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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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On 30/11/2017 at 7:38 PM, Blitz Boom said:

You could hear the dragoness gnashing her teeth,a nd her hand was trembling under the dirt as she fought every instinct in her body with the logic that were in this. The guard needed help, and annoying as it were, the disease fountain was the only one who knew exactly how to do so.

it took a lot of her strength to push through it, but eventually, she would lift herself from the ground, and let her geomancy rest. Her last bit were used to topple over the rocks around Blood so that she could get out of there, though it had been oh so tempting to instead have them fall inwards, and make a satisfying crushing sound on top of the zombie.

"Help him, now."

Her words were cold as ice, as her brain began to think further on things, rationalizing things that wouldn't take her anger away, but gave her a perspective that directed some of it towards herself.

Specifically, it was about how she had tried to help, but then just left. After going to the forge and completing the base idea of an amulet with some degree of harmony magic that she hoped would keep the infection in check on the sickly mare, she hadn't gone out to look for her again. instead, she had just stashed it, and gone on about her business, thinking that she would send word on how those who met her should deal with her, rather than track her down and finish what she started.

It might be that Blood was a monster, who had more lives on her consciousness than any other being she had ever met, but that were exactly why she shouldn't have been so dismissive of this. Dulling her edge, could cause that safety risk to be kept better in check, and save countless lives. Her own aggressive stance on how to deal with the pony did not warrant her negligence, and especially not considering she still needed to find that island that Blood had seemingly made a horrid mess of, and might end up needing a sample of the toxic mare's blood to make at least an attempt of fixing things.

If the isle wasn't thought of, and she just demolished the pony right here and now... The dragoness would be to blame if it spread, and she did not want this on her, though right now, she were still pretty on edge, and logic could only get her so far. Getting pushed to much would make her instinct react instead, and her instinct were not suggesting her pleasant things.

As for Slappy, he were still in the same position, and whimpering. He would be pretty easy to get near and do something to without any issue. He didn't even take notice of what was going on around him.

Blood blinked as she was released from the stone, she managed to wiggle out of it with some help from the dragon. It seemed she had talked her way out of this again, she blinked not yet at the smirking phase. She picked up the amulet that Slappy was meant to have been wearing. he nearly ruined everything along with this dragon. She rolled her eyes at his whimpering, he was like a small foal that needed to be taken care off. She would ensure that was done swiftly.

Blood moved towards Slappy keeping a eye on the dragon at all times, encase she had a change of heart. She quickly put the fallen amulet around Slappys neck causing him to stop moving. Then she turned around and faced Nerzhei, "You might want to step back for this part" she warned with a smirk, she was gonna be doing some voodoo shit here, or something that hand't been tried before.

She picked up a stick and started drawing a nice long circle around Slappy, then she rummaged in her bag and brought out several fish, before laying them around the now very dead Slappy, letting the freshly killed fish leak there blood around Slappy, this would be the part of the blood sacrifice. This transformation was probably going to ruin his armour and all. Blood's eyes glowed red as she finished doing her little ritual, she waited and watched the fish slowly turn from there healthy colour towards a rotten state in a matter of seconds.   

While the fish started to Rot, Slappy began to lose his pale colour and return to his natural colour. His eyes began to turn from there cloudy back to sharp and focused. Now he was no longer a zombie he was just simply dead. Blood began to pace around the dead Slappy while holding another fresh fish, and growling in her own sort of way. She continued this for several more seconds which turned into minutes before suddenly Slappy started to breath again. 

Though his life had come at a cost, that cost would be the hundreds of dead fish that had paid the price for it, they were now floating ontop of the nearby lake. That nearby lake would now be a place of death, though after all Blood had followed Nerzhei  orders of 'Help him Now'. She turned to the dragon "it's done, hes alive, are you happy?" she asked frowning at the dragon. 

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@Blitz Boom

Victoria's eyes were still turned up to the sky and she didn't seem to be 100% listening to what Benny was saying, though there was a slight eye roll as he listed his travel plan.

"Don't let me get in your way... unless you really don't know where you're going."

She looked at him now, still frowning as usual.

"These streets are so filthy, the quicker we get round them, and the quicker we get to a place with a ceiling, the better."

It was strange how worried she seemed to be about the appearance of her sister's apprentice, though they had clashed earlier it didn't seem like there was any huge dislike for one another, especially on Sprinkles' side.

  • Brohoof 1




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"Magical books? Now wherever could those be? Pity you don't have a hidden basement or something that were specifically used for all of the shady stuff. That might've made it a whole lot easier."

Chow was clearly being sarcastic, and he could barely control his laugh enough so that it was but a chuckle when he said this. Perhaps not the nicest way of going at this, but sometimes his muzzle was faster than his brain, and things like this popped out there with little to no control on his part. That or he was just a dummy, one or the other.

Now, where to find that there spoon they needed to open the door...




Another bellowing laughter was heard from somewhere deep within, as Warlock uttered his demand.

"So the element of Greed himself have shown up making demands. haves he? I should cause the hall to fall upon your heads for this insolence, but you did rid me of that pesky binding spell... Hmhmhm, perhaps I would have more fun by letting you move on, my *saviors*."

Another laughter broke out, before the voice boomed down the halls, no longer carrying itself gently on winds.

"Come to me then, fools. Surpass the illusions and traps set by the pesky beings that bound me here, and prove your worth to me, face to face."

"You're going first Warlock. The illusions are handled better by you than me."

Athriel grumbled to herself, trying to wrap her head around what exactly they were facing. She had thought some kind of nightmare being from what the scribbles had said before, and the illusions seemed to support that. Yet the more the creature spoke, and acted against them. The less this seemed the case. Though what was it then? Grrr, she hated being uncertain, but she needed time to think. Perhaps once she passed the part with the pa- Wait, whaaAARGH!!

A shriek of surprise came from Athriel as some cloth wrapped around her ankle and dragged her down the hall. It wouldn't get far before she cut it off, and looked with hatred down the fiery path.

"You however, almost failed a test. Do better, or your friend will have to try and win not just the element, but your life as well."

"I will look forward to drain you for this, *Guard*"

Another response met only with laughter, though after that it went silent. Whoever eas in there were done with them for now it seemed, or had wandered somewhere to prepare for them.




"Remember to care for your subordinates, General Wing, even in times of crisis. Check up them, and I will tell you off our plan when you have sent somepony off. It involves some degree of caution to the wind, but it might end up being one of our best shots at capturing our foes."

Frankly he wasn't too sure about this. But Scorn had some insight that he did not, so he had to listen to the Dragon and his expertise at least once in a while. This seemed like one of this situation.




"O-Oh my, I'm sorry, I didn't know he was just a friend. They seemed equally concerned about you, and went together everywhere, I just assumed that they were together."

Well then, that was awkward. Guess she should have not jumped to conclusions after all, but at least Misty did not seem to take it badly, so that was good. She'd much prefer to not having to muddle up things here, if possible.

"Well, thank you for correcting me then Misty. It might save me some embarassment when they return. Hopefully whatever they have run off to handle, will not keep them away for too long."



@The Resident Brony

The general nodded, whilst both her and Vivid calmed down. It seemed that Invictus did not react as rash over the way he was presented with things as they had both expected. Screecher even felt slightly impressed, though she wasn't going to show that. Bolstering egos was not her line of work, and she had a note to focus on.

She barely had to though. As soon as she got it, the writing style stuck out like a sore thumb, and when she ripped off a small piece of the corner, the ever so faint smell of ocean stuck into her nostrils, confirming her suspicions.

"Tidal Wave wrote this. If the style didn't tell me already, the ingrained small stuck inside the paper would. If you want to know what the meaning of this is, you need to find her."



@Foxy Socks

Agni did not respond to the half-way order of Foxy, but so far she kept on ignoring Opalescence. That would likely be the best outcome they could hope for currently, when it came to two proud and stubborn creatures such as them.

As for Briar, he were momentrily confused as to the question, before he realized what it were that she must have meant.

"Ah yes, that. During the attack in town, I grabbed a mare falling down a roof with my vine. Apparently, she were rather paniced and fired off some kind of energy blast that essentially tore most of my vine off. I might be able to regrow a lost appendage like this, but it does not mean that the experience was any less painful, though thankfully I was knocked out, and when I came too, a kind doctor of the Pony variety had cut off the scorched parts, and replanted it, saving me from most of a painful process.

As mentioned though, it will regrow, so there is nothing to worry about. It may be weeks, or even months, but the fact that it is budding already gives me hope about the dirt being quite rich and fertile, which will help the process. As long as I remember to water the area regularly, it should not be an issue, though I thank you for your concern."



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

"I'm not here to make you leave, I'm here to ask you to bring a message across to some pony in town. The Princess is wandering near the riverbank and is helping to secure an injured pony to the hospital, and I don't want to risk her focus waning and the mare falling out of her grip. She is not looking good, and needs to get to the hospital undisturbed. Can you go into town, and just say something to the first local you see? It's important to get out there quickly, and I'm in no condition to keep running."

Back at the river, whilst Last was meeting Aurora's gaze with an unblinking stare and a tone that made it sound like less of a question and more of a statement, a voice came out of seemingly nowhere as Charlie began to speak up.

"I don't think she can hear you from her- Whoops."

If she were corporeal right now, Cherish would have blushed. She were doing a somewhat okay job of just following them so far, unseen and checking up on stuff, and beyond trying to take the blade from the shrine maiden before (Stubborn mare had been impossible to even budge) she had kept on the down low.

Perhaps if she were lucky, everypony would just ignore her. Especially Twilight , whom the specter well remembered, but had hidden from the last time she had seen her in the castle. Unicorns frightened her, though this time, the mare seemed to be an Alicorn? She had no idea how that was possible, but surely she must have been like this for a long time, and Cherish had just missed the wings the last time she saw her. Alicorns didn't just get made after all... Right?



@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

Another hug, another situation where Omen essentially just went limp and waited until she were let go off again. Strange how so many creatures in this world liked hugs so much, even master.

She had tried to learn after he was gone, by going to a few random ponies and attempt it, to see if that would make them mor e friendly, but they had just backed away and shouted at her some more. Being the servant of Discord had gained her quite a bad reputation back then, even if she had never hurt anypony. She just delivered messages, and found things. Sometimes ponies too, if Discord wanted to talk witht hem and didn't feel like just snapping them to him. Perhaps that was more to make his acquisition of Omen seem like it had a purpose, as in reality, he could do everything that Omen did himself, and then some. She were more of a novelty, or a souvenir, even if she had never seen herself like that.

"I found a weird bauble here once. Smelled of strong magic, so I thought it could help Sen."

Hugs being a weird subject she could think about at length, and everything else going on here confusing her, it had been good when her siblings had asked her something concrete, which she could answer. The questions were still roaming through the head, but at least this time, there weren't being added more.

"Glittering pony came out of a statue when I touched it. Shouted a lot, then told me to stand still, and did something with the bauble. Many words and strange lights, then my voice didn't work."

Omen hadn't noticed how she had been knocked out before by Rose, via the magic that had fragmented her and caused a part of her to go into the bauble. So for her, she had one second stood and looked at a weird pony, and the next had laid on the ground and seen everything out here, unable to tell what was going on, and incapable of speech. A weird day for her.

"She said she would help me get the magic out. Did she call you here? Is Sen immortal now?"

She went over to her adoptive brother and friend, and started to sniff him, to see if there was anything changed with his life energy. Lin's changed when she did, so her best idea was that Sen would too, if the time had come.

From what Discord had said, he likely knew the truth before Omen had *spoken*. That Rose had used her to complete the ritual to drain the gem, and then left the Ki'Nathar to rot in the cave along with the ones who had helped capture her ten years ago. A very ominous pony to begin with, and now, whoever she actually were, were out in Equestria, with who knows what kind of magic empowering her and likely an axe to grind.




Stargazer heard the voices and gritted his teeth. He was a guard after all, and hearing anypony shouting that another had to watch out, followed by hissing, was never a good sign. At best this was just a joke, but more than likely, something in this forest was about to hurt a civilian and they needed help.

"Jelly, stay put."

"Okay daddy."

Jelly might know some of what her dad did, and had some bravery herself, but the noises were still a little scary to her, and when he was here, she certainly didn't need to do anything. As was evident when he burst towards the wound, ready to tackle whatever beast were causing whoever the female voices belonged to, or perhaps distract i? They would see what he were dealing with soon enough.




Smokey stood wordless as he saw Phoenix pull back from him and burst out of the room, as if she had been scared away.

No, not just like, it---She had been scared away, hadn't she? Oh Billowing you fool, what had you done? Finally he had managed to bring somepony to his residence who seemed like somepony he'd enjoy spending his time with, and then he had chased her away within a matter of minutes...

The stallion sat with his head in his hoof, wallowing in his shame, when a shadow was cast over him, and he looked up with teary eyes and hope in his voice.

"Phoenix? I'm s-"

His words stopped and the hope withered as he instead looked up on Grim, who were looking at him with blood trickling from his nose. An unfortunate side effect of being behind a door that was suddenly slammed into his face when Phoenix had busted out of the room.

"You're bleeding I sh-"

"Go after her."

Smokey's eyes widened a little as he was given what amounted to an order from his butler.

"N-No, she must need space, and y-"

"Go after her, or as Celestia is my witness, I will slap you silly."


A slap followed, and Smokey looked in shock at the elder stallion, who until now had never laid a hoof on him.

"No. Stop overthinking things and listen to your emotions for once."

There were so many things that Smokey could say and do, but the stern look in Grim's face as he pointed behind him, towards the hall that Phoenix had run down, made them wither in his mind. A few seconds passed that felt like hours, before Smokey finally got up from his seat and ran as fast as his legs would take him, towards the best bet he had of where Phoenix were: The bathroom from earlier. It had easier accessible locks, and it was closer. If not there, he would keep on running around, looking in desperation as he shouted her name with a distraught tone.

Back in the kitchen, Grim went over to the sink and started to clean his bloodied nose whilst shaking his head. He had never thought he'd end up actually hitting his employee and friend like this, but sometimes that colt just didn't understand something by words alone, and this was one thing that Grim wasn't gonna let slide past his nose- The two of them seemed like they might end up getting along really well, and he wasn't going to let a budding romance end abruptly because she were afraid to confront it, and Smokey thought she needed space.

"Rose is not gonna like this..."

He chuckled to himself and kept on cleaning, whilst thinking about how he were going to break this to the love-struck mare when she eventually returned. Somehow, he did not think it would end well.




"Hay yeah it's dangerous if you get too much, but do you have any idea how much longer it takes to rummage through ponies trash at night with all of this rubble? I barely made all the new ones before work, so I need my caffeine. Sweet, delicious, ulcer-inducing caffeine."

The thought alone almost made her muzzle water. Just a nice, big mug of Pumpkin Latte would hit the spot, or even a Hazelnut Swirl, if they were low on pumpkin. Something with some taste in it, and she were golden.

"What sort do you drink? And don't tell me Black Coffee. It's about as exciting as saying you like your sandwiches with an extra slice of bread as the filling."



@Dji @Widdershins

Pop didn't waste any time taking off towards her nearby home, where she could retrieve an ice pack, which left Dawn alone with Spicy, who had gotten done with deterring the crowd from keeping watch over them, and for a lack of something better to do, now turned her attention towards the pony.

"Sure sounds like he doesn't want you to leave right now. Funny how things can change with a kiss, ain't it?"

Perhaps this was poking to things too much, but really, what else was she going to do? Stand around silently and juggle? Not that she could do either of those for any length of time, but that was besides the point. Point here were that she were bored, and slightly disappointing that things had not exploded into more arguing between the dragon and pony after their heated moment, so she tried to take contact. Not the most subtle of ways, but eh, sometimes you shouldn't bluff.




Nerzhei watched what was going on with seething anger, but with an annoyingly rising interest as well. Being a scholar who partly wanted to examine and refine ways of using stored magic to help in all kinds of tasks, seeing this unknown kind of magic was intriguing, and no matter how much she wanted to bury Blood alive- Undead, she listened and took a few steps back when it was mentioned, and glanced at the process as it proceeded on the quiet guard, who had stopped basically doing anything when the amulet was placed around his neck.

Voodoo were not something she had heard off or read about before, so she thought she were learning of a whole new kind of magic here. Until the fish in the lake floated dead tot he surface, and she understood what kind of thing she had just witnessed. Something which made her wince, and take another step back in disgust.

"Sacrificial magic... Blasphemy."

Whilst she believed in studying all sorts of magic to discover their usage - including Chaos, Blood and Breezie - the line were drawn when it came to the perversion of magic that were fittingly named Sacrificial. A Vile, disgusting school of magic that drained life from other living creatures to fuel some sort of dark act. In this case, returning life to the guard who had been killed before, by emptying the nearby lake for life. Likely the pool of water itself were now deadly as well, and would have to be completely emptied, but that was frankly going to be a problem. She was a Geomancer, not a Hydromancer, and moving this much water would be difficult without spilling it for her.

It was thankfully sectioned off for now, and perhaps some degree of life magic might be able to get something back into this place, but that was again, above her pay grade. Life magic had not been easy for her to come by, and with being in a new area like this... She were likely going to have to find some kind of authority to report this to, and see if some of the local unicorns had something in mind for this, or a way or harnessing life magic. Not an easy one, but she would have to try, or this would just spread via the animals. Or anything that drank from it would just die on the spot. The better of two evils, but still not ideal.

"...Is this how you became what you are? A storage of disease and death, because you meddled with forbidden magic? It haves to be. Why else wouldn't you try and use this to cure yourself?"

Anger still seethed under the surface, but right now, Nerzhei was having a moment of revolt over the horrendous magic she were bearing witness to, which were causing her to seek distance between the two of them. Perhaps soon her anger and want to cleanse this filth from the face of Equestria would win over again, but there was a moment of reprise for Blood until then.




"Nono, I'm sure I got it. Just have to follow the directions."

Pop let out a sigh and rolled her eyes a little. After the vague instructions, she had hoped that Victoria would have jumped in and made this easier, but it seemed like nothing was going to be easy.

"Victoria, do you know the fastest way to Glitter Ridge Alley?"

"I just told how to get there."

Benny sounded a bit hurt from what Pop had said. It sounded like she didn't trust him, even after that Dragon at the edge of town had been so helpful as to give them directions.

"I don't want to cast doubt on you dear, but those directions doesn't sound right. And it doesn't hurt to ask another one who lives in the area to be sure, right?"

The dragon pouted a little, but nodded. He understood her point.

"I know we're not on the best terms Victoria, but the quicker we get there, the faster you could do something you'd like to instead, right?"

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

*a youngish female Changeling is in a protective stance in front of a young Changeling princess, the hissing sound is coming from the one in the protective stance*

???: look here you shi* head. You had better leave Amanita alone or I will tear you to shreds.. *she seems ready to do so as well, in front of them appears to be a Timberwolf, somewhat smaller than others of its age* *the Changeling resumed her hissing from before* “I swear if it hurts Amanita I will kill it until it can’t reform again.” *the Changeling mare seemed to be interested only in protecting the mare behind her* *this mare has the normal black body of the old form of Changelings, but with a slight purple tint, her mane thingy and her tail look grey, her bug-like wings a transparent purple, and her eyes a dark purple*

???: M-Mirage? W-what’s going on? W-where’d you go? *this mare’s panick filled eyes also seemed to be faded/clouded over* “oh no... I hear something else approaching! What if it’s another one of those creatures!?” *the young mare seemed to be frightened not only by the Timberwolf in front of them, but she was also swinging her head around and flicking her ears to and fro nervously* *this mare’s wings also have the transparent purple to them, but her coat/exoskeleton has more of the purple tint to it, her mane and tail are a lighter purple, and her eyes are a faded/clouded over eyes are purple*

  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

Phoenix was sat down in the corner next to the toilet, propped up against the wall. she was almost positive at this point that she wasn't going to be sick, but she had stayed next to the toilet just to err on the side of caution. she sighed, as she let her head slump down into her forehooves. she was terrible when it came to this sort of confrontation. but why? she had been able to easily confront many ponies in her time living alone in the woods. everything from merchants, whom she had bought supplies from, to bandits who she had to fight off. she was amazing in combat. however, this was different. rather than combating other ponies, this time she was combating her own emotions. how long could she push them away in her mind before it ultimately blew up on her?

of course, Smokey was no moron. this was his house and he was well aware of just about every hiding spot in the house, she was sure of it. so it was no surprise when she heard him walk into the room. she had almost hoped he wouldn't, because this meant she would have to confront him, as well as her own emotions again. hiding from it was slowly becoming more and more difficult as her time spent with him went on. 

however, not every ounce of her being was filled with dread. she lifted up her face and her gaze unintentionally met with Smokey's. as it did, a warm feeling began to fill her heart. this sensation wasn't at all sickening, like the fuzziness in her stomach was. rather, this one was rather pleasant. and this time it would be difficult to remain in denial, like she had been for the last couple of days. 

not wanting to be cornered and forced into the confrontation, she decided to stand up and meet with Smokey in the center of the room. as she approached, her heart and mind began racing in a million different directions. thousands of questions rang through her head. "should i run? should i stay? should i have never agreed to come along in the first place?" were just a few that stuck out to her. 

she hadn't the time to answer any of these questions though. as she neared her destination, her mind grew eerily calm. 

she stood in front of him, with her cheeks as red as a sunset, clearly showing even through her orange fur. only one string of thought came to her mind at this point. "i need to find out for myself if all this is worth the trouble" she thought to herself. her heart raced even more, as she realized what she was about to do was insane, but there was no stopping it now. in order to overcome all of this, and finally settle down, she needed to do this

she leaned forward, extending out her muzzle. it felt like her approach lasted for hours, but in a climactic moment, her lips eventually made contact with his. she didn't simply stop there, however. she had decided to push her face forward a little more, adding a bit of pressure behind it as she closed her eyes. 

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@Blitz Boom

Lance blinked a few times when she mentioned rummaging through everyponies trash at night. I shouldn't be surprised at that. However, he quickly gathered his bearings and continued the conversation.

"I usually don't drink coffee. It's either sugary drinks or cider, but when I do end up drinking coffee it's just a double espresso. I don't ever drink coffee unless I accidentally slept in super late for something and don't have the time to wake myself up or need to stay up really, really late for something."

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:

Nerzhei watched what was going on with seething anger, but with an annoyingly rising interest as well. Being a scholar who partly wanted to examine and refine ways of using stored magic to help in all kinds of tasks, seeing this unknown kind of magic was intriguing, and no matter how much she wanted to bury Blood alive- Undead, she listened and took a few steps back when it was mentioned, and glanced at the process as it proceeded on the quiet guard, who had stopped basically doing anything when the amulet was placed around his neck.

Voodoo were not something she had heard off or read about before, so she thought she were learning of a whole new kind of magic here. Until the fish in the lake floated dead tot he surface, and she understood what kind of thing she had just witnessed. Something which made her wince, and take another step back in disgust.

"Sacrificial magic... Blasphemy."

Whilst she believed in studying all sorts of magic to discover their usage - including Chaos, Blood and Breezie - the line were drawn when it came to the perversion of magic that were fittingly named Sacrificial. A Vile, disgusting school of magic that drained life from other living creatures to fuel some sort of dark act. In this case, returning life to the guard who had been killed before, by emptying the nearby lake for life. Likely the pool of water itself were now deadly as well, and would have to be completely emptied, but that was frankly going to be a problem. She was a Geomancer, not a Hydromancer, and moving this much water would be difficult without spilling it for her.

It was thankfully sectioned off for now, and perhaps some degree of life magic might be able to get something back into this place, but that was again, above her pay grade. Life magic had not been easy for her to come by, and with being in a new area like this... She were likely going to have to find some kind of authority to report this to, and see if some of the local unicorns had something in mind for this, or a way or harnessing life magic. Not an easy one, but she would have to try, or this would just spread via the animals. Or anything that drank from it would just die on the spot. The better of two evils, but still not ideal.

"...Is this how you became what you are? A storage of disease and death, because you meddled with forbidden magic? It haves to be. Why else wouldn't you try and use this to cure yourself?"

Anger still seethed under the surface, but right now, Nerzhei was having a moment of revolt over the horrendous magic she were bearing witness to, which were causing her to seek distance between the two of them. Perhaps soon her anger and want to cleanse this filth from the face of Equestria would win over again, but there was a moment of reprise for Blood until then.


Blood blinked at Nerzhei words and raised an eyebrow at her poor choice in wording. "I would hardly call myself a storage of disease and death. Though it is true, I did do some meddling within this sort of magic during my doctorate days. Though for academic reasons and moral reasons to begin with." I remarked with a small yawn. "You see when I was much much younger then I am currently, I once had a patient with a cut hoof, now it was easy to cure though he got his hoof infected and didn't realise until it killed him. He was one of those working class ponies, kept on working till he dropped down dead from sepsis. Couldn't take a day off coz it would ruin him apprently"

"Now take another of my patients, nearly decapitated himself out of his own stupidity, though this time he was someone of importance and got priority service and survived, that got me thinking you see, why should one pony survive and another die just because they are considered different in society?" I continued, "So I started doing abit of necromancy here and there, giving those who deserved a second chance a second chance, correcting this biased system. Though unknown to me at the time this magic had a cost, for every pony that was spared, one must take its place." I continued.

"So it was eventually discovered that I might have accidentally killed, several ponies to spare more deserving ones. Long story short, there was a trial, i was found guilty and this sort of magic was used on myself. Though this magic is linked with Chaos magic, and it sort of caused me to become. What did you put it? Walking disease fountain?. Yeah so that town no-longer exists?, though you can't really blame me for that" I add with a snort. 

Blood blinked, she could have used it to cure herself though there was a good reason for why she hadn't done so. "Well, I could theoretically use it to cure myself. Though that would probably cause something more problematic then myself, perhaps a plague or famine. Also what right do I have to pass on what others have punished me with? That's equivalent to breaking out of jail" I add with a frown.

Blood then narrowed her eyes at the dragon, was she truly this naive. "Sacrificial magic, isn't blasphemy. Quite the opposite In fact. I do a necessary service,I am unique, I can reverse the greatest injustice in the land. Death itself can be a great injustice." I remarked to the dragon scholar. "It's true that many that live deserve death, maybe for a past misdeed or perhaps due to sheer luck they escaped death itself. Though on the flip side, there are some that died that deserves life. Take Slappy for instant, he was a circus performer then a royal guard. Now he might be very important though does that mean he deserves to die?" I queried.

"I deemed his life more then those that were sacrificed for it to be restored. Would the prey that sustain yourself have that much respect for your well being? Perhaps it would be better for me to cut your own life short so those that you will eventually sustain would be spared death?" I questioned her. "Don't be so quick to judge myself, I considered all possibilities before deciding on a course of action. I don't judge in death and life as quick as mortals. I weigh up the pros and cons of each individual's existence. If that individual is a positive or neutral then I leave it well alone. If its a negative then I might consider removing it to allow a more positive individual to survive" I add. 

"Though the number of individuals that I've removed from said method is less then the number of hooves i have." I finish blinking at the dragon. She might not like my methods but the results are sound. 




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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"A glittering pony called us? That doesn't sound right." Lin whispered and pondered at that moment, wondering why that doesn't seem to add up. There was already plenty of things wrong with that and what it implies is a lot more sinister. That's when it clicked. 

"Unless... your voice was separated from you and that fake, inanimate version we found outside our home... Oh no, that doesn't sound good."

That was when the pieces began to fit perfectly. A fake Omen outside the siblings' home was meant to draw the two of them to the mines and possibly trap them like it did her. If that is the case, then this "Rose" character was likely using Omen's voice to call for help when it was meant for a more sinister, ulterior purpose. The lack of her physical presence in the mine would explain that but it leaves an even darker implication floating about. If that fake Omen was waiting for them outside their home, then who left it there? Somehow, that thought terrified Lin and as soon as Sen caught on with what "immortality" Omen mentioned, he only needed to visualize the images of the trapped miners to get the message. 

"Immortality? Omen, I didn't know... Never mind. There's time for that later." Sen ran to Clayton disturbed by what he heard and imagined, and called to him. 

"Clayton, about the pony who trapped the others in there... Is there anyone we can warn about her? Something tells me she's on the move, and I was likely to be her next victim."

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@The Resident Brony

"Invictus, pick up your blade this instance!"

Vivid was surprised by the stern tone that suddenly came over the general, as she saw Invictus toss a perfectly good sword away simply because he was emotional. He might not be a guard anymore, but that was no excuse for throwing away your weapon over a banality.

"You want to know why she have mislead you? Then go and find her, instead of having a fit like a foal. It's unfitting of a former guard to act this way, and especially to throw away your weapon. Must I relearn you everything?"

One of the things she were always clear about when she had risen through the ranks, were that nopony, unless lives could be saved by it, were ever to throw away their weapons. Most of the guards were still predominantly Pegasi, but even the unicorns or somepony like Invictus were not excused just because they had other ways to deal with things. Magic could only get you so far, and she were well known for showing that limitation to boastful unicorns, and use them as examples about what might happen if you were foolish enough to disarm yourself. An ideal that she had made mandatory in the training of Night Guards after she had taken over as General, and something she would reprimand anypony for if she saw it. Perhaps a bit harsh, but it was important, and once upon a time, she had attempted to make Invictus aware of that as well. Situations like now made her doubt if he had been listening to her at all.




Stargazer noticed that he was about to save two changelings, but that did not mean that he halted as he rammed into the Timberwolf at good speed. With his robust frame, this should provide quite the punch, even though as a winged one, his bones were hollow. A curse that came along with wings, but one he at least felt somewhat less, and if somepony scrawny like Rainbow Dash could tackle a mid-sized TImberwolf like this, then he wouldn't have an issue.

In a swift motion he jumped back from the beast he had slammed into, and landed in front of the two changelings, faced towards the Timberwolf with his leathery wings risen and a sneer on his face.

"Stay behind me!"

A lot of the guards still had reservation about changelings, and would not have been as boastful, or would perhaps even have halted, but with everything that had gone on, and how they had seemed to be on the receiving end of an attack by a wild beast, any hesitation to him would be unforgivable. Changelings were allowed as citizens now, and he would protect them like that. Anything less without a proper reason would mean he might as well throw away his medal belt, because he frankly wouldn't deserve it, or the rank he held.

What would happen next though, would depend on the beast. Perhaps there were more, and this would grow as an issue, or perhaps he were lucky and it was done, seeing as the force he had hit it with should have made it glide back on the ground, or ideally, hit a tree.




If there was ever a time that Smokey felt grateful for finding something, it were in that moment, when he approached the first potential hideout of Phoenix, and found her.

Hundreds of times before had be been searching for something, and often with time as a factor in that, yet this was the first time that fear had griped him as tightly as it had when he thought about how he might not find her. How she could have left the mansion to seek her future elsewhere... He would take a collapsing temple over that. That only filled him with the dread of broken bones, whilst just the mere thought of this had caused an increasing pain that bored far deeper into his being that a mere fracture would.

A few droplets of sweat were starting to fall from his forehead as he came to a halt, and his lungs took large, greedy puffs of air as he staggered a few steps towards her, looking as relieved as could be.

He knew not what to say though, after his breath had calmed a little. Should be apologize? Beg of her to stay? Wait for her to say something, as she stared at him with such a weird glimmer in her eyes? Was he-

The sting in his sore cheek made him remember the words Grim had told him, and the thoughts slowed down. He couldn't overthink this, just like the elderly pony had said, but what was he going to do? especially now that Phoenix were getting ever so closer. She was practically in his... Fa... Meep.

Of all the things he had expected or planned to take into consideration, the mare pushing her lips towards his own were certainly not one of them, and whatever thoughts he had seemed to just fizzle out and vanish. He couldn't even remember what might have gone over him anymore, or what had brought him here as the pressure on his face increased from the mare.

Without thought, he pushed towards her as well, but he couldn't close his eyes in this moment like she did. The look over her beautiful face seemed to increase tenfold out of nowhere, and whatever small part of him that could still think among the waves upon waves of warmth pulsating through from his heart, told him that if he looked away from her now, he would never forgive himself, no matter how long he lived.

Time seemed to stand still as he rose a hoof to try and place gently behind her head to get a better grip, though if he could think, he wouldn't understand why.

Much as he seemed suave and would know his way around mares, he had never actually been close with anypony, beyond on a platonic level. Rose had been his first kiss, when they were smaller and she had dared him to try, and Sorrow had just been a friendly peck on her cheek to try and rile her up a bit.

Three times had he tried to give out a kiss since then, and all of them had gone even worse than those two times. And that included how in the case of Rose she had pushed him into a bush with thorns, and Sorrow had upped the antics by putting his head into a punch bowl in front of everypony. Both horribly embarrassing or painful, but at least it wasn't in a drunken stupor that made the mare's wife punch him out, an illusion that actually had him meeting face to cactus, and one with a mare he had helped get a family heirloom back to, whom had then stabbed him.

All of them had ended rather badly, and he were likely not helping by presumably also being a bad kisser - He had wanted to ask the last mare he had tried with, but again, stabbings, so he wasn't sure about his own performance. Yet for some reason this moment felt right. Heck, Phoenix could stab him right now as well, and this would still be the best moment he had ever had with a mare, even if he wasn't currently in a state where he could comprehend what it was that made it feel so much more special this time. His pounding heart and the face his half-closed eyes were looking at with a blissful expression, made it hard to focus on such things right now.




"Only espresso? I mean, it's a good way to get a jolt through you, but that's it? Oh poor you Lance, you don't even know the thrills of flavored blends, do you? I have so much I need to teach you then."

The restaurant was possible to watch now, and they would soon be back inside to continue their jobs, but not before Berry would have the chance to mouth off a few of their specialties, and seem ever so increasingly longing for something in the meantime.

"-And the syrup, oh dear Celestia, you can't miss out on that. I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it makes it so much better. Especially the seasonal specialties. I mean, we have a couple of fizzy drinks and stuff too for the faint of stomach, but really, you gotta try some of the special stuff when you're working with us. It'll be a crime not to educate you on it. Just stay away from the jalapeno variant. Your stomach cant handle it, and I use the shaker to cover up the best path for outside mind reading spells."




"I judge you harshly, and I blame you for much, but right now I am not spitting on you, but the magic you use.

Even if it can save someones life, then who are you to decide who is important? Is a lord more important than a beggar? Can one life taken not cause more to suffer? And what about those who died, what if they were meant to go, and would just cause havoc when they're gone?

No being... Nearly no beings exist that can make the judgement call, and tell for sure who's better to save, and who to condemn."

There had been tales that she had seen in some of her books, and heard about here and there before. A few beings, one cloaked in robes and the other a giant hippo with wings (that one was weird honestly) that could surpass the limitations of the here and now, and know what would be ahead. Those beings would be able to tell who was worth taking for another if they existed, not some mare who had gone polluted from using that sort of magic extensively over who knew how long.

"The magic you use is a corrupting mess that always end up taking more than it gives, and even if you saved the guard now, just look at who brought him in danger in the first place. You, and the disease that was caused by this magic. How ingrained does it not have to be to cause this much havoc? More than this would be able to do anything against, that's for certain."

Nerzhei reached a hand into her bag and pulled forth the metal amulet she had been working on earlier, and tossed it on the ground. The small slivers of gems arranged carefully in it would not pop out, but it was pointless anyway, which funnily enough actually were her point.

"It's useless for this. Either you're going to need an influx of life energy that will require more of the stuff than I've ever heard off was possible, or you will end up causing a plague causing even more death to have a chance at curing yourself,

And I certainly can't pulverize you or bury you now, or that disease might just end up spreading when you die..."

That fact seemed to irk Nerzhei greatly, but who could blame her? This basically meant that she had nothing to hold over this pony anymore. Capture her in a cage for a time perhaps, yes, but how much worse would things not become if she just left her? As painful as it was to admit, the mare was actually the lesser of two evils right now.

"Fine, you win. You hear me? I can't deal with your magic or disease, and I don't know how to even start trying to fix you anymore, which somepony will have to try, or things will go bad eventually anyway."

She reached her hand into her bag again, and pulled forth a large vial full of a purple liquid that she took a few large gulps off before closing once more. The alchemist in Ponyville had hooked her up with a few remedies that should help her migraines, and right here at the end of everything, she had really needed it.

"Wait, how are you even arguing this? I've never seen you with any grasp of being eloquent or thoughtful before this."

Slappy in the meantime, were alive, but currently unconscious. His mind weren't meant to handle all of these things happening to him, and he needed some time to recuperate.



@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

Omen had no idea what Sen and Lin were suddenly up in hooves over. Had the glittery pony done something that she didn't know? It sounded like they didn't know her, but then again did know her somehow? Somepony had called them from the sound of it at least, and it may or may not include the pony she had seen... What did it mean?

Clayton on the other hoof, was presented with a question that he could comprehend, though the grim look on his face wasn't comforting.

"We were four that managed to get out of the mines that day. She will still think my friends here are captured, but them, and myself... She will seek vengeance, I'm certain of it. But towards you. She likely escaped hours, or even days before we got here, and you... How would she know you even existed?"

Clayton was scared. Terrified even, at the prospect of having a bat pony who likely had gotten what she had come to to caves for in the first place now, hunting him and the other survivors. But at the same time, the workers he had with him were terrified as well, and they needed him to try and help them. He had to do everything he could to calm himself, though likely when he had the chance, he would need to find a small place to cry a little, just to get everything out of his system.

*sigh* If only Belladonna had been here, she could have helped. She was always the rational one, even in the face of disaster.

The sound of cracking crystal came from behind Clayton, were now the last of the miners had gotten freed and looked around with confusion at what was going on.

"I need to handle this, but... Try and talk to your friend. Perhaps she knows something."

As he rose and went over to handle the bewildered stallion, Lin might catch a glimpse of something with the freed miners. They were glittering. It wasn't incredibly much, but their hair follicles had gotten a crystalline texture to it that were likely going to end up being permanent. A side effect of being trapped for this long perhaps, though that would mean that it wasn't just them, and that somepony else had been glittering as she had gotten loose as well. At the bare minimum, this should make her easier to spot if they ran into her.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Vic looked straight at Screecher, his eyes filled with magic-fueled rage

"Screecher....if you wish to fight me, go ahead, but I WILL NOT pick up that cursed blade AGAIN!"

He snarled and turned around

"I refuse, I will not touch that sword...not until I resolve this."

Edited by The Resident Brony
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@Blitz Boom

*the Changeling mare directly behind him had a surprised look on her face* !? “who is this?!” *she thinks* *she lifts her right front hoof up in a manner that could be seen either as surprised or defient* And why should I listen to you?

*the mare behind the first looks tentative both of her ears are facing forward, so as to listen better* M-Mirage... m-maybe he is just trying to help! After all, as far as I can hear, he hit that animal and is standing in front of us! Why would he hit it if he’s trying to help us? 

*the first looks frustrated and thinks* she does have a good point there...” *she puts her hoof back down but steps forward instead* look mister, I’m not going to act like a damsel in distress. I’m here to protect my princess. That is my job and I plan on doing it. So if you are planning on trying something, I would think twice. 

*the Timberwolf slides back and grunts, looking at the numbers* *it realizes that it’s outnumbered and growls, but backs down, slinking away*

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Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

I never thought somepony could actually get this worked up over a conversation about coffee.

"You say 'faint of stomach' like it's a bad thing. I mean, sure, you can't drink liquified caffiene and nothing else, but it's something to be appreciated because you have to look for more natural methods of waking yourself up. Like meditation. I'm a very zen stallion, you know."

Lance wasn't zen. He never meditated, he had no idea how to meditate (besides crossing his legs and humming loudly to annoy his friends in his old town) and didn't know if meditation actually woke you up. In reality, he would either drink espresso (like he had said earlier) or chug sugary drinks and scarf down really sugary foods until he found it difficult to even think straight. But it'd be better if she didn't know that, or else I'd look just as bad as her, heh.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich @Dji Serenade resists the urge to facehoof, "move to Ponyville they said, it's safe there they said, you won't worry they said♪" She whispers under her breath. She shivered, but kept swimming. The quicker Ziggy got the hospital, the quicker she could get back to her house and mail Luna and get this all sorted out. 

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@ The Somewhat Happy Couple:


  A rather wet, sliding noise suddenly happens between the two ponies. One unaccustomed to the situation both had found themselves in, and rightfully that would indeed be both, would hazard that something had gone horribly, physically wrong. It had. Though on no part to their own.

  A rather thick, long extension of finely scaled flesh of some sort now lies suddenly stuck between their two mouths. Oddly enough, it seems to carry little to no weight of its own, feeling as if somewhat hollow. Judging by its placement, whatever this new source of supposed flesh came from, it clearly doesn't obey natural laws. For one, judging by its relative thickness filling both mouths it should logically have replaced most of the skull behind them, if not clogged both throats to the point of choking. Instead, it appears to only somehow be filling enough space to cause both victims to be able to somewhat inaudibly mumble around it, like a spoon you couldn't pull out of your mouth. 

 Second, pull as any sane being would in the given situation and resultant panic, the length of the mass would appear to stretch in length like taffy; clearly it has stuck itself to its own methods and not the actual muzzles it now appears to be belligerently inhabiting. Any amount of pulling would be like pulling that magical scarf trick... except with a clown on either end.

  Thirdly.... It has a very familiar pink stripe pattern...

 Rising, muffled from somewhere deep in what could only be assumed as the region of Smokey's neck, a familiar voice ascends:

  ...Gosh. Sure is dark in here. What happened this time?...

          You look away for one moment during a portal spell....


@Blitz Boom and @Dji

 Concern, but mostly confusion evident on his face as the drake looks back at Dawn, Kaltrop decides to get up to walk over to her to ask in whatever manner he can muster. Meanwhile in the process of turning himself up off the ground, he harps back at Marley.

 "Aren't you some sort of stupid guard or something? What guard doesn't at least check up on his stupid Lady?"


To Blitz Boom again:

 Cheeks puffing out slightly rounder than usual, the pink stallion pouts in the direction of the rather more changed changeling.

   "Well... I did remember it was by the forest! That certainly counts for something doesn't it? It's not like wagons go wandering off by themselves, right?"

While pondering this thought, Ambie absently looks up towards the sky that Happy had mentioned earlier.

   "... I dunno... certainly looks like we have more than one unit of weather today..."     


  • Brohoof 3

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"I judge you harshly, and I blame you for much, but right now I am not spitting on you, but the magic you use.

"That magic is apart of me, like those wings are apart of yourself. I wouldn't part from it like you wouldn't part from your wings" I remarked. 

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Even if it can save someones life, then who are you to decide who is important? Is a lord more important than a beggar?

"I said i can, not that I would. I would only remove someone if I was asked too, for noble reasons not petty ones" I remarked with a frown.

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"The magic you use is a corrupting mess that always end up taking more than it gives, and even if you saved the guard now, just look at who brought him in danger in the first place. You, and the disease that was caused by this magic. How ingrained does it not have to be to cause this much havoc? More than this would be able to do anything against, that's for certain."

"There is always a purpose in nature, you have the good and then again you have the bad. It's good to have a balanced system" I remarked looking at the dragon, "you make a balanced system by eating prey animals, does that make you bad?" she asked. 

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"It's useless for this. Either you're going to need an influx of life energy that will require more of the stuff than I've ever heard off was possible, or you will end up causing a plague causing even more death to have a chance at curing yourself,

And I certainly can't pulverize you or bury you now, or that disease might just end up spreading when you die..."

Blood nodded at her, "yes this does certainly put you in a predicament. You can't really kill me since it would spread the disease. You got really two options which are to hand me in to the authorities and then have myself put under lock and key. Or just leave me to wonder around knowing there a plague spreading pony around somewhere" I offered helpfully. 

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Fine, you win. You hear me? I can't deal with your magic or disease, and I don't know how to even start trying to fix you anymore, which somepony will have to try, or things will go bad eventually anyway."

"I always won though, you just didn't realise it. I'm quite the conundrum, trying to fix me is like asking for the meaning or life. Or how many socks i keep in my sock drawer" I remarked blinking thoughtfully. "Twenty Four" I remarked, that was probably how many socks i had, I did like socks. 

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Wait, how are you even arguing this? I've never seen you with any grasp of being eloquent or thoughtful before this."

 "I've always  been able to argue a point. Just not had anyone intelligent enough to understand the point I was making. I'm more thoughtful and eloquent and intelligent then I let on. If you think i'm dumb and stupid then your more likely not to take much notice, being highly intelligent gets you noticed. Also lets me wonder easier if you forget about a dumb disease spreading pony" I smirked. 

Blood then got too her hooves and glanced at Slappy. "Well this has been eventful, though i'm going to be going back to my train station in that pony town. As much as I liked this disagreement, there is only one likely outcome out of today's event. Me being put safely in a cage and made sure that i'm contained to stop my sickness" I remarked with a snort. "Now i'm not in the mood for being kept in a cage or being asked questions by some know it all from hoofing-ton. Or have some Princess ask about how i'm doing" I remarked to the dragon.

"Oh and Slappy will be needing his memory altered, rather then have him go around town and screaming about being a zombie. Rather not have him looked at to be honest" I finished. 

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*a brown coated with a green mane and tail pegasus stallion comes into Sugarcube Corner and buys himself a chocolate chip muffin with a side of hot chocolate* *he then sits down in an empty seat* *he has a small bag of something placed on his back which he places on the table*

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Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"Omen was gone for almost four days and met somepony who could supposedly grant immortality from a magic bauble. I was hoping you might know if any magical objects were left behind in the mines when you last visited it. Or is it possible this Silky Rose character you mentioned might know of spells that could either grant said immortality or rob someone of their voice? She likely knew of me when Omen approached her for help with something but I wouldn't know too much about it. I know you've got your hooves full with helping out your friends but I just thought I'd let you know what we found out just now."

Sen turned to the Refraction, who just released the last of the trapped miners from their crystal prisons. Seeing it needed some good news after looking rather sad earlier, he picked up the drake and placed it on his back. He wouldn't need to say much but one more reunion would bring a smile to his face and lift the creature's spirits.

As for Lin, despite the disturbing thoughts that ran through her mind, there were still unknowns and as much as she didn't want to ask more questions and give Omen time to rest, what she already heard only made her concerned about the repercussions of coming to the mines. 

"Omen, I need you to tell me everything you remember while you were in the mines. What this glittering pony looked like, any notable features like bat wings, fangs, horns, or something. What about the bauble you mentioned? We need those details so we're sure we know who you were dealing with."

It didn't take long for Sen to arrive with the larger Refraction sitting on his back. He had his own queries but he'd settle for waiting for Omen's response. That is, if the Refraction would give Omen room to speak. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


"Yeah, weird," Dawn echoed and looked at Spicy. She didn't think that Spicy was a part of all this but didn't hurt to ask. Especially since she knew a couple ponies around here. "How did you get mixed up in all this again?"

@Blitz Boom & @Moonlit & @Seamore Sandwich


Twilight chuckled at the Siren's sentiment and shook her head. "You have a bleak outlook on life, don't you?" she asked as she kept up with the pace the water creature had set. She went past Last and a red and orange Pegasus on their to the hospital. "You know, when we get to town, you'll have to let me or Last take the fallen Pegasus to the hospital, right?"

Aurora watched the Alicorn Princess trot past and then looked at the guard? pony in front of her. She completely ignored the mare's message and questioned her instead. "Did you do something to ..." she trailed off though when she felt a brief burst of negative energy from the river. She looked to it, and her eyes widened at seeing a Siren swim past. "I thought those were extinct," she breathed.



Watts munched on a cupcake during her lunch break, while keeping an eye on her saddle bags at the table in Sugarcube Corner. She eyed a stallion that walked in and noticed he put his bag on an empty spot. "I still have time before my break ends," Watts mused and finished her cupcake off before walking over. "Hello, sir, I'm Watts Mechano. Watts, heh heh, your name?"

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What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

Evergrown certainly seemed to be unique in many different ways, and Foxy wondered if they had been studied before; in a harmless way, of course. Just their healing process seemed fascinating. "I see you heal in different ways than us ponies, is that similar for any injury Evergrown get, by... well, watering and treat it as a plant?" While is was clearly obvious he was related to plants, Foxy wondered to what degree. It seemed bizarre to be both animal and plant, and Foxy wondered what different experiences they had. 


Foxy also wondered more about Brittle, as she seemed different from other changelings, but Foxy knew it was an uncomfortable subject. 


Foxy looked at Agni, still resting on her, though at least she didn't look like she was going to get into a conflict with Opal, at least for now. There was a good distance between them, so that helped. 

Edited by Foxy Socks
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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

not much was going through Phoenix's head at this point. why else would she have been crazy enough to pull something like this? perhaps she had felt pressured into it, by these nagging feelings constantly nipping away at her mind. however, as she continued, she noted how the reaction that her own body was having to the sudden interaction was... overwhelmingly positive. 

she kept her eyes closed, not daring to look Smokey in the eye. she needed to simply bask in all of the sensations in order to truly understand what was going on. she continued to hold what she could only describe to herself as a passionate kiss. as she did, her body continued to grow warm, and her legs began to quiver a bit. this sudden excitement was a bit unexpected, but not unwelcome. as Smokey lifted his hoof to hold onto her head, she only wished there was more. she desired to bask in his warmth, and feel his entire body as it wrapped around her. if she weren't trying to enjoy the moment, she'd kick herself for having such thoughts. especially the rather impure ones that followed. 

after about a minute or so, Phoenix had come to her conclusion. this was most definitely going to be a turning point. now that she had gone and done this, she wouldn't be able to simply pretend as though it never happened. especially not with those damned emotions simply driving her insane all of the time. no, in fact, now that she had done this it felt as though a weight had been lifted off her chest. like she could finally embrace him without the humility that came along with it... after all, Smokey seemed more accepting of her than she ever was to herself. but, acting the role was going to take some getting used to...

she finally had decided it was time for her to end this little experiment, although the option to continue later on was certainly available. she opened her eyes, and stared up at Smokey's. as she pulled away however, she noticed something strange coming from her own mouth, as well as Smokey's. her eyes widened in surprise. she backed up at a rather quick pace as far as she could, her hooves scraping against the tile floor as if  she was trying to escape from it. as she did, she noticed that the entity seemed only to stretch itself across the room. 

of course, there were many questions that would run through a damaged ponies mind when something of the sort happened. is this some kind of punishment? is this normal? had she ACTUALLY puked, and it turned out to be some sort of solid blob? her worries were... not necessarily brushed away as she suddenly heard the distinct and familiar voice come from Smokey, as if Widdershins' head was down there somehow.  instead she began to seeth with anger. how could such a revealing, and sacred moment be ruined by this creature? 

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? Oh hello Miss Watts, *he chuckled at her joke* my name is Mistletoe. *he hurridly grabs his bag before it falls* oh shoot! Phew! I’m glad those didn’t fall! *a bit of pink shows through the bag’s flaps*

  • Brohoof 2

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@The Resident Brony

Screecher looked unfazed at Invictus as he got hostile towards her, though a look of disappointment had gone over her eyes as she saw that no, he had not changed. He was still driven by impulse and emotion over logic and training, which frankly was a pity, since she suspected that Tidal Wave might have sent the message specifically to rest this. Without Dew's or hers consent of course, but she tended to work on her own unless something happened that required them to communicate together. Considering most of the Coast Guard generals before her though, it was still a vast improvement. Most of those had only begrudgingly met up in Canterlot, as they thought everypony looked down on them over the oh so fancy ones in the capitol.

But that was a thought for another day. For now, she had to get moving again to get to Canterlot before the train would arrive.

"Do as you please then. I'm not going to spend my time fighting over principles you don't want to acknowledge. If you want to look for Tidal Wave, go to Hammerhead Bay. Unless something happened elsewhere, she will be there. I trust you can handle that, Vivid?"

"I think I have to, in case something goes wrong."

The general were not overly pleased with the mare, or how Cadence had employed her, but since she had to tolerate it, she had done her part in being welcoming to the mares usefulness, if nothing else. Though evil in nature, her abilities could at times prove useful.

Unless there were more, she'd spread her wings and fly off, leaving just the two of them alone again.




Stargazer didn't respond, or budge out of place before he was sure the timberwolf were gone, which wasn't right as it got out of sight. The creatures tended to like to ambush others when they had the chance, so he relied on his sensitive ears to listen out for it's retreat after he couldn't see it anymore.

Eventually he'd be satisfied and turn around to face the two changelings, of which one of them seemed to be incredibly protective of the other, whom she had called princess. Said princess seemed rather timid too, but hopefully his change of stance into a more friendly one would help on that.

"I'm not going to hurt either of you ma'am. My actions were purely meant to protect you, just as I would any civilian.

The name's Stargazer, and I am a member of the Night Guard. Might I ask who you are ma'am?"

From a nearby tree, small eyes were looking down on them curiously, though if any of the changelings knew Jelly were there were hard to say.




Berry turned her head and looked at Lance with sudden interest as he mentions how he meditates.

"Really? I didn't think you had that sort of will power to work with. Pretty impressive Lance.

Geez, no wonder coffee isn't your fancy. Gotta run on a spiritual high or whatever, right? Come on, I wanna know what it does to you. You know, the meditations, not the bitter, delicious taste of coffee."



@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

Last were mumbling curses as she looked back to the group that Astral had looked a little too closely at. If she had been at better health, she would have just tackled the mare and put her in a headlock until she passed out, but as she started to lift her hoof to begin it, a jolt of pain radiated through her being and made her leg stomp down into the ground instead. It took all of Last's will power to not cry out from that, though she bit down so hard that she could taste the telltale, coppery aroma of blood seeping forth from her gums.

It seemed her running just before had been too much for her healing body, which even she could now understand was a very poor idea to test again. So she had to stop herself from the assault, which meant that Astral kept geyting good looks at the Siren whilst she couldn't do anything.

"Yeah, they're real, and so what? I repeat: We're trying to move a pony who's severely hurt here, and your snooping is not helping. Are you gonna scream about this, or are you going to be useful and help clear the area further along the river - Without mentioning the Siren? Doc Zinger isn't... Wait, what the hay is going on with Charlie?"

Last had been focused at the task at hoof, as well as the dulling pain and this annoying witness, when it had caught her attention that Charlie seemed to be... Lagging behind? She had no idea what was going on, and she had no better idea about how to describe it.

In case Astral would try and take off, she would find herself being held back by a pale aura. Cherish wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but from her unseen position it appeared as if something bad might happen if Serenade was found out, and she seemed nice enough, so she had to try and stop that, and keep the newcomer here.



@~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

It really did feel like nothing bad could happen now as Smokey had placed his hoof behind Phoenix's head, and she hadn't pulled away from him. Quite the opposite actually, as it felt like she didn't want this moment to end either.

Images started to run through his head now. Scenes he had imagined a few times when he had nothing else weighing him down, or needed a reason to keep fighting.

A party, vast and with quite the crowd, was the first. He had seen this so often with himself looking around for somepony he knew he should be there with, but had no face to, yet for the first time he spotted somepony else, in the form of Phoenix, and he wandered towards her with a smile on his muzzle.

The next scenes reminded him of it. A wedding with a faceless bride suddenly became her. The tired face glancing at him from the hospital bed among two small bundles, morphed into the one he were joined with now.

...A laughter joined the lonely one of himself, as he looked at a flock of foals, looking for his own offspring...

More came rushing by, filling Phoenix into the blanks of the dreams he had. Events, marriage, family, and so forth, each giving a pulse of warmth radiating from his heart. A feeling crashing through him with trembling power, threatening to take the power from his legs with every wave.

And then as suddenly as it had started, it all ended again. Phoenix drew- No, scurried back, like something had frightened her as she pulled away, which from the looks of things were a large, scaly body, followed by a voice somewhere inside his own muzzle!

Any afterglow died for him right there as he panicked grabbed hold in the Draconequus half he could see and pulled on until he would finally be out of the stallions muzzle.

"Y-You... Why?! Of all the moments to ruin something, you just had to chose now? Is nothing sacred, you... You... Graargh!"

He couldn't even think of something to say to Widdershins that would properly encapsulate his disdain for the chaotic being right now. No word had enough force behind it to be suitable for this situation, and he knew several words that would make anypony blush. Some of them literally being curse words.

Wandering over to the sink, he opened the door beneath it to reveal an assortment of cleaning tools and remedies, such as the mouthwash he now grabbed and filled his muzzle with to get the aftertaste of draconequus out of there.

He brushed it through there several times before finally spitting it out in the sink, with the harsh aftertaste of mint following troop. Usually it was refreshing, but with these quantities, it frankly stung.

Trying to get over the taste assault, he faced the others, and reached the bottle towards Phoenix (if she hadn't taken it already) so she could clean up too. Smokey had no idea where the draconequus had been before, but he doubted the creature was sanitized.

Urgh... He had to correct his brain here after all. Something could definitely be worse after a kiss than getting stabbed.



@Widdershins @Dji

Marley looked down on Kaltrops, with the smirk still not leaving his currently punchable face, and then nodded over towards Spicy.

"That's bodyguard, not guard. And as you can see, my charge is perfectly fine. I just don't need to be as close to the ladies when helping them out as you do."

Spicy heard the comment, but frankly at this stage, he was asking for a beating. And she saw little reason to interfere. If he got hit and his appearance got messed up a bit, that was the price he had yo pay. If not, then Kaltrops had more patience than she would've had in the same situation.

"Your whatever over there latched on to my wagon and didn't want to let go again. I barely know him."

Well, there was the whole potential murder and assauly that he had been involved in, but that wasn't her business to meddle around with. It'd just sit badly on her if she willingly traveled with somepony like that, and knew about it, and in the end, she had to protect number one.




"Just because it doesn't go wandering off on its own, doesn't mean it can't be taken away with some help. Looters and curious bears tend to be it on my travels, but this here forest is weird. No saying what could happen here."

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise him if it had actually just wandered away on its own. Considering how crazy everything else where 'round here, why not that?

A glance to the sky afterwards made him wonder what the issue seemed to be in Ambie's mind with that. A few clouds here and there, but it didn't seem to be enough to worry about yet. Perhaps he was just rambling, or he knew something about the weather in this area that Happy didn't. Both possible he supposed, though perhaps he'd be better off just not thinking about it, and then live with it if it started to pour down.

Frankly he didn't mind a little rain, as it actually felt kinda nice to get his exoskeleton soaked now and again, but there was a difference between a nice sizzle and a heavy downpour. One was nice, the other blew.

Following the tracks, they should soon be at the end of said track, where Ambie had left it. Unless something had happened to it, this would be the end of it then, and they could take it back without any issues.




Nerzhei narrowed her eyes even from the first response the zombiefied pony gave.

"My wings were a birth right, not a result of magic and choice.

Furthermore, me eating prey to survive is not the same as mindless death. I only take what I need to survive, and that is barely anything to begin with."

Much as she had eaten an entire fish on Dragon land, there were a few factor that made it differently from then now. One being that she haden't eaten in a few days by that time, and the other that non-magical crystals were more abundant in Equestria, so she had the option of feasting on those. Not all of them, as certain groups were rare and held act5ual value, but some of them could be taken literally out of the ground or a cliff side and eaten, already cut. It was strange, but she didn't complain over semi-free food, and the less she had to hunt the better for her relations with Lyriel. Her Dryad associate wouldn't like too much hunting, even if she understood the natural order of predator and prey.

"And you know as well as I do that handing you over to the authorities wouldn't work. Either they wouldn't believe me, or they'd take you in, and you'd infect the whole town one way or another. It is regrettably better to let you wander, even if I'd rather have you in a leash, tied to a rock and just keep you fed enough to survive. An unsustainable option unfortunately."

Hearing the comment about socks made the Dragoness take another swig from the bottle from the headache that comment were trying to give her. Wearing clothes when you didn't have to wasn't something she could judge on since she did the same, even if her were far more practical than socks. The part about the exact number for some reason just struck a nerve in her that made the mental image of her face palming stir in her head.

The comment about Blood being intelligent always made her give out small snort of smoke though, and brought her mind further away from the migraine that was trying to settle.

"I saw you breaking into a house of explosives and trying to lit everything in there on fire several times. Unless you're suicidal, you can't convince me that you are always intelligent when I've seen that, and several other things that would categorize you as an impulse-driven sloth. I doubt your acting is that good when several of those things could have decimated you.

But that's besides the point. You're dangerous, and I frankly don't think letting you within fifteen miles of civilization is good. If I could safely touch you, I would..."

An idea popped into her head. It was rather low brow, but since she didn't have any other ideas, perhaps she did have something she could do to make things more safely. Though as forcing Blood could end up disastrous for her and everyone else in the end, she had to try and be *nice* to the mare. Dreadful.

"Have you thought about armor? Touching someone is dangerous, but what if you're clad in metal? Will that get infectious as well?

And the guard is going to have some adjustment issues. Mind magic is tricky, and I don't want to leave him a vegetable, so he better hope the guard have great psychologists."

Frankly she didn't want to help Blood in any capacity, but she had to try something. if not this, then what, report it to the princess that apparently had a great knowledge of magic?

...She needed another sip of elixir...



@EQ_Theta @Moonlit

Clayton turned his head with some difficulty, as the large Earth Pony in his grip were clinging to him and mumbling something that sounded like the denial of a desperate stallion.

"Rose was after something in there. If the bauble could grant immortality, it might have been that, but I just don't know. It was only our boss who had a good enough look at it before the... Incident."

As Sen shifted his focus over to the Refraction, he would find that after the little creature had run out of statues to munch on, it had risen up horizontally and hisses at Clayton and the freed miners, trying to show itself as big and tough. A hard sell when you were only about the size it would take to wrap around an adult pony's hoof once, and it wouldn't get easier when Sen would pick it up and take it with him away.

The scaled creature was a little disoriented when it was placed on Sen's back, as the last it remembered, he had been keeping it in a grip, where the other one had taken it around like this. The smells idn't match though, and it took it a little time to realize it, at which point it looked down on Sen's back and hissed. They were getting along better these days, but it was still a bitey sort, and it would have nibbled at him if it hadn't looked over and saw who it was the Longma had taken her over to, which seemed to light the little face right up and remove interest in biting the Longma..


Omen turned and looked at the Refraction, who certainly seemed larger than the last time she had seen it, and apparently interested to see her. It certainly was trying desperately to reach out for her at least, after it had slithered up to Sen's head to get closer.

"No, I'm Omen."

The Refraction didn't seem to care that it was being corrected, and just kept reaching out for her.

"Ohme! Ohme!"

"No, I'm Omen."

This interaction between them kept on for an embarrassing amount of time, with the Refraction just wanting to get over to her, and Omen standing still and repeating the same thing without realizing how pointless it were. It would basically continue until the Refraction had been brought close enough for it to make the last bit in a jump and slither into her wavering mane again, where it wanted to be. It didn't hide as well anymore though, but it wouldn't care.

"...Glittery pony? She looked like that, but shiny, like them."

Not distracted anymore, Omen would begin to answer her question about Rose by pointing to the statue of the mare that were opened in the back, confirming that she had indeed had a run-in with the clearly evil pony.

"No, something missing on statue. Horn like drake food."

In this case, that would be gems which sounded weird. How did anypony get a crystal horn?

"Not sure what the bauble was. I just found it once when I was looking for master. Before there was a hole in the mountain. Didn't understand what it was, so I left it. When I had to llook for magic for Sen, I thought it could help. When the glittery pony came out, she said it could, but just needed me to stand still. Then you were suddenly here."

She tilted her head from side to side, trying to think of something more.

"Pony shouted something weird. Fancy Filigree? Not sure what she meant. Shouting stopped after that."



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins @~Phoenix~

"Not every wound can be watered away, and really, it is more about fertile dirt than anything else. In theory, as long as our core is intact, we can be regrown if we want, though it will take a substantial amount of time. Usually we choose to simply return to the earth if it comes to that, and wander back to the Earthen Mother's embrace, but that time is far from here for me.

There are wounds that can never be healed with us though. If our core gets damaged, it requires quite the luck if we are to make it without the help of the great trees, and our head flowers, which grants us something close to what you ponies refer to as Telepathy. The bud being cut will hurt, but it can return. It if it pulled by the root however, it will never return, and that part of our arsenal will be missing.

Not many wonders about what damaged my kind can sustain without there being trouble actually. I simply must commemorate you for your valiant and persistent effort into learning something new Foxy. Very inquisitive, and may well be useful information for you if you should run into others of my kind, or if - Celestia forbids - something happens to me. Please, do you have anything else you wish to know?"

Whilst Briar was all smiles and praise, Agni had calmed down some and was cooing slightly under the pets she were received. She might be a proud phoenix that had not left the nest too long ago, but being patted in a good way such as this, could win even her over. at least for a little time, though she might want to think about taming the Phoenix some with treats for good actions eventually. Might end up working.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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“...My name is Mirage...” *this mare did seem to appreciate but still kept up her protective stance*

*the mare behind her answered as well, but a bit less timid then before, not stuttering this time which she felt proud of after what had just happened* “My name is Amanita... it’s nice to meet you Mister Stargazer” *she said Mister because of how his voice sounded* “thank you for helping us sir.” *her cloudy eyes looked towards his direction* “oh gosh I hope I’m looking at him and not beside him...” *she thinks to herself, but her gaze is a bit to the side of him*

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Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

Lance's grin was no longer on his face. Well, uh... shoot. Should I even continue this?

"The, uh, arts of zen aren't to be discussed in public. Come on, we're, like, right next to the restaurant. I'll tell you later."

Hopefully she'll forget I said anything.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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