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How do you organize your mind?


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How do you organize your brain? Where and how do you put stuff, how do you manipulate parts of it, do you have any mental constructs that assist you in day to day life, such as tulpa, or an alert center keyed into specific sounds? Where and why is your attention directed? What background processes do you have going on, such as music and/or virtual manipulation of physical objects?


How do you think  :wacko:

Edited by Potato
  • Brohoof 2


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well first off i have mental problems so i think it would be intresting for people to find out bout how my mind works


  1. i have a tupla yes it was long to get and i dont know how i had the patience to do it
  2. i need music on or i get depressed and angry
  3. i never orgenize my brain its utter chaos
  4. i cant consentrate on anything for long at all

i have bipolar and schizophrenia so i get angry and sad alot and her voices and noises that are not there


any question i would be happy to answer

Edited by Discordly Chaos

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Honestly? I don't. I'm the least organized person i know. My mind is a chaotic mass of images and thoughts, all i actually 'do' is try to focus on certain sequences of thoughts through sheer will. I can't really put it into words, but if i focus on a set of thoughts hard enough, i can go into autopilot from there, as if all thoughts have been loaded and i assumed a form capable of acting upon them. When i have to memorize something, i either practice it repeatedly so that it becomes something akin to instinct, or repeatedly re-enact it in the front of my mind over and over until i have a feeling it seeped into my memory.

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Honestly? I don't. I'm the least organized person i know. My mind is a chaotic mass of images and thoughts, all i actually 'do' is try to focus on certain sequences of thoughts through sheer will. I can't really put it into words, but if i focus on a set of thoughts hard enough, i can go into autopilot from there, as if all thoughts have been loaded and i assumed a form capable of acting upon them. When i have to memorize something, i either practice it repeatedly so that it becomes something akin to instinct, or repeatedly re-enact it in the front of my mind over and over until i have a feeling it seeped into my memory.

Essentially muscle memory? xD

  • Brohoof 1


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Can't say I fully understand the question but I guess I'd say I organize things in a sort of mental list of things to do. Usually end up using alarms all the time for it. 


When I'm thinking I usually end up doing some pen spinning tricks in my right hand; had to put in the effort to learn that to keep my hand busy, since I'd end up pulling my hair out otherwise (quite literally). No pen (or pencil) around to spin? Then it's back to playing with my hair.


I also do some freewriting every once in a while, which I suppose is a way of organizing my thoughts.

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I don't. 8D My brain is this huge scrambled mess of random crazy shit that not everyone should know about. XD I happen to be EXTREMELY disorganized, and I have ADHD to blame for that. XDDDD

Edited by PelleK Fangirl <3

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Organize it? Hmmm.


Does it count if I mash up all my thoughts in there without using a file cabinet?

  • Brohoof 1


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I use a technique I learned from "Sherlock". It's a British TV show about modern-day Sherlock Holmes. He uses a technique which he calls "midn palace". He literally built a mental projection of a building where he stores all his knowledge as mental images and objects. When he needs to recall something, he just enters his mind palace and goes to a certain place in there where he stored that thought, and he can easily recover it. He just imagines himself walking there and watching these things. He can also visualize thing in the middle of the air before him to search through them. Here's an example of how it works in the show:




I actually used this technique without knowing since my childhood, but Sherlock helped me to call it a proper name and improve it even further ;) In my childhood, I had a special place (in the physical world, in my childhood's house) where I stored all my papers, drawings, inventions, plans, and pieces of knowledge I learned. From time to time, I was going through them and organizing them, then compressing the essence of it onto one or two papers, and after that i could destroy the rest. I no longer needed the messy stuff when I had the ordered one. When my family moved to some other house, I lost nearly all those papers. I was sad, but only to the point I realized that I can still clearly imagine going to the (no longer existing) childhood house and picture these papers in my mind. They might no longer exist in the real world, but they still exist in my "mind palace" :) And I noticed I can go there whenever I need them.


Now I have a new personal library in a physical form, but I know it so well that I can go through my papers in my mind wherever I am at present. I could be far away from home and still can imagine my personal library with all those papers before me, and read through them.


After watching Sherlock using a similar technique, but improved, I also improved my own one. I started to deliberately create my mind palace and put my papers in there, in an organized way. It works pretty well :)

Edited by SasQ
  • Brohoof 2
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I use a technique I learned from "Sherlock". It's a British TV show about modern-day Sherlock Holmes. He uses a technique which he calls "midn palace". He literally built a mental projection of a building where he stores all his knowledge as mental images and objects. When he needs to recall something, he just enters his mind palace and goes to a certain place in there where he stored that thought, and he can easily recover it. He just imagines himself walking there and watching these things. He can also visualize thing in the middle of the air before him to search through them. Here's an example of how it works in the show:




I actually used this technique without knowing since my childhood, but Sherlock helped me to call it a proper name and improve it even further ;) In my childhood, I had a special place (in the physical world, in my childhood's house) where I stored all my papers, drawings, inventions, plans, and pieces of knowledge I learned. From time to time, I was going through them and organizing them, then compressing the essence of it onto one or two papers, and after that i could destroy the rest. I no longer needed the messy stuff when I had the ordered one. When my family moved to some other house, I lost nearly all those papers. I was sad, but only to the point I realized that I can still clearly imagine going to the (no longer existing) childhood house and picture these papers in my mind. They might no longer exist in the real world, but they still exist in my "mind palace" :) And I noticed I can go there whenever I need them.


Now I have a new personal library in a physical form, but I know it so well that I can go through my papers in my mind wherever I am at present. I could be far away from home and still can imagine my personal library with all those papers before me, and read through them.


After watching Sherlock using a similar technique, but improved, I also improved my own one. I started to deliberately create my mind palace and put my papers in there, in an organized way. It works pretty well :)

My mind is pretty disorganized compared to this! I do not yet have a virtual construct that I walk around to store stuff in, I only use those for designing things.


How long would you say that this "mind palace" takes to construct? For I can see it would be an extremely effective tool in learning for exams and such. 


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Focus on the subject on hand. Don't get distracted.  Train your mind to do what is most important first.  Focus on what is most important.  And the steps to get to most important.  Put a timeline for yourself.


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I organize my mind in a fashion which suits me. It (my mind) is divided into various "places" which I use to access various memories. I have a dream space in which I can browse all of the dreams that I have had which were meaningful to me, frightening, humorous and odd. Here I can compare and contrast dreams, look for similarities and when I am bored, replay them in my head. (Writing dreams down in a log after waking up has proven very helpful for this). Every face from the people I have met are located in a different place. Of course they are more or less photographs of what they looked liked when I last saw them. Smells, touch, and sounds are in there own nooks and cranny's and the list goes on. 

How I think is another matter entirely. We all think differently after all. I think very fast, not chaotically but organised like a computer. My mind is almost segmented in a way. I can act physically and think during the process while at the same time I can also think on a separate "plane" if you will about something else. So it is like I have two separate thinking minds that coordinate with one another, allowing me to think about more (for lack of a better term) stuff while my body goes about representing me as a conscious, critically thinking human being. :3   


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I am a guy who keeps His cool during the moment. Do you know that feeling, when you have incredible anxiety before a school test and when you get to the test, you see that it's not bad at all and then all of your fear is gone? That's the same with me, just that i don't really have anxiety and that i am just a bit nervous.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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My mind is like a series of independant indexed containers. Thoughts are mish mashed around and each one is stored as a node. The nodes are mapped to related thoughts and subjects such that they are all connected to the "important" node in various ways, which is connected directly with the root level of the brain. There's also a section for lesser important/interesting topics on the root, but it's not as efficient to traverse. Thoughts are wiped from memory once all the paths to the node have disintegrated with time.


There's a tulpa up there too in the control center, but I rarely 'see' her except for times of extreme stress. I like to think of Charlotte as a manifestation of my sanity for those moments where I lose myself in the stress of project/exam crunches.

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I'm guilty for being a huge procrastinator.  I actually am putting off a 10 page essay that's due next week, and I barely started it  :fluttershy: .


I listen to a lot of music throughout the day.  I keep my headphones on for hours at a time.  I'm very unorganized, but it's kind of strange because I know exactly where everything is.


really want to develop a tulpa but I haven't had a lot of free time (mostly putting off my essay and stressing over that).  Ironically though I have a ton of patience so my attention span is pretty long.  I'm a big daydreamer so that's where I get a lot of my thoughts and ideas from  :)

  • Brohoof 2


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I can be organized till it hurts then I just let it go, mostly let it go. I get distracted extremely easy so I can't focus on stuff most of the time.

I am slow like mentally so its harder to process info.


Trying on a tulpa but its not going very far cause I dont have a lot of free time.

I have my own system for everything, like...That paper is over there you touch it I loose everything.


Uh and well I can be amazing with my words when I put my mind to it, makes me more romantic :D

Edited by Daiy






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Organizing my mind is veeeeeery difficulty for me to do nowadays. I tend to always be thinking and stressing out everything so my mind is all over the place most days. Sometimes I can get organized and get things down in a short patter and that is about it. To do this I either listen to music or some kind of white noise, or I look forward to something while doing a particular thing. For some reason that can help me focus on one thing and line other things up accordingly. I also sometimes will have something else running in the background, like a video or something to that effect.


To recap,


White noise

Looking forward to something

Videos in the background


I have some weird ways of mind organization.



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Organizing ones mind can be difficult thing to do.  To be honest for me I go for a one hour gym workout (usually consisting of weights, martial arts, or cardio) then I sit in a steam room for an hour doing a body weight work out. After I'm done I sit either in the steam room or in a cool pool and take everything that's on my mind and sort it out.  I wouldn't say this works for everyone but luckily for me it does.

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My mind is never organised, to be honest. It's like my desk: messy and chaotic to everyone who isn't me, but I know where everything is. As soon as I try to organise it, I'll come back and I'll be super confused XD It's one giant spiders web of interconnected thoughts and ideas. I like to think of it as an organised chaos: I know how it works, but most others just see it as a labyrinth of thought. XD

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