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Do you consider yourself critical?

Dulset Tarn

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I'm new and would like to get to know how the people around here think. I consider myself very critical of the show, actually it was this show that made me start to think critically, and can talk for hours about why the great episodes are great and the bad ones are bad. But a lot of what I've seen in the last 24 hours here has been overwhelmingly positive about every single part of the show without a lot of substance. And of course that's not a bad thing, I feel happy for people who can enjoy things I don't, kind of jealous even. I know not to expect that everyone think really really hard about all this like I do. But I would still like to know, do you think of yourself as a critical person, able to call out the bad parts of your favorite show or discern what makes your favorite part so awesome?

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I like to consider myself as a critical thinker, yeah, but I'm also wary of falling into the trap of over-analyzing something. I do love discussing the show with people, though.


I'm curious, is there any particular aspect of the show you find people are not critical enough on, or is it just in general?

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I like to consider myself as a critical thinker, yeah, but I'm also wary of falling into the trap of over-analyzing something. I do love discussing the show with people, though.


I'm curious, is there any particular aspect of the show you find people are not critical enough on, or is it just in general?

Just in general I guess. Characterization, story coherency, the amount of effort put in by the writers...

Back on Ponychan, a lot of times people would take any feel-good episode and automatically say it's the best thing ever.

Edited by Dulset Tarn
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I enjoy the show for what it is / was, and I don't care to nitpick and over-analyze a series about colorful equines.  I've actually dealt with life-limiting obsessive compulsive disorder for roughly 16 years, and I'm grateful whenever I'm NOT critically, minutely examining something.  I no understand why ppl do this by choice. xD  Concerning things that lie OUTSIDE OF FIM, however...  I'm highly critical of people; of society.  Of narrow-mindedness.  Of those who cling to antiquated, inherently detrimental ideas and "ideals."  Dragged through life by the tethers of tradition and repression and borrowed thinking.


But pretty ponies?  I'm good.

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Just in general I guess. Characterization, story coherency, the amount of effort put in by the writers...

Back on Ponychan, a lot of times people would take any feel-good episode and automatically say it's the best thing ever.


Well to be fair, every episode that comes out is "the best episode ever" for several days, until the next one comes out. It's only much later that you get really in-depth and objective looks at the episodes by a good chunk of the fandom.

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Well to be fair, every episode that comes out is "the best episode ever" for several days, until the next one comes out. It's only much later that you get really in-depth and objective looks at the episodes by a good chunk of the fandom.

Well then, I guess I'm glad I got here after that season ended...

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Yeah it's not exactly a new phenomenon, People itchin' for pony so bad that anything new is awesome. I actually love that approach personally, since I want to enjoy the shows I watch the moment I watch them and not be extremely critical right off the bat. I might go "oh, that didn't make much sense" as something happens in an episode but I don't think I'd want to do a whole write-up right after watching it or anything. There are people who do that, and if that's a part of the show that they find fulfillment in then more power to them.

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@@Dulset Tarn, you gotta realize that there's a social gradient of what's more accepted in place here.  :P  This is a fandom based around something everyone likes, so that positivity is what people have in common, and what is fairly assumed. Criticism, while not frowned on, is the path of greater resistance in this case, just as it's easier to compliment someone's art than criticize, even though the latter may be worth a lot more to them.


But, from personal experience, I can assure you that critical bronies exists here, and elsewhere. Movies and tv shows have always been something I've had issues finding faults in, but I believe in analyzing (both flaws and feats) is a path to greater appreciation for virtually anything. It also seems vital to create things too--learning well from mistakes of others and yourself seems to require being able to take things apart and find the good and bad.


Also: I would never feel bad for being a critical person. The most you should learn in opposition to that is just when it's the proper time/place.  ;) Because it does have dramatic upsides too.

Edited by SFyr
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Everyone is different in how they perceive media, and that's one thing that can help a fandom grow. Of course there's always a good and a bad side, but I'm someone who likes to think positively on these matters. :)


As for me, I don't look at these episodes too critically. If I delve too deep, I end up missed the sheer enjoyment of the episode itself. I mean, I willingly admit that I loved "Daring Don't," even when most seem to want to pretend it never existed.


It's just how different some people are. :)

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Not really, I simply like to watch the show and enjoy it. While I have nothing against being critical(as I have my own problems with certain episodes), there are cases where people take the show way to seriously to the point where they're just nitpicky, often complaining about things no reasonable person would care about, like the "slavery" garbage from Trade Ya

  • Brohoof 3
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I can be critical on something if I truly hate it though not in the case with the type of critical that I hate. What I don't like, is when people get so critical that they just nitpick minor details to the ground to the point where they come off as very pretentious.

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Yes, lets just say I am so critical that I hate the episode Winter Wrap Up for tons of reasons, as far as the re-name the song "Dangle Key Chains"

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When it comes to certain things, sure, but when it comes to the show? No. I find over-critical people of MLP to be obnoxious and people whom need to learn when to shut up and realize that no one cares about their thousand word review. Liking/disliking whatever episode is fine, of course, but writing up a large review where you seem to think you know better than everyone else is annoying.

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't think I'm critical in the slightest. I can see the reasons why some people may dislike certain parts of the show, I can understand them and make guesses about what won't go down well before I've even seen the responses, but for me, everything in the show just catches my attention and appeals to me. Same with quite a lot of things, actually. This is my general question list when I'm trying to understand whether I like something or not:


1) Is it fiction(al)?

If yes,

2) Is it terrible or boring? 

If no,

:wub:  :wub:  :wub:

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I love to write about what I do and don't like about episodes, but overall I don't think I'm too critical of the show... the worst things I can think about most episodes are usually minor nitpicks to me, really. :P

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I do consider myself of the critical mindset, but it depends on what I'm looking at. If its something new that people have only told me about I'll deeply analyze the first few episodes to see if its as good as people say it is, but if it ends up being something I like then I'll stop looking at it like a critic and just enjoy it. I'll admit I was tearing the crap out of MLP when I'd first heard the hype just to see exactly what it was people got so crazy over.. wasn't long before I realized I was analyzing it just to catch up on the fandom I'd been missing out on. :P

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When it comes to certain things, sure, but when it comes to the show? No. I find over-critical people of MLP to be obnoxious and people whom need to learn when to shut up and realize that no one cares about their thousand word review. Liking/disliking whatever episode is fine, of course, but writing up a large review where you seem to think you know better than everyone else is annoying.

So you find critics obnoxious? even if they prove a point? Un-fortunately critics have to exist cause if they don't then no-body would get better at their job, I'm critical of MLP's writing because I love the show and wish it would do better but just because someone is critical doesn't mean they dislike/hate it, I'm really critical on Equestria Girls but do I hate it? nope. 


Also perhaps they like sharing their opinions and others like myself like hearing them, Silver-Quill, BronyCurious, AntonyC and Digibrony all have the right to their opinions and not once do they make out that they are smarter than the viewer so where you get this notion is beyond me.

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Not in the least.  I have hobbies like this to enjoy things. I watch cartoons to have a laugh and not write dissertations about continuity errors.   And dwelling on little mistakes just takes all of the fun out of it.

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I'm far from critical in some situations, and in others I'm not. It just depends. For example, in shows like MLP, I am mentally unable to think about things too hard or analyze. I just watch and enjoy what I get. On the other hand, when social issues come up it'd be a safe bet that I'd talk about it, even if that means making a few jabs here and there. But that's rare :P

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So you find critics obnoxious? even if they prove a point? Un-fortunately critics have to exist cause if they don't then no-body would get better at their job, I'm critical of MLP's writing because I love the show and wish it would do better but just because someone is critical doesn't mean they dislike/hate it, I'm really critical on Equestria Girls but do I hate it? nope. 


Also perhaps they like sharing their opinions and others like myself like hearing them, Silver-Quill, BronyCurious, AntonyC and Digibrony all have the right to their opinions and not once do they make out that they are smarter than the viewer so where you get this notion is beyond me.


Quoted for the truth.


I'm rather critical of the show, but as Tilt said, the reason I do so is because I know the show can do better. If we never reviewed things the writers won't have a good idea on how to improve. I think the problem that most people have with the Brony Analysis Community is because few of these reviewers write their opinions off as a fact. Not all reviewers do that, but it's becoming more and more common. It's a shame too. The BAC is one of my favourite things of this fandom.

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It depends on the episode in question, there are some where I am actually quite forgiving but in others I can be a bit harsh. I was very harsh toward Somepony To Watch Over Me, Rainbow Falls and most notably and significantly Magical Mystery Cure. I was a bit more lenient toward Mysterious Mare Do Well and Spike At Your Service though I do understand and agree with some of the criticisms I don't hate those episodes as much as some others do.

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It depends on the episode in question, there are some where I am actually quite forgiving but in others I can be a bit harsh. I was very harsh toward Somepony To Watch Over Me, Rainbow Falls and most notably and significantly Magical Mystery Cure. I was a bit more lenient toward Mysterious Mare Do Well and Spike At Your Service though I do understand and agree with some of the criticisms I don't hate those episodes as much as some others do.

But that what makes the critic community so great, we all have our differing opinions like AntonyC hates Dog n Pony show an episode I love and I bug him all the time to do a review on it because I want to know deep down what he thought. Even to the point that I told him if he did it I'll make a video review of why I hate Winter Wrap Up an episode that's beloved to most bronies.


it's the differing of opinions that we truly get any discussions and theories made in the first place ^^

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On the whole I'm not a very critical person when it comes to the show. When there are glaring inconsistencies or contradictions, I feel the need to point them out and state what could be improved and how, but that doesn't necessarily mean I couldn't enjoy what I just saw. Ponies are often taken at face value with me. Despite noticing flaws and being able to criticize fairly while offering ways to improve, I can still sit down and watch any episode without losing any enjoyment. Ponies are above all a way for me to relax and feel at peace.

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