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Blitz Boom

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@@Foxy Socks


"My condolences Miss Socks. Coming back and witnessing your home destroyed must not have been an easy.


As to us, we are rather new in the area, yes. We have been here mere days, which is usually longer than I stay in one place, but circumstances have meant it is better that I remain here. I'm more of a wanderer you see. Traveling the world and experiencing it all to the fullest of my abilities, is a life I enjoy. Yet, responsibility does come before that."


He took a hoof back and patted Brittle a little on the head. She looked a small bit embarrassed about it, but a tiny smile got on her muzzle from it too. Playful teasing like this were not so bad, as long as he didn't call her names, and he had sworn that he wouldn't.


"Brittle has a colorful history behind what brought her here, but to respect her privacy, let us simply put it as her having troubling circumstances that meant she fled and eventually came here to town, where we met. She is a sweet one, but dreadfully shy, so I hope you can understand why I prefer not to divulge much into her story, as well as why she does not say anything yet.


Ah, but I ramble to no end, my apologies. A bad habit I have picked up over the years. Is there perhaps something you would wish to add about yourself? You are also free to ask me questions if it is. I am an open book to those who wishes to have a closer look."





@@Moon Dancer.


Once they were out of earshot of Bulk, Bubbles got a somewhat bigger smile on his face, as the thought of him hard at work again came to mind. A dreamy picture in it's own, rugged way, but he could not think on things like this. He had a job to maintain, which currently included a particularly special guest.


"We are almost at the pools sir. I take it that perhaps a bit of privacy would be welcome for you, so the large one we have for the more social ponies would perhaps not be for the best. We have some smaller, individual ones for those who truly wishes little more than to sit calmly and relax, whilst their troubles seem to melt away.


Ah, but do feel free to inform me if I am wrong sir, and I will lead you towards the large one immediately."





@@Moon Dancer.


Granny Smith had just been out to put some pies on the table, and barely noticed the shadow before she turned around and wandered inside again. Perhaps her hearing wasn't as good as it had been, as it seemed like she hadn't heard the changeling king either, but that was okay. It could potentially have overcomplicated things, rather than just ending with Alonsus putting the barrel down carefully next to... Somepony. He hadn't gotten the name before, but he thought it was something like Floyd? No, that couldn't be right.


Anyway, on putting it down, he were about to say something to her about the delivery, but she seemed to be speaking with another pony, in between helping out with doling out some food to the ponies that were beginning to show up, so he let her be and turned towards Transmutation again.


"That would have been Granny Smith, the current patron of the Apple family. A strange old mare at times, but she is mostly sweet, though as you can see, she is not the most... Attentive at times. In any case, since we are here, is there anything here that might interest you? Might as well get in line and try one of the dishes since we're here already. Unless you can only eat love? Though it is a great flaw, I must admit that I do not know too much about changelings. Just small bits and pieces."







"W-Well, I was here a little when i happened, and... B-Basically a large, dark monster smashed through the town, and there was this weird, magical tornado too.I d-don't really know how it ended, but it looked like the f-forepony was near the center of it, along with a spider-thing and... I think it w-was a fox of some kind? I don't really remembeeeee..."


The word died on her lips as the changeling king came into sight over at them, before this strange stallion that arrived with him put down a barrel of apples, and started to wander over to Pinkie's line, where there were less wait. Hopefully the king would follow too, since... Frankly he terrified her. It might be that changeling magic had no effect on them, but she had only seen the leader of a hive once in her life, and back then Null and her had barely gotten away with their life. Usual changelings she could somewhat handle, but seeing a clearly royal one of them brought back that particular memory, which struck a chord in her.


Another pony that needed a bowl of stew helped her get out of it enough to be functional, though she were slightly shaking, and not saying anything whilst she poured her a bowl, before getting back to Lance.


"I-I'm sorry, I just... Had a b-bad memory flare, that's all.


So about the a-attack. If you weren't here, then, w-where did you come from? Canterlot perhaps? I don't r-really know that many places in Equestria by name."







Before he got out of earshot, Chow managed to hear what they were asking and popped his head back around a corner to answer 'em.


"The list is for some ingredients I need. You didn't think proper pet food was just the meat, right? It needs some vitamins and green in it to make it savory and balanced.


Which is also why I can't let you go to the other room. It's my butchering storage, and I know how squeamish regular ponies can be about that sort. Trust me, it's for your own good to not see what's in there."


With that, he'd be around the corner and away to prep for a bit, though it wouldn't be too long before he'd show up again and look quite a bit more awake than he had when he left them alone. Hopefully they hadn't made any trouble in the ten minutes it had taken.







Clockwise let out a deep sigh of relief, now that the threat to the precious clock was gone.


"Actually, I have all the pieces I need at my shop. Or well, there is one thing that is a bit of a problem..."


The memory if a large pile of shattered glass on the main road in Ponyville came to mind, along with a problem he knew that he couldn't just solve without getting help from somepony else.


"The glass. It was severely shattered when the tower fell, and we don't have replacements for this ready, as it was replaced just a few weeks ago and we normally don't need to do it this fast again. We're either going to need somepony who can get a hold of a new glass that fits, or somepony at least somewhat skilled at glassblowing. Perhaps you could help with finding either?"







Amazn didn't really know if she believed what Stardust was telling her. On one hoof, it sounded pretty out there, and not normally something that would be possible when it came from a foal. Likely more a fantasy they tried to play with.


Then again... This was Ponyville, and if there was one place the weird and unique ponies of this country eventually went, it was here. She knew the stories well enough to say that at least, and if she looked away from Stardust's appearance, she could believe that he were quite a bit older than what he looked, as foals usually didn't talk like this. Not even the snobby ones that were visiting from Canterlot once, near her place of work, and those two had been pretty bad to listen too. No class and all hot air, which were something they definitely didn't like to hear when she told them that.


It would explain a few things, but... She wasn't completely buying it just yet. Something didn't seem right about a foal being several centuries ol- By Celestia!





She almost jumped as the draconequus materialized out of nowhere and started talking to them about pancakes or something like that? She had no idea what this creature did here, beyond proving her point that Ponyville really did attract all the crazies, though to be on the safe side, she put herself between him and Stardust, cursing that she hadn't the foresight to bring some degree of weapon with her. But nooo, she had to be the cautious one and listen to the doc when  he said not to fight, and then leaving her nets, harpoon and other things at home to not get tempted.


"I-It's a draconequus. Beings of pure chaos that loves to make trouble. We had one at my work a few weeks ago and the kind of rampage they can do for fun... It's horrible, but you can't get rid of them. They won't leave until they want to."


She wasn't directly talking to Widdershine yet, because frankly, she had no idea what to say to this creature. Seriously, what should she go with? *Hi, I'm Amazon Lily. last one I met of you tore me apart and put me clumsily back together again for fun! Please don't get ideas.*


It had barely helped begging the other one for mercy, and she had to undergo ten days of surgery to get fixed after that, which were not something she wished to repeat. But what was she supposed to do? She had no weapons, though she doubted any of them would work anyway, and experience had told her that even the slightest misstep when talking to one of these had horrid consequences, so trying to talk with him could end up with this town vanishing of the surface of Equestria or something similar.


Of course, she only had the one other to draw experience from, so she had a pretty dark view on what could happen, which were also why her eyes shone with barely held back fear. She didn't even think about the option that Widdershine here might essentially be a somewhat good or neutral being, though random things could happen around him that might accidentally hurt others.


As for Last Stand... Well, she just grumbled and went on in her search for the claw. She had seen what way it went, so unless it had started to go sentient, it shouldn't be too hard to find. Though considering what sort of being that had dropped it, it might have just stuck itself to a pigeon and started to use the bird to create mayhem or something similar. It wouldn't even surprise her anymore if that was it.







"...I'm not used to think this much."


Omen's head were hurting a little from thinking on all of these layers on layers, on layers of stuff that she only barely got the grasp of, but tried to as it seemed important. It involved Sen and Lin potentially getting hurt in many ways, so she felt like she had to understand, but it was just so confusing.


Plotting and scheming were for smart beings far beyond her own comprehension, and whatever Salosan had in mind, this was one of those situations where she would fit better in just standing to the side, and let others handle it. Like Lin, who seemed to get at least a little of what was going on, but then asked her because she didn't know either? She thought that might be the reason at least, but trying to figure this out just confused her more and...


"It sounds like we keep him and Sen gets hurt, or we let him go and Sen will be okay? If that's it, then let him go. You two are more important than him."


She wandered a few steppes closer to Salosan and looked him deep in the eyes with an unblinking, neutral stare, only slightly marred by confusion and a bit of anger.


"I don't know why you are after my friends, but if they get hurt more by you, I will find you, and take you to a very bad place."


It was the closest thing she could muster to a threat, though it could also just be stated as a fact, and to be honest, a pretty meaningless one at that, since she were going to take him a bad place anyway. She just had to be sure that Sen and Lin didn't get hurt whilst it happened first, or it wouldn't mean anything. Which were one of the reasons why it sounded like it was best to let him go for now, though she were sure that something would happen from letting him get away. She had no idea what, but that was for smarter beings than her too. Perhaps Ghilan or somepony like that. He seemed smart enough.


She did wonder if she would be able to find Salosa again when time were though. There were something odd about his smell that she couldn't put a hoof on, and though it should make it easier to find him as it were more unique, it didn't feel right somehow. Perhaps he had a spell of some kind that messed with his life energy? Magic was weird like that, but then again, could just be that she were overthinking this, and it was just twisted, and that was why it smelled wrong.





@@Handsome Changeling


Belladonna didn't even respond to the part where Void thought that there were something between Clayton and her. She had stated what there was between them (within the limits of what could be said out loud before it became disturbing) and what he then chose to believe was up to himself. She wasn't in the business of controlling what others thought or did. They had their right to their opinions, just as she had to her own. Thinking only she had the right to judge would make her a hypocrite and a fool, which were not words she wished to be associated with her reputation.


"Very well, I will arrange the times immediately then."


"Wha- Belladonna? What're you doing here?"




"Considering your degrees of stress and how you were broken down for four and a half second more than usual, it seems like I made the proper choice in arriving here."


"I do wish sometimes that you would be less forthcoming with timing me..."


Clayton wandered closer and looked between Belladonna and Void, unsure who the other one were, but knowing Belladonna well enough to know that if he was trouble, she wouldn't be standing near him with him around. She could be rather protective sometimes, like a big sister.


A glass bottle with water floated up from her bag and towards Clayton as he got within a proper range where he could speak with them both, which he eyed somewhat dismissively.


"Perhaps an idea to wait with this for a moment?"


"You know sobbing to those degrees leaves you dehydrated. Drink."


He looked like he wanted to let out a weak protest, but just resigned himself to taking the bottle and drinking a few gulps before letting it go so she could return it to her bag. He knew that she did this because she wanted to maintain his well-being as much as possible, and he had actually been rather thirsty, but he did think it somewhat embarrassing to be doted on like this in front of her companion. At times he honestly wasn't sure if she even considered his slight embarrassment to certain things as an issue, or something to eradicate through exposing it to him in small enough dosages to make him more used to the situation. With normal ponies it would be the first, but Belladonna were usually nothing but methodical and calculated in what she did, so the second one sounded correct in its own way.


"Thank you. In any case, perhaps I could erhm... Yes, I should introduce myself first, then ask things. My apologies, it have been a rather stressful day. My name is Clayton Quartz, and it's a pleasure to meet you sir."


Clayton put a hoof forth towards the Changeling, in the typical greeting that you did towards others that you didn't look down upon. A very important thing to avoid in his case, as he did not wish to be seen as, or feeling like, he were better than others. Those who acted like that were distasteful beings as far as he were concerned.









Okay, this was so not going well.


Molotov had started out with a bluff, fine, he would admit that. The little device was nothing more than his experiment to making a more modernized Rubik's Cube, which frankly was still buggy and didn't always work, which were why it wasn' a design he had shared around yet. He figured that these ponies might be stupid enough to fall for it, so he took a long shot, which hadn't gone well since it was now covered in... Well, quite frankly he wasn't going to take a sample and find out.


Usually he never went anywhere without something. An explosive, some flash bangs, a miniature pulse riffle, or anything really that could help, but since he had figured that it was just a quick drop off and this town was a small one where nothing bad would happen, he had left it at his *base* if you could call it that, so he wouldn't have extra weight or issues with local law. Typical that the one time he went like this it were going to bite him in the flank.


"I have no idea who either of you are, and I don't care. Nopony scares my sister and gets away with it."


Behind him, Blitz would rise her head and look at him with a confused glaze going over her eyes, not sure if she had really just heard that or not. She couldn't have, right? She meant, he looked somewhat like her, and he did have his own wings too, along with a similar sort of mane and tail theme, and... Really?


"Now why the heck are you two after her? And who's this Nerzhei type? Another one who's in for hurti-"


"Oh would you shut up already."


Considering her size, it was impressive how silent Nerzhei could be when she wanted to, and Molotov at least hadn't taken notice of the dragoness before she were close enough to look at him like he would a bag of bolts. Calculating, observing, and trying to figure out what to do with him.


"I swear, this is a damn kindergarden. I leave you alone for three minutes and then I hear yelling from someone, then come back to see a standoff with two random ponies. Must I put you all on leashes and take me with you to make sure you behave at this point?"


She looked at them all like a disappointed parent would, before putting two claws to her forehead and rub the scales slightly, as the slight migraine this was giving her attempted to take hold.


"Alright then. Blood and whoever this loudmouth is, you two are too angry to be worth my time. Missklang and whoever you are, speak up and tell me what's going on here. And I swear, if anypony here begins to threaten others again while I hear it, you're getting a timeout in a block of granite."


She pointed nonchalance at Storm as she spoke, as being one of those she wanted to say things, though who spoke first of the two she didn't care about. She just wanted to get this sorted so she could get back to work, rather than playing babysitter for what seemed like a bunch of toddlers screaming at eachother.





@@Lil' Lovebug


"As somepony who have been judged their entire life, I appreciate the gesture, but I don't mind questions. Scorn is what drips salt in old wounds.


To get to the answer though, I am... Was, a pony, born a little before your time. 3924 years ago, to be exact"


It really had been a long time when she thought on it. Felt shorter quite frankly, but since most had been with her trapped in crystal, it wasn't much of a surprise.


"I spent ninety years of my life as a soul harvester, or as you would call them these days, a spirit guide, before I made a stupid choice based off fear, and sold my soul to live. A piece for power, a piece for youth, and a piece for immortality. What a bargain."


The bitterness and regret weighed on her voice as she recalled the night her three *masters* approached her and took advantage of her desperate state.


"Selling your soul leaves marks. Not just the glowing ones on my skin, but also on my soul, and my body slowly corrupted with it. I began to evolve like the demons I had sold it to, gaining a scaled tail, my ears erupted into flames... I used to at least look normal, with light colors, and now I'm this thing. I can't even bask in the sun anymore, because the wind in this world feels like the coldest ice on my skin. I need to drape myself in garbs of the purest void, who warms the infernal flesh, until I can find a spell to gain my own warmth.


I got my soul back, but I feel how much worse it is. It is almost purely demonic now, and in time, my body will follow suit. But I am still only half. A demon mare if you would, trying to do the right thing under new masters. Caring ones, who wishes for this world to thrive."


What would come from this reveal, she had no idea Some judgement at the very least she'd say, perhaps some scorn and she would be left to her own device again, but it felt good to at least get a small bit of her burden of her chest, so at worse there would be that.


The thought let a small, bitter smile come to her muzzle. To think that small things like this were one of the first she expected. How far she had fallen.


"And for the record, throwing holy water at me doesn't do anything. In case you take this badly."







It was strange how quiet it were in here. Sure, this wasn't Canterlot, but right up until bedtime, you could still hear laughter and such go through the halls, or muffled voices at least. Yet here, it sounded like there wasn't a peep. Perhaps everypony had gone to bed by now?


She wanted to ask, but never got around to it before they were suddenly at Cacora's room, where she told a bit about herself and showed off something that Jelly had never seen before: A real changeling cocoon.


"Vauw, a cocoon. I thought they'd be smaller than that. Sorta like a spider egg, but this is way cooler."


Jelly looked around with childish glee at everything she could see here with webs, silks, cocoons and such that made this look really strange, but she loved that. Everything shouldn't be so normal and stale all the time.







"I can see why. You must've been pretty broken after something like that, and needed a place with some life and structure to help. Seems pretty much the best outcome from a horrid, mortifying situation."







Sea considered giving a comeback to that last part, but it seemed pointless. They had went at this subject a few times already, and going into further details on who might be right on this were meaningless. Might as well move on.


"So, got any other tall tails to share?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


The alicorn thinks for just a moment. "I would prefer the larger one, I want to get to know some folks." he says while appreciating that Bubble called him Sir. He wants to get to know some Mares, maybe have a special somepony or something like that. 


@@Blitz Boom,


The changeling nodded and let out a sigh. "We can eat food, but its mostly for sure. Love is preferable. Though." he said rather bluntly and got in the waiting line. Since he is here, he mineaswell wait.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm slowly waved a blue hoof with an innocent smile, "I'm Storm Shine, nice to meet you Ms. Nerzhei!" He introduced happily, but slightly softer than normal due to her forming headache. "I've got a potion from Zecora that could help ease that migraine that you're getting if you want; she gives me a big amount of it because of how often I, as she says, 'tend to take blows to the skull, it really seems quite painful.', or something like that... I never really use any of it though; I don't think my head's ever hurt that bad." Storm held up a large flask of a calming blue liquid (similar in size to that Alicorn memory potion thing from-Shh, stay out of this silly, I've got it under control. :3) with a friendly smile. "Also, if I'm going to be put on a lease, can it please be blue?"

Edited by Shineling

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom


Stardust blinked a few times at Lily's words then tilted his head in thought a moment as if trying to recall something. "Stars above, I know, I know the Term Draconequis from somewhere else but the where eludes me" he muttered to himself then looked up at the Draconequis."Um your not here to hurt anypony are you?" he asked, then looked up at Lily.


"Are you okay?" he asked her tilting his head again with concern emoted in his dual colored eyes as he wondered if his new friend had had trouble with a draconequis in the past. Then again, this as far as he could recall was the first one he had ever seen despite knowing he had heard the term before, so he really did not know if there were other draconequis's out there somewhere... His thoughts however would once more be cut off as his stomach chose that moment to once again growl and remind him of his current hunger

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@@Blitz Boom,    &   @@Twilight-Shimmer,


      Cewl! A nuffer bun of dose gooard fings!

 Herm... ner fut, gif me a fecund deer...


  Widdershins's glowing eyes cross for a moment as his cheeks puff out for a second. With a cartoonish inflating sound & a deep base twang his snout pops back out & into place and in this effort Widdershins's glowing eyeballs pop out of his head to roll towards the green guardsmare, rolling in tandem to make eye contact with her. Widdy continues talking, unaware of this fact.


   Nyere, daf wor- Coughing sound- pardon, the affectation has outlived the moment again. This should help matters!

 Must say dearie, that I take offense at that. Pure chaos is the other guy's shtick who lives around here. Well, supposedly.

  I mean, I haven't a clue howsa guy to make friends if they assume I'm some looney, weirdo, Eldritch Horror that's going to act like a psychopath who's going to tear you apart and put you clumsily back together again for fun.


  As Widdershins is talking, his voluminous bunny ears unfold, poke the ground to pull his head off his body & forward in a backstroke motion. As his head scoots forward upside-down to meet his eyeballs, they roll back up into his face. As Widdershins reaches the last part of his monologue & his head comes to a rest, looking up at the guardsmare from in front of her hooves, while one ear reaches up to poke her gently on the end of her muzzle.


    Of course, would also help too if I responded to what you actually said & not your thoughts.

   And no. No, I'm not telepathic. Don't be silly.

Soon after, Widdershins's neck & body untangles itself to slither back up to meet its head, twanging the cartoonish saber still embedded in his chest, now pointing straight up into the sky.

     Really now, do I LOOK like a threat to you? I'm technically begging at your hooves here! I'm like a giant, serpentine, inter-dimensional, puppydog here!

  But anyhow, your silliness is getting us off track here! You're supposed to be a good role model, eh what? And here you stand, letting this poor filly starve for wont of a pastry whilst you prattle away like this!

    I leave it to you to do the responsible thing and allow this sudden, crazy stranger to give this young filly a treat!


  Widdershins pauses while his eyes go a bit wide for a moment, before he adds on:

    ...of a pancake. Because that's my shtick.    ....And, Uh... The name is Widdershins, by the way.




   Some ways away, among the gutter debris in front of an unassuming household on Ponyville's main square & propped up in a corner between a crate & the wall, a large, dark-red lobster claw, a few inches smaller then the average mare's head begins to slowly rock...

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Stardust blinked a few times his mouth quirking a few times, before he broke out into a fit of giggles holding his side as he laughed himself silly at the now introduced Widdershin's as he thoroughly enjoy the guys antics. He (Widdershin) reminded him for a pony he met years ago by the name of Lemon Pie whom was quite random herself and often according to Lemon broke something called a 4th wall, though what that was Stardust didn't quite know.


 After he had gotten his giggles slightly under control he looked to Widder's and smiled "Actually I am a colt, I am just on the girlish side, and yes my mane and eyes are natural" he said cheerfully then added "I am usually asked that alot so I decided to answer it before it was asked. He then paused to think a moment then also added "Though I do have a spell I can use to cast an illusion around myself to appear older, was taught to my be a changeling queen a long long time ago, I think her name was Amethyst"

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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"Thank you, Null, I do truly thank you...Even if you don't have experience comforting people." Zen didn't have to read Null's mind to figure that out, the way she spoke was enough to show that. But Zen still appreciated the effort.




​'Eh, none that I personally believe in. Unless you count the kinda bleak outlook of us just being puppets for some sick creatures' amusement." Deadpan shrugged, "But that's too heavy, even for me."

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@@Blitz Boom, 

 "I see, don't worry. I travel a bit too with my job, which mostly deals with foxes and sometimes snakes and a few other animals. It can be tiresome but I enjoy it."


Foxy seemed to feel a bit more comfortable around the pair, they seemed nice enough, but was still slightly nervous, as she always is when meeting unfamiliar ponies.


"I don't mind Brittle. I actually am quite fond of changelings,"  Foxy shyly said, not wanting to make them uncomfortable.


"Honestly I don't know what to do. It will take a while for my place to be finished, and I have nowhere to go really. I hope I am not bothering you with my situation."


Foxy had now realized that she really had no place to go to anymore. Sure she had family, but her hometown was far from Ponyville, and she preferred to stay here. There was also Cloudsdale where a few other relatives were too, but again, she liked Ponyville. Foxy tried to hide the fact that she was terrified of what to do next. She had no idea.



(By the way I know it sounds silly, but is it okay I just read the posts you reply to me, or would it be better to read all of them? I find it hard to catch up that way).

Edited by Foxy Socks
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@@Blitz Boom,


Neon's eyes went wide at the Bunny's story, such a small creature could do something like that? she shook herself and began to laugh it off.


 "Wow, really? awfully strong! There's no way I'd be able to take on a pony like that. Where do you even find the courage to be around them knowing they like fuzzy things like us?"


She doubted that this helped her case, but thought it was necessary, and it felt nice to joke around and relax, she hadn't done so in a long time.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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*Cacora chuckles a bit. But then frowns.* "Something's not right. I always hear the others even after bed time. Be cautious with my room. It's set up how I have it because it's my organized Chaos. I will be right back. I am going to check the other rooms and safe rooms."


*The worry in her heart is definitely noticeable. Cacora begins silently checking rooms not just incase all are asleep, but also just incase of more trouble.* 'The caretaker should have responded to me by now. She also didn't tell me what happens if they had to relocate. I hope they are safe.' *Once she turned the corner, nopony heard a peep from her. Her steps are light and she makes sure to avoid any creaky boards she recalls from her youth.*

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Blitz Boom,


Misty's mind went to an odd place when he mentioned 'squeamish' She knew she lacked trates like that, especially after her tribe... She shook her head, shaking the thought away. She followed Chow around a bit, a new question coming around. "What got you into the pet food business?" The question vanished when her mind answered the question for her, but she stayed silent on that realization so Chow could give his answer, in case it had nothing to do with hers.


@@Seamore Sandwich,


Frannis wasn't so keen to tricks, so he knew what Penny tried to do, but allowed her to quickly pass the idea away. And placed his bits on the counter."Thanks for your service." He said instinctively. "I'll be sure to come again!" He looked down at the bag once he left the store, realizing sharing with his hive the candy was better for his health, and luckily- being that it was a small hive -he had enough for all of them. His wings extended, and he flew away to his hive, not too far from Canterlot.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


Changelings also frightened Lance, but not as much as they scared Void. He had rarely seen anypony this afraid, and was about to do something about it before somepony else beat him to it.


"Changelings? Pssh, don't worry about them, if they try to eat your love or anything I'll punch their lights out."


Lance winked to show he was kidding about being able to punch their lights out.


Usually I would be skeptical, but the amount of damage that I saw tells me otherwise. And where I live?..."


Where Lance had been he wasn't that proud of. It's not like it was a infamous town (in fact, just the opposite), but it wasn't a very friendly one. He had been beaten up multiple times as colt, and he quickly learned what the world really was instead of dreaming about how he wanted to be the king of Equestria or something. This really messed around with his childhood. 


"So I come from a town called Noncannon. (#bestname) It, uh, wasn't the best town out there. One of the only benefits was that it had almost no changelings and that it was dirt cheap to live there. To be honest, one of the things it did to me was make me more social so I could be a little stronger around thugs. I'd probably still be in my cottage back in Noncannon if it hadn't done that. I remember one time where I was a young colt, and some bigger ones came up to me and told me to give me their bits. As this was the first time I'd ever seen them, I declined..."


Lance sighed.


"I'm lucky I was nearby my house. I crawled home with a broken leg and a black eye. Oh boy, that was bad."

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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And there she was again, bopping on the surface like a gold fish that had eaten too much.


Ziggy had been sure for a second there that her siren friend had actually woken up and taken a swim, but seeing this, it was more likely that she had just slipped down for a time and now had her slumber this way. Not something she recalled seeing before, but she didn't really watch Serenade sleep either. Both because it was a teensie bit creepy, and because she were still susceptible to the song, and her sleepy snoring hit the right tunes if she stood too close.


Personally she didn't really mind it, since she still hadn't seen any damage happening from the first time it happened, but Serenade had looked so guilty, like she had done something wrong, and Ziggy didn't want her friend to feel that way. She already had enough stuff to deal with without having to worry that she would hurt the zegasus, like now that her gem had shattered.


*sigh* Hopefully the letter would soon get to Luna and she'd be ab le to help. Though she hoped there were less destruction this time. It was not a good time right now for the door to get smashed and give everypony in town a peep into what rummaged around right under their noses.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"You hear that? Get out of here. You show your face again and I won't be so forgiving."

Solasan dusted himself and held his neck to catch his breath. He overestimated himself and Lin, the unexpected aspects of their arrival only made him reconsider his options. But the truth of his words still stand: he still has eyes and ears in the village. He still had his advantages and he isn't ready to call it quits just yet. Even his deteriorating age wouldn't so much as deter him from his objectives. He looked straight at Lin, then towards Omen, and gave his parting words.

"Trust me, there are no happy endings to situations like this. Showing my face to you both is an inevitability; it's only a matter of time before I return. If you really want to change things for the village, make things better for them, then you better be ready to give up something important. When the time comes to make the difficult choices, you better be ready to act or it will cost you." 


He picked up his empty pack and without looking back, Solasan scurried off into the dark forest. Lin noticed the clay bottle and examined it before returning to Omen. She was still unsure of it; maybe it will make things worse or it might not do anything at all. If Elder Ghilan notices it, him getting suspicions will be the least of their worries. 

"I really don't like this but I suppose we could find some answers from Sen while the elder still sleeps." Lin said to Omen as she opened a gate back to the elder's hut. "He seems to be a heavy sleeper since Sen's screaming didn't wake him up. I really hope this doesn't backfire. Solasan's words are ominous enough."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade lets out a yawn, then rolls over onto her back. Using a foreleg, she scratches her belly before let it fall back into it's resting position. Her snores causing bubbles to ring her head like a watery crown, her tail catching the current and spinning her slowly around. 

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@@Blitz Boom,


Blood drops gave him a sniff, then Blitz. They smelled similar. Didn't look similar though. She frowned, then began thinking of what he said. She twitched her ear as the big dragon came in. The big dragon would know what to do. 




timeout in a block of granite


Blood decided she didn't want that. So she sat herself down and became silent. "I don't like granite, its too cold" she remarked. 






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@@Blitz Boom


Satin laughed, a smile stretching across her face. "Holy water? Ha! As if you'd ever see a changeling carry something as silly as that. If ponies believe that works on anything, they're delusional."


Satin sighed, her face scrunching in thought. "I guess I was a bit off on my centuries remark. It sounds like you've had a rough time of it. I can't judge you for what you  I'm not sure I wouldn't have done the same thing. Power, immortality, youth, they all sound so delightful. But I guess everything has consequences. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be changed so much, and I'm a changeling. It's what we do. But matters of soul, while the concept is foreign to most of my kind, I can't imagine the very fiber of my being being changed like that...." Satin let out a shudder. 'To say I pity her is an understatement, but I know that pity wasn't what she needs, or probably even wants, right now. She probably just wanted the same thing I do, to be accepted for who she is now.


Satin gasped and started shuffling through her bags. "Where is it... AHA!" She turned around, her hooves outstretched. A scarf lay upon them, the color a deep purple with darker purple swirls embroidered upon it, the material a fine cashmere. "Here. I know it's not "made of the purest void", but I hope it'll help just a little. And, please, think of it as a thank you for helping me today and for telling your story to me, not some kind of pity gift. Maybe it can be the start of a friendship or something." Satin shrugged. 'It would be nice to make some friends abroad. It'd give me more reason to get out of that stuffy city every once in a while.' Satin smiled at the thought and nodded. 'Yes. I will make some friends.'

Edited by Lil' Lovebug

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Blitz Boom,

Draco sighed to himself as he rubbed his head. Glass glass. He didn't know any glass blowers unless there was some in the courier's guild. But still he had a bad feeling from this. He hummed slightly to himself as he paced slightly. His nervous tick if there was any thing.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Moon Dancer.

"Very well then sir, this way please."

They had only just passed the hallway that would lead them down to the larger pool, so it wasn't many steps they had to backtrack before being on their way again.

It wouldn't be more than a few minutes before they'd arrive there, and Bubble would open the door to show that currently, there seemed to be three ponies in here. Two of them looked like they had arrived as a couple and stayed in one part of the pool, talking a bit until they saw the alicorn and had a small pause as they checked a few times more just to make sure they weren't seeing things, before going back to their small talk, though an eye were kept on Senvious now and again. Likely curiosity.

As for the last pony in this room, it was a mare that had not even seen he were there, nor that anypony had entered the room at all frankly. She just sat in the water with her back to the edges and her front hooves up on the floor to not fall in too long right now. Must've been one relaxing day for her, which were pretty amplified by the blissful smile on her face.


She was a rather big pegasi too. Not alicorn size, but it was pretty close, and the large wings could have fooled regular ponies into thinking otherwise, if she were seen from behind, where you couldn't see if she had a horn or not. Likely wouldn't have fooled Senvious, but who knew? Might be he could've been fooled under the right circumstances.

It was a bit strange though, that she seemed to have a skull in a leather strap around her neck. Not a pony one, as the form were far from fitting there, but some kind of animal were likely a safe bet. It had fangs, so perhaps a small wolf or something?

Bubbles didn't judge on what kind of head it was. He just looked at Senvious, and waited for him to either approach the pool, or asking for another place.


@@Moon Dancer.

Huh, the things you learned. Alonsus had been sure that love were the only thing that would get down for changelings, but he supposed he had been proven wrong. Interesting.

Wouldn't be too long until they reached the front of the line, with Alonsus as the first of them to stand face to face with Pinkie. A fine mare, but sadly one that were already with another, which were a pity in his eyes, but not something he would challenge. There were limits even to his self-absorbed view on things.

"Hello there. Could I ask for some garlic bread and a bowl of soup please?"



She really didn't want to, and you could see that on her fearful face, but she still moved slowly out of the way so that this Widdershine could get to Stardust.

It was a duty to protect the citizens of Equestria, and one Amazon took seriously, but she had been at the receiving end of a draconequus' bad mood before, and she didn't want that to happen again. Not when there was a chance, however small, that he was actually not going to cause trouble. And even if he were, what exactly could she do about it? His kind were more or less demigods, and she were unarmed. A snowflake would have a better chance of surviving on a blazing pyre than she would have of even causing any issues for this being, much less hurt him.

There wasn't any trust from her side though. The pancake seemed like a good gesture, but she just couldn't help fear the worst like it was poisoned, or would explore into glitter when you bit into it, or something in between the worst case and best case scenarios she had thought on.

"Please try and behave yourselves, o-okay?"

This was not just said to Widdershine, but also to Stardust, who were not only sounding like he liked the draconequus and his (thus far) simple antics, but also were adding things that started to add to the bowl of crazy that she felt like she were stewing in.



"I've never tried to comfort somepony besides my sister before, and the two of you aren't exactly in the same field of problems. Her's I can understand since we both suffer under basically the same, but yours are a bit more out there."



"Yeah, that's gotta be a bleak way to look at things in the long run. No good for anypony to go down that rabbit hole when there's more positive things to look at than imagining we're all a bunch of puppets for higher beings. I could see that making somepony all kinds of depressed."


@@Foxy Socks

"I believe that I may be able to help you with that.

As you have noticed, there are good deal of homes currently damaged, which is why there have been set up tents in the north side of town to alleviate some of the pressure on the remaining housing. I've heard the workers say that the current schedule have them done in three days, so that could be a temporary solution to your problem until they either reach your house, or are done entirely, yes?"

Briar might not be able to see anything (yet) but he did listen well in what went on around him, which is why he knew things like the fact that a few had been found dead, along with a few bits and pieces about the ones from long ago and the tents in the north side of town. From what had been said, it sounded like there would be some vacant ones, as a few of those that had taken usage of them had made arrangements with their friends or family in this town, or had checked into the inn.

Granted, it would not hold forever. Words about several new beings that had entered town had passed by him too, and if they were staying in town for the foreseeable future, the tents might soon get taken if they weren't somewhat fast. Though of course, this hinged on whatever or not Foxy found it acceptable.


@@Changeling Neon

"Easier to stand against ponies than dragons. If my dragon didn't keep them away, they'd try to eat me. Except for the small ones. I fight them myself. Only thing there is to do there."

Lotus had never been around the regular, carefree life that the bunnies here in Equestria had. Where her and Nerzhei came from, she had grown up with no bunnies, but lot's of dragons fighting. Especially the scholar, who were more than happy to beat up someone who got on her nerves, and as she grew up, Lotus saw that and figured that was normal to do. So she started to fight too. With puppets and stuff first, but eventually she were able to fight something living. like the little dragon the size of Blitz. She beat him up good, and often just straight out jumped him if she saw him to get it out of her system.

The fact that she had done the same thing the first time she had met another bunny were... Unlucky, to say the last. They weren't up for a fight, and they got all scared of her when she tried. She didn't know that this wasn't some sort of affection at the time, and now... Well, she had just gotten too used to it to stop. She'd likely jump decent-sized timerwolves in this area, given half the chance.

"Oh, my dragon is back, and she looks annoyed. Looks like the ponies talking crazy is getting to her. WOnder what's going on?"



Jelly really wanted to follow Cacora and find out what were going on along with her, but... Well, perhaps it couldn't hurt? Long as she made sure to be within earshot of her of course.

She managed to take a few steps towards the door before she shook her head and stopped.

"No, bad. She wanted you to stay,"

Much as she wanted to respect things, her instinct tended to be to explore and find out things like any foal her age would, and it sometimes clouded her judgement for a time. This time it was thankfully not too much, but there had been other times when she really should have thought before she went through with following this instinct. Hopefully it wouldn't happen later here, in case Cacora didn't come back or something.

There was a bit of worry on her face as she turned and looked at the cocoon again. Not a nice thought to think she'd be left here all by herself.



"It was pretty much the only market I could find I'd do well in. Well, that and guiding others 'round dangerous terrain, but that sort of business is spotty, and I need to save up, y'know?

Like the griffins, I grew up hunting and tracking animals, and though I couldn't eat 'em, I learned how to prep things afterwards if it came to that. Since it seemed a waste to just let it be, I started to think that I might as well try my hoof at using it for something, which is what brought me to pet food. Little more than a hobby back there, but after I had to leave for Equestria, it turned out to be a good business. At least here in Canterlot. Ponyville is a whole 'nother beast it turned out.

You see, much as nopony wants to think on it, their cats, dogs and other carnivorous pets like that, need meat to survive. Now some can get it by just hunting mice, or at worst, use some of the synthetic stuff that I know some feed the poor things, but that's either not stable or straight up cruel. So I figured that since nopony liked me anyway and found me a weirdo freak, I wouldn't care much for the scorn coming with hunting animals and making stuff like this. It got to me eventually, but for a good while, it was a-okay.

You wouldn't believe the hypocrisy though. For a while, everypony nearly spat after me when they saw me, but that sure didn't mean that they were any less likely to come around and buy stuff later on. Bloody nobles..."


@@Seamore Sandwich

Now this was fascinating. An abundance of sweets and goodies for every taste, spread in out in their sections like a bountiful harvest. Why, even she, who were not much of a sweet tooth, couldn't help but feel a certain hunger rise in her from seeing this.

It was not all she saw, though the familiar face were not there long enough for her to really learn anything new from him. It was still just the same pony that had been at the stall earlier, and as he left, it seemed unimportant to put more weight to it than that.

"What a marvelous place. I must admit that I am surprised to have not heard of a place of this splendor before in Canterlot. Have you recently acquired this establishment?"



"M-My sister and I got attacked a lot too. They thought we were f-freaks."

Images of random times when her or Null had been chased down the streets when they were small came to mind, and almost made her wince. She had thought on these moments in time for over twenty years now, and she still couldn't understand why they had been treated like that. They hadn't chosen to be what they were, they were just born that way, and tried to live their lives. Why was that such a bad thing for them?

"Especially N-Null suffered from this. Her feathers still retain our curse if she drops one, and none of them wanted t-to have that happen to them, even if she were careful n-never to let any of them fall, so they tried to..."

A shaking hoof went towards her back for a moment, as she remembered that day that would likely never stop haunting either Null or her. As for how it must look like... Perhaps Lance could understand what it were that they had done to remove the issue of never having a stray feather land on them, though hopefully he didn't. it wasn't a nice thing to think about.

"N-Nevermind. So why did you live in N-Noncannon if it was full of criminals? Doesn't sound like a g-good place to grow up.

And as for changelings... I-I don't mind the drones that much, but the royals are s-scary. At least the one w-we meet were."



Giving up something important.

These words lingered in Omen's mind as Salosan took off and Lin brought them back to the current elder's hut. Words that she didn't know what would cover yet, though she were concerned that what it meant would be Sen.

What she knew of the siblings, they had no family left, their home was strange and generally unwelcome, and since Slosan had eyes everywhere, it likely wouldn't feel safe for them either. What she did know that they had were eachother and omen, and since Salosan likely didn't know about her, that made her think that perhaps, to make this town better, they'd have to do something to Sen. Or at least let something happen without trying to stop it, which wasn't good for this town, as she wasn't going to let that happen. Sen had been through enough as it were.

Or well... He wasn't actually, since they were going to give him this drink now.

Whatever this would exactly do she had no idea, but she doubted it would be pleasant for Sen, and frankly, she were not sure if she should let Lin give it to him. What if it were dangerous?

"Are you sure the potion isn't dangerous? Might be poison."



Scratching Serenade's belly... So tempting...

Ziggy knew it was dangerous, and likely a very stupid thing for her to do in general, but as she saw the sleepy siren lazily drift around in a circle on her back, she couldn't help herself from going nearer as silently as she could, and prepare to scratch, then run for dear life.

Fortunately for her, Fah'lina were starting to get used to her poor impulse control and flew down to drill her claws into the mare's neck and yank her backwards. Powerwise, it wasn't effective, but it helped to get her out of it for now. If it happened again though, she'd go the whole way and bite her. Might be she'd scream, but it was still better than potentially poke a sleeping lion, metaphorically speaking.


@@Lil' Lovebug

Vivid blinked a few times, seemingly baffled, then began to laugh for a hooful of seconds before it ended, and she refocused her gaze on Satin.

"You should be careful to offer friendship to a demon. Might end up with me taking that offer."

She wasn't mocking, nor talked down to. From the smile on her face, she were actually, genuinely happy about the situation, but at the same time, Vivid didn't fall fully into things, and distanced herself a little from it emotionally. She had been promised things before that had ended with her broken, and mistrustful of anypony else. To trust somepony right off the bat... It wouldn't happen, but she chose to attempt an optimistic view on it for now.

"And I do appreciate the gesture, but I can't accept the scarf. It is rather lovely, don't get me wrong, but to wear that I would have to remove what I have on now, and that will threaten to freeze me to death.

I should have explained better before really. The void that I drape myself in, is a malleable shape. Demons and those who are close enough, can tap into it and use it, but the more important part of it is that it delivers a scorching heat to our skin. It won't affect other beings, but for us, it delivers the several hundred degrees we need to stay warm, and without it, I could quite literally freeze to death.

Until I find some kind of spell-work that makes me either able to control my own temperature, or that can negate this part of my nature, I cannot remove what you see now without it being lethal. And while I might be able to return from death, it doesn't mean I particularly want to, especially as it pollutes my body further."

To prove what she meant with the void, she spent a small bit of magic to summon a deep purple orb of of thin air, and formed it around like it was nothing. A spot of purple wrapped around the tip of her horn as she did this, but this was just another color than changelings or unicorns in general. It was still just a glow from the magic flowing. At least until it stopped and the orb went *poof*.

"As for the first thing you said, I was never intrigued by the power. They added this to make the deal sweeter, but the youth and immortality already had me hooked.

You need to understand, I have been around death since I was born. I see the dead that have not moved on, hear their problems and do what I can to help them on, but without ever knowing what I sent them off too. Would they go to Tartarus? Some kind of paradise? Perhaps just an endless darkness to wail in for eternity?

I never knew, and it terrified me the closer I got to my own death, as well as the chance that I might become stuck in this world, and forced to wail in pain until another like me came around and did what had to be done. So i prayed day in and day out as my days became numbered, and as I could almost hear the end getting nearer, they arrived.

You see what drove me now? Not thirst for power or the want to live forever to learn everything there were. I was just an idiot that was desperate to stave of death, and had to live with the consequences.

Ah, but enough about these heavy subjects. I assume there is a limit to how much I can expose you too in one setting, so perhaps it is my turn to ask now? Do tell me Satin, how have your life formed to end you here, wandering in your true form int he open, and seemingly living the noble life? Usually the only changeling nobility I hear of is royals, and money is not a huge part of the hive kingdoms I have heard about."



So then, awkward silence huh? Guess that mean that he didn't know anypony. Rats, and Clockwork had been hoping that this pony might have a few friends with varied skills that could come in handy.

"Well, I don't know anypoiny in Ponyville that can do this, so that's a bust too, though... There have been a lot of new faces the last few days. Might be that some of them have an idea or some skills?"

He started to think on it, and you could almost see the gears grind in his hear as the seconds ticked by.

Oh dear Celestia, too many watch puns. Might as well clock himself ou- Dang it!

"...Do you think you could spread the word a bit perhaps? A lot of ponies have gone to the food stall lately, so might be a good place to drop a few words, then see what happens? I doubt it'll be something found fast, but the watch is going to take me a while to put back together anyway. But of course, I'm not forcing to anything. You're free to say no if it is and I'll just... Figure something out. Where there's a will there's a way and all that, right?"







And now she were dealing with somepony who more or less actively encouraged the leash. How wonderful... Dang ponies.


"My head doesn't hurt in a way that any potion can fix pony. It hurts because I am trying to suppress my instinct to take the lot of you and put you in timeout for being unable to act like rational adults. I am a scholar, not a glorified psychiatrist.


I will take your request into consideration if it comes to that, but I would rather have answers right now."


"They we-"


"Not from you. I can practically smell the adrenaline rolling of you, so your brain is too muddled for me to think your words unbiased enough to answer my question. Storm here seems unfocused on the question too, and Blood... I don't know what you would say happened, but I am thankful at least that you've calmed down."


Nerzhei removed the claws from her forehead and looked at Blood with a look showing that she were somewhat impressed with her, as she hadn't figured the mare would have been able to keep herself in check from what experiences she had of the mare thus far. Showed her what she knew apparently.


That leaves me with you Missklang, and I would like an actual run down of what is going on here to make you all so hostile, not just a *he did she did* deal, understood?"


Her head hurt a good deal less now that things seemed more calm, but she were still looking for some answers to what had sparked this to begin with, so she could uproot the problem before it began to spread. It had likely something to do with the weird one in the door to Blitz's workshop, but she needed factual data before she could began to fix things.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


The Alicorn simply looked at bubble and slipped into the water with little effort. Senvious sees the strange pony in the pool, and swims past her, then he takes a closer look and decides to sit next to her.


@@Blitz Boom,

The changeling King sighed when he saw the bright pink face of pinkie, but he stayed silent. His face showed no emotion, he didn't care.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@@Blitz Boom


"Really? Oh I was so upset I didn't even have a chance to look. That sounds good."


Foxy was glad that she had a temporary place to stay. Her house really didn't have much, but it still hurt seeing it in the broken state it is. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait too long.


"By the way, where are you guys staying at right now? I know you travel quite often, so you wouldn't seem to have a permanent residence do you?" Foxy asked, hoping not to sound too nosy. She traveled a bit herself, but it was usually for her jobs or studying, which provided temporary places to stay.

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@Blitz Boom

@ Widdershins


Stardust looked to his new friend and nodded "Yes miss Lily" he replied politely before pausing and closing his eyes took a deep breath and placing a hoof on his stomach, then exhaled the breath and moving his hoof outward before opening his eyes, said eyes seeming slightly more focused then before "Sorry about that my mind slipped a bit, but I do have to admit this guy is pretty amusing" he then stated motioning to the draconequis

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@@Blitz Boom


"Yeeaaah, that sucks. I mean, it wasn't really my choice to live in Noncannon, obviously, as I was a colt who didn't know any better. Back then, I thought Noncannon was awesome. Why did my parents live there, though? Well, back then we we're what you would call the luckiest family, and we didn't have a lot of money to spare. Rent Day was dreaded in the house I grew up in, and once we had so little money after a Rent Day that for two days I had to live on the food my school gave me. Now, after I moved out and realised how bad Noncannon was, and got another cottage somewhere else slightly better, my parents struck gold. So, my dad was kind of addicted to gambling. What was lucky was that he was good at it. Unfortunately, because we didn't enough money to spare for gambling when I lived there, Dad held off on the gambling. He still absolutely loved playing poker, though. He beat me every single time. Oh, I'm getting off topic. Uuuh.. right. So anyway, when I left my parents had enough money to do a little bit of gambling. About a month after I left, I got news that they owned a huuuge cottage and they still had extra money."


Lance realised this was the most he had talked since he had come to Ponyville. He figured he was getting annoying talking about himself, so he asked another question. He was hoping this wasn't a sensitive question to be asking. 


Only one way to find out...


"So what's the deal with royal changelings?"


He braced for the newfound friendship(?) to shatter at this question. He was pretty sure he shouldn't of asked that.

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Blitz Boom


"Okie dokie lokie! I'll have that out in a jiffy!" Pinkie disappeared in a pony shaped cloud of dust, before one of the dust hooves moved and waved away the rest of the dust to reveal her standing in the exact same spot and pose with the exception of the food tray she held (Somehow her, the food tray, and the items on the food tray were both sparkling clean, not a trace of dust); which she offered to Alonsus. "Here you go! I hope you enjoy it and have a totally superific funtastic day!" Pinkie exclaimed happily, giving her usual happy smile. "Also, I'll be sure to throw you a super awesomeriffic 'Welcome to Ponyville Party once the town's rebuilt! I'd do it now, and I hate to wait, buuuu~t even I know when it isn't a good time. Sometimes. Occasionally... Okay, only in extreme cases." She added, smiling sheepishly.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Twilight-Shimmer,   &  @@Blitz Boom,


   Smiling broader now that he's gained a participating audience, Widdershins begins gesturing wildly with his ears as he talks, still laying on his back & looking up at the ponies before him.


   Oh piffle, poppycock & Balderdash. Colt, filly, mare, stallion, sentient parasitic uvula that's piloting the body like a giant mech-suit, its all the same really!

 ...and honeycube, you don't need to tell me about looking unnatural! Think of it as being a trend-setter!


   Hmm...right, yes. Those pancakes I mentioned! The Interdimensional Symbol of Hospitality! A good way to make amends n' friends! And that's something I can't spit on! Think I'll get one too for your skittish protector here too.

   With this said, one of Widdershins's ears folds around & quickly covers the distance made by the retreating mare to pat her on the end of the muzzle again. While he may have meant this as a reassuring gesture, there is still the unnerving fact that it was difficult to tell whether that ear actually stretched or not.

   Because apparently horses are spooked easily or something! How unreal.


     Let's see now then, a good two or so, right? Well, then! Order Up!


   As Widdershins is talking two brown discs come flying in at whistling speeds over the nearby rooftops, aimed straight at the two ponies' faces. Mere steps before impact that would have surely caused moderate damage... Widdershins's fishlike, finned tail appears before them, catching them mid-air.


   -although... as a sign of goodwill, maybe its best I test them first to see what flavor they are.


As his tails retreat back to hover over his still prone head, the thinner & longer vine tail begins to unravel & scoop under the pancakes to hold each individual pancake up to the end of his long snout as his glowing eyes cross in concentration.


   Yup. Yup, that's bleach flavor alright.

  Think I'll keep that one for myself, seems bleach is fatal to some mortals.


   Blech. This one's likely raspberry syrup. Or blood flavor. My blood actually IS raspberry syrup, so you'll forgive me if I confuse the two.

     I'll bring up another one t-

   Another pancake, this one seemingly chocolate-gray purple, rams into the side of Widdershins face with enough force to scoot his head over a few feet. He continues on while one ear holds the approved pancakes out for the ponies as the other holds the offending pastry back.

   -to give to our compatriot here.


     The offhand ear slowly inserts the bleachcake into Widdershins's muzzle like a compact disc going into a player. He ponders outloud to himself.

    Nom. You know, feels like I'm forgetting another plot line.




    Back in the town square, a discarded light-pink pancake suddenly stands bolt upright as it begins to quickly turn on end like a spun coin.

  Somewheres, off in the distance, a duck quacks. I don't know why I brought that up, just felt importantly dramatic to say.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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