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I remember I had heard about bronies, and me being just a weird person in general myself, and I really didn't think much of it. I had thought to myself that i'd never be part of the brony fandom cause I had seen the show before and I didn't like the way it looked, but I was thinking of the old shows. I saw some random pony pictures while browsing the internet and I thought to myself "this doesn't look anything like what I saw" and I made a sub-concious note of that. Later me and my friend were watching netflix and I saw MLP:FiM, and I thought "oh, hey, it's that show". So I turned to my friend and joking around and I was like hey we should watch this, I bet it'll be funny...I wasn't exactly wrong. He was like sure, ya know whatever. So I start the first episode and about halfway through I'm just thinking to myself while kinda glancing over to my friend every once in a while, "oh god, I actually like this. I hope he doesn't notice". After that I would secretly record and watch the episodes at night when everyone was asleep. Needless to say, 1: I was very nervous/cautious and 2: I lost allot of sleep. Since then I've made it apparent to all my friends that I am a brony, I've technically converted a friend to the brony-dom, and I've become much more open about it than I was. I mean, I'm not running down the halls yelling "I'm a brony" or anything, but I certainly don't try to hide it anymore. Anyway, that's the story of how I became a brony. Sorry, this turned out a lot longer than I intended it to be, and if you took the time to read this, I greatly appreciate it.



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Sometime about 2 years ago I was playing minecraft with my friends when one of then started playing the my little pony fim theme and I thought "hey, that's kinda catchy. I kinda like that" so after that I looked up my little pony music and then I started watching the first episode I really liked it and what made me continue is that cliff hanger. So I started watching all the episodes and that is how I became a brony and I haden't figured out my favorite pony till part 2 when Rainbow Dash started creeping up on Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie trying to scare them. That just made me laugh so that's how I became a brony and why. Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony. That and the fact that she has all the colors of the rainbow in her mane.

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Warning: Will be long, and spoilers about the first 3 seasons will NOT be covered up!


In the Summer of 2012 between Seasons 2 and 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, all the available episodes were viewable via Netflix. I decided back then to watch the first few episodes. Before even watching, I only knew of it from what MAD parodied of it on Cartoon Network (Cowboys and Alien Force, My Little War Horse, and My Little PWNY episodes) and only barely remember that forgettable theme song of the older generation from a single commercial that aired long before 2010.


So when I started with the first 2 episodes via Netflix, I didn't know what I was going to expect of it! -_- After seeing the opening story that Twilight was reading, the theme song started to play and when I heard the words "My Little Pony, My Little Pony" the same way as that old commercial, I expected myself to be turned off by it! Buuuuuuuuuuuuut... as soon as that 30 second theme song took a more upbeat tone compared to what I barely remembered from the commercial, I smiled a little, thinking "I'm going to give this a chance!" :)


Almost instantly, I related to Twilight Sparkle, as the other ponies established that it seems she'd much rather study than make friends. When Spike was introduced, especially with his flame breath ability to send and receive letters, I realized that this show might not be as girly as I thought. ^_^


When Twilight (and I) first met Fluttershy and Pinkie (officially at the party), I immediately found most of myself within Fluttershy's quiet withdrawal (esp. when Spike showed up and she excitedly opened up) and Pinkie's long-winded, excited explanation for throwing Twilight a "Welcome to Ponyville Party" (We're both Motor Mouths at times)


After Nightmare Moon showed up and the Mane 6 had to go through the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony to stop her, I didn't want to stop. I wanted to know if and how they'll succeed! 


Well before we continue, I should let you know before I watched this show, I was and still am a fan of Disney Channel's Phineas and Ferb, where in almost every episode, there's a song to be sung, sometimes even when there's no reason for a song. Even when I heard a song whose words wouldn't stick, I'd at least be humming it after the episode ended.


So when we got here in the MLP show:

I was already laughing when Twilight and Rarity lampshaded the fact that Pinkie is spontaneously bursting into song. By the end of the song, I was thinking of how my reaction about the whole show is going to be like how the others responded to Pinkie there: Surprised at first, maybe even a little doubting, but by the end, totally into it!


To be honest (pun intended), from the first trial when Applejack honestly told Twilight to let go and she'll be safe, I realized that the Mane 5 would have something to do with the Elements of Harmony, and of course I was right!


When it was just Twilight and NMM facing off each other alone and it seemed that the spark didn't work and NMM apparently destroyed the Elements, I--as was Twilight--was in a brief state of hopelessness until the Mane 5 arrived. As Twilight gave her speech to NMM, my mind was thinking, "Awww, Twilight you've learned so much in one day" :wub:  and "Something awesome is going to happen!" B)  When the Elements of Harmony were restored and used by the Mane 6 to defeat Nightmare Moon, I was greatly satisfied! When Celestia showed up, told Twilight about how making friends really did saved Equestria, and asked a restored Luna to come back (which of course, she did), I had to officially say that this show was better than I thought! However, it wouldn't be until about 8 months later--when Season 3 would have already been finished--when I would officially called myself a Brony.


It was Tuesday, April 9, 2013 when--in the middle of my Spring classes-- I noticed that all of Season 3 was added to Netflix. All this time, as Season 3 was being broadcast, I could have already have caught up and followed the show as Season 3 played out, but I guess I was too busy to do so! Anyway, for the next few days, I decided to get all caught up! I saw the Episodes in Netflix order (which would be Prod. Order and not necessarily in the same order as they were officially broadcast for Season 2 and 3.)

  • On Tues. the 9th, it was Ticket Master to Winter Wrap-up (The WW-u Song connected to me like a lot of Disney animated films and songs from its Early 90's Renaissance age like Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King) (9 episodes viewed this day)
  • On Weds. the 10th, it was Call of the Cutie through The Return of Harmony part 2 (I had a lot of free time on that day) (Loved Discord as a worthy opponent, thought "maybe he's preparing them for when an even worst threat than him would come" at the time before I'd learned he would return later in Season 3.) (17 episodes viewed this day)
  • On Thurs. the 11th, I believe it was Lesson Zero through Hearth's Warming Eve (Oh boy, Lesson Zero probably was the episode that made me realize even more than ever how I relate to Twilight: her anxiety about an important assignment when time is ticking out! Though, I'm more inclined to get my best material sometimes when I'm under stress, instead of going Psycho like her!) (9 episodes viewed this day)
  • On Fri. the 12th, I think it was Family Appreciation Day up through MMMMystery on the Friendship Express. (I saw the connections in Read it and Weep about becoming a fan of reading/Ponies (brilliantly clever there) and when I saw the censored version of the Last Roundup, I did my research about the Derpygate and didn't get swept up in the "drama". I don't think she's stupid, just clumsy. Though, I do prefer it if they'd kept her name in but used the non-offensive voice. Boy, was that long!) (13 episodes viewed this day)
  • On Sat. the 13th, I definitely started the morning by watching the Season 2 Finale, Canterlot Wedding and ended the day with Spike at your Service.  (12 episodes viewed this day) Since it's in Prod. Order, that meant the last 3 episodes would be,,,,
  • On Sun. morning of the 14th, I finished up with Keep Calm and Flutter On (Made me happily surprised to see Discord's return and possibly become a sometimes ally to our heroes. Had he completely reformed, I still have some doubts), Games Pony Play (Since I saw Spike's side of the story in Just for Sidekicks, I was mouthing lines I'd already heard from there.), and finally Magical Mystery Cure. (short answer: I love musicals!; long version: meet me in the next paragraph.)

About Princess Twilight, I must confessed that curiosity spoiled the final outcome when I went onto TvTropes.org back in Feb. 2013 before I even considered returning to caught up; it kept me from having a 100% blind reaction to the inevitable. Yeah, it wasn't merchandise or images on fan websites that spoiled what was ultimately going to become of her, it was TvTropes and my own curiosity that spilled the beans!


It went like this: I was on the character page for the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Princesses on TvTropes. It had the names Celestia, Luna, and Cadence shown, while a fourth name was covered by Spoiler white mark which make the words invisible unless highlightedCuriosity won out, as I slowly highlighted the letters one by one: TWI-- By that 3rd letter, I stopped, but I forever knew something was going to happened to her.


So, throughout my 6 days of catching up with EVERY episode of the show, part of me keep wondering "whenwasitgoingtohappenedwhenwasitgoingtohappenedwhenwasitgoingtohappened?" I went through 2 episodes the previous summer, caught up on the next 62 episodes during one week, and still nothing to tie to what my curiosity had revealed! I started the final episode, fell in love with it from the moment I realize it was a musical episode, and still subconsciously awaited the reveal!


Believe it or not, that moment when Twilight looked at the photo of her and her friends (the one I saw 64 times already in that short, but personally enjoyed theme song) and glowed with the realization of how to fix the problem; I thought that was when it would happen, but I was wrong! There was still one longer song and one shorter song between that moment and the moment I've been waiting to see! Of course, I've loved A True, True Friend and was feeling awesomeness, my heart warming, and tears of joy rolling down my cheeks. Then as Twilight finished the spell and disappeared, leading to Celestia FINALLY singing as they trot down memory lane (which for me was just a week; most everyone else, 2 years and 4 months), it happened! 


Twilight's wings appeared and she was crowned as Princess Twilight Sparkle! Despite the fandom that I finally consider myself apart of being split by the idea of making Twilight a Princess, I decided to stay, especially when I heard there was going to be a fourth season! All this happened a month before the first trailer to Equestria Girls would appear online, and though some fans thought of leaving because of what was shown in that 1st trailer, I would not! Especially, considering it's only been a month!


I've say it before and I'll say it again: To me, as long as Twilight could stay with her friends, I didn't care whether Twilight would really stay a Princess or somehow undo it! Here we are, several episodes away from the end of Season 4 and a few weeks before a full year of me being an Official Brony, and I'm still going to be here! Like Princess Twilight Sparkle sang, closing out Season 3, "Everything is going to be just fine!"

Edited by WiiGuy2014


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


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i cant remember really, but i really falling in love with it after i decided to check out the first episode after seeing all the wonderful art on DA, I went in not expecting much from the childrens show, specially my little pony, but i was surprised the art, the characters everything was amazingly put together. I havent stopped watching or drawing since

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About 6 months ago.


I got curious one night, watched around 10 episodes (s1 ep 1-10), didn't really know what to think of it. 

After about a week of not doing much with the experience, I decided to watch a few more episodes. Since then I've watched every single episode, and 11 days ago I decided its time to interact with the community :)

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TBH, I have no ideal. At first I was like, 'PFT, My Little Pony. I was into that before these jokers. And then I cut their hair off.' And then I learned that it was actually a new show. And I was like, "well what the heck, I don't watch anything but kids' programming anyways." And I lurved it. And then my dad became a brony. Though I don't think he quite knows what a brony is. But I've caught him singing the theme song. It's like brony-hood by osmosis.

I think it's funny how your dad became a brony. My dad would never ever do anything like that :(

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It's been about a year for me.  It's something of a lifestyle now.  c:

Another forum actually brought me here because I had friends on their that were bronies or... "girl bronies"... whatever that is considered.

  • Brohoof 1


{ Independent Electronic Music Producer } { Graphic Artist } { Concept Designer }

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I became a fan of the show last year. I kept it to myself for a while until people stated noticing my change in clothing. Most of my friends still question it but aren't too creeped out about it. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I don't remember when I became a brony, but it was sometime last year. At first, I thought I was going to hate it. Nope. Not at all. I loved it all the way through. The show always had me smiling, always laughing. No other show could do that for me. :D


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I was a fan between the break between season 2 and season 3. Either I watched my brother as he watched one of the episodes or I checked it out because my cousins were talking about it themselves.


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Well one day I was on Toho Kingdom and saw an MLP thread. Confused I went into it and asked why a bunchbunch of grown men are into mlp. Naturally they freaked out taking it as an insult. But one of.them explained. So I gave it a try and liked it the first two episodes. Kinda.had to know what would happen after Episode 1. Eventually I got hooked

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My girlfriend and an old roommate of mine were into it long before me. I won't lie, I originally scoffed at it because I didn't get it. I mean, I didn't judge my girlfriend, or really my roomie, but I didn't much want to be a part of it. In addition to it all, I had an aversion to fanatical and overzealous fandoms (I come from a video gaming background. Certain people worship FF7, certain people play Call of Duty all day, and F*** you if you don't).


Eventually my girlfriend asked me to sit down and just try it. If I didn't like it, I didn't have to keep going. She sat me through the two-parter pilot and "Applebuck Season". I wasn't convinced, but I wasn't going to stop her if she put it on. Eventually she kept sitting me down for more and more episodes and little by little I grew attached to these girls.


And next thing I knew, I was posting here.


"My past does not define me
'Cause my past is not today."

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I wouldn't say I have a particuarly interesting story... perhaps even the opposite, and one I've seen many others have.


Basically, I was wondering what all the fuss was about with this My Little Pony thing and all the people with it as their avatars and making references. So I thought I'd have a look at an episode on YouTube to see what it was like. I watched it with mild skepticism, but quickly found myself laughing along with the jokes and liking the characters (even though I still had no idea what was going on).


I left it for a few months and just recently (about a week ago) thought: "Y'know what, I'm just gonna start watching this properly and I'll see if I like it." And, well, 2 episodes later, here we are!


Woop :lol:


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August 2013, I was on school holidays and saw a youtube video about teens talking about how stupid bronies are. So I thought, before judging them I'll watch the show and I really enjoyed it!

  • Brohoof 2
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I became a brony in November of 2013. I was just skyping with a friend, then he said he was a brony. I thought I would check out what all the fuss was about. "And here I am today, with a smile on my face; and love and tolerance in my heart." -Youtube

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I was actually watching a youtube poop (joke videos on youtube) and I saw Twilight Sparkle appear. I loved the art style and the humor it was being portrayed in and I decided to look into the show. I haven't looked back since then and I have to say that it's been great! :lol:

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I believe it was around May-June 2012 when I became a fan of FiM.


Prior to this, I actually hated FiM due to its overwhelming popularity on the Internet. My hatred for the show went a little too far to the point where I realized I was being a little immature. ^^; Eventually, I changed my outlook on popular things on the Internet, FiM included, and went on with life.


But even though I was neutral to FiM, I wondered why people liked these candy-coloured equines. I checked out other sites on why people like FiM, but besides the characters, it wasn’t enough to catch my interest.


The next few days, my inquisitiveness kicked in and I begun to watch some episodes, starting with the first episode of the series, Friendship is Magic – Part 1 / Mare in the Moon. From that episode to Boast Busters, I was impressed, but again, it wasn’t enough to keep me interested. However, the next episode, Dragonshy, is the first episode to interest me a lot, more so than the previous episodes, and eventually I begun to watch the rest of the series.


From January 2013 to July 2013, I begun to call myself a casual fan of the show, since I thought the brony fandom was a little… odd for my tastes. But what I didn’t realise is that there are many awesome bronies who are some of the most loyal and generous people I’ve met. The fanart, the music and the fanfics are also really cool. During August 2013, I learned that a lot of fandoms have more good then bad.


From October 2013 and onwards, I’m pretty content with calling myself a brony. It’s pretty much one of the better fandoms I’ve come across since a long time.


And there you have it, that’s my story on how I became a brony. C:

  • Brohoof 1
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i became a fan this year around late march so pretty recently what can i say the brilliant community enticed me to watch the show with their great fan projects and have been greeted to the awesome world of MLP.

  • Brohoof 1
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March 2011. I said it in my intro post, but I was hooked by the fantasy elements of the series. Being a longtime player of tabletop roleplaying games, the minute I saw a manticore in episode 2, I was doomed. Two days later, I had finished through episode 20 and was impatiently waiting for the next episode to release.

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I became a bronie February of this year and right now it's April soooo pretty recently. I became a bronie because I was explaining rare gems to my sister and told her that value depended on the rarity of the gem. She then fell to the ground laughing her head off, when I asked her what she was laughing about and she told me that rarity was one of the mane characters and she used gems in the majority of her dresses. a week later I decided to check it out just so that I could try and figure out what was so funny (I still haven't) but I have figured out why people become bronies B)

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It was just this last year actually, during one normal afternoon on a normal usual Saturday..ahh, I can just remember the warm fall air and nice company I had like all weekends- except they were ponies this time.

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