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Season 5 Predictions/Hopes


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Return of characters


1. Gilda

2. Queen Chrysalis

3. Cheese Sandwhich

4. Babs Seed

5. Maude Pie

6. Lightning Dust

7. Trixie


Ok, I know that is a lot, but some of these can be used in episode concepts where they advance a plot not specific to them.


Other Ideas


1. Minor characters get their own episode (Mayor Mare, Cherilee, The Cakes, Filthy Rich, Dr. Stable)

2. One and ONLY ONE CMC character gets a Cutie Mark.

3. Unusual character pairings. Rainbow / Rarity ... Fluttersy / Pinky Pie ...

4. Beyond Equestria. Maybe to see Maretania or Saddle Ariaba where they run into Maude Pie studying rocks.

5. Changlngs infiltrate by taking the form of multiple characters causing trust issues which threatens friendsheips.

6. Luna / Celestria / Starswirl episode.

7. Pony of Shadows

8. Pinkie Pie and her family

9. Rainbow Dash FINALLY gets her own song

10. Cadence and Shining Armor have a foal.

11. Celestia continues to be useless. My viewing jokes must be preserved.



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  • Applejack's parents. I'm sorry, but "it's too mature for little kids" as an argument is rather weak now, after season 4 finale, which touched some really mature themes like betrayal, sacrifice, etc. Besides, it's really possible to write a good, touching and not depressing episode about death. There was episode like that in Life with Louie and it was very good. I was really young, when I watched it, but it portrayed death as something natural and important.
  • Rarity and Rainbow Dash episode. Come on, we've waited too long! They have a lot in common, it's really not so hard to write something about them. Sometimes it's even hard to believe they're friend, they almost no interact with each other.
  • Backstory for Cadence, please? She has potential as a character, time to use it, Hasbro!
  • Rarity working on some fashion project with Coco. It'd be fun :3
  • After Pinkie Pride I really want to see how Pinkie prepares her parties. Actually, it'd be interesting, if there were so many parties to organize, that she became overworked. It'd make a great Applejack x Pinkie episode, in which AJ reminds Pinkie that sometimes you can't please everypony and need to think about yourself.

I'll write more later!

Edited by Anilewe
  • Brohoof 4

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  • More Applejack episodes:There's never enought episodes from the best pony!!! :D

  • Rainbow Dash song:Something i've noticed through the show is that Rainbow Dash doesn't have an exclusive song for her...

    Season 5,don't fail me too... :3

  • Rarity and Rainbow Dash episode:Seriously...There're lots of friendships that has been exploited throught the show,but this one has the modt posibilities.I

    believe on the writters

  • More Coco Pommel:That's not exactly for me,but I know someone who would go crazy for his favourite pony having more screen time :3
  • Celestia centered episode:We've seen multiple episodes where Luna had a main paper,but,what about Celestia?Best princess should have at least 1 episode where she's the protagonist,or even a main character
I'll add more with the time,so have patience :3


  • Slice of life Premier/Finale:Don't get me wrong with this one.I love the big battles more than anything,but,kt would be nice to have a season arc,centered on a finale who has a Slice of life lesson.

    The Great Galloping Gala arc at Season 1 was a great example of Slice of Life arc who worked :D

    Why wouldn't the writters pull another one?

Edited by Lightwing
  • Brohoof 2
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  • More Applejack episodes:There's never enought episodes from the best pony!!! :D



Well said, my dear friend, well said  B)

Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! :D



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Now that season 4 is over, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to see in the next season:


-Rainbow Dash joining the Wonderbolts. Both seasons 3 and 4 took steps towards it, and I think 5 might be the time that we see if she gets in there finally... or not, perhaps. :wacko:

-More on the Apple family's parents. We may or may not actually see something about this, but we might in something I think we're pretty much guaranteed to see, more on that in a sec though.

-Another overarching plot. Season 4 really set a standard for this, so if we get another season like 2 with pretty much nothing being connected, I'll be disappointed. I really don't think we will though, no doubt they're going to continue doing something like this.

-No drought for episodes focusing on anypony. Again, season 4 did a pretty good job rectifying this, but if we see a season that ignores focus on a main character like season 3 did for Rarity, heads are gonna roll(especially if its Rarity again :angry:)


And now, things I predict/know we'll see:


-Apple Bloom's Luna dream episode. Season 3 had one with Scootaloo, 4 had one with Sweetie Belle, and I have no doubt that in season 5 we will see one for Applebloom. Since sisterly issues have already been very much covered though with her though, I'm hoping that maybe we'll see something like her possibly wondering who her parents are(which goes back to my hope before), or maybe just her struggling with her wanting a cutie mark. Or maybe just another sister thing. Whatever they do with it though, I hope it's meaningful in the end for whatever happens to all three of the kids.

-New villains, or old ones teaming up. An imposing new villain would be a cool thing, but probably easily defeated. With villains like Chrysalis, Tirek, and possibly Sombra left alive though, perhaps they could harness their own evil power of friendship magic or something, to be a true challenge for the Mane 6. I honestly think that's all they could really do when it comes to being a threat for our all-powerful adorable pony friendship pals. They could prove me wrong on that front though, it's yet to be seen. :huh:

-Meaningful continuation overall from last season. No doubt we'll get that. Since season 4 wrapped up quite a lot of plot elements though, I hope that the stories and new plot elements that show up will be meaningful and enjoyable. The way season 4 wrapped up gives me a lot of hope though, whatever they come up with will surely be a treat for us all to see. :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Here are some things I am hoping for in Season 5:


1. Twilight's role as "Princess of Friendship" is explored.

2. Cadence and Shining armor have a foal.

3. Trixie makes an appearance.

4. New villains appear and Twilight must defeat them with the help of her friends.

5. The history of Equestria is explored further.

  • Brohoof 1
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I should make a debut in the show. I don't care for Hasbro gets copyright claims by HiT/Mattel.


Ok, but some actual hopes...

-Return of Gilda and Chrysalis

-Rarity + Rainbow Dash episode (Even though RD is my least favorite Mane 6 member)

-More Rarity + Pinkie Pie episodes (Gotta have more episodes of two best ponies :3)

-More on Cadence

-Applejack's parent backstory. Gotta end all the fanfics *trollfaic*

  • Brohoof 1
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Sooooo what would happen if the mane 6 had to teach blue blood the lessons of friendship? Hate to say it but the guy is a complete jerk. -.-

Edited by Ninyn

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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There is only one thing I want and one thing only.



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There is only one thing I want and one thing only.


And what is that my friend?Lol.

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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And what is that my friend?Lol.



That, my little pony, if Grogar, a necromancer goat "demon" who enslaved all of the ponies during G1 who fed off magic like Tirek did but is a lot more intelligent and a lot more cruel. Like the Hannible Lector of Ponies


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That, my little pony, if Grogar, a necromancer goat "demon" who enslaved all of the ponies during G1 who fed off magic like Tirek did but is a lot more intelligent and a lot more cruel. Like the Hannible Lector of Ponies

Well that is simply evil but unfortunately you're dealing with a hero here. I have no love for evil things, (Discord an exception for laughs), but I simply have to disagree friend. *smh* Edited by Ninyn

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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Well that is simply evil but unfortunately you're dealing with a hero here. I have no love for evil things, (Discord an exception for laughs), but I simply have to disagree friend. *smh*



A good hero is only defined by the evil that challenges them. Heroes are also quite dull - villains are what define everything. They are the charasmatic, the insane, the cruel, the "kind", the manipulative, the coy, the sneaky, the sly. The rise and fall of a villain trumps all things else. The greatest villains shall be forever worshiped while the heroes are forgotten.


Who is praised/remembered more?


  • Maleficent or Philip?
  • Ursula or Eric
  • Hannible or Clarece?
  • Jigsaw or the FBI
  • Freddy or his victims?
  • Joker or Batman


Villains define everything. Heroes are a dime a dozen.


Without Evil there is no Good.

Without Madness there is no Kindess

Without Insanity there is no Normality.


Villains are the truth

Heroes are the lie.




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Then you haven't met the mighty Ninyn truly have you Hahaha. Do have to agree with the insanity part though. XD

  • Brohoof 1

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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I have a few more, now that I think about it:


1. Like everyone else has said, put the issue to bed and deal with the death of Applejack's parents. it's not too dark a theme, it's a reality for more members of the audience than you can imagine, and you have a chance to handle it with great sensitivity. You want dark? Hasbro already gave us dark. I haven't forgotten these are the guys who killed Optimus Prime right in front of me and made a theatre full of pre- and early- teens go dead quiet.


2. Likewise, deal with Scootaloo. Will she fly or not? If not, come out with it. We've seen one genuinely disabled pony in the show now, and again, it's an issue more members of the audience will deal with than can be imagined.


3. Every pony deserves a second chance. Even if you never give her a name in the show, give Derpy another speaking role.


4. Adventures in more different locations in Equestria, starting with Vanhoover.

Edited by Red Cedar

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Another G1 villain? They have to create new ones too...



They have but the fact is that a lot of G1 villains are bloody amazing because back then cartoons actually had some dark and twisted villains - Grogar being one of the best.


That and the Smooze



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I must be the only who who has no predictions about what season 5 will bring it didn't really leave us with anything to speculate about. The season 4 finale wrapped everything up so nicely. It's going to be hard to imagine a villain more evil then Tirek was. I still think that we haven't seen the last of King Sombra, him making a come-back would be great.

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-Permanent VA for alternate Mane 6

-Good Discord appearance.

-Coco Pommel, Cheese Sandwich to appear again.

-More good looking OC to appear, like White Plague and Sonata (from Turnabout Storm, I love that mare)

-CMC gets their cutie mark please.

-Alicorn 6?

-Button Mash and Button's mom as background pony please.

-Good Trixie saving the day would be awesome.

-Moar References please.

-As much as I love G1 villains revisited, I wish there would be more original villains with a good background story.


Need some more.. though now I thought I'm asking too much.

Edited by TheShyPony



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Maybe they will add a new protagonist.


Season 1 and everything up tot he end of Season 4 was twilight studying friendship, recording it in a diary and realising her role as princess. As she now knows her role and got a promotion to have a castle, it seems her job may be complete with the studying and perhaps there'll be a new pony who starts out like Twilight like in Season 1 and reports back to Twilight like she did with Celestia.

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I know, I know, it's too early too be making this kind of topic when we just finished Season 4 2 days ago.


Not at all :3 In fact, we've got a pinned topic for it already in existence. I've merged your thread with it :)


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I will be posting a video on YouTube going into vivid detail of what I wish to see in season 5.  Here is the gist of it in an elegantly bulleted list:

  • A reoccurring villain that will plot to gain ultimate power, while the mane six try to foil him/her at every turn.
  • A training arc for the mane six.
  • Princess Twilight Sparkle getting students.
  • Rainbow Dash becoming a full fledged member of the Wonderbolts.
  • Rarity and Coco Pommel becoming partners.
  • Pinkie Pie reaching the limit of the number of friends she can have.
  • Another Applejack episode written by Josh Haber.
  • Expansion of Fluttershy's character.
  • An episode about Celestia and/or Luna.
  • The CMC getting their cutie marks.
  • More dragons.
  • Princess Cadence pregnancy.
  • A permanent love interest for one of the characters.
  • Building on more secondary background characters.  Especially Vinyl Scratch, Thunderlane, Seabreeze, and Zecora.

Now, I won't complain if season 5 doesn't do all of this.  In fact, that might not even be possible.  However, I want to see a lot of this happening.

  • Brohoof 1
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I too am praying that the CMC get their cutie marks in S5, the blank flank trend with them has gone on for far too long. I also wish for Silver Spoon to have her ways changed, even though I believe that's never gonna happen.


Would love to see Vinyl Scratch get a voice too.

Edited by StevieBond

It's better to keep what you've got, than to get rid of it and not have it. ~ Berk. The Trap Door.

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