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Do you consider yourself funny even though no-one else gets your humor?


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I've always believed myself to be funny, even if no one else laughs at my jokes.


The key to having a wonderful personality is being comfortable with who you are, and being able to laugh at yourself. :)

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As long as the stuff that I say is funny to me... I'm all gooood.


I have that type of personality where I don't really care what people think of me, had it since high school. So if someone doesn't find me funny, OH WELL.

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Sometimes I say funny stuff. Other times I can't think of anything to say so a bad joke comes out. People will sometimes point that out, and I feel pretty dumb.


But I do have a sense of humor (a bit of a sensitive one!) xD :).

Edited by Super80 Wolf
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Most people don't understand my humor, but the few that do find me hilarious. It is however easy for me to make myself laugh and I get odd looks for chuckling under awkward circumstances. 

Edited by King Ghidora
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Usually only around friends, I don't tend to be "funny" unless I have a good relation to that person, and know they will laugh. Mostly, my jokes are inside ones too, so that limits my audience considerably. 

Edited by Dovashy
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Yeah to be honest well some people understand my humor when others don't but HEY PONIES EVERYPONY HUGZ THE FLUTTERSHYZZ!!!! 

I consider myself HILARIOUS! I come up with all these jokes that I sit there for 10 minutes laughing, but everyone else is like "what?". I mean, its weird, I find my jokes more funny than the idiots at my school.

I got to say sometimes i feel the same...

My sarcastic humor doesn't fit with people that have broken sarcasm detector.


They all have broken sarcasm detector....


Sarcastic humor I got a bit of the stuff and partly because of it I get nicknamed Meowth (also because I am the middle in the group XD and meow at times) anyway don't worry about it I have a mix of humor with me...

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When I'm with my family I consider myself funny since I'm usually the one that lightens the mood and makes people laugh. With my friends, not so much. I have the occasion sarcastic thing to say that gets a laugh but other then that, nothing.

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This happened to me a fair bit before I tweaked my humour to be more alligned with awful puns and wordplay. They get more groans than laughs from my colleagues, but it's just as rewarding and they don't fall flat as frequently.

Edited by Celtore
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My favoured form of humour is punning, though I do cross into other territory. Many times people don't get my jokes because I mix languages or reference something with which they are not familiar. Sometimes I'll find myself laughing at a joke about a situation with others giving me blank stares, but that is unavoidable. I have a good sense of humour, sadly those plebeians are not attuned to my wit.

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  • 5 years later...

Ironically, it's kind of the opposite with me--I don't really consider myself funny, but other people seem to think I am.  I'm not the cheerful, jovial type jokester, though.  My humor is tends to be deadpan, sarcastic, satirical, dark, and pessimistic.  It's like when Dr. House makes you laugh.  That's me.

Also, this thread made me think of this:




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not really lol

if I say something and no one gets it then that's a bad joke

I have a pretty deadpan sense of humour so I only try to be funny around people that I know have a similar sense of humour

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