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What Do You Think Happens After Death?


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well both me and my mother had a near death experience before.


She remembers seeing loved ones who past away, but came back for me and my brother. She had a choice. dont know how much she would like me to share beyond that so leaving hers at that. 


Me i was younger, pretty young like around 6. i remember it being pretty bright. was really pretty though. anyway, i got told i had to go back, wasnt ready. well and here i am 22 years later


Either way, just my own point of view from own personal expeirence. 

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But even if it is true, I hope Hell at least doesn't exist. No one deserves eternal suffering, IMO. :S

This has always bugged me...how do anybody who simply don't believe, deserve to go to hell? In fact, I can't think of anybody who deserves that, not even Joseph Stalin...he deserves to burn for like 30 years maybe, but not for all eternity, that's absurd.

I think it will be the exact same way as before I was born, like a million years ago. I wasn't born yet then, so you could say I was "dead" at that time.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nothing happens. Once you're dead you just rot in your grave. I'd like to think in a few hundreds years someone will dig me up and use my skeleton for something funny. XD

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Ascend to a state of un-elevated existence.



I would still rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I have embraced  life without fear.

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I simply believe you get to do whatever you want after death. Consciousness is a fluid form and doesn't just live in the mind. Knowledge is energy. People have simply thought at water, and were able to arrange the molecules into patterns. I think that our knowledge after we die goes back into the cosmic reservoir and you get to do what you want. If that means killing incorporeal jews for eternity, then Hitler is having a fun time.  

  • Brohoof 1



I would still rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I have embraced  life without fear.

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I simply believe you get to do whatever you want after death. Consciousness is a fluid form and doesn't just live in the mind. Knowledge is energy. People have simply thought at water, and were able to arrange the molecules into patterns. I think that our knowledge after we die goes back into the cosmic reservoir and you get to do what you want. If that means killing incorporeal jews for eternity, then Hitler is having a fun time.  

Yes! Yesyesyesyes!  :D


Seems too good to be true though...

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Heaven is heaven, as it is described in the Best Book Ever.


Hell is literally nothing. You are left to your own thoughts for eternity.


Literally the worst thing that could happen to you.


And the reason people report seeing fire and stuff is because our minds associate that with death, so that's what our delusions (sometimes) will look like when we're dead.

Edited by Flinchel


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'dust to dust' seems pretty self explanatory, to me. Being created from the dirt of the earth become that, again when they die. And while heaven does exist (though humans- good or bad- don't go there when they die), there isn't a hell- meant for humans, anyway.

So you can get born from dust again then? :)


And if no-one goes to Heaven after they die, whats it for?  :confused:

Edited by Littlecandylulu903
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We all board a plane and wait until Michael Jackson realises he's actually dead and not alive.  :P

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Oh wow! Okay, judging by my religion, I believe that I go to Heaven (I hope .__.) or I go to Hell when I die. I'm sticking to it! But i'd have to see!

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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So you can get born from dust again then? :)


And if no-one goes to Heaven after they die, whats it for?  :confused:

no. Once you die, you're dead. Worm chow. Plant food. (until God chooses to resurrect you) There is no second 'born again' life, pop out the womb, lather, rinse repeat, junk.


Heaven isn't for humans. (John 3:13) "Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven, but the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man) (that being Jesus Christ, who was originally an archangel, came to earth to live as a man, die for our sins, and go back to his rule in heaven, when all was said and done)


Jesus promised his disciples that he would “prepare a place” for them in heaven, he indicated that the righteous do not automatically go there. (John 3:13; 14:2, 3) Did he not pray that God’s will take place “as in heaven, also upon earth”? (Matthew 6:9, 10) In reality, one of two destinies awaits the righteous. A MINORITY will rule in heaven with Christ, but the MAJORITY will live forever on earth.

Revelation 5:10

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I welcome the thought of an afterlife but whatever happens I know I'll face it head on with pride and dignity . That's good enough for me .

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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I personally believe in Heaven and Hell's existence. I also believe that My God is far too loving and caring, to send a potentially redeemable person to Hell. I believe in the teaching of giving your brother ( your siblings, simply put) and neighbor many chances. Would it seemed far fetched then, to think all who die while not believing in Christ's sacrifice, would be given another chance at believing, through another life on Earth? An atheist that tried every thing they could, to contribute to the world, but died an atheist, does not deserve eternal suffering in Hell, In my eyes. They might not get paradise, but they deserve another chance.  


"Did he just say that people can be birthed again, as the same person, infinitely?"


If you thought the quote above, you're both correct and incorrect. I believe in this cycle of rebirth, but I don't believe that you'd be the "exact same person" at birth; that would be a paradox (and hella scary, to people who knew you, to witness!) My God's inestimable love for his creations is my justification of this theory; He even loved (and still loves) Lucifer! Moving on, if the passed soul didn't meet the stated belief criteria, they'd be given another chance through a different "existence" in the world. I don't know if their initial race, gender, and other traits, will be similar; I do strongly believe that their starting "identity"  will always be different, though.


This repeats, until the cycle is broken with the newfound belief. That "version" of the soul will then be allowed through the Golden Gates (no, not the fast food restaurant). This even applies to grievous sinners, in my opinion! I believe that there are parts in the Bible that are not a twisted revision of His word, but I also believe that everything in the Bible, together as a unit, is not 100% accurate of His word! There have been a crap ton of revisions. 


What if, at least one person who contributed to the "translation tree", tainted a part of it, harming all the branches that followed afterwards? What if, while Lucifer resides in Hell with demons, not a single one of the souls of God's "humans" were sent and won't be sent, ever? What if, ONLY LUCIFER WAS MEANT FOR HELL, AND ONLY HE UNDERSTANDS WHAT IS EXPERIENCED THERE? WHAT IF, LUCIFER IS STILL IN HELL, BECAUSE HE'S STILL CONVINCED THAT HE CAN USURP GOD WITH HIS DEMONIC ARMY?


That pretty much sums up my cut of the jib. Sorry about it being a long read. Hopefully "IT" (my nemesis) doesn't have the stones to cut my post to a third of itself again..... 

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I wouldn't exactly call God loving ...

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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Once you're dead, you don't exist anymore.  All minds are the physical phenomenon of brains.  So once the brain ceases to work the mind no longer exists.  It is sort of like when a computer breaks; the programs on it don't float off somewhere, they just no longer run.  Unless you can fix the computer.  Maybe someday we can reverse or circumvent brain death and truly conquer death.

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I disagree, but respect your opinion. My opinion is simply that; an opinion.

that's ok it takes a strong person to respect a opposing opinion. I can tell your one of those strong people . Edited by Megachangeling12
  • Brohoof 1

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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that's ok it takes a strong person to respect a opposing opinion. I can tell your one of those strong people .


Thanks. You stating that, gives me the impression that you are one of those people, too.


All in all, I don't care which side "wins". To me, Mankind is working together on a horrifyingly large jigsaw puzzle. We may not be even remotely close to finishing the picture, but we're damn well getting there. 

  • Brohoof 1
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All the science indicates that our minds are manifestations of physical interactions in our brain, so when our brain dies our mind stops.


Though I do actually believe in a form of afterlife. It's pretty complicated, and it's not an afterlife in the traditional sense in that you're not conscious of it, but it's still a way of "you" carrying on after death.


In life our cells will die and be replaced, and every atom of our body will be shifted out and replaced too: it is not our physical existance which keeps us as coherent individual entities. The past has gone, and it will never exist again - what once existed is irrelevant beyond how it led to what exists in the present. What keeps us as a single entity is a combination of memories and the effect we have on others. Memories exist and are retained throughout our lives, and the lives of those around us who remember us as a person. The effects we have on others are similar to memories, the only difference being that the person affected will not always be aware of it, and that the effects go beyond changing the wiring of brains.


So considering that what keeps us as a coherent entity are the physical consequences of our actions (both within and outside the brains of others) all that is needed to continue on as this coherent entity is to have a physical consequence on others, something which all of us will have. If the effects we had on others are good, then we are perceived in a positive way, and have a good afterlife, and if we have a bad effect on others we have a negative effect, so live on as something that's hated.


This conclusion was inspired by many things, but the most important influences were Richard Dawkins remarking that the boy he once was is dead, and the philosophy of Grovyle in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It's a strange source for inspiration about something so important, but it still worked, and gave a great explanation of why it is important to act morally, even if you're risking your life to do so.


If you're interested watch from about 17:15


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