess) and would cement him as a pretty bad guy. This would also mean the previous holders beyond him isn't alive anymore though, but eh, can't keep hold of the old things all the time anyway. :)

I can also see how he would wear two elements. He is the holder of greed after all. What's more greedy than to steal and harness the most powerful other disharmony element? Well, taking all I suppose, but like @Lloyd said, it makes sense that the elements of disharmony is not meant to be used together all that much. If the infighting wouldn't get them, then the elements needing to be far apart to really get into power would. Warlock being greedy though, could want the others somewhat near, as even if he himself gets somewhat weaker, the users combined would surpass that, if he could make them do as he said. He seems like the leader type of a dysfunctional group only there for his own purpose in my eyes at least.

Now, on to the four extra elements mentioned. I don't really think that there is a need to add more elements already, as those were specifically meant to balance things in general, and whilst emotions like Love is important, it isn't as great on the big scale of things to become elements. Plus, those four would mean 10 elements of both harmony and disharmony, and then things would go haywire.

I like to think of those that represent these emotions as strong though. Not wearers of elements, but something akin to embodiment of them, like living elements, but without a need for counterparts to have risen as highly or fancy gems. The idea that they will assist the regular harmony wearers to give an edge over the disharmony ones are grand, though I think doubling if all are gathered would be a bit much in it. Let's say like, adding a cool 20% extra, which should do the trick, triggered via an aura of the four like Cadence being near for example. And individually, they will help with say, Hope for example being a powerful drive, even if the addition to the original six's power isn't too much. Fighting when things seemed hopeless can be a strong thing even by itself after all, but what are your thoughts on that @Midnight_Aurora ?

Also, when you mentioned balance, I had a bit of a giggle. My char Zhu is a being focused solely on balance, and the great work that needs to be put into it. Balancing the ways of good and evil, to a point where he sometimes have to commit atrocities himself to balance things out if there ends up being too much good, is his burden. Not saying it's the same thing, but started to think on it and found it amusing. ^_^

What I've seen @Widdershins mention here on the last page (and the vid to it) explains some things to me, like what the whole *alicorn amulet* was about, though perhaps it is a bit much to put in that the previous holders of the disharmony elements are not only dead, but have the elements in their bones or at their last blood relative? By that logic, Warlock would have the element already, since as a previous holder who isn't dead, it would have just stayed with him, or manifested when he got free.

I like to think more on these things as objects, like the regular elements, that cannot be destroyed. Reshaped, forgotten, and lying dull somewhere until a worthy wielder shows itself, sure, but destroyed seems impossible. At least from my perspective. More likely they were stashed away, potentially going with one former wielder to the grave, which Pudding Tame might well be guarding. Or the power of the element have seeped out and over the years started to give life to the object.

Just trying to keep the morbidity down a tad here, so we're not going full on Supernatural and dig up bones to burn. :)

Also, would give an interesting idea for Null and Void (Whom are both cancelling out magic, even if they don't want to) Could be they were born near one of the elements long forgotten about, and that seeped out and made them like they are now. Even if they wouldn't be carriers, they could still be affected, and it could be seen as a clue. Though this would likely be more towards dark magic (Alicorn amulet) and that one's already in circulation, so... Eh, forget I said anything. ^^

Anyway, I think I covered things here enough to make sense and added my two cents. You have all been pretty productive with this idea though, so I might have missed something that I didn't respond to. My apologies for that if that's the case. :)




O.o What the heck? You poor thing. :( What kind of horrible person would just toss you out like that?

Take all the time you need mate, and just write here on in a PM if you need to talk. I'll listen if it's needed, and praying that you'll get sorted soon instead of having to roam the streets for a prolonged amount of time.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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1 minute ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Maple Bat

Hey there, and welcome to the merry gathering. ^_^

Now to go through your char, she looks like a well thought out one, however, we do need to take a slioghtly different approach in this RP if you wish to join, as Discord and Fluttershy ain't even a pair here (yet...) though I like your char for the *Sometime in the future* sort of RP's. ^^

It's easy to make it fit here really. We'll just say that she were born of a vampire bat and some kind of chaos wielder, (or unknown father if it is easier to explain) and everything will fit in well to the point where I can give her an *approved* stamp. :)

Lemme know your thoughts on this, then we can move on. (And just to clarify, I don't mean you need to change your bios. Just saying that for the sake of this RP, we will think of it as a slightly edited version)


I'm fine with that.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Hey y'all. Am on for a bit. Going to make my post soon. Then will await your response.


@Blitz Boom

As for the PM thing. It won't be needed. Already got things sorted for the most part. As of this coming Monday, I and my friend Swaggy will have a car and potentially a home. The home is potentially sooner than the car.



For all's info. One or two more posts and Cosmic the Oversized Breezie will make his appearance. Also @Blitz Boom, I got the occult Idea from you and Anomaly. The idea of how he got to Equestria involved the same occult that tried to resurrect Anomaly as what she once was. So that would have a thought and hopefully an idea for you involving a potential conflict that would involve him.


Also, on the notes of the extra elements. The four I gave would have been held by Cadence: Love, Luna: Dreams, Celestia: Balance and Derpy or Scootloo: Hope. However, with Derpy and Scootaloo, they wouldn't know that they have it. It would act on its own, giving hope when hope seems hopeless.


Other than that, I am inclined to agree about living elements. I have more ideas to give another boost if needed. However, that I will PM you about. This is because the player's charas may potentially have them.

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