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So...how many of us are...single (me)


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Currently, yes. Me and my GF broke up a few weeks ago. We both agreed that, given the circumstances, it was for the best.


No ill will between us, though. Still talk to her when I can. She's still my friend.  :)

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I've never dated anyone in my life.



Same here - I'm 17 and I've been single for longer than I can remember... I DID once have a girlfriend, but it was in primary school when I was trying to be the cool guy - so it was more me and my "partner" saying that we were a couple. And I kinda fooled myself a little bit too. Though that also meant the breakup was easier than a "real" relationship

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm actually not single; i'm married to the Harry Potter series.


But seriously, i'm single. Not changing that. Never dated, ever. A few people have actually wanted to date, but I turned them down because I there are so many books to read, websites to go onto, video games to play... yep.

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This is because my self-esteem is so low that I'm afraid to approach people I don't know in person, let alone women I'm attracted to.

I know this probably doesn't mean much, coming from some random dude on the internet, but you should try to have more confidence in yourself.  (And this is coming from someone who has also battled (and still battles) low self-esteem for many years)  I know this is probably irrelevant, but I just want to say that from my perspective, you're like this impressive authority figure.  You're, like, THE SCS!  Why, if I ever met you irl, it would feel like meeting, um...idk, like, Steve Jobs or something.  I'd be pretty nervous, I can tell you that much.  I guess my point is that most people are nervous, most people are thinking the same things as you, and most people are afriad they'll be judged and won't measure up.  I bet you're a terrific person.  Next time you have an opportunity to talk to someone you're attracted to, give it a try.  What's the worst that can happen?


Oh yes, and I'm single as f*ck, too.  Always have been, probably always will be, and it eats away at my soul every day.  Would you believe that just today I bought a life-sized cardboard stand-up of Elsa the Snow Queen, and it makes me feel slightly less lonely because she's always looking at me?  How's that for pathetic?


It's this one.  ISN'T SHE GORGEOUS?!




  • Brohoof 2
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well here a college student 16 years of age almost 17
having a girlfriend is easy you just have to get to know her, talk to her and be there for her when needed.

but if you ask me??? 

I still don't have a girlfriend cause I have to focus on my studies first. hahahah

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I got rid of my girlfriend a year ago after we've been dating for almost two years, and it was the best decision I made.


I've been really happy this last year being single, especially after that relationship.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm single and rather content with it. After being in a few bad relationships, and learning a bit about myself along the way, I almost enjoy not being tied to another person, or my phone. I think it's true about what they say with you need to be happy with yourself before you find someone else.


I would date if the person asked me first, but I'm not going to go out looking myself. Also I tend to get overly attached due to...reasons I'm not putting here (I'd explain in a pm though), so that's also why I'm not looking.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've been single for about 3 years, pretty much by choice (I know the joke it's not by choice, but it really is). I enter into *ehem* "noncommittal relationships" when I want to but I don't date people mostly because I know I'm a terrible SO. 

Edited by PsychedelicPony
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Some of my friends ask me why I don't and never have had a girlfriend.

The thing is, girls are complicated.

I had a girl flirt with me once.

Once I asked her out and she looked at me very confused and replied "Sorry, but no."

Other similar instances have also happened.

Where girls look at me awkwardly and always reply "No".

Am I ugly?

I don't think so.

I'm certainly not overweight.

I'm a very healthy individual who plays varsity football.

I don't have little to no acne on my face.

I'm not too anti-social and I'm not afraid to walk up to a girl and ask her out or ask to at least hang.

Well ever since 6th grade this has been my life.

Just at the begining of 11th grade this year I decided to give up on getting a gf.

I honestly do not give a fuck about getting a girlfriend any longer.

I've got more important things in life to occupy, like grades, football, and video games.

That's right.

I'm more occupied on building my castle in Minecraft than I am in getting a girlfriend.

It isn't important to me anymore and it probably never will be.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
  • Brohoof 3
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Some of my friends ask me why I don't and never have had a girlfriend.

The thing is, girls are complicated.

I had a girl flirt with me once.

Once I asked her out and she looked at me very confused and replied "Sorry, but no."

Other similar instances have also happened.

Where girls look at me awkwardly and always reply "No".

Am I ugly?

I don't think so.

I'm certainly not overweight.

I'm a very healthy individual who plays varsity football.

I don't have little to no acne on my face.

I'm not too anti-social and I'm not afraid to walk up to a girl and ask her out or ask to at least hang.

Well ever since 6th grade this has been my life.

Just at the begining of 11th grade this year I decided to give up on getting a gf.

I honestly do not give a fuck about getting a girlfriend any longer.

I've got more important things in life to occupy, like grades, football, and video games.

That's right.

I'm more occupied on building my castle in Minecraft than I am in getting a girlfriend.

It isn't important to me anymore and it probably never will be.


Don't give up man. Everyone gets turned down sometimes, and at least you're able to try. I'm sure you'll meet a girl some day who'll say yes.

  • Brohoof 2
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Physically: Surfing Internet Nightly Gaming Long Everyday (because of an anger issue that makes me feel like I'm not ready for a relationship)


Spiritually (astrophysically) my astroform, spirit, ba (in egyptian) has a marefriend. 

Edited by Cimarronboy
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I've had 2 girlfriends in my life, but I've never had a boyfriend. It just turned out that way. I'm only 23, so I have time for that.


As of right now, technically I'm single, but I do have someone on the side.  :smug:

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20 years and single. Had an AWESOME girlfriend back when I was 18 and she pretty much made everyone else seem... not enough.

Not talking about looks, mind you. It's just that she was as crazy as I am and... well we were awesome together. Been in 2 more relationships so far, and in both of them I couldn't feel anything but pointless commitment.

Sure, I had... intimate moments with them, but that's not enough IMO. I'd rather be a free pone or be with someone worth losing my "freedom" for

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