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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"Take care, both of you."

Both Sen and Lin stepped into the gate and on the other side were comforted by the sight of the realm. At this point, they were content with it despite the seemingly chaotic nature of the place, at least compared to what ponies would associate with a world described as orderly. They might even consider this a second home or a safe haven for them and if they could ever meet their younger selves from years ago, they'd be baffled at how different their perspectives changed over time. A good influence no doubt, and just how simple and tranquil this place is makes them feel at ease.

But there were still urgent matters and on the other side was a startled Clayton in a new place they'd find stranger than Omen's realm. It's good he's stuttering less and seems to have recovered from the shock of having returned to a place associated with a troubling past. Seems like it's back to the ordinary with the odd looks and confusion. If this is what their fellow villagers will have to contend with when they try to meet the residents of Equestria, maybe some perspective might help them. At least it's good for dealing with this sort of situations.

"Sorry about that, Clayton," Sen calmly said. "We came to give you a message from Fiddler. If you're going off to warn the others, you should know that Fancy Filigree is Silky Rose. She's currently looking for something called the jewelled beast's heart, likely to use it with the changeling emeralds. Also, we're planning on getting this warning to two other ponies named Spelt and Amethyst." 

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@Blitz Boom Lucid was quite surprised when he saw the stats chart, he has always thought that his need to unlock the power was because the stick was powerful, not because of Discord. It seems that Lucid has been played.

"Jokes on him, I've unlocked enough to be on his level! Though I don't really get how he made a multiverse level stick if he isn't multiverse level himself."

It wasn't all bad though, he was still pretty pretty powerful. Maybe even more powerful than he realized.

"Well, by the looks of it, you seem to have an idea. I guess I'll bite, against my better judgement."


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@Blitz Boom

Lance felt a pang of guilt for saddening Alonsus, but any guilt he had was quickly smothered under a blanket of fear. He remained dead silent as he followed Alonsus.

Maybe Ponyville isn't as good as I thought.


You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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“I make and sell my own inventions. I can make anything from a high-powered toaster to your very own ice cube maker in your fridge,” Watts beamed. “My stall is this way. I don’t like having a shop as it’s too enclosed and not enough open air. I get enough of that making my inventions,” she added with a chuckle and proceeded to lead the way out of Sugarcube Corner.

@Blitz Boom & @Moonlit & @Seamore Sandwich


The gates opened with lavender magic, allowing the cart entry. As soon as Last was inside with the cart, Twilight closed the gates and helped Serenade in slithering into the castle. “As soon as we get away from the entrance, and into a closed off room, you should be able to tell me what you wanted to say earlier,” Twilight informed the Siren, leaving the front doors open for Last to follow through.

”Dammit, I can’t get in,” Aurora muttered, making sure to land near the cart once Last was far enough away. She kneaded the ground with her talons and then laid down in the grass.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Mirage looked at the dragon curiously and asked Stargazer. “Who is that?” She then describes the scene and the inhabitants to Amanita, who was currently bouncing on her hooves in excitement.

Amanita had a look of pure joy and excitement on her face as she listened to the noises of Ponyville, and listened intently as Mirage described it for her, hearing what it looks like, made her all the more excited. “Oh my gosh! It sounds amazing!” The mare’s ears were flicking wildly around as she listened to all, and she sniffed the air, and smiled at the scents and sounds of the town.


Huh, that sounds interesting. How do you do it?” Mistletoe questioned as he followed Watts out of Sugarcube, he had grabbed his bag which he held under his left wing now. His eyes held his curiosity in them, and he waved to ponies and non-ponies alike as they passed them on the roads. “I mean, how do you make your inventions? Do you do it alone?” He hoped that he wasn’t prying into the mares personal life though.

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom


Hunter still had questions, but he didn’t think this pony would know all the answers such as what the mission would be and where, although there was at least one question he would likely know the answer to, “Where did he return from, if you don’t mind my asking.”  Before Sugar Lime had any chance to answer, Marcus himself began his reply, “That is a tale I have yet to tell.”  He raised a glass mug into the air and tapped it with a fork using his magic.  “If I shall have your attention, I will tell you the tale of my only defeat.  It is why I have been gone so long, but my eventual victory is the means by which I have returned.  Many moons ago, a soothsayer sought me out with a premonition.  I was told that a horrible beast would come that erased its victims from the memories of all who knew them.  This being was known as The Forgotten One.  Once a powerful unicorn ruler, he was overthrown by his people and replaced by another.  Every statue of him and every record of his rule was destroyed.  His tyranny was considered a stain on history that had to be removed.  His hatred grew until it consumed him and warped him until he became a demon.  He had been forgotten, so he decided that others would suffer the same fate.  All that came before him would be sent to the Realm of the Forgotten where they would see the world continue on as though they never existed.  The soothsayer told me that I would fall victim to this foul creature, but that it would eventually be defeated.  I was told that I would be there, fighting from the Realm of the Forgotten, and that together we would be victorious, but millennia were to pass before I would return.  When the beast finally came, I faced it, but I was not only fighting a demon, I was also battling fate itself.  I did not wish to leave my followers unprotected.  Though still, I fell.  Time passed and I watched as The Forgotten One was sealed away inside a giant diamond by a being known as The Traveller.  It was decided by the Beast Court that all tribes would be responsible for guarding the gem, and thus it was passed from one tribe to the other when it was their turn to protect it.  Milkeniw later, when the Ananasi were given the gem, they imbedded it in the back of a Diamond Spider, a gigantic creature with chaos magic venom.  They placed the spider in a labyrinth to keep it hidden, but the Traveller transported it to the Everfree Forest where it ran rampant, a band of heroes battled the creature and cracked the diamond, therefore breaking the seal, releasing The Forgotten One.  After possessing a Dream Spirit, the creature found a way to regain its strength by collecting victims, but with its limited power, it had to disguise itself as a pony to get close to others in their dreams.  Not long after, it escaped into the waking world, hidden by the form of the Dream Spirit.  There, we fought.  The others who had fought the spider earlier, along with a few newcomers, attacked the creature from the real world, as I attacked it from the Realm of the Forgotten.  The beast was defeated, and its victims returned to the world.  Thus, here I am before you, victorious.  Soon we will begin planning a new mission, ridding this land of a threat that plagues it, but first, we shall celebrate the defeat of The Forgotten One!!!”

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@Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich Serenade lets out the breath she had been holding, and as soon as they are alone...well as alone as an nearly adult Siren, a Alicorn and a Shield Maiden can get in a Castle that looks like a kid's playset. "♪A Question Princess, what do you actually know about Sirens. Not the myths that have been told to Ponies down the generations, but actual knowledge?♪" She sits up, curling her tail fluke around the front of her and looking down at the pair. 

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@Blitz Boom 


Blossom thanked her customer like a true professional and accepted the bits.  Penny said, “Good Morning.  I just have this one last thing to do, and we can get going,” as she shaped some frosting into two spheres, then molded the chocolate coins around each, creating two frosting filled chocolates, then rewrapped them.  “This frosting is made from concentrated magic.  It’ll make the teleportation chocolates more powerful, so we should be able to take more with us than usual.  Will he be coming with us, too?”  She was of course referring to Brick.


@Blitz Boom 


What are you doing?  We still need to find the traps so we know what part of the road to watch.  They could be anywhere.”  Gaea was almost confused by Zhu’s actions.  Did he plan on using the powers he claimed to have?


@Blitz Boom


The doctor was able to walk, but his steps were a little unsteady.  Eventually they would make it to the hospital where he would receive a CT scan and be kept for observation for a few days.


@Blitz Boom 


Dr. Xeno was in the bed next to Ziggy.  “Consider yourself lucky.  That piece of Everwood is most likely going to have you healed within a day, much less if your injuries aren’t severe.  It actually looks like a stick that I removed from a Kitsune this past morning.  If it’s the same stick, it should already be imbued with healing magic.”


@Blitz Boom 




The Traveller knew what had to be done.  Luna had to be here for Serenade to realize she had traveled through time.  Suddenly, and without warning, both Luna and Celestia appeared in the room with Twilight, Serenade, and Last.  Luna was facing away from the others, and Celestia was asleep in her pajamas, that is until she fell two feet to the floor.  She awoke startled. “What is the meaning of this?” she asked in a gentle, but flustered voice.  “Is this some sort of prank?  I thought you were above this kind of behavior Luna.”  Luna turned around and replied to her sister, “Twas not I, nor do I know how we were brought here.  Was it you Twilight?”  Little did they know that it was in fact The Traveller, being a bit less subtle than usual.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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Shock, followed quickly by fear and then intrigue, filled Satin's mind as the watched the blood splatter across the paper and the summoning ritual commence. She backed away slowly, looking around to see if anyone was around. Suddenly her view was obscured by the dense purple cloud, and she panicked, hoping it wouldn't draw too much attention. She was mid-transformation when she noticed the familiar cloaked shape of Vivid, causing her to drop the transformation.

"Vivid!" she happily exclaimed. "I was hoping to find you to clear up a misunderstanding." She walked up and half-hugged the demon-pony. "I left the city for a bit last night due to a lack of sleep and decided to write, bringing my bag," she patted the bad slung over her, "with me. Apparently the pony running the inn for the night presumed me to be leaving." Her hoof raised to her chin as she cocked her head slightly. "That or maybe he just hoped I was.The pony I ran into who told me about all this said he was reputable, so I do not know for certain."

Satin sat in thought for a moment before movement from the corner of her eye, derailed her. She looked to see a small crowd gathering after the smoke incident. Some seemed afraid and apprehensive, others curious and mesmerized. She turned back to Vivid and smiled sheepishly. "It seems we have an audience. Perhaps we should make a hasty withdrawal and catch up later?"

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom

Astral followed the griffon close by, her eyes scanning across her. "Well, that salary becomes a different story when your life is in danger, if you die, that money might not go anywhere." She said as she looked to the ground. "Does that ever bother you?" She asked, looking to Blackbeak.


Sapphire kneeled down to her. "Screaming Path?" She asked, a tad bit of fear crossing her look. "They brung that creature here?" She stood up and scoffed. "I might actually need to turn you two to stone just to protect you." She looked away, putting a hoof up to her muzzle. "But you two have been trapped in enough places, an ancient relic, the blood and body of a pony, and stone." She said, slowly turning to them. "You leave your body upon death, you don't pass on like other ponies Emerald. You pass on to another body or even into a object, and share minds with the pony, I thought you'd get that." She said, pointing to her with her hoof. "I thought you'd come find me once you escaped the relic, and then we could talk it out, but some foolish griffon forced you into Chow's mind, only able to escape once a ward was broken. I was never able to get to the relic once you went into it, wasn't able to even track it down after our fight, I never knew that you were put inside Chow's mind all those years until after I was stuck inside a crystal gem. I would've searched but the filly I had distracted me, I was going to search with her when Astral was older, but I passed away from a disease I never knew I had." 

Warlock shook within the body, and thought "Let me go! Don't join her!" As Sapphire finished talking.

"But alas, you are the one who wields deceit here. Make your choice to believe me." She said, looking away and walking out of the room. "If you're lucky, the Screaming Path will leave you alone until you catch up sister."


"Well, while I would prefer teleporting there, getting checked out before hoof would be a smart idea." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Plus in a time like this, two patients going missing won't be good for them."


Nectar looked up at the large beast. "Onyx Mosquitoes? I'm nothing like them, I am a reformed changeling, my name is Nectar, and I am the queen of my hive. We share love instead of stealing and eating it." She explained, as Iron Wing nodded.

"Her hive has had relationships with Canterlot for a long time now, partly messed up from the changeling invasion from Chrysalis, now if you can let her go we can continue with our mission." He said as he flew over to Enzo.

"I could answer further questions on the way there." Nectar said.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Heh, we're uhm... We just kept going I guess. And Benny doesn't really eat that many gems anymore. He's too busy eating pony food constantly."

"I can't help it. It's delicious. Especially when dipped in caramel."

Pop was a little thrown off by the comment from Felix about Benny and her being a cute couple. She thought that too whenever she saw them in a reflection, but it was so rare that she actually heard anypony say it. Usually it was just weird looks or the more neutral acceptances. The way he had enthusiastically said that dragons and ponies made for some cute couples (which included the mates present) were unusual, and for some reason it made her fluster a little and get slightly off track for a moment.

"As for Victoria, it probably helped that my mom came around too. She's uhm... Prejudiced? I think that's the word for it?

Anyway, she were in a pretty bad mood and caught in the old ways, so she put things into perspective in a sort of bad way. Unfortunate, but it made Victoria get a little more open. Then she got sad and I hugged her."

"Hah, saying mom is prejudiced is putting it mildly. She barely got into the country after she started threatening the border guards over wanting to ask her some questions. Dad had to really smooth things out to not have it end in chains."

Benny's eyes widened and he looked at Toxen.

"Wait, mom was about to get arrested?"

"Yep. And technically she's on probation right now, so if she messes up, they're coming 'round. Honestly, if you had come 'round with Pop here anytime in the past two weeks after that, mom would've really had a lot of anger to let out on her."

"She seemed pretty angry to me."

"I think you're mixing anger and disappointment sugar. She's still pretty miffed and riled up, but if she had actually been angry, you would've been taken on a flight dangling down in one hoof with your mane on fire. A wrong word here and there might still get you that trip."

"Stop messing with her Toxen. Mom might argue with guards, but she'd never do something as harsh as that."

Benny took a gentle grip in Pop and dragged her closer to him so she could feel safe, instead of being on the receiving end of his sister's tricks.

"Sheesj, so I'm not allowed to mess with the new member of the family? What crawled up your a-"

"I-I promised to help Victoria get a date!"

Pop just blurted this out as she got redder and redder from being in the middle of a family teasing that were getting embarrassing to be caught in.

"She were t-talking earlier about how she'd like to have somepony with her, and I promised I would ask around those I know whose single if they'd be interested. I think a stylist I sometimes meet up with would do well with her, and she seemed to be happy about that. But then Angel was around too, and she got a lot nicer when he were around and... Oh dear Celestia make them stop..."

The whispering last part came in regards to Toxen and Benny who just kept going at it, for now caught in their little sibling bickering that seemed to be mostly just tossing nicknames at the other for now. Creative ones too, that made the things Pop's brother and her said to eachother seem like nothing.



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

It seemed some of the unformed siblings might have recognized Discord too, or they just repeated what he did out of curiosity. Either way, a half dozen or so rose gooey hands from the darkness and waved back at him, the eyes that made the only constant part of them focused on his every movement until the group would pass through.

"It was weird before."

His comment on how strange it had been before were what Omen instead kept focus on for now, as It was something which she thought they should ask Mother about at some point, but there were a lot of things the others seemed to want to get done first, so it had to wait. She had no idea if it was something dangerous that was going on, but she were curious of nature, so she would question most things.

Meanwhile, Clayton and the others lighted up slightly when Fiddler's name was mentioned, but as the message went on to how Filigree and Rose were the same, the color seemed to drain from their faces. It set a few things into perspective for them that were frankly not kind to ponder on, though Clayton would at least still be able to find his voice.

Well, after a minute or so, which gave Omen time to add something which just made things worse.

"Bat pony isn't looking for weird crystal. She said it was the thing in the cave I looked for, and that she'd do something to make it work. Then you came."

Omen had stumbled over the crystallized heart ages ago, before there were even a mine, and if she hadn't stumbled into Filigree's statue and somehow freed her (or it was just timing, she didn't know) she would have just taken it back. It smelled of a lot of magic, so she thought it could do stuff. Seems like it did too, but not the sort she had wanted.

"I-I don't know what it would mean for her to have that, b-but it doesn't sound good. We're going to need Amethyst's help if it means her having control over them at least t-that's for sure. She haves a concoction that helps with the gems... W-We should go inside her shop. Please? We're d-drawing a lot of eyes to us right now."

Clayton went the last few meters over and grabbed hold of the door, then o-Huh?

He pulled the handle several times, but nothing was moving. Was it rusted stuck or something?

"That's weird... She should be o-open now. And the h-handle shouldn't be this stuck. It's like it's caught in s-something."

He'd know, considering he had a building firm and had actually had a hoof in rebuilding some parts of this store a few years back after an unfortunate incident. This particular brand of door should still give a little if pulled when it was closed, not be impossible for him to move.




"I will need you to hunt seven giant rats!"

Anomaly looked him dead serious in the eyes as she said this, then burst into laughter right after.

"Ehehehehe, I can't keep a straight face right now. I'm just pulling your leg pony friend. I have no idea how the stick works, but you gotta admit that I had you going for a bit there, eh? Eh? Classic.

Discord stuff is like, waaaaay outta my league to understand. I dunno if I would've known before I got killed, but in this life I have no idea. Perhaps it only works properly when dipped in sugar?"

She spat out a bowl of prime sugar, with a small boat sailing around in it. If he wanted to test that ludicrous theory he could do so, but otherwise she'd likely just let it stay here. Her mark for being able to unmake something she created were fairly short, and sugar were good for everypony. Long as they didn't eat the boat, but then they'd be kinda stupid too, so meh.




The next delivery had an elderly mare answer the door, and at the sight of Alonsus would give off a big grin and go give him a hug.

"Oh there you are my boy. How is my favorite delivery pony doing?"

"The best of days it have not been, but the great Alonsus shall persevere Mrs Raspberry."

"You do not sound all that good to me dear. I would ask if you needed to talk, but you seem to be dreadfully busy today with showing a new stallion the ropes. And speaking of which, hello there young man, what are your name?"

Alonsus would pull out the bucket of fried wheat that Mrs. Raspberry had ordered whilst the old mare addressed Lance with a big, wrinkly smile.



@Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Your majesties."

She had no idea where the two princesses came from, but Last did not halt herself from saluting them either way. It were improper to not greet royalty like this in her mind, even when they didn't seem to have any idea how they got here themselves.

It was strange to her why Celestia - the ruler of day - had apparently been sleeping in the middle of said day, but who were she to judge a princess? Besides, a little nap now and again seemed appropriate enough. They had a long meeting and the ther duties they had to deal with would have to be taxing as well. A bit of sleep wouldn't hurt them.

It wouldn't hurt her either, but she were not having rest before the town was rebuild properly. She had been given a duty, and she were not failing on it now.

The air flickered, and out of seemingly nowhere, Cherish appeared and looked at the princesses with big eyes.


(Forgot if I ever posted the picture of her)

"Woah, the princesses are actually here..."

She wouldn't lie, she was a little awestruck at meeting the princesses and didn't know what else to say. Especially since over the past few centuries she had read through Luna's of diary quite a few times, and this meeting honestly got a awkward now that she thought about that. What could somepony say when they had seen that sort of thing?




"His name is Ancalagon, leader of the Courier's Guild. Honestly, if you don't get in his way, you can pretty much ignore him. He seemed focused entirely on his workers for the time being, though be advised that if he starts to sneer, it id not because of you. Sometimes him and the forepony actually in charge of rebuilding Ponyville's damaged buildings gets into a battle of wits, and none of them appears to like to back down.

Now then, where would you like to go? I can show you directly to the tent area right away if that is your want, or perhaps you have something you would like to experience in town? I could also just tell what is going on from here if you prefer."

He made sure to not use the phrases *seeing* or *sightseeing* as that seemed a little insensitive to Amanita,

"There's a food court too where everypony can go and munch. We could go there too!

Unless changelings only eat love? They didn't really talk a lot about that in school."



@Seamore Sandwich

They listened in as Marcus told of his ordeal, which had a mixed reactions around the room.

The heroes had each their own look on this, as they came from varied backgrounds and had tales of themselves, and may not like this as much as the squires and initiates. Though that would be hard to get near too, as almost all of them were transfixed on Marcus' every word. All but one, and he felt rather guilty about that.

Sugar wasn't going to voice up, but the doubts that had plagued his mind since his foals had been born gnawed at him, and darkened what joy he should have had at hearing this tale.

Instead of having a focus on the story and the deed itself, his mind went to the teachings and what they were doing to them. Cutting their lives short to maintain the image of a pony they had not even known who were for plentiful generations, and ideals which were written down by those who could not remember who he were.

Who was to say that nothing were tampered with? Who knew if the way they had been for so long were even how Marcus would have wanted it? And what when he got confronted by it? Would he be horrified? Sad? Joyful that they were sacrificing so much for him?

...What would happen, if he told them that this was not how they were supposed to be...

Generations and countless lives, lost in the pursuit of half truths and reverence to false prophecies. Serving no point other than taking them away from loved ones far before they were supposed to, leaving them only indoctrinated to ways that would in time kill them like it had their parents.

Belladonna had started to think like that after their own parents were gone. They did not even make it to see their foals reach the age of ten, and even with the help of the others, she still had to carry the two of them through everything. This was what he told himself had caused her to doubt and stray down the wrong path, but the more time he had to think the harder it became to believe that. Especially when he looked at his foals and imagined them being in the same situation they had been, Alone, mournful, and walking towards the end just like their own parents had done...

"A heroic tale, but history is written by the victors. I'll reserve judgement until I see your fortitude with my own eyes."

The words from Brute distracted him, and caught the ear and eye of a few. Some agreeing that they'd want to see fact from fiction, whilst others shook their heads or scoffed at her for not believing in an adventurer they had heard about through old tales, or by contacts in Ponyville that knew what had happened and could collaborate that the monster indeed had assaulted the town, even if they knew more of the tale from the locals side, and not Marcus' previous to him telling the room.

Others sneered at her words in general because Brute wasn't an adventurer or a hero. She was a professional fighter that were here instead of somepony else that word actually had been sent towards, and it made some of the more prideful look down on her. Metaphorically if not physically.

She didn't care though. She kept her eyes - though the right one would be hard to see through the glass here in the shades - locked on Marcus and boldly stated her opinion to him in a neutral voice. If he wouldn't like it, she frankly wouldn't think better of him. Those who got all up in a tip over the merest question to their abilities were not worth hanging around in her opinion. Partially because that meant they didn't have any actual skill and just liked to boast to the gullible masses.



@Seamore Sandwich

"I would very much prefer so, yes. My dear Brick Wall does well in protecting me, and who knows what we may uncover, and whom might take notice of such? It would be dreadfully shortsighted to not take some security with us."

She weren't sure if they would run into issues, but why take the chance? Besides, he could help carry the object they had to deliver for the clock-smith. That were not something which penny or her should have to deal with in her opinion.

"You would hardly notice he is there dearie. The dear stallion barely speaks a word."

Brick grunted slightly as a reply, and nodded towards Blossom. Their transaction was done, and with a thank you of sort done, he picked up his sweets and popped one into his muzzle before putting the rest of the bag in the saddlebag he had with him. He liked the flavor of these, even if his face did not betray emotion right now. He just wandered back behind his boss and awaited her orders in silence.



@Seamore Sandwich

Zhu waited for a moment, then rose up with the debris brushing off him.

"I erred. Let the search commence."

He wasn't a flawless being. He overheard things like any others could, and in this particular case, he had not taken notice of the mention of the traps, even if looking to find those were logically sound. What point were there to wait where none would show?

What he had seen would perhaps help them in this task though. The information did not work when he did not recognize the area they were in, and there had been several locations to watch, but when he stood in the area he had seen it should become more evident to him. Nothing was guaranteed though, as the glimpses had been few, and he had not bitten much notice in them. He had to focus on particular events quite a bit to not go insane from an overflow of information. Where the traps would be and how they looked on the road were one such thing he had mostly filtered away from his memory, which made Gaea have the upper hoof.

"How do we spot their work?"



@Seamore Sandwich

Ziggy looked to the side and got big eyes.

"A changeling? Cool!"

She raised the other hoof she didn't have stuck right now and waved at him with a big happy smile.

"Hello Mr. Changeling. I'm Doc Zinger, though everypony just calls me Ziggy. What's Everwood? And what's a Kitsune for that matter?"

"Large talking and magical fox basically. And Everwood are special trees, of which you have a branch. i made sure to tell the others to leave it there once Doctor Xeno here told me of it."

The elderly pony that had helped Xeno get here stepped in and closed the door. With her, she had a tray of gauze and medical equipment, a stack of books, and something to eat for the three of them. She didn't know much about the mimic, but she had seen it raid a bowl when she thought nopony was looking, so she had brought some nuts along for that one. Best offer she had so far, and it seemed like it made the critter interested. She seemed far too perky at seeing them to make the doctor think otherwise.

"Now then, I got your chart Zinger, and it looks good. The healing is going well, but your leg was still broken in two places, so you have to stay here for a while longer."

"Awh... Well, at least it's only like a day. Could be way worse with a double fracture."

"You should know doc."

The two of them exchanged a knowing look and chuckled before the doc pointed at Xeno.

"Now come on young man, answer the mare whilst I give you a check-up to see how you're progressing so far."

The doctor (Missing Marbles according to the the name-tag) went over to check up on Xeno and kept her muzzle shut, giving him ample time to answer and ask stuff himself. That is, if Charlie didn't pop out and scare the daylight outta Ziggy.



@Lil' Lovebug

"I was told you had left without a word, not even stopping to collect the scroll I had left for you. It was... Distressing."

She wanted to say how it had hurt her. That the one who seemed to actually care who did not have a contract on her, had just all of a sudden left like she had been nothing.

She wished tot ell her how having a lifetime of being left by everypony close to her had taken its toll on her, and how hard it were to try and force herself to connect with new ponies, knowing that they too would just leave her. Either from being sick of her, of just from the ravages of time.

There were stories that pressed on in her throat, wanting to be pushed out and shared with Satin. Stories about those she had cared for whom time or illness had taken, and how it both hurt and made her warm to think of them.

But she didn't. Instead she just stood there, half-hugged awkwardly with her hooves on the ground, more focused on the attention from around them than from the friend she hadn't lost after all. And she didn't even have to, even though the scared and worried looks made her want to yell at them to stop starring at her like that. She could just close her eyes and ignore them as long as they did not start to say something, and whisper thank you to Satin for not leaving her behind.

Was she really so unused to feeling good that she couldn't just embrace a heartfelt moment in life anymore? How broken were she?

No, she wasn't... She couldn't be gone like that. It had to be the hug that was throwing her off. That made sense.

The times she had been hugged in her life were few and far between, especially after her foals had gone. In fact, ever since returning to Equestria a few months back, Satin were one of the only two that had hugged her, and Flurry Heart were an infant. It did not have the same impact when it was a small one who did not know what judgement were.

"... I need to think. Call me when you have found a spot you would want us to talk. I'll be close enough to hear it."

With that, she dissipated into purple smog that rapidly vanished in the sunlight, and she went to the middle dimension again. Tieme went differently there, so she would have time to think without being disturbed there, whilst Satin found a place they could talk, even if the changeling would only find a minute or so passing.

The way she vanished didn't make the crowd gathering look on Satin any lesser though, but thankfully for her, there were workers who needed to bring materials and the traffic would move along soon enough. The word would spread though.

Here was hoping that gossip would be all that came from it.




"I'm not called out for dangerous things enough to make it an issue, and if something did happen, I'll still benefit someone. So no, it doesn't bother me."

In case something did happen, the someone she wanted to benefit would be given the money completely anonymous, seemingly through a grant or dead relative she assumed. She wasn't sure how Scarcity would spin it, but it would get there without the recipient knowing from who or where it came. Just like half her current salary did.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about your boy-toy too? Warlock might still be here somewhere, and Chow isn't gonna be of much help if he shows up."




Emerald winced, hearing Warlock press on inside and make it harder to hold on to his form. Of all bodies to posses, why did it have to be the one owned by somepony who were this headstrong?

It made it dangerous to think about what Sapphire said too now. His mind were awake, and what she would think he would hear. She couldn't hold him down like she had with the griffon or Chow. She had to think and speak carefully for the time being.

"What do you think the pegasus behind us have around his neck? A vanity trinket?"

She had pointed at Brick if she could, but if Sapphire couldn't see him, then she had other issues than just being ignorant. Mainly that she would have to be near blind, even if she were walking in the opposite direction of where Brick stood.

"And even if what you say is true, it doesn't make anything better. You think I would have fought you if you told me you were trying to help me? Done anything but trust you? I had faith in you. Yearned to have you back at my side.

But you betrayed me when you left me behind years before that. Turned your back on me when I needed you the most. I can't trust your forked tongue now, just as I shouldn't have then."

A rat scurried across the floor, and seeing her chance, Emerald left the pushing mind and took over that one instead. It was laughably easy to both control and hold down, though the reddening paws felt strange. Oh well, she had her own mindscape to work with now, and a chance to actually think instead of spreading further deceit.

Truth be told, the things she had shouted after Sapphire were not entirely true. She still wanted to trust her big sister, and have her back with her even after all of this. But she needed time to think on this, and to examine if what happened could have been just an accident. Sapphire would still not be innocent in all of this, but perhaps it was more idiocy than malevolence... A thought that she had not had until after she had left Warlock. He would still think that she were against Sapphire with all of her being, at least if he judged what thoughts had been there.

But one thing at a time, right now,s he had to escape this place...

She scurried along and ran through a hole in the wall, aiming for the outside. that left just two of them behind: Warlock, and Brick. Considering the later had the magic eating relic, it were likely that he had the upper hoof here, unless more of the floor above them would fall down and separate the two. Warlock should likely hope for that at least, because the bodyguard did not look on him fondly.




"Ah, you can teleport? Well that would certainly make things easier dear. But one thing at a time. Stay put please"

Scarcity rose up and walked elegantly towards the door. Even just wandering like this oozed confidence off her, but she saw little reason to not be, considering how much control over the field she actually had currently. How fun it were to have the resources to be considered valuable, and the knowledge to use that to her own advantage.

She went outside,and shortly after came back with the doctor who would pull out some release forms from a nearby shelf.

"I don't think this is a good idea. They need rest."

"As you told me, they are perfectly healthy, and they are legally allowed to leave. There is little reason for you too keep your hold on them if they have places to be."

Grumbling, he came over to the two with the papers and a pen.

"I'll write you down as her guardian, but I need you to sign here please, and try to keep yourselves from too much strain, or the recovery time will just take longer."




"I don't like changelings, no matter the form. But as a sign of good faith..."

Enzo twirled his right paw, and the cloth vanished again.

"I want to know why changelings are working with their food though. In my days, you only infiltrated, and you all looked mostly the same. What have happened in my absence? And why did this *Chrysalis* try to invade a large pony city?"

Curiosity killed the Sphinx, he knew, but this were a puzzling and strange thing to be confronted with, and he wished to know. Not whilst standing still though. They had places to be, so he climbed up over the trees and spread his large wings again to get into the air, and looked at them impatiently.

"Are you coming?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich @Dji Serenade froze, every muscle in her body tensing. She could handle Princess Sparkle, and Luna already knew about her but....Princess Celestia? Dad would make a joke about collecting them all, all that is missing is Princess Cadance. PLEASE don't notice the adult Siren in the room she repeated to herself don't notice the adult siren in the room

Edited by Moonlit
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@Blitz Boom

"Well if that's not why I don't have the full power, then what is the real reason?"

As Lucid asked this question, the stick began to glow brightly before list appeared.

Solar system level DLC: 50 bits

Galaxy level DLC: 100 bits

Universe level DLC: 150 bits

Multiverse level DLC: 200 bits

"Oh c'mon! I'm broke!"

In this rare moment, Lucid was actually pretty annoyed by this.

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom & @Moonlit & @Seamore Sandwich


Before Twilight even had a chance to speak, the Princesses were suddenly in the private room. Very private. She stood still for a brief few seconds, her eyes flicking between Serenade and the Princesses rapidly. “It was not I, I mean me, Princess Luna,” Twilight said at length. At least she didn’t think it was her. She was too busy being paranoid that the Princesses already found out about Serenade before she had a chance to ask questions that she didn’t see the ghostly form of Cherish appear in front of the group. “I, um, hope you weren’t interrupted,” Twilight added nervously.



”Oh, yes, I invent everything by myself,” Watts nodded with a smile. She loved talking about her work and sometimes, she forgets that others were actually listening in. “I invent things in my garage, then I sell them to ponies and such. I’ve been inventing since a young age but only just recently started selling my inventions.”



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Victoria stopped snuggling against her dad and her body went rigid as she blushed at Pop's sudden outburst.

"T-trying to change the subject there Pop. It's true though, I would like a special somepony. What Benny and Pop have is just so special and I want in. I hope that I can find somepony to hold me when I feel upset or angry and who can give me a foal like little Angel. T-then maybe I'd finally be a truly nice pony."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Vicky, meeting your mother was probably one of the happiest moments of my life, I'm sure my little darling can find somepony who will adore her."

He cuddled Victoria who looked a little surprised.

"Y-you're ok with that? Letting your little filly go out into the world to become a mare?"

Felix laughed

"You have a strange way of saying things sweetie. Of course I'm ok with that, I love you and I'll protect you with my life but I'm not going to smother you. As long as the stallion you find treats you like a lady and gives you all the love you need I do not have a problem with it."

"Thank you daddy!"

She pushed her face into his chest and wrapped her arms around him, accepting the hug.

"Is that why you're still single then? You were worried I wouldn't approve? You're such a silly little thing Victoria, never let other pony's opinions or views change your own."

Felix knew about his daughter's strange fears of being disliked and how they had formed such a hard shell around the soft and cuddly filly she had once been. He was so happy and proud that she was finally maturing and getting out of the shell, it was almost enough to make him cry but he held it back he had to remain the cool headed treasure hunter his reputation had made him.

"What do you think about me being a mother? I'm worried I'll be terrible at it and either scare my foal into being a feeble little weakling or worse they'll follow my lead and become cold and heartless."

She was crying again, It seemed this was perhaps Victoria's biggest fear, that there was no redeeming herself, that she would continue to be a nuisance and that it would pass on to everyone around her. Felix smiled and wiped her tears away pulling her close.

"Sweetie, everyone has these kinds of thoughts. You think I didn't? When your mother was pregnant with Battenberg I worried so much I could barely get any sleep each night. But then your sister came along and you soon followed and I realised I'd made a big deal out of nothing. Being a parent isn't easy but neither is being a bad parent, not if you really love your child which you definitely will my dear. You think you're cold and heartless but you're really not, you're a big softy when you allow yourself to show your true colours. And to make things even better you've got all the help you need when it comes to mother hood, you've got your parents your sister, your cousin, your friends don't let yourself believe you'll be alone in this. You'll be a great mom and when you are you'll finally have something to hold over Battenberg's head, I don't see her giving me any grandfoals for a long time, she's too shy."

Victoria continued to gently sob into her father's fur, though she felt better hearing his heartfelt words. Though her father had been out adventuring most of her life she had formed a very strong bond with him and loved and respected him so much; hearing what had been said to her by many other people finally resonated with her when it came from his mouth.

"Thank you. May I come with you on one of your less intense adventures?"

"Of course sweetie, I'll take you and Batty up to the Crystal Empire for a week or so when I'm next heading that way. How does that sound?"


Sprinkles sat next to Victoria and had been gently stroking her back for quite some time now, finally hearing a lapse in the heartwarming conversation between father and daughter she spoke up.

"I know you don't really like my Victoria but I want you to know that I'll always be here for you if you need help with anything or you know, a little advice. I have a plethora of tips for you when it comes to dating to, I know my current boyfriend is the only one I've ever had but I've learned a lot about what stallions like from my time with him."

Victoria smiled at Sprinkles and pulled away from her father, pouncing on the pegasus and squeezing most of the air out of her lungs.

"I don't hate you Cupcake, not at all. A-and I never have, I just didn't want you to get to close to me because I thought I'd ruin your life. I'll gladly accept any help you can offer me, maybe it will help me become a pony who is loved as much as you are!"

A combination of confusion, joy and love washed over Sprinkles, catching her off guard, and with the use of her mother's nickname, Cupcake, she couldn't help but burst into tears in Victoria's arms. She was so happy to hear that Victoria had never hated her because through her friendship with Battenberg she had often felt like part of the family but had always been upset by the idea that not everypony in her new family loved her. Those worries were finally over.

Victoria was just as surprised as Sprinkles, not just to hear these words coming out of her mouth but also because of Sprinkle's sudden emotional explosion. She wasn't entirely sure how to react having never had anypony crying in her embrace before but she coped with it well, holding the pegasus tightly and gently stroking her feather wings.

"I-it's ok Cupcake, just let it out..."

There was that nickname again, it was strange that Victoria had decided upon it how she had, never deviating from it. Sprinkles wasn't entirely sure how to react, on the one hand it made her feel safe, as if she was with her mother. But having Victoria acting like a mother figure to her didn't feel right, especially considering the earth pony was younger than her by a whole two years. 'It doesn't matter' she thought to herself, if Victoria treated her like a mother would then age wasn't important, she looked forward to getting closer to the chocolate coloured pony.

"You will make a good mother Victoria, I know it."

Victoria smiled and hugged her new friend tighter. Felix stood over the two of them smiling down at Victoria, stunned at how kind she was suddenly being.

"Benny, if I could interrupt your little sibling squabble for a moment. I would like to thank you so much for what you did for my daughter, it seems like all she really needed was a big old dragon hug. Now you know why I like to hang out with dragons so much and why I'm so happy to see a dragon/pony couple. I think we were meant to be friends all along and that we make a great team, ponies who hate dragons for reasons other than fear of course, that can't be helped, don't know what they're saying and the same goes for dragons who dislike ponies. I've met so many wonderful dragons on my travels and you sir have just made the list."

He put out a hoof to shake Benny's claw, this dragon was one he hoped he would meet again. He smiled and nodded at Pop too, he hadn't forgotten her contributions to his daughter's rapidly increasing mood.




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@Blitz Boom

Astral lowered her head as she followed blackbeak. "Well, he's not really that at all. He's just a friend I met when I came to Canterlot and caused this whole mess."


Sapphire lowered her head, but then heard a shuffling sound as Warlock moved around on the floor. "You will not leave me with that thing!"

"At least prison isn't as bad as the Path Warlock." Sapphire said with a chuckle as she walked away.

He growled as he turned his head to Brick, tearing off his element as he realized it was useless here, and was more dangerous if it was on him. "Let's see how tough you really are."


Iron Star giggled a little. "You really are quite the persuader."

"It's almost unnerving"

"Once we're out Misty, we should make sure we stay out of trouble anyway." He said, Misty nodding.


"Chrysalis wanted to steal love from the population there, and Canterlot is a highly populated city, so lots of love to steal." Wing explained as he took off and followed Enzo. "And us ponies are more of a perpetual food source, so if you work with that kind of food source, it works better for you than trying to imprison it."

"I understood that, Chrysalis, not so much." Nectar added as she flew up with them. "Kinda wish she did, then she wouldn't be known for trying to invade Canterlot."


You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

"H-hey there! My name's Lance.  It's n-nice to meet you!"

Lance tried his best to keep a cheerful look going as he took the bucket and handed it to Mrs. Raspberry. 

"There y-you go."

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom After the freak flying rocks crescent instinctively put a wing over cover up and himself. Once the show was over crescent herd the feline behind him. "I'll be right back cover ok promise" he said hugging the young colt tightly before he investigated what zinthar was referring too "what in night mothers stray mane did that? " as he trotted over to the feline

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

“Yeah, we should definitely keep her hooves off that object, Omen.”

Sen walked up to the door of the shop and pushed. He didn’t put much effort into it at first but he tried again, this time with more force. Still didn’t budge. He backed up and charged straight to the door and all it did was leave him with a headache. It was time for a new approach though he didn’t really know how else to go about it. No one would like barging into the windows because it would just make a big mess of things inside, not to mention needing a replacement for that. He moved around to the sides to look for other entrances.

As for Lin, she walked up to the door first and knocked a few times. If someone boarded it up, maybe it might calm whoever was inside and get them to open. If not, then at least she ruled out that option. However, she didn’t opt to wait it out and walked up to Omen instead.

“Mind if I borrow our little friend? It might be a long shot but maybe there are crystals again and those might have blocked to door.” 

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Pain. That's all Satin could feel as she watched Vivid disappear into smoke. She sat there, forgetting the eyes upon her as she wondered if she'd done something wrong. Tears started rolling down her face as she started to walk away, thoughts racing as to what she could have done to hurt the demon-pony enough to make her not want to be near her. As she walked into one of the small alleys, Satin transformed herself into her pony guise, a lilac unicorn with more vividly purple hair and eyes. She took a moment to compose herself before stepping out into the street.

Satin walked for a while, losing track of time, before finding herself outside of town in a small glade. She looked around, the sight of Ponyville just in the distance. She sat down and sighed before laying down fully and resting her head on her front legs solemnly.

"I'm sorry Vivid." she mumbled, sniffling as her tears began to dry.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom

AJ was intrigued "show me something?" what could it be, AJ walked beside her friend to help her balance and to catch her if she falls. she gingirly adjusted her hat and thought about all the possible things that she could show her......

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

"Princess C-Celestia looks like she were sleeping..."

Small crystals around Cherish began to vibrare whilst she talked, and her nervousness from running into the princesses began to come through.

At first she had just been embarrassed, but then she started to think: What if they were going to hurt her? And everything just started to slowly panic in her mind.

She was a ghost, that was true, but the princesses were old and knew more magic than any unicorn she'd likely ever meet. If anypony would be able to hurt the dead, it would surely be them, right? She didn't know why they would do it, but her mind was currently telling her that Celestia being woken up mid-sleep might trigger something, and it just snowballed from there the longer they were quiet.

Hopefully they'd say something that would make her convinced that they were still the benevolent rulers she had known (or in the case of Luna, heard about) before things started to go from *slightly vibrating crystals* to *full on poltergeist*.




"Ahahaha, you tricked him to win a bet and end up getting trolled yourself? Classic. I gotta remember this one myself."

Anomaly was almost laughing her head off as she heard the stick wafting off DLC prices when faced with why it wasn't working properly.

"I wanna see what happens when you show it bits. Hold on."

She rose her hoof up and slapped her head so it spun around six times. When it came yo a halt, her eyes had melted together into a wide bar with flashing symbols that ever so slowly settled on... Two cherries and a donkey.

Two bits fell out of her open mouth and towards the ground whilst her face molded back to *normal* again.

"Sheesh, worst free spin I've gotten in a while. Least it wasn't Donkey, Dragon, Hammerhead Shark. Would've exploded instead."

Lucid could try and feed the bits to the stick then,  but as these were essentially fake bits and Discord likely didn't want there to be an easy way for Lucid (sore loser that Discord) it likely wouldn't accept these coins, and might even show some kind of retaliation against her for trying. Hard to say with chaotic things.




Though they had started off bickering at one another, Toxen and her brother kept it down as Felix, Victoria and Sprinkles bonded, more interested in what they saw than having a go at one another.

Benny and Pop had certainly looked on the scene unfolding with the happy family, hand in hoof and adoring the sight until the dragon got addressed directly.

Before that, he had been thinking on how this was just proof that Victoria was going to be a good friend. Beneath all the prickly layers of the cacti they had first met, was a sweet mare who needed others to hold her up, and it made him happy to be one of those.

Also it was good to see that Sprinkles and her started to get a bit closer now. From what he had seen, that had been a big hurdle so far.

"The pleasure is all mine sir. Your daughter is a good mare behind the shields, and I like to help. Might be I'm getting to be too much of a pony after the years here, I don't know, but that's not a bad thing. Like you said, Dragons and Ponies should be closer."

He reached out with the hand that had just been clutching his mate and shook Felix's hoof whilst talking, a grin spreading from ear to ear.

"I know ponies think we're mean brutes, and dragons keep thinking you're all removed from reality and annoying, but there's a lot more we got in common than against one another. Just have to give eachother a chance."

Meanwhile, Pop had been looking on things and thought in more family terms than Benny. The talk about foals, family, dating, and the connection between father and daughter made her mind wander whilst looking at her mate, to some point in the future when they had a bundle of little rascals of their own around.

She didn't think that ponies and dragons could really... Mix like that, but even then, the talk about adopting one day had been on the tip of her tongue more often than he'd likely have any idea about, and seeing things like this made her yearn to have that talk, and what else would come with it.

"I agree with your old man, Vicky. You got guts and heart, and that makes for a good mother in my book at least. Just gonna need to rope in a good catch then."

Toxen didn't think of things like that when she saw this unfold, and instead just focused on being supportive of the mare getting out of her shell. A friend of her brother was a friend if hers, even though she liked to be after him a lot. It was just her big sister way of saying that she loved him, and he knew it.

...Kind of a dominance, sibling rivalry thing too, but that wasn't important to bring up.

"I'm surprised about Battenberg to be honest sir. She sounded like she had a good grip when it came to communicating with others when we visited her shop earlier. Never would've thought she was the shy type."

"Everyone can be full of surprises baby bro, just have to roll with it.

Now, lemme ask you something Felix. Ever been in Dragon Land, around the top of the volcano? Wondering if your adventures ever got you 'round the part were we lived on. Not the friendliest place towards ponies in either environment or locals, but you sound well traveled."




The griffon had to walk slowly down the stairs to not drop one of her passengers, or just collapse under the pressure herself. Really starting to annoy her that they had to be out of commission like this.

"Just a friend, huh? Not many friends I know off that would go back to a town that mocked them, and toss themselves into a fight they couldn't win just for friendship. But what do I know? Perhaps he finally got desperate enough for attention that he would do anything just to stay on someone's good side."




Brick glared at Warlock, but didn't think him an actual threat. He was far too weak to be anything that he should have to worry about when his magic wasn't usable, which gave Brick the upper hoof, even if he hadn't been a strong physical combatant.

Unfortunately, magic might have been better for him right now, as a large section of the floor above them crumbled and started to fall down towards them. As it stood, he weren't physically able to get all of those away without potentially getting the mirror broken and everypony in this place dragged into a living nightmare, or whatever this thing were going to do.

He stared at Warlock with narrowed eyes and tensed his muscles.

"Next time."

Three words in a day, all whilst looking directly at others? When had he started to become such a vivid chatterer? A thought to keep with him for later, but right now he jumped backwards, avoiding the falling rocks that quickly piled up and blocked the somewhat narrow hallway they had been in, separating the two. Warlock wouldn't be able to get attacked by the Path through this thick pile of rocks, and Brick couldn't hack through easily, so this would be the end of their current encounter unless the magical pony blasted through to his own defeat.

Much as Sapphire had brought him into danger and potentially cost him an ally, damaging the castle had also saved him. Funny how things went sometimes.

Brick just grunted and flew away, not interested anymore and headed upwards. The others above would have likely heard the rocks falling and might need a hoof getting the unconscious ones out, so he could make himself useful there.




"She is many things."

The doctor gathered the papers and winched slightly as Scarcity brushed past him with a devious spark in her eyes, and picked up the cloth wrapped around the Element of Depression, which Misty had tossed away earlier. She had put it on a chair as she did not have her saddlebag with her right now, but if they were to leave, she thought it best to take this with her.

"I'm certain your wife would agree with that."

The glare he gave her back wasn't too kind, but he kept his muzzle shut and wandered over to Golden instead.

"Remember to not remove the dust. It will keep him safe from dark magic as long as the circle is not broken. With that handled though, shall we Iron and Misty? The longer we wait the worse, no?"




"Reason was never what drove the changelings in my time. But I suppose they could have gotten smarter since then."

Enzo was took prideful to say that he had been wrong, or wanting to admit that he actually found this highly fascinating, and as they had said, it made quite a bit more sense. A mutual agreement of non-hostility and exchange of product was far more long term viable than having to invade and subjugate constantly. He just never thought that the prideful bugs would ever understand that.

Among his kind, they took pride in many things, and did not want to take blame or accept they were wrong easily, but even among them they didn't think starting an open war just because of pettiness was a good thing. They kept to themselves, just like the ponies did, and did theirs to not get on one anothers nerves. It was easier, smarter, and safer for everyone.

Sometimes some of either race would go to the other and mingle, but customs, mentioned pride, etc. tended to make it more of an antagonizing thing than peaceful meetings, and he certainly didn't look on his first meeting with outsiders well. Considering how he had been caught and bound to that accursed temple, it should really not come as a surprise either.

Urgh, he had to remember to get something to eat after this little excursion was over now that he thought about it. The rats in the temple had started to get smarter, so his meals had gone far and few in between, no matter how much he did to lure them in. Perhaps he could go out and find something more tasty than this now? Some oranges, melons, birds, perhaps even fish?

"Are there any streams near the castle?"

It was some way from Canterlot to castle on wings, but they made good headway so far. Here was hoping they could get there in time to make a difference. or not. Enzo frankly didn't hope they had to face any conflict right now, as his hunger for vengeance were getting dwarfed by the thought of a large, juicy fish. Or perhaps an owl? He hated those things with a passion. Know-it-all good for nothing mouse-gobblers...




"Lance? What a nice name. I hope you'll fit in well."

The elderly mare knew most ponies that had lived in this town for years, and Lance was a fairly new face, so she considered him a newcomer currently. A kind one of the sort too, even if he were a bit nervous. Not that she could blame the dear colt, what with all that had happened in Ponyville recently, it was hardly a surprise.

"It was nice meeting you, but I should get back inside. Have a nice day both of you, and I'll see you again tomorrow."

She smiled at them before wandering in again and closing the door, at which point Alonsus would ask for the next address without looking at Lance. It should be fairly obvious to most that he were ashamed, though with how Lance currently perceived him, it might just appear as another scare tactic.from the bulky earth stallion.




Zinthar brushed a rock aside and pointed at what he had found before: A small circle of runes scorched into the ground, slightly glowing from whatever the feline monster had done before.

"I used something like this before."

He ran a claw down the side and whispered a sentence as he passed the small runes.

"Fangs of beast, taken fairly."

His claw lingered on the middle, curious as to the word.

"This one I can't translate... Still, if I'm right, we will find similar runes in the other basements,. All having their own message tied to whoever this names. Hmhmhm, I think I can guess what happened here."



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Tilting her head, Shrimp clawed on tighter to stay up there whilst Omen confused thought over what Lin said. She were sure that Filigree had taken that heart, but then Lin said that she hadn't like this, after what she had said? Strange... But sister were smart, she would know something Omen had missed. She always did.

"Okay. Shrimp?"

The little thing perked up as he heard his name being spoken and chirped curiously.

"...Food behind door?"

lin didn't even need to get hold of the refraction before he slid off and towards the door of his own and started to sniff it, trying to find something to eat behind it. There didn't seem to be much of a reaction- Until he breathed in and blasted a hole through the door. It wouldn't be big enough for somepony like Omen to get through, but Lin, Sen, and perhaps Discord were more malleable and limber than her, so they might be able to make their way through.

Even then, they could still look through the hole if they wanted, and the sight would be somewhat as expected.

The floor had a large segment in the middle covered in the color-changing crystals, from the looks of things, several shelves of gems had been smashed down t the ground along with the presentation cases at the desks, all covered in gems in a rather deliberate pattern. The door had a thick layer on it as well, but as the refraction started to eat through that layer, it would be safer to pass through without accidentally getting some on their scales/coat.

On top of the gems, shards of glass littered the scene too, likely from a window facing the roof, and around the room in random positions were about a half dozen ponies, all shown as detailed and perfectly smooth as the others that Filigree had gotten a hold of had.

"Hey, whoever let that creep in, watch it."

A female voice yapped on from a mare that stood behind the desk. Her right front hoof were stuck to the wall, turned to perfectly smooth crystal, but the rest of her seemed free and fine.

Sh were in her early forties, golden mane and tail with a single streak of grey in each, and an amber coat that seemed normally well groomed, but currently in a pretty tussled state. She had a few wrinkles around her eyes, but she held well despite her age regardless, which were better than what you could say about the other pony in the room. Well, perhaps say was likely a better term.

"Stay calm, you're almost free."


The bat pony was nearly covered from head to toe in dark violet cloth except his wings and ears. From the slightly muffled voice, it was likely that he had a filter in front of his muzzle between the cloth and his face, but beyond that it was hard to see what was going on with this one. Age, discerning marks, potential wounds, cutie mark, nothing was really shown, beyond the impression that his outfit was better suited for night, rather than just evening, as it were now. He could likely do well in hiding in shades then.

His hoof were raised, and in it, a glowing liquid in a vial were tipped to the side and slowly poured over Amethyst's leg, which started the process of reverting what had happened to her. It would still be a little before she were free, but you could see it rapidly softening and getting more healthy in color, whilst her eyes went to the door, looking for whomever had let the little creature in that were currently munching on the crystals that had been in the way.



@Lil' Lovebug

Once she was alone, away from everypony, purple smog started to puff out of nowhere, with Vivid wandering forth a little after and looking at the changeling with confusion and some degree of sympathy in her eyes.

"Why are you apologizing? I told you I'd be near."

Perhaps she should have explained herself better to the changeling, then this would not have occurred... But then, why would this be on her? Perhaps her words had not said a lot, but it had explained enough. All she had to do was just call Vivid's name when she were in a more private setting, and the demonic mare would be there. That was all that the bug pony had to do, and yet she started to cry for what to Vivid were hours on end, but here just a few minutes? Who was Satin to think that she had the right to make Her seem like the bad pony in all of this?! She would show that insolent little beetle what happened to those who dared to... To...

The harshness that entered her mind startled Vivid, and her eyes widened to regular pony size momentarily. She had expected this towards the villagers who dared to look at her like she was some sort of freak to despise, but Satin? She had done nothing wrong, just misunderstood something. She didn't... There was no reason for Vivid to feel her hate flare for her.

"No... I-I'm not like them..."

She took some steps back, horrified at how she had just thought about Satin before. Like she was just some monster from the pits. Just like her masters before her... Nothing more than a hateful, violent Demon!

"I'm sorry Satin, I should've... I didn't mean to leave. I just wanted us to be somewhere else. Without all of those eyes starring at us."




Lyriel smiled and wandered outside, and headed straight for the orchard again.

"These fields are intriguing. Well preserved, healthy, satisfied... Befitting of the mare who keeps guard over it. They grow strong because of your work and thrive under your vigil. Except for this one."

She stood at one tree who were not flourishing sas strongly as the others. From what she could tell, something had gotten into the roots, and it was now only a matter of time before it would just be a blackened, hollow husk of what it had once been.

"So much work have gone into trying to salvage this. I can feel it, yet the issue is still there. Deceiving, and lurking beneath the crusts of earth and bark.

For your hospitality, and kindness towards someone like me, allow me to remedy what you have worked so hard to maintain. It is the least that I can do for you."

She placed a hoof on the tree and closed her eyes, connecting with the tree and letting her energy flow, restoring what was taken, curing the roots, and rapidly caused it to flourish until it stood taller than before, and brimming with large, juicy apples.

The ground around it began to flourish with tall, thick grass as the dirt got cleansed of the rot that were attempting to take hold, and as she finally let go of the bark again, light-green tears started to fall down her smiling face.

Her hoof went away from the tree, and see-through, light-green tears started to fall from her eyes.

"There, its song is once again peaceful. I hope this gift will suit you well my friend."




Zhu slowly stirred in his cell, deep within the prison complex of Canterlot, before rising up and holding a paw to his head to see if a wound had formed. It seemed not, but the surprise attack had still left a bulge up there which were rather sore. Perhaps he were unwise to think that the dragon would not have followed that path after all. It had just seemed unlikely.

His paw went further down, searching around his robes for what were stashed on his person. He did still not know why they didn't confiscate his belongings, even in these dire times, but he did not complain. Especially not as his claws passed over a small container with an object in which he had stolen earlier. It was unfortunate, but this were simply how things had to go sometimes with what he did.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Victoria stood up and brushed the dirt off herself, Sprinkles took her place in Felix's hooves. Sprinkles had lost her father, Rainbow Sprinkles, when she was a tiny filly and barely even remembered him, through her relationship with Battenberg she had formed a bond with her friend's father and he had become a willing father figure for her. She was a tough nut but even she needed some fatherly love some times. Now that Victoria had finally accepted her she had no restrains hugging the green stallion in front of his daughter who had now herself finally recovered from her little meltdown.

"Don't get the wrong idea Benny, I may be opening myself up more now but I'm still the strongest pony in my family."

Felix chuckled

"Don't worry sweetie I think they have some idea of your strength after than beautiful tackle you performed on me just now. Victoria is a tough cookie, crunchy on the outside with a gooey chocolatey center, that's probably the best way to describe her."

Sprinkles perked up

"It's good to see your defensive side coming back Vicky, but don't let it overcome you if you can help it, I like the new you."

Victoria smiled at her pegasus friend, she was in the middle of a metamorphosis, and she wanted to get the right balance between her tough and stubborn older self and her new more cuddly personality. She was never going to let the pony she had been reemerge ever again.

"Don't worry Cupcake, you're going to like the new Victoria much more than the old one."

To prove her point she gave Sprinkles another big squeeze before dropping her panting slightly to the ground again.

"A nice mare who doesn't let people put her down or push her around. If you're nice to me I'll give you a hug, if you're not then you'll get a taste of who I used to be."

She stomped the ground triumphantly as a cute smile spread all the way across her face, she was satisfied with the new personality she had decided upon and was excited to let it into the world. Upon hearing Toxen's reassurance she quickly galloped up to and leaped upon Benny's sister delivering the same squeezy hug she'd given to the pegasus.

"Thank you Toxen you angel! That makes me feel a lot better."

She dropped to the floor again, landing neatly on all four hooves, not wanting to over-pony the dragon but she smiled up at her looking right into her eyes, her own purple irises shimmering making them look a lot bigger and a lot cuter.

"My daughters are not straightforward Benny, they've taken on strange personality traits they've witnessed my wife and I display at certain times, Victoria my stubbornness and Battenberg, Lemon's introversion. Lucky for Batty what she lacks in general social interaction skills she very much makes up for with her professionalism. She can be shy at first and if the situation involves getting closer to ponies of the opposite sex then that takes a lot longer to fade, however if she's talking to a customer and making up some wonderful treats for them she can sometimes hardly keep her mouth closed. That's why her bakeries are the best, literally service with a smile. She's got sweet Sprinkles over here too who has both confidence and professionalism for the Fillydelphia branch. Very passionate girls. And who knows, maybe new Victoria will be able to help her out once she's explored the world of dating, maybe then I'll finally get some grandfoals."

He patted Victoria's back and she blushed slightly but she still wore a cute little smile.

"I'm working on it dad."

"In answer to your question Toxen I have indeed reached the summit and have intermingled with the dragons that reside there, heck Victoria's even been up there with me. I normally take her and Battenberg to more safe locations but I knew my little tough-nut would be able to handle something a little more... extreme, and handle it she did. You may have noticed but like me Victoria does not fear dragons in the slightest, she knows that they're misunderstood and that we should form closer relationships with them, but she also understand the dangers that certain dragons pose at certain times. I don't think any dragons will be messing with her though, you say she put down your tough old mother?"




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