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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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Zinthar waved his tails at the question and looked at Crescent with a look of *seriously?* going over him, before answering.


For a dreamer, just a dream, for ones like me trapped in the dream world, reality. And for you? I have no idea. Run, or try to focus your mind and change the dream if you can. I for one, am getting out before I end up as mush."


With that, Zinthar ran out of the house and would put as much distance to the falling zeppelin as he could. The two that were in the house... Even if they were real, he had too little power to do anything for them, and they had a panic cellar of some kind. It'd likely hold and had a separate way out, but wasn't meant for more than a few. Hence, best bet he could see for both them and him and Crescent - again, If this had been real - was to run off while they had the chance. For him it would be he same, for Crescent... He had no idea. His situation was strange, so he might be able to influence the dream and make the zeppelin vanish or something, but that certainly wasn't in Zinthar's powers to do. He'd tried a few times as it was, and thus far, no dice.


Really, what would happen here depended on whatever or not Crescent was able to influence things. If he couldn't, they still had a castle to storm and a few with a ruined house/potential casualties. If he could, they could take advantage of it more and try to make a stair that went up there or something. Moving it completely away was likely too much of an effort to think possible, at least for him.


Regardless, Zinthar wasn't gonna take chances. He was trapped alive in this world, and it would more than likely hurt him like it was real if his poor fur were to be taken as a clue. Might be that it wouldn't be as severe, but he had not waited that long and now breached through a few layers towards freedom to fail on expecting it all to be a dream. Hopefully, Crescent wouldn't have taken that chance either and run with him, but they'd see what would happen. Might be the mind mastered the matter before his own three eyes in just a little bit. (Had no ideas, went neutral)





@@Hazard Time,



"Serenaaaade? Where aaaaare youuuuuu?"


The voice came from above, along with the flapping of big wings, though the speaker didn't land.


Ziggy had been out looking for Serenade since she left the bar, expecting her to be just outside, but finding she had gone away to.. Somewhere. Thus far she hadn't had any luck looking for her, so she had begun to ask, somewhat quietly - most ponies slept now after all, would be rude to wake them up - around and hope that Serenade might hear her. or that she'd just get her sighted at some point really, would work too.


She'd have had an easier time if she had paid enough attention to hear that Serenade went towards the fountain, but that little bit of information had slipped her mind so the slow way was it to go.


It was starting to get to her that she had no luck, until she heard some talk beneath her and took a glance to find Serenade. And Derpy! Yey. Oh, oh, and somepony else who was... Hugging Serenade? Awh, and here she thought the siren hugs was gonna be all hers... Hehehe.


Grinning, she zigzagged down quickly and soon stood near the ponies with her large wings folding in and the mailmare in a big hug.


"Hi Derpy!"


The voice was happy enough to almost make rainbows and puppies drip from her lips, and the look going over her face as she momentarily picked the mailmare up from the ground so she could properly hug her was one of pure joy too. She had only met Derpy twice before, sure, but she helped Serenade to fly faster than she had been able to do herself, and anypony helping a friend of hers was a good friend themselves. And friends deserved hugs.


She let go off the mailmare shortly after and grinned towards Serenade and the unknown mare.


"Hi Serenade. Hi Serenade's new hug friend.


I found the mare with the braids. She said she'd meet us tomorrow cause she were enjoying the music tonight, but she'd help you finding out how to braid yourself for sure."


She focused a bit more specifically on the other mare after that, bending her neck down so she was a bit more in face height with the pony as the tall, lollipop striped half-zebra was, as usual, towering over the regular sized ponies.


"Nice to meet you. I'm Doc Zinger, but everypony just calls me Ziggy. Who're you and wh- Uuuh! Perfume!"


The smell had reached her nostrils and she had looked around until she saw the bottle that Serenade was holding, which led her eye around to see if she could find where it was from whilst she were talking with the unknown mare, at which point her eyes fell on the cart and she zoomed over, looking curiously around at the bottles, but not touching anything.


"I haven't seen a perfume seller since I left Las Pegasus. This is So cool!"








She were still wary of the changeling and her friend, but seeing at least the earth pony seemed to just be curious instead of heading for the hills made her look a bit surprised. In a good way, sure, but still surprised.


"...Beats me, and nopony wanted to find out around where we came from either. They just wanted the freaks away that stopped their magic from working."


Anger had found its way into the voice of Null again near the end, but this time, Void did not try and stop her. She knew that her sister were angry about this, and she couldn't blame her. While everything that had went on had broken her confidence and feeling of self worth some, her sister had let anger become the fuel to stand up to them and tell them off. Something that had kept them alive thus far, and free to get away when things started to get really bad, though had also been the start of why they had gathered cursed objects to begin with.


"And cursed items can do all sorts of things. Few of those we have are alike, but like all cursed objects, they tend to have the *power comes at a price* thing with them. Sure, the strength is alluring, but they usually take you over, eats your body and/or mind, brings horrible misfortune, etc. Void and I don't get the backsides, so we have some strong items that's basically just destructive to others. Never seen a cursed item that weren't meant for some kind of power to use against other beings.


I'd really like not to go into details. Some of the things are pretty... Graphic, and there's kids gathered."


That, and it was frankly too disgusting to really mention as far as she were concerned. Especially the one that melted. That one she'd be very happy to see sanctified in some way so that it could never, ever, be used again. Nothing good could come from that.







Omen nodded as she passed through the gate into Equestria once more, and made sure to wait until the others were out before closing it again.


It had been easy enough to get back to where they started. She had a feeling for places she had been before and could usually find it again, though the time varied. Sometimes it could take hours, other times, like now, it had gone rather fast.


"Which direction is the cave? That way?"


Omen pointed towards a random direction, guessing basically about where Lin would want them to go. The chances of her having hit the right path this easy was slim, but it would be a guess over not knowing anything, to which the worst would just be that she were wrong. That happened a lot, so there was no issue with that for her.


Lin might feel a little strange for the first few minutes as she passed through the gate. The tingling from earlier would run its course there, as her body - mixed from her energy and that which Mother had given her for the time being - would be somewhat like Omen's at its core, and the first passing through a gate would feel odd. Depending on things, akin to a soft breeze going over you, a full body itch, or something else. The description tended to change a bit depending on whom of Omen's siblings you asked.





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


"I hear truth in your words Summer. I just hope that the Atazi will be inclined to follow your words when the time comes."


Lyriel smiled, though a small bit of nervousness was still present in her eyes over what were to come now. Something that didn't lessen when Nerzhei said it was all that needed to be said for now and began to lead them onwards, towards the camp that they'd hit after not that much wandering.


The perimeters was seen the first. Towering walls blocked the camp so that the ones int he valley didn't just burst in without a fight, though as they got past that, it was a bit less impressive. Sure, there were Some buildings there, but you could see that this was a camp by the amount of telts of varying sizes, caves in the steep wall, fireplaces and so forth. The only impressive thing there really, were a large, open arena-like building with a bauble around that was likely for containing sound so that what went on in there were not discussed with everyone else, even if most could be seen.


Inside, you could see three somewhat huge - about the height of 3 Nerzhei's stacked on one another- dragons. One were grey and black, with the hilt of a huge sword poking forth on his back, long, downwards spiralling horns, and eyes that - though they were not looking towards the ones who entered the camp now now - seemed to radiate authority, wisdom and strength. Several heavily inscribed rings went through the top of his horns,though the old, draconic words were likely not something the ponies could read. Though, if they had an inkling, the draconic for *Valor* could be seen a few times.


The ones next to him were less impressive, and you could not see as much of them behind the large walls, but they were both looking like strong ones in their own right.


One, looking a good deal more muscular than the biggest of them, had larger horns and looked like he could punch directly through metal if he so wished to, though were a head smaller than the tall dragon. No weapons were shown on him, but there was a chance that there was something in there as he looked like the kind who might enjoy hitting things. Potentially with his hands though.


The last of them were a small dragon, only about twice the size of Nerxhei and flying near the others on cobalt-blue wings. He was covered in a long robe that reached down further than his feet and carried a large staff made of crystal, gnarled and formed as an open, claws hand at the end, with a bauble of ghostly blue resting in the middle of it. His hair, like the others, were greying black, though his had little left of the black that once were, and his eyes were closed.


There would be other things to focus about on the trip towards it though, as from the second they entered the camp, dragons would stare at them and fire off their snide remarks amongst themselves, though they didn't care if the equines heard them.


"Seems like lunch have arrived."

"Who let the hug squad into the real world?"

"They'd make for some poor rugs."

"How did they get in here? And why's there a dryad with them?"

"Typical that it's the brainy that brings in the rabble."

"Hopefully they're gonna become experiments."

"The elders are gonna eat them alive."


These were some of the things that went through, and honestly, it didn't sound good towards any of them, except Qert who eagerly went over to a group and started to talk with them about this sort of thing too, not wanting anymore to follow as his job were done as far as he cared.


Nerzhei ignored them, having heard enough taunts to only register it a few key words were mentioned or something thrown her way, in which case she'd respond in kind, whilst Lyriel... Well, she looked saddened, with her head bowed and her hands gathered in front of her dress so they could see no magic flowed through her fingers right now, but she didn't say a word towards what was being said to her. She had expected little less as likely some here had gotten hurt, or even lost some, because of her siblings. It would be foolish of her to think that things would change in that regard.


Blitz... Well, she were busy pulling her tongue at the dragons who said things and making faces at them. She didn't go away from the group, or hug or sing, but she hadn't been said she couldn't do this, even if she could see that the ones she went for didn't like it. Not that she minded really. Meanie pants bullies wasn't some she wanted to play nice with, and right now it really itched in her to have some sort of explosive to dangle around with. Usually, others tended to be more wary what they said when they saw that.


As they reached the door to the open arena, it opened, and a purple dragon a head shorter than Nerzhei opened it up.


"Elder Krahvus, Gront and Choval are waiting for your report. Take the beings inside and l-"


The dragon raised his eyebrows in surprise as he saw the dryad, not sure what to think of one of them here that didn't look corrupt, wasn't violent, and apparently didn't need to be in chains.


"...Let them see what's what. Something tells me this won't be what they thought though."


With that, the dragon moved away so that the group would be able to enter. Though, Nerzhei stopped momentarily and looked at them all, whispering "Please behave in there. And for the love of the dragon lord, stop pulling faces..." with the last part being directed towards Blitz who she hadn't seen had played around like she did.


When the lot would be ready, they could enter the room. Though, what would happen from here would depend on how they did in appeasing the court, and speak their case.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom


Just as Succulent was about to thank the Serenade again, another pegasus joined them.  Oh goodness, they had a veritable flock now!  She placed the bottle off to the side and waiting patiently for her turn to come.  Oh how she loved meeting new ponies!


"Hiya, Ziggy!" she burst out upon finally being spoken to.  "I'm Succulent Scent!  Are you part zebra?  Love the stripes!  Beautiful shade of pink!"  


Her words were cut off as the zegasus took an interest in her cart.  "Oh, yes!  I sell perfume!  Any kind for any occasion, designed, concocted, and sold by yours truly!  Interested in something?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Blitz Boom@@Hazard Time, Serenade rolls her eyes, but nods, "Thanks Ziggy. I'm not sure how long I'd last if my mane kept getting in the way." She turns to Scent, "I have a question for you. It might be out our realm of knowledge, but could this be say....added to a wave pool? You know, for reasons" 

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom@,

"Well this does sound very bad, what if an innocent unicorn got hold of them" Crystal shivered at the thought of some innocent pony grabbing them thinking they were simply artefacts and then... the thought was too terrifying to wrap her head around. "Well we should hurry! Astral you said there was a waterfall near your house? we should probably check there first" Butterfly spoke a bit too much like her mother during tactical meetings which made Butterfly a little nervous and worried that she was turning into her mother, Queen Chrysalis.

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@@Blitz Boom@@Hazard Time, Serenade rolls her eyes, but nods, "Thanks Ziggy. I'm not sure how long I'd last if my mane kept getting in the way." She turns to Scent, "I have a question for you. It might be out our realm of knowledge, but could this be say....added to a wave pool? You know, for reasons" 


Succulent blinked and cocked her head to the side, staring at Serenade with awkward confusion.  "What's a wave pool?  Is that something special you Equestrians have?  Is it one of those things where the water is like a mirror and you stare into it to relax?  I've always wanted one of those!"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time, "It's kinda hard to describe with words." Serenade sits there for a second, trying to figure out how to describe her wave pool. "It's a pool described to simulate ocean currents and waves. It's usually filled with salt water, not fresh water like a pond or fountain." 

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Mentis Soliloquy

@@Blitz Boom,



Once everyone who wanted to go through had gone through, Syo went through the portal herself and closed it behind her.


She landed easily on her paws on the other side. Due to the strong winds, she pulled down her goggles over her eye and then took a look at Ponyville. "Wow! What a nice place, better than some of the towns I had been to."


Syo turned to her side to see Briar on the ground, seeming disoriented.


"Oh, here let me help you up." Syo offered as she helped Briar up.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Blitz Boom


Lin looked up, squinting her eyes until she could make out the general location of any source of light. She couldn't tell if it was early or midday, what with the constant ringing in her ears and head disrupting her concentration. There was definitely light to guide her way and once she regained her composure, she traced the position of the sun. 

"Sun is up on the east... to my right. The twin trees opposite." Lin muttered before pointing to her left side. "That way. I should let you all know to be prepared once we enter that cave. Whatever was contained in that orb I found may have altered its surroundings as well." 

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Minty_The_Sweet, Astral nodded. "I'll keep my hooves away from the items, as for the other thing..." She pondered the thought, as long as they didn't ask to go in her house she would be fine. "Yeah checking the water fall near my house sounds like a good idea, and perhaps somepony can guide Crystal there?" She asked, hoping no pony would ask her.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @Wolves


Cyan confirmed what he had been thinking, seemed the whether Pegasi had nothing to do with this. That wasn't good, he was disappointed to hear they didn't know what was going on. "A spell you say? I wonder what pony would want to do this?" To War ponyville had seemed like a very peaceful place and then this all of a sudden? He didn't think any of his brothers had wind powers so he was hopeful it had nothing to do with them. Oh Celestia please let it have nothing to do with them.


He let himself mimic Cyan and watched out one of the small slits in the window at the storm, it was rather mesmerizing. He wished he could somehow see through it at what was happening. If it was a spell someone wouldn't have put it up for no reason. He squinted his eyes at it as if he could will himself to see any signs of life.


When Happy Hour spoke again Wars ear twitched in his direction before he turned to face the other pony. "No" he answered simply then studied his own armor. "War is just what my....father called me, no military relation," he stated after a moments pause. While Atom was not his real father he was as close as someone created in a lab could have to one and figured that would be easier for ponies to understand. He didn't get trapped in here just to tell some random ponies his life story.


"If it's the armor, it's actually a personal set," he stretched out a arm to look at the trampler on his hoof. "It's not really standard guard armor either." The guard huh? He wasn't much interested in the guard, it seemed to dull to him. Based on what he had learned about them they barely see action and during the few times something actually happens their notorious for proving useless. He didn't understand why the princesses needed them, they could kill any threat without them.


War wanted a little more to life then standing around the castle. He chuckled at the thought thinking himself overly qualified for a guard position. Sadly though he was concerned he would end up there whether if wanted to or not, after all where else in the kingdom is a pony with a cutie mark in combat useful?


"Anyways, you say it's a spell? You know your way around magic? Or at least magical knowledge. I hear that's rare in earth ponies, how does one in your line of work get the chance to brush up on magical knowledge?"

Edited by PonyOfWar

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@@Hazard Time, "It's kinda hard to describe with words." Serenade sits there for a second, trying to figure out how to describe her wave pool. "It's a pool described to simulate ocean currents and waves. It's usually filled with salt water, not fresh water like a pond or fountain."


"Ohhhh.  That makes sense."  Succulent was silent for a good second before her mouth began to move again.  "Why would you want to do that?  Couldn't you just go down to the beach and watch the waves there?  I mean, maybe there's something different.  Plus, I've never been to a beach before..."  The crystal mare rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof, her eyes looking elsewhere.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time"Because the nearest beach is a day's train ride away, and well...I like the smell of the open ocean. It reminds me of home." Serenade blinks and stares at the pony, "you've never been to a beach? like ever ever?" Her eyes suddenly widen, and everypony nearby can hear an imaginary clock  go DING as Serenade realizes she's looking at a Crystal Pony...from the Crystal Empire. She nearly facehoofs. 

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@@Hazard Time"Because the nearest beach is a day's train ride away, and well...I like the smell of the open ocean. It reminds me of home." Serenade blinks and stares at the pony, "you've never been to a beach? like ever ever?" Her eyes suddenly widen, and everypony nearby can hear an imaginary clock  go DING as Serenade realizes she's looking at a Crystal Pony...from the Crystal Empire. She nearly facehoofs. 


"Well, if a beach is a place with lots of dirt and water, then the entire Frozen North is a beach!" she claimed, her smile returning.  "Though, I think beaches are a bit warmer and don't have as much ice and snow.  I've always wanted to go someplace warm, though I don't know if I'd ever go swimming.  I don't think I even can swim!"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Seamore Sandwich,@@Blitz Boom,  "Your not joking..." She turns to Derpy and Ziggy, "She's not joking." The Pegasi seems completely dumbfounded that a Pony doesn't know how to swim and has never been to a beach. "If you don't mind, I think we've all been working hard lately and we deserve a break. So what do you say to swimming in the pond?" 

Edited by Moonlit
  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

@Summer Breeze


Frosty was glad to see the dragon kamp. They were finally going to get out of here. Plus, he was going to get some gems! This day was getting better and better!


When they got past the walls, he saw the dragon camp. It pretty much looked like he expected it to; lots of tents, the odd building. The only thing that stood out was a really big open building with a weird ...shield? Barrier? Something that blocks something, anyway. In it there were three giant dragons that were talking about things, probably them. Two of the three looked downright terrifying, one of them even had a gigantic sword, which would probably do more crushing than cutting, and the other looked like some sort of muscular nightmare.

There was also a wizard-looking-guy, but Frosty didn't really look at him. He was busier looking at the other two.


Then he noticed the other dragons in the camp. They all stared at them, and said pretty nasty things. It didn't improve his confidence. He just kept up his pokerface, and walked with the group, looking at all the things in the camp. Nerzhei had told them that the dragons would probably say mean things, so at least he had been a little prepared for it.


When they finally got to the door, a purple dragon opened the door. He seemed surprised at seeing Lyriel here. Frosty didn't blame him. If Lyriel was one of the only dryads that was still sane, than seeing a sane dryad must be quite a sight.


"Don't worry Nerzhei, I don't think any of us are suicidal. And also, you said it was all going to go pretty smooth, yeah? Well, seeing as all the dragons here said stuff about us being rugs, getting eaten by elders and getting experimented on, this doesn't seem like it's going to go very smooth at all," Frosty whispered to Nerzhei, looking pretty worried.

His confidence had gone from 100 to 0 real fast since entering the camp.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Hazard Time,



Ziggy nodded happily when Succulent asked if she had zebra in her bloodstream.


"Uhuh, my dad's a zebra. Really typical, black and white stripes, but he says that mom's genes helped get some colour in things. I like it really, pink is a pretty colour."


She bounced a bit in place, grinning widely and giggling slightly like a filly. Despite being a doctor, Ziggy never really got away from being mostly a silly filly. She was serious when she had to be, and was very focused when working, but sometimes, you just had to let yourself have some fun, y'know? No matter the age, everypony could do with a little bit of that.


When she was asked if there was something she were looking for in particular, She stopped bouncing and went over to the cart to check instead. The others were talking anyway, and this would give her the chance to see if there was something special. Like, back in Las Pegasus, they had this interesting smell that her mom used to wear... What was it again...


Ziggy poked her head with her hoof a bit, thinking about what it was that it smelled of, before finally the light donned over her head and she turned to say something to Succulent... Before seeing that she wasn't the only one who had gotten a light off in their head. Not considering how Serenade looked about now, though she wasn't sure why that was... She had kinda tuned them out for a few minutes and had missed something as a result it seemed, but hopefully it wasn't something really important.


Perhaps it had something to do with what they spoke about afterwards? Might be that there was something in the news that Succulent didn't know how to swim that made a light go off, though... Nah, she'd see in time if it was more than likely. Besides, it sounded like she could say something now about the perfume she looked for. Or at least the smell.


"Do you have something floral and fruity? My mom usually uses one that smells of black roses, tulips, and some sort of citrus fruit I think it was? It had some sort of zing in it at least that caught your attention and really gave it a bit more. I can't remember what it's called anymore, but I'd like something like that if you have it? Would remind me of home."


She put her hoof to her vest and felt around her pockets for a bit before she got the one that had her money pouch in it and drew it forth, ready to make a purchase. Though, if there was to be swimming in the pond... Well, she could wait for sure for something like that. Sounded like fun at least.








"I-I could. I mean, if you want... I'm used to c-carrying Null, and you're smaller than her, so I could carry you t-there if it is..."


Void didn't sound too confident about this, especially after how Crystal had spoken before about not getting any visions around them, which she could imagine must be horrible for a blind pony, yet she wanted to at least try to do something for the filly cause she felt sad for her. Sure, she herself were only half blinded, so it was not comparable enough to say that she understood what this was like, but she did draw some comparison when it came to her horn, which seemed to be broken. Something she had an easier time understanding, as she knew what it was like to not be able to use your natural gifts, and she felt sympathy for the poor thing.


It was mostly through Null really that she drew this. Much like the unicorn, Null had lost her natural gift - in her case, the ability to fly - and she had seen how it affected one whose instinct longed for the skies, much like Crystal must long for the use of magic. If it was even close to that... She'd try to get over her normal wants, which were to have nopony other than her sister near her for too long, so that she could help somepony who she felt bad for, and who likely had it a lot worse as she couldn't see either. Carrying her where they needed to be would be the least she could do in that regard.


Then again... It was still about the visions. It was some kind of magic likely, as it didn't work around her and Null, but was it something she really needed, or was a break from it a welcome? She knew so little about seers of any kind that it was hard for her to tell, but if it was something positive for her, she'd likely not want to be too close to her, and...


The thoughts went on whilst Null jumped down from her sisters back to make room if it were, and looked at the others. She'd be ready to go as soon as they figured out what would be done with Crystal.


"So waterfall, here we come then. Hopefully, it's the right one, though we'll see if the ground around it have started to loose some vegetation."


She scratched the back of her head and awkwardly let out a small cough before saying something extra to the assembled beings of Equestria in front of them.


"And, y'know,  thank you for not treating us like pariahs. It means a lot to know that things really are different here, even when it starts off a bit rough."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Lonk Chase,




@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Thank you kindly, but... Could you tell me what madness have befallen this town instead? The things that I hear, smell, feel... It seems as if I have been driven mad and can only sense chaos."


There was so many things that really didn't sit right with him as he awkwardly got on his hooves again and looked around, nervous looking and confused. The smells of blood and the salty whiff of fearful sweat and tears, screams and mumbled voices of ponies hiding and praying for whatever was going on to be over, and the hard was it was to feel anything with the strange winds in this town. It was not intense here as it were in the dome walls themselves, but there were still plenty of wind going in several different directions, and it made his ability to feel things out somewhat harder. And these were just the first things that registered with him.


What had happened to the peaceful town he visited less than a day ago?








"I come from far out west, a good chunk of way from Equestria. Out there, you see all sorts of weird stuff, and you tend to learn what's natural and what's not pretty fast. Hurricanes for example, are, dome hurricanes, not even a little. Only magic makes this kind of thing. Also, it's kind of a give-away when the winds are pounding away like they are, but the houses are untouched. There should be all sorts of winds spewing around in here and things flying if it was normal, but there's barely a whiff. And with all due respect, this place ain't That well insulated."


Happy grinned a bit as he went on a tangent about how he had just sort of caught up on this kind of thing out west. It was partially true, as well as the part about this not being natural as dome hurricanes wasn't normal anywhere, but the part about him knowing the ins and out of magic because he had some himself he kept to himself. Being a changeling was not a popular thing in Equestria far as he knew, and he'd likely be blamed for being part in some kind of attack here if it got out. Which it dang well would if he started to yap off about having magic when he was disguised as an earth pony.


It didn't help either that War here sounded like he was just the sort who ran around in combat gear for his own benefit, which might as well mean he was a sword for hire, or bounty hunter, and ratting out changelings could be a pretty penny for one in those lines of work he'd wager. Might be this was just an accessory thing, but he'd rather veer on the side of caution until he were more sure about things.


"And sorry 'bout thinking you were a guard. Just that I've not seen many regular folks wandering around geared like this since I got to Equestria, and though I saw my share of Night Guards and Solar Guards and know you ain't with them, there's still the new princess and Cadence I think the name was, that I haven't seen the guards of. Figured that since the castle is in town you might be with the new princess.


I've not been in your country for that long, so still learning a few things here and there y'know? Making and selling merry days in bottles doesn't leave me with the time to truly study things not associated with my job, so mostly I go by what I hear from some of the folks who's interested in a bottle of good times, or just overhear when I pass through towns."







"So no eating the place. Understood."


It might seem a weird thing to say, but as Sen at least had seen, Omen ate literally anything if it came down to it. Sure, she might not have wanted to eat some of the cave as it was when time came, but if it were, she now knew not to do so, and just said it to better remind herself of it. Both for her own sake and for the little thing that seemed to sleep in her mane right now. She had to find out what it could eat eventually after all, and right now she had it narrowed down to *not something in the cave*. One thing down, a gazillion things to go, though hopefully it didn't eat ponies. It would become strange to care for it then.


Oh well, it slept now and they were on the way towards the next part of whatever task were in front of them. It would be something to think about later, though as they passed a bush with some berries she did roll her tongue out and snatched a few of them away, then hid them in her mouth. No saliva meant they should be fine for it if it were, and she didn't use her mouth to speak with anyway, so there was really no issue with this.


"How do you think it might have changed? Ground shaky? Strange colours? Chaos?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Seamore Sandwich, @GingerLightning, @Quinch, @Lonk Chase, @SugarfootWillie, @Melke,  @Mentis Soliloquy,


Priestess looked aroudn at the bedlam surrounding her and Allure. "Geeze what a bucking mess this is. Fairly certain that our forces would be pretty useless here outside of establishing order. And why aren't the princess's when you need them? Canterlot is like...right over there! How can they not see this? Hay, freaking castle Ponyville is right over there! And she and her friends are no where in sight! What gives!?" 


Allure steadied herself as both the waves of various emotions hit her, and all the chaos magic surrounding her further twisted those senses into a nauseating white noise. "Why didn't I get any warning of this from my scouts? Don't tell me this has neutralized them too." 

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@,@@Blitz Boom,

"You? outcast? honestly do you think we are hypocrites?" Crystal smiled warmly not needing to explain more as Butterfly buzzed her wings nervously. "Also you don't need to help me, I learnt to use my ears as a guide. Its how I could face all of you" Crystal smiled before her ears perked up. "But I would like some help... Pegasi tend to by very hard to follow because they aren't very heavy and their hoof steps are very hard to follow" Crystal made a shy smile, a little shy about asking for help.

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@@Minty_The_Sweet@@Blitz Boom, Astral smiled. "You're welcome, and you can just follow the sounds of somepony else's hooves." She said gesturing to herself, she thought of a way to avoid her house which would be difficult considering her house was rather close to the waterfall. "Follow me." She walked in the general direction of the waterfall while trying to remember if it was the correct way.


Misty looked out the window, she had reread several of Astral's books and that one about transmutation wasn't really helpful. "She's back! with other ponies?" She asked herself, she wanted to go outside to met them but it stated to be obvious that Astral was going to that waterfall that was behind the house. "Well..."


"And here it is!" She said once the water fall came into view. the rustling of bushes caught her attention. "Misty?" She turned around to see Misty standing there, and she was smiling.


"Hi!" She said cheerfully, and then she saw the changeling. "Why is there a changeling here?" She tried to transmute a sword to kill it, and couldn't. "Why can't I use magic!?" Astral pointed to Null and Void. "Oh, well what about the changeling?"


Astral put a hoof to her chin. "It's- I mean, she's a friend." 


Misty tilted her head. "But you've killed hundreds before."


Astral opened her mouth wide open, and mouthed 'Seriously?' before turning to Butterfly. "I can explain."

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


Lin was curious, and looked to her brother for answers. He knew her better; all things considered, Sen spent more time with Omen before they reunited and he would know more about her ways. Sen eyed her sister and said "You'll get used to it." He reassured her but to him, she has likely seen and heard more bizarre things.

"Whatever magic I've taken into myself may have changed the immediate environment of the cave. It's fairly deep, leading down to some ruins. The orb I found was one of several foci used to channel magic inward to the object, preventing it from leaving. Any residual traces of said magic would've probably collapsed the ruins into itself and there is no orb to return the magic to. But that is the worst case scenario. If we're lucky, we only need to dig ourselves into the cave."

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@@Blitz Boom


The crystal mare easily diverted her attention over to the pony investigating her cart.  She hadn't even been in town for more than a few minutes and she was already making friends AND sales!  Coming to Equestria really was the best decision she ever made!


"I probably don't have the exact fragrance your mother had, but I sure do have something close," Succulent declared digging through her cart before picking out another bottle and offering it to the zegasus.  "Behold!  I call it 'Breakfast at Trotany's'.  High notes of grapefruit with a hint of cinnamon eventually give way to Lilac Heart notes.  It certainly evokes the image of early Sunday morning breakfasts in spring, the fragrances of blooming flowers wafting through the windows.  Feel free to sample it!"

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom, @@Hazard Time, As soon as Serenade smells the cinnamon, she starts sneezing uncontrollably. Her sneezing becomes so bad that it's almost as it she is sneezing one long, continues sneeze. Her amulet starts bouncing around, and it appears that if the sneezing doesn't stop soon, it may fall off. 

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@,@@Blitz Boom,

"But- wha-why" Butterfly tried to wrap her head around this, sure Changelings weren't like and killings weren't un heard of. The attack on canterlot was famous song the changelings for how many they had lost as any changelings found after the wave were killed on sight. Even though so many had died, Butterfly hated above all else the deaths of her 996,956 family especially the new changelings going on hunts for the first time with wild happy eyes. "They are ponies too! they may have a parasitic need for love but they didn't choose to be like that. I-I need to go, I just can't take this" Butterfly ran towards the waterfall, her in ability for tears unless in pony form proving to be a hated catalyst in these situations. "Oh no! Butterfly!" Crystal started running towards the waterfall after her friends.


Butterfly was behind the waterfall, curled up into a ball. "Why do changelings have to be treated like pests. Sure some are bad but not all are" Butterfly whined before a small glimmer caught her eye. It was the bag of cursed artefacts next to a mossy, crumbling boulder.

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@@Minty_The_Sweet, @@Blitz Boom, Astral face hooved. "I only killed then cause they threatened to take my life! I would do that to any species." She explained, she looked at Misty and growled. "Misty? can you just go back in the house?" She said with anger.


Misty stepped back. "But, they're-"


Astral stepped towards Misty. "They aren't all evil! Butterfly was good, and I would only kill her if I have a good reason to." Her anger dissipated as she spoke. "And I don't have any reason to kill Butterfly, I only met her an hour ago." She said lifting her hoof in the direction of Butterfly.


"What are those?" Misty asked pointing at the items


Astral walked over and was about to pick up before pausing. "Cursed items, I have no idea what they do and neither do they." She pointed at Void and Null. "Who are the ones who need us to find them, which we did." Astral said pointing to the items.

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@@Blitz Boom,

"Those artefacts give me a bad feeling" Butterfly looked at those artefacts with a mix curiosity and fear. "Don't mock me but they give off an emotion similar to hate but... more bitter like disgust" Butterfly buzzed her wings nervously as she felt a creeping dread up her spine. Crystal was next to Butterfly with a leg around her back as a hug but secretly she needed a hug more. She hadn't had a vision since they met Null and Void and it felt like she had a piece of her stolen but it also felt great. She wasn't spying any suffering, grotesque images, or death which to her was a major relief and a freedom no pony would understand.

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