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general media Most Annoying Fandom

Doctor Boojangles

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Also, Fluttershy fanboys. Not all of them, but mainly the ones that see Fluttershy cry and act like it's the end of the world, yet are alright when she makes other ponies cry.


As well, Faust Fanboys. Basically, I'm talking about anyone who acts like Lauren Faust is a god, and say Season 1 (and to a lesser extent, Season 2) is the most perfect season, yet pick out every single flaw from Season 3 and 4. Can't believe I forgot about this one.

  • Brohoof 3
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The MLP fans who think that they like MLP but they really are actually trolls and stuff.... It bothers me a lot because the MLP Fanbase is for MLP fans only!!!!

What do you mean?

Nobody thinks they like something when they don't. 

If they want to belong to that fandom then who are you to say that they are't fans?

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What do you mean?

Nobody thinks they like something when they don't. 

If they want to belong to that fandom then who are you to say that they are't fans?

You know the trolls of MLP that makes us actual Bronies look bad.


                                  ~The ONE & ONLY~

                                      ~Flash Brush~

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You know the trolls of MLP that makes us actual Bronies look bad.

To be honest it isn't the trolls that makes you "actual" bronies look bad, it's yourself.

Also I don't know, please tell me more.

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To be honest it isn't the trolls that makes you "actual" bronies look bad, it's yourself.

Also I don't know, please tell me more.

I think he means the people who pretend to be bronies and tell everyone they clop to give us a bad name.

  • Brohoof 4

Trixie is best pone. Fight me.  :comeatus:

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I also hate the anti cloppers. I never understood why what people get off too is such a big concern of everyone. People have fetishes, They aren't hurting anyone, but people seem to have a witch hunt with cloppers. Who cares what people get their rocks off too? Its not like you have to look at it. As long as they aren't shoving it in your face.

Edited by Kothen
  • Brohoof 6

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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Probably Marvel fans. Not the ones who actually know something about the universe, but the ones that sprang up alongside the cinematic universe. The ones who have never read a single comic in their lifetime but still stay stuff like "DC sux Marvel haz better moviez!!" I get that people have different preferences, but the live action movies are NOT a good representation of their respective universes, no matter how good they are.


Also, this isn't really a fandom, but those people who say that everything currently on Cartoon Network sucks. Seriously? Today's cartoons are practically the same quality as the ones in the past. You just dislike them because it's not what you grew up with. They also refuse to give any of the shows a fair chance. Hearing stuff like "I didn't even watch more than five minutes, this show sucks." Is extremely irritating, especially when they turn around and say "You have to watch 3 seasons of this other show to get the feel of it."

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I also hate the anti cloppers. I never understood why what people get off too is such a big concern of everyone. People have fetishes, They aren't hurting anyone, but people seem to have a witch hunt with cloppers. Who cares what people get their rocks off too? Its not like you have to look at it. As long as they aren't shoving it in your face.


That is the problem though, ain't it? I myself have known plenty of cloppers who shove it down everyone's throats that they fap to pony porn.



I also can't go on google or deviantart and innocently type in pony pics without getting at least one clop picture or clop fic.

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That is the problem though, ain't it? I myself have known plenty of cloppers who shove it down everyone's throats that they fap to pony porn.



I also can't go on google or deviantart and innocently type in pony pics without getting at least one clop picture or clop fic.


I never met any in my experience. I've only met the white knight, self righteous people who look down on those kinds of people. Which is completely the opposite of "Love and Tolerate"


and thats just the internet and rule 34. Every fandom has that stuff on it. The easiest thing to do is avoid it. I cant go anywhere on youtube without seeing some League of Legends related thing, so I just ignore it. I dont go out and harrass the people who are into it because they aren't hurting anyone.

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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The  Star Wars fandom becuase if aything they are in denial right now, which makes things 10x worse then any dark  part of any fandom. Plus they are so closed minded what I mean is that they cant like any other sc-fi series besides it or hell any other series in general. Plus if you insult them they go crazy and mean like Dan from Dran vs crazy 

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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1. Sonic fandom


Why: all the OC's in the sonic fandom look weird.

(No, I don't like sonic the hedgehog)


2. Lord of the rings


Why: I was randomly assaulted by a guy wearing a wizard hat and yelling "you shall not pass!" And he repeatedly hit me with a long stick.

Edited by 312 R3MIX
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the most annoying fandom


bronies sometimes


the furry fandom those guy can be jerks sometimes they are they own doom


gamer fandom they can be pretty annoying to


 but every fandom has is good and bad no fandom is perfect there is light and  there is darkness










Never Give up

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The Call of Duty fandom can be pretty annoying.  Yes, I do play all the games (*hides*), but I don't like the fact that there are so many foul-mouthed screaming young kids in the multiplayer.  Also the people who think CoD is the best game series ever.  It's not that bad of a game in my opinion, but it isn't the greatest game in the universe either.  I actually prefer older, classic games.

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That is the problem though, ain't it? I myself have known plenty of cloppers who shove it down everyone's throats that they fap to pony porn.



I also can't go on google or deviantart and innocently type in pony pics without getting at least one clop picture or clop fic.


[citation needed]


Seriously, I never find clop pictures/fics in Google/deviantART from innocent searches and there is also something called Safe Search Wrap Up (unique to this fandom I have not seen in any other fandom) if it's really that much of a problem.


Yes, some cloppers can be inappropriate, but then again, that can apply to anyone within the MLP fandom considering tons of them love to shove it down the throats of people who aren't into MLP at all.




Also, as far as I am concerned, I've been more than a little irritated at the Sonic Boom fandom if only because if you happen to dislike Sonic Boom, they will hound you.

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Also, as far as I am concerned, I've been more than a little irritated at the Sonic Boom fandom if only because if you happen to dislike Sonic Boom, they will hound you.


I like the show I suppose, but not the game because it's, well, so bad.  I have seen some people (on YouTube) say silly stuff like "If you don't like the Sonic Boom game, you're not a real Sonic fan."  T-T

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  • Beliebers and one-directionners:

Ugh, can't stand them, they always says that we are jealous, just because we say that they are bad and J.B. fans are the most annoying 'cos they're so blind to all his dirty acts that are not good to society.


  • Gamer Elitists:

The ones who always complain about the types of console and they always want the best everything or else they are like "ARGH IT SUCKS" and they just can't stop comparing everything! I have one thing to say to them: To each his own!


  • Metal Elitists: Same thing like Gamer elitists, but with Metal music, they always want the perfect production, or else it's sh*t, perfect example of them are those reviewers in Metal-Archives, most of them are elitists!


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

 Angelus Corruptus (My OC) My PMVs and YTPs channel 100+ Underrated Metal Bands in 100+ Days (Blog)


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It's gonna sound odd but the Pokemon Fandom because there is a lot of angry in the competitive side of pokemon. Things like Smogon can be very anal when it comes to rules and what pokemon are "good" and which ones are "bad". Some of them rage quit really easily too if the battle isn't going there way :P


it's kinda sad because to me. Pokemon is a cute, fun adventure about doing what you like in the game and you shouldn't tell people that they are playing wrong because that's quite silly in my opinion.


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deffientley the hetalia fandom, I love the show (in fact it's by far my favourite show ever) but oh god I can't stand the fandom. It's FULL of crazy weeaboos who will physically assault you for not liking a ship or liking a certain character (because france senpai is their husbando, liking Britain-kun means your a baka).

  • Brohoof 2
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Well sir, I have one at the top of my tongue and my experiences are anecdotal, mind you.... the furries.


I used to be one for almost a decade. Now I loved my time in the fandom but I never became particularly "involved" in the community, reason being was because I was always finding myself tip-toeing across the proverbial minefield hoping I don't step on anything interacting with some of my furry cohorts. There is drama left and right, up and down, through thick and thin... I seen furries (and had some friends along the way) who would prey on one another over trivial nonsense, from school-girl-romance bull crap to trying to become the "Vladimir Lenin" of the furry fandom, I seen it all. Self-admitted beastiality enthusiasts, babyfurs, Nazifurs, rottenfurs, art thieves, hypocrites, holier-than-thou sex negative furries who want to "purify" the fandom (burned furs), some who retroactively classify everything non-furry as furry, furs who constantly spit on the "mundanes" (people aren't part of their fandom), generally developing a persecution (or fursecution in this case) complex like no other social aggregate. Most I met are always tearing at each other's throats like a bunch of rabid hyenas.


Oh it's always the social media to blame! It's always the "very small" minority that makes the entire fandom look bad. Well partner, that is one loud-ass minority, never mind the fact furries constantly (and ironically) humiliate themselves on social media. Furries come in all sorts of flavors, but sane is rare to come by.


I can go on and on, and if you want sources, by all means, contact me.

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I like the show I suppose, but not the game because it's, well, so bad.  I have seen some people (on YouTube) say silly stuff like "If you don't like the Sonic Boom game, you're not a real Sonic fan."  T-T


I'm not really a fan of either, but I don't mind if people like them. It's irritating to me, though, that I can't point out flaws of either without being told that I'm supposedly a terrible person and that I'm completely dumping on a lot of hard work done by an enthusiastic team. Heck, the Sonic fandom in general is polluted with people who won't allow for discourse on disagreement, and force you to like each and every single aspect of every game, despite us all knowing logically that even if a game is top tier it's going to have flaws here and there that might not appeal to everybody.

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I think this fandom can be pretty annoying. While Homestuck fans are kinda annoying too, they usually keep to themselves, on their pages. Bronies are everywhere and they're not really that bad at all and like in any fandom there are some annoying ones that stick out. But the problem I have with them is that they try to justify everything about them. They don't really have the ability to just ignore everyone and do their own thing.


A great example would be Youtube, there's plenty of bronies there, but once a hater says something like "Ugh you stupid bronies should get out of here" (There's always one like that even if it's on a video like Mobb Deep - Shook Ones or whatever), bronies always try to justify everything they do. "Yeah but I'M not like THOSE bronies", "There's a lot of bronies but I'M not one of the bad ones! Cloppers are bad!" "I'M not one of those retarded bronies! I'm special!!". Some even proceed to tell their entire life story and why they love the show. I mean... dude just let it go. Ignore those retards, don't justify why you like a show, it's wasted breath. I've noticed this mostly with bronies because they're too polite and too nice to just tell that idiot to smd and that you'd punch a hole in their teeth. It's a lot less these days but back in 2013 it was everywhere.




Although as far as most annoying goes I guess anime fans are the most annoying for me. Most of them seem to have peter pan syndrome about Japan, think they're super deep and emo with their animes (explain me the plot of Paranoia Agent or Paprika and then we can talk) and overall come across as condescending and pretentious while they suck on their imported chocolate or strawberry-flavoured pocky sticks of superiority. A lot of them think their life has been horrible just because they didn't get the birthday present they ask for, they disregard everyone else's problems as juvenile and unimportant even if those problems are a hundred times worse than theirs. It's a complete special snowflake fiasco when it comes to anime fans. Some of them are a lot of fun to hang out with and a lot of fun to talk with, but most of them? Ugh..

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Im going to have to end this here guys. This thread has become nothing but self perpetuating negativity regarding other fandoms and as such, doesn't have a place here.

  • Brohoof 5



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