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What is your OCs weapon of choice?


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Kyoshi's main method of weaponry would probably be things that are video game related. That would give me a lot of options. :3


Ooh, a Buster Sword from FF7? Neat! A diamond sword from Minecraft? Awesome! OOOh! The nuke launcher from Fallout 3? Excellent. >:3


That or hugs. Hugs can be dangerous in super high levels.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ezekiel is a master of Rising Sun style, a variation on the Zebra Fallen Caesar style formed by Zebra who immigranted to Equestria. The style, as such, was influenced by the tactics of the Royal Guard and pony knights of legend.


While perfectly capable of fighting unarmed, if Ezekiel suspects danger, he will carry two weapons with him. (One more conspicuous than the other.) A simple staff called Pilgrim's Friend and a scimitar called Khalid.

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Amber aura: Her ghost powers (namely her ability to echo/project/amplify her voice). Yeah, she's pretty much harmless if intimidation won't work.


Ridelle (pending): Uses her agility and hooves to defend herself against attackers and to effectively incapacitate the lawbreakers and criminals she pursues.

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Lance would use a gun or cannon. (shocking that its not a lance xD)

Toxic would hide rather then fight x3

Whitecap likes using a trident.

Wild would use a sword

Chairty.... would give them gifts.

and Kenaz Pony (my pony sona xD) would use a bow and arrow.

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Well, Nova basically governs the rules of space and the stars. He gave up being a royal alicorn to be normal, becoming a pegasus. He still has some basic magic power left, such as being able to shoot plasma beams from his eyes. o_o

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While Hocus is more of a pacifist, that's hard to avoid in a MLP Pathfinder campaign. She's a wordcasting sorcerer with feats focusing on counter-spelling, since it's so much easier to counter-spell normal spells when you're a wordcaster (only one word has to match the school of magic of the spell being cast at you, even without improved counterspell, and once you learn the Parry Spell feat, essentially all spells cast at you or your party will be turned back against the caster.)


Other than magic, Hocus has a blowgun, since she would rather knock out than kill any opponents, and even when she DOES have to use magic, she prefers to cast spells that deal nonlethal damage.

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My OC Pizza Party (or just Party as she likes to be called) is a fnaf x mlp crossover OC. She not that tough physically so she relies more on strategy  and her flashlight to get the job done.

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