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general Share A Dream You had.


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Usually, after every five dreams, I would dream about playing a role on Doctor Who, where instead of me being the Companion, I play the role as another Doctor, but I would be referred to as Doctor X, or in a way, I am the Doctor in a alternate dimension, and every time I am premiered, I was with the 10th, 11th, or 12th Doctor, it's weird. Brohoof if you think these partial dreams are maybe visions, or actually what's in my future. And most importantly one more question, do you think that I may just be The Doctor, but from another alternate dimension in the near future?

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I walk out of my house and find Fenway Park. Kinda random. Anyways, tons of students from my school are there for some reason, along some of my older friends from different schools who I am no longer friends with. Out of all those friends, I sit next to my best friend, along with her 2 friends. She says something along the lines of "Leave me alone already. These people are better than you'll ever be. Moving over here was easily the worst thing that's happened to me." I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was obviously much more nastier than that. Her friends nod in agreement and start bashing me.


I think I became so terrified and woke up. It's a strange thing to be terrified of, I know. But that's just what happened.



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I once had a dream where  I could enter cheat codes by using my cell phone, so I went completely rogue and used lightning to essentially fight half the city (which was not my city, by the way) and subdue them and then I went back in time to where I never did all that because I began to feel guilty for killing so many people. (I get this way in video games as well sometimes)

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The last Dream i remember, started with me and a Friend getting choosed to hold a Presentation in front of a class from a new School.


So, we went to the School and the School had a Mario Painting on its Walls, with Mario wearing a Green Pipe hat...for some reason.

Than we got in, trough some sort of Shower Room, that was in the entrance...for some reason.

We had to hold a Presentation about Hitler...for some Reason...i didnt want to and realized that this all was a Dream, so i simply jumped out the window.


Than i got a weird part in my Dream, where i had to took a bath i think? I dont remember if this was another dream or the same. So i took a bath and couldnt find my clothes back.

So i ran trough the Rooms hiding, than all of a sudden, a Friend went to me and we went to a Park, because i guess we had planed to do that?

Once we got there, i was still hiding myself because i had almost no clothes one.

But than i realized again that it was a Dream and didnt cared about it.


Than i saw Detektiv Conan from Case Closed, who was examine a crime place of a murder.

So i watched him and his Friends. After they went away, i found some sort of Water Park with fishes in pools.

I fell into the Shark Pool, but the Shark helped me out.


For some reason and then my dream just kinda ends...


Sig made by Kyoshi

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So last night this morning, I had a dream where my family and I were visiting a comic/gaming store, and somehow, I thought I had traveled back in time to 1997, and somehow heard that Pantera were in town and on tour w/ Type O Negative. I thought "Perfect opportunity to see some legends in concert." I asked the owner if I could use their computer. Only if I payed 85 cents. I gave him a dollar. So I started typing in "Pantera tour dates" but instead, random words and different letters came up for each key I pressed. It was frustrating. 


The we ended up in a rundown hotel, and in the lobby having Christmas dinner was an assortment of characters, among them the Grinch, Dexter form Dexter's Lab, some Muppet's I think, and Peter Steele, front man for Type O negative. Apparently he was hooked up to a device that would make him remember the good times in his life. All it did was make him blabber like an idiot. Alot of people left their hotel room doors unlocked too for reasons. 

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It's been a while since I last time had a lucid-ish dream that I can recall well, about 2 months or so. Usually I get about 3-8 of these a month.


I woke up in a bed that was on the edge of a tall hotel's roof, 10 centimeters from the edge. I was in pajamas (I never sleep in pajamas x'D) and I looked down this roof and saw a large city. The city was changing it's look and shape every split of time. In the city there were an Eiffel Tower and Big Ben next to each other (lol) and some other larger buildings from my city and millions of small houses. I wanted to take a picture of it with my cellphone, but when photographing the city from the roof/above, it would show the picture as if I am on the city streets. So I removed my phone and boom, I was standing in the city, out of pajamas and in my real-life regular clothes, black jacket, black training pants and brown boots (at this point I became kinda lucid-ish). Weather changed from light cloudy to heavy rainstorm in a second. I walked to some kind of a church and enter it. It was empty. Shortly after I exited outside and it was snowing. Also, there was a large group of skyrim-looking people outside just staring at me looking violent and one old man pointing at me and yelling "I've met this guy before!" all over and over again. I just stood there and quietly asked him "We HAVE met before?" and he told me to follow him and he will show me what is going on. He turned around and started walking away with a dog following him. Snow fell quite quickly at that point. Still slightly knowing I am dreaming, I ran to him to catch up and we walked to some kind of a bar, looked like a strip club, that was empty with just one bartender. I ordered a drink and old man was just doing his own business. Got my beer, took a chug, closed my eyes and when I opened them I woke up in my real bed.


Slept only 5 hours, it's 7AM now and I cannot feel more fresh. Usually I would feel like a zombie now....


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  On 2016-01-03 at 4:08 AM, RootedWisdom said:

Huh, just like his presidential campaign, eh?




Oh my gosh I've never laughed that loud since eons!



Now personally I have that recurring dream of being hit by a car while crossing a street, and it's always the same street and the exact same car. Idk what that could mean

  • Brohoof 1


graphic design is meh pession


Twilight Sparkle  Pinkie Pie  Applejack Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy

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Apparently I was at the Baltimore convention center where Bronycon is held, but there was an anime convention instead. Lots of books & DVDs & projectors playing previews. I think there was one that I was interested in where a guy gets roped into helping 3 wolf girls solve crimes. But out in one of the lounge area's was a 10 x 10 screen playing a wrestling match, a dream match to many fans, including I. Two skilled striking, mat technicians. American Dragon Bryan Danielson versus The King Of Strong Style, Shinuske Nakamura, in a battle of two guys that are practically legit fighters. I was torn on whether to sit and watch this or explore the con. 

Hopefully this year, we'll get to see it happen for realzies. I guess you can say this was literally a dream match.



Edited by Denim&Venom

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I once dreamt that I was the captain of a yacht with the Scooby Doo gang. A massive dragon appeared (easily kilometers long) and I had to save everyone by maneuvering through the stormy oceans and the legions of dragon minions trying to sink us. We made it to land, but the minions were able to adapt and hunt on land too.


By the way, I've never driven a boat nor have I ever been on a yacht. Also, I don't know the significance of the Scooby Doo characters; I havent watched it for years.

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A few days ago, I dreamed that I was in a desert with a few other people, and that there was a battle going on, but with bass. As in dubstep stuff. There were also rocket-cars. And a cliff. And high jinx. And low jinx.


I don't remember the details anymore, but basically, we (me and two other people) tricked the bad guy that I and this other guy were actually dead, and then we creeped around the rocket-cars, and sneaked into the group without the bad guy noticing. 

And then more dubstep fighting happened.


I have no idea what was going on.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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I once dreamed that I was fighting some creepy zombie lady in my darkened / vaguely red-lit prior home, and I wasn't faring too well.  I called out to Babe (Rainbow), and she swooped in with a powerful kick that staggered the approaching monsterladypersonthing.  Then I, like, poked her (the zombie lady - not Babe) with something resembling a fireplace poker.  I don't know.  That was at least marginally effective.


This is not the only dream during which Babe has saved my butt.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I had a bad dream recently. I wouldn't call it a nightmare, because I didn't jerk awake like I usually do when I get them, but I certainly didn't feel well. Basically (if I'm remembering this correctly) I was playing Minecraft and Button Mash and an Endermite banned me from the Nether (what?) So I went to the overworld and was in the middle of being peppered by a minigun-wielding Phillipe Pea when freaking Luna comes out of the moon and hugs me. FREAKING LUNA!


Yeah, my dreams are really weird...


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Um... last night I had a dream that I was a young black woman being taught by her friend to build up the confidence to tell a guy I liked him. The room we were in looked like a room I stayed in once when I was a kid, a caravan actually, the floor was just covered in bags and clothes piled up everywhere and for some reason there was a toilet in the corner of the room with no walls around it or anything, in which I went and used while the friend was asleep in bed.


What even are my dreams I just don't even..


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I was reading some FoE material last night, and as a result, I got a Fallout-inspired dream.


I got eaten alive by mole rats...


Yeah, not fun. Where's Luna when you need her? XD

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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I tend to have kind-of-reoccurring dreams that have a common theme, but are have a slightly altered plotline.


The most common one I have is either going to or trying to get to Disney World... I grew up on Disney, worked at Disney World for a while, and wanna move back to Florida and visit Disney World often, so I suppose it makes sense that I would dream about it. It's been going on since I can remember though, even as a little kid.

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A while ago, I had a dream where I was at home with my family, and we were waiting for a plane, flown by two pilots, to get shot down.  It was actually scheduled to happen, and the pilots had apparently been willing to do it.  Anyways, we eventually saw the plane high in the sky, and then we saw it catch on fire and begin to fall.  We were in our backyard, so the view of the crash was blocked by some trees, but a few seconds later, we heard the loudest sound ever come from the impact.  As weird as it is, I actually love this dream, because the sound seemed so real and loud.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

                                   - Albert Einstein  img-36937-1-9810.jpg

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Was going home from some event I went to with my friend. Came to the tram station and was waiting for my tram. Then 2 trams from each sides of the rails speeded towards each other and I jumped behind cover a second before they colided. I heard very loud metal-breaking sounds, peeked from behind a concrete wall where I took cover and there they were, completely demolished. I called 911 and told them everything when in the end a female officer on the phone said "f'er is sleeping again..." which made me go a bit lucid but woke up shortly after.

Edited by ILikeNightmares


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I got dream where I was in tatooine o-o where I was running from sandtroopers o-o I was wearing a New Republic uniform too! D: I got so thirsty that I ran into Mos Eilsey looking for water to drink,I found a bucket of water and drank from it,while people and aliens were watching me. Than I heard blaster fire coming from somewhere else in the town,so when I got there,I saw some New Republic troopers ere shooting at sandtroopers o~o lets just say, that was a intense blaster fire too x_x

Edited by Princess-Moonlight




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Scariest - Getting buried alive, and no one to come and rescue me.


Happiest - Me meeting the love of my life (could not describe the face)

Edited by Zach

signature made by myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

* my dream last night was pretty awesome. it had a somewhat similar story to Undertale, except it was fairies that were banished to a forest by mankind, except difference is they're allowed to leave whenever they please, but they don't out of fear of humanity. there are some other details but i don't type up an essay. let's just say, i'm thinking of taking this dream and typing it up into an actual story!


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