SuperUltimateBrony 351 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) I could be the official bearer of the element of Loyalty. I could safely transport the element of Laughter. I would be blasted by the element of Magic. I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of Honesty. I could safely transport the element of Generosity. I could with difficulty transport the element of Kindness. Edited December 17, 2012 by SuperUltimateBrony 1 Loading signature...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mane-iac 1,648 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) I'm pretty sure I could be the official bearer of all the elements (if magic were real of course). I pride myself on my honesty and loyalty, there is very little I hate more than a liar or a cheat. I'm much too altruistic for my own good, so that covers generosity and kindness I would say. Laughter for me is just something I do naturally without even trying. I'm just a big 'ol goof and enjoy making people laugh. We're all only human though, so our "dark sides" are more prone to showing without the help of Discord. I just try to keep mine in check by being myself, doing what I love, and not letting the little things bother me. Edited December 17, 2012 by Puddlejumper WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar. The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feather Gem 967 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (if magic were real of course). -stares at screen- -moves on- Wait a minute! -goes back- -stares at screen- -gasps- -stutters- What...but-but -screams- ... ... What are you saying? DiSCoRd'S AppRENtICe Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mane-iac 1,648 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) What are you saying? I'm saying, only those as skilled and magnificent as The Great and Powerful Trixie can perform real magic! All you will ever be able to achieve are little pony tricks, like giving people mustaches! Edited December 17, 2012 by Puddlejumper 1 WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar. The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leogal 74 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I could be the official bearer of the element of Honesty. I believe in treating others as they would treat me, and I hate being lied to. I could be the official bearer of the element of Generosity. Again, do unto others...although I have trouble actually taking anything from anypony I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of Kindness. I try to be kind as possible, but with someponies, it's not... I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of Magic. Even as a boring, old human I find magic everywhere :3 I could safely transport the element of Loyalty. I'm loyal to a point. If it's going to hurt my family, community or me, I can't help you my friend. I would be damaged trying to handle the element of Laughter. Try as I might, I'm just too serious sometimes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khaine21x3 789 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I wouldn't really qualify for any of them as I'm the complete opposite of all the elements, I would probably be the elements of chaos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) I would be blasted by the element of Kindness I would be blasted by the element of Generosity I would be blasted by the element of Loyalty I would be blasted by the element of Laughter I would be blasted by the element of Magic I would be blasted by the element of Honesty The elements of Harmony are OP. Edited December 17, 2012 by Urdnot Pinkie Pie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Rat 4,772 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) I would say I somewhat qualify for the Element of Laughter And MAYBE Loyalty... Everything else would most likely just kick me in the briches :/ Edited December 17, 2012 by ~ds8~ Thank you Nas for the sig :3 #HugWoona Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spring Storm 276 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I could be the official bearer of the element of loyalty, because I'm very adamant about being loyal, and have been super loyal in the past, even when I shouldn't have been. I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of laughter, because I can be quite funny, and I often have trouble stopping my giggle fits. I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of honesty, because I have trouble lying/stealing anything, and always feel that the honest thing to do is the best thing to do. I could safely transport the element of generosity, because I'm usually pretty generous, though I can be selfish at times. I could safely transport the element of kindness. I haven't always been a super-nice person, but ponies and my girlfriend have taught me how to me much nicer, so I think I'd do well now. I would be blasted by the element of magic. I dunno, I just don't see myself being good with magic. Not sure why really 2 Together since October 19th, 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shine 767 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 IMO this is slightly biased towards those with a very high self-confidence...BUT! here are my thoughtz on meh. :3 I could be the official bearer of the element of Magic (magic=friendship; the same way that Twi unifies her friends I also do) I could be the official bearer of the element of Loyalty (no matter what, i'd never abandon/turn on a friend) I could safely transport the element of Kindness (I consider myself to be a nice guy, but occasionally i let something slip that is meaner than I originally thought) I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of Generosity (I'm very generous with my friends/in general, but I don't jump at the opportunity to share/to give) I could safely transport the element of Laughter (When i'm in a good mood, I'm almost exactly like Pinkie Pie, but often I'm not in a good mood--like when I've been away from the ponynet for too long ) I would be damaged trying to handle the element of Honesty (I often lie to my I still haven't told my mom that I stay up a lot at night to poni on the internet ) That's just mah thoughts. And bro...we ALL think we would do better in Equestria than here! XD That's why i feel like a lot of us are here.....with all of us working hard to contribute to a better society than the cruel world, we can, in effect make a better more like pure Equestria than tainted Earth. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowfeathers 43 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I could safely transport the element of Magic. Assuming it means what I think it does, that is... Creativity? Imagination? Socially-awkward bookworm-ness? I could safely transport the element of Loyalty. I'm pretty loyal, sometimes too much so. I also tend to stick to what I know, if that counts. I could be the substitute bearer of the element of Kindness. I try to be nice to everyone, and often think of how to reword things if they might come off as offensive. Any time I'm seen as such, 99.9% of the time it's an accident. I could be the official bearer of the element of Laughter. I really love making people laugh, and from what people have said, I'm not too bad at it. My humor's a bit drier than Pinkie's, though. I could be the substitute bearer of the element of Honesty. I have pretty firm morals- basic morals such as 'stealing is bad', 'don't lie', 'cheating is wrong', etc. It would take a lot to bend them. I could with difficulty transport the element of Generosity. Giving things to people is great, and I love the feeling- but I am really selfish at times. ...Maybe I'm being a little too nice to myself here... >> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just some guy 1,070 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 Being brutally honest about myself here... I could be the official bearer of the Element of Loyalty I could,with difficulty,transport the Element of Honesty. I could safely transport the Element of Kindess. I could safely tansport the Element of Generousity. I could be a substitute for the bearer of the Element of Magic. I could be a substitute for the bearer of the Element of Laughter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AppleDashFan 36 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I could be the official bearer or the element of loyalty, I am always loyal to my friends. Be it good or bad I will always try to get them through. And i would gladly give my life to save those i love I could be a substitute for the element of Honesty, I will always be truthful if it is needed, but will sometime lie due to the fact of it being the better option in rare occasions. I could be a substitute for the element of kindness, I will always try to help you get yourself in a higher opinion. I will help you when you need it, even if it is hard. And when your down I'll do what i can to help you become happy. I could safely transport the element of generosity, I always donate to the charities, I will always give to others what they need more than me. I would be blasted by the element of Magic, I have no skill in magic, or holding any sort of concentration unless absolutly neccesary. I could be the substitute to the element of Laughter, I can almost always make someone laugh, and I can't stop laughing when i do. I get complete joy from helping others see the brighter parts of something. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) I could be the official bearer of the element of Laughter- I like to keep people's spirits up with a laugh and I can always find the humor in a situation. Friends introducing me to other friends always note my sense of humor. I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of Kindness- My kindness tends to go hand in hand with the generosity. I think the best of people and I have a rather sweet side to me, and I always apologize if I thought I wasn't being very nice. I have my moments where I am callous and emotionally distant, making be only a substitute bearer of this element. I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of Generosity- I love gift giving and I work hard to find something that truly suits a person, as well as being the one to say "Well if it needs to get done, I'll do it!" and putting a lot of the workload on myself if a compromise can't be reached. I can be rather ungenerous with my "me time" and stingy with money, which makes me not an official bearer. I could safely transport the element of Magic- Not the bulwark of my friendships like the element of Magic seems to be suited for, but not abrasive to others either. I could with difficulty transport the element of Honesty- I almost never outright lie, but I fully admit to twisting the truth. I would be blasted by the element of Loyalty- *looks down at the floor in shame* I'm not the most... dedicated of friends. My nature is to come and go like the wind. Unless I am obligated to, I have difficulty finishing what I started. This is the flaw that has hindered me the most in establishing strong friendships. Edited December 18, 2012 by Stellafera Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I could be the official barer of Loyalty, because I am always there to help I could be the official barer of Laughter, because I can be very silly and love to have fun I could be the substitute barer of Honesty I could be the substitute barer of Kindness I could be the substitute barer of Generosity I could be the substitute barer of Magic because I could manipulate the energy all around me (Ki energy) Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I could be the official bearer of the element of honesty: brutal honesty some people have this filter between their mind and their mouth and while I may also have one it is slightly broken. BS isn't even a second language to me I am one of the worst liars I know, maybe because I haven't much practice at it. I could safely transport the element of generosity: I am generous I believe in helping others and doing the right thing but I would by lying which would be contrary to my nature if I told you I was the most generous person I know. I could safely transport the element of kindness: I am fairly kind most of the time but my low tolerance for stupidity and bs can sometimes get in the way of that. I could be a substitute bearer for the element of laughter: back in high school I was known as the king of dirty jokes, if it wasn't for my sense of humor I probably would have put a bullet in my head years ago. I could be the official bearer of the element of loyalty: loyalty is just as important to me as honesty if anything it is a natural extension of honesty as if you cannot be loyal if you are not honest. I could be a substitute bearer for the element of magic: okay so I know no magic in real life but if I was brought into equestria and ponified I can easily picture myself as a unicorn. 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,165 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) I could be the bearer for the element of Honesty. I've been called insensitive on multiple occasions due to how blunt I can be, but the way I see it it's better for me to cut directly to the chase and point out somethings faults rather than beating around the bush and lying just to make them feel good. No good comes from lying about things that need improvement. I could be used as a substitute bearer for the element of Kindness. Despite what I just said, I try my best to not hurt others feelings even when I'm being completely honest. I don't say things simply to be mean, but to actually help them improve or learn from their mistakes. I would probably be damaged trying to handle the element of Generosity. I'll admit I'm not a very generous person. I try to be but usually it's just me paying people back than being generous out of the goodness of my heart. I could safely transport the elements of Laughter and Loyalty, both of which I often embody at times but aren't a very defining part of me personally. Lastly, I would be blasted by the element of Magic. Not just the magical aspect, but the fact that this is the magic of friendship and I suck at making friends (how I managed to make the awesome friends I have now is still a complete mystery to me) I doubt this element would react kindly to me. Edited December 17, 2012 by PoisonClaw 1 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 -I could be the official bearer of the element of Generosity. (Self explanitory.) -I could be used as a substitute bearer of the element of Kindness. (I'm usually a very kind person, although there have been some people I'd like to put an arrow through.) -I could safely transport the element of honesty. (I'm generally an honest person.) -I could with difficulty transport the element of loyalty. (I'm a very loyal person, but, long story short, I've learned that in intense situations, I'm not always as loyal. I still regret what happened (no one got hurt, thankfully, but still.)) -I would be damaged trying to handle the element of laughter. (I'm not generally a happy person these days. Although I do make a few jokes, so I'm not awful.) -I would be blasted by the element of magic. (I suck at making friends, what can I say?) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,611 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Official Bearer of Kindness Substitute bearer of Honesty Safely transport element of magic difficulty transporting the element of Loyalty Damaged trying to handle generosity Blasted by the element of laughter 1 Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Callisto 1,877 December 28, 2012 Share December 28, 2012 (edited) I could be the official bearer of the element of Laughter. I could be the official bearer of the element of Generosity. I could safely transport the element of Honesty. I would be damaged while transporting the element of loyalty. I could be the official bearer of the element of kindness. I would be blasted by the element of Magic. Edited December 28, 2012 by ThatSpiritofChaos Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilizzleFoShizzle 95 December 28, 2012 Share December 28, 2012 I could with difficulty transport the element of Honesty. I could safely transport the element of Generosity. I could with difficulty transport the element of Kindness. (I'm usually kind unless it doesn't benefit me) I would be blasted by the element of Laughter. (I never display happiness, regardless of how happy I am) I could safely transport element of Loyalty. I could be the official bearer of the element of Magic. (I am a lvl 84 goblin death knight for cryin out loud) EITHER YOU SHAT YOUR PANTS OR YOU GOT FROSTBITE IN YOUR POOPER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~EM002~ 11 December 28, 2012 Share December 28, 2012 (edited) If I have to rate them if I could transport them I would give..... Generosity- I can probably transport it without much trouble so yes. (8.5/10) Kindness- This one I can transport it very good but I sometimes not kind (9.5/10) Honesty- I can be honest so I say I can maybe transport it (9/10) Laughter- This one will blast me off completely but I can sometimes have laughter (2.5/10) Loyalty- I am very loyal so this one is perfection (10/10) Magic- I am not the best at making friends. (I have a very selective group of friends) ((2/10)) Edited December 28, 2012 by EM002 If you want to play an awesome game click here! Click* Click* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celtore 2,770 December 28, 2012 Share December 28, 2012 (edited) I could be the official bearer of the element of Kindness. This is a trait that is pretty defining of me. I have an overwhelming sense of empathy that I am really appreciative of, but sometimes it can be a major burden. When my friends are grieving, I go through what they go through. That's the easiest way of putting it. I could be the official bearer of the element of Loyalty. I have never and will never abandon my friends. In the past, I have stood up for them when they were being bullied. I remember one incident where I rammed a bully away from a locker that one of my friends was pushed in during grade 8. I have had friends of pretty much all varieties and social classes and I never let any of them down. I could be used as a substitute bearer for the element of Honesty. I won't pretend that I've never lied, but with all honesty, I try my best to tell the truth even if it would lead to negative repercussions. Spinning a lie usually leads to worse. I could safely transport the element of Laughter. Bad puns are a part of my daily life. I have a quick wit and if I see an opportunity for a good groaner, I will say it. I could safely transport the element of Generosity. A part of me is like the stereotypical old miser when it comes to dealing with money, but it usually conflicts with my strong empathetic feelings. Empathy usually wins in these cases, but still. I would be utterly destroyed by the element of Magic. Wait, what am I saying? I will use SCIENCE to survive! Taste physics! Edited December 28, 2012 by Celtore 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CandyRush 75 February 9, 2013 Share February 9, 2013 If you ever had a element, what would it be? Like the Elements of Harmony. If you have like 6 OCs in mind or just made ponies, you can do Elements of Harmony. If you don't have 6 ponies in mind you can still do more than one. Ok, so here are the elements for my 6 ponies. Color Scheme: Love Art Dream: Imagination Frost Spirit: Hope Flash: Loyalty Fresh Flower: Kindness Diamond Soul: Elegance Most of those ponies I have to do an OC for, but those are it. Also, you can do the elements off the show. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 February 9, 2013 Share February 9, 2013 Hmm...I'd like to be either the element of Generosity, or the element if laughter. Laughter, because I'd never get bored, and generosity, because I'd feel good knowing I'm doing something good by being generous. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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