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spoiler The upcoming 100th episode, my thoughts

Steve Piranha

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So, one of the S5 content that is in most of our heads, is the 100th episode, which will feature many of the fandom's favorite background ponies. If that's not fanservice, I dunno what it is. 

  I'm normaly against this practice, as it normally fails to end up in the liking of everyone, but I believe I can let it pass this once because of two reasons:

1- We have a great creative team which kept the quality of the show for so long

2- I think it quite a cute gift from their part, as we are greatly respnsible of the show's sucess. Not many reach over 100 episodes 

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I'd hate to be the pessimist douchebag in this thread, but I'm still not looking forward to this episode, every piece of info released just makes me more cynical, and it could turn out to be a complete disaster.


And honestly this might be the first episode I'll skip

Edited by Megas75
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Honestly, it just depends on how far they go with it. Pandering to a fanbase on this level is never a good idea under any circumstances. All it does is make said fanbase arrogant and entitled, and this particular fanbase has already had a taste of that arrogance and entitlement with things like Derpy's name being mentioned on the show and the confirmation of Scootaloo being crippled. 


I must admit, I'm really not optimistic. I fear they're going to go too far. 

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I don't think it'll be a bad episode.

I agree that it's "fanservice", but try to imagine a story between background ponies (this idea isn't that bad actually), I for one think it can be a great episode.

Edited by Blobulle
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I just wait and see.


But i guarantee you, that alot of bronies will be pisse off. Because this is a headcanon/fanon breaker like we've never seen before. Many bronies will shed their tears, because their fanfics are nothing worth anymore and some will go into straight denial mode, saying that this episode never happend.


I barely have any headcanons and i have no fanons. So there is nothing for me to be mad about. I sit back in my couch and watch the episode.

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I'm extremely excited for this episode. There are tons of background ponies I'd like to learn more about, and maybe even get voices for a few of them. I'm constantly reminding people that the show isn't and shouldn't be targeted at us, but I think this is an awesome gesture.

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Depends on what they do with it:


Bad: Have an episode where the mane 6 leave, and then just cram as much internet and fanon references as possible in the audiences face. Just do EVERYTHING. Call out every background ponies names and give them speaking roles, give them their fanon personalities straight from the web, and do as much brony pandering as you possibly can. It ends with a giant laser fight and Derpy shouting out muffins.


Good: Put effort and time into this episode and make it a well written episode that could stand on it's own, even if the background ponies weren't there and it was just the mane 6. Use some fan personalities, but filter them out and alter them if nessercery so that they're appropriate for kids and can work in the context of the show. (For example, take out homosexuality between Vinyl and Octavia and Lyra and Bon Bon, and take out the human obsession for Lyra as it just wouldn't work in the show, but still make her a quirky oddball)


Also, don't be afraid to differ yourselves from fanon. As long as it's relatively close and the core personalities and names are there, then you can make a few changes if you want. 

Edited by Arctofire
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I'm personally not too excited about this episode, seeing as most background characters, even with fandom personalities, are kind of one-dimensional. Unless they could add more character to them, this could easily turn out to feel like a bad fanfiction.


Though if they give Doctor Whooves a british accent, that would be awesome.


Oh, and this episode will probably be hated by the fandom even if they manage to pull it off, seeing as there will be that part of the fandom screaming about, "Their headcannons being ruined."

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Personally I am not excited for it as I don't see the point for it past ratings and fan pandering. I really am into the show for the current cast of mane characters. I'm not in it for the fanon or the fandom, I just want to enjoy the adventures of the mane 6 plus that little dragon fella, really. May be a fresh change of pace and I am actually fairly certain it will be met with positive reception by this fandom, but this isn't why I am into the show.


If I wake up early I will probably watch it, but I doubt I'll set my alarm that morning :P Sleeping in for the weekend is always nice.

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I'll give it a shot. An episode about the backgrounders and minor characters could work ("22 Short Films About Ponyville"), but I just hope they don't go overboard.


There's thanking & acknowledging your fans, and then there's just pandering. There's a difference. One that's even hard to spot either.


Heck, much of the Herd are even bigger brats than the little girls as it is! <.<

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I am going to give this episode a shot like every single other episode in the entire show.  If it is good then great if not well I am not going to throw a gigantic hissyfit about it like many bronies are most likely going to either way.

I am not going to have gigantic expectations that will most likely be brutally crushed producing a gigantic wave of hype backlash, I will try to remain calm about the entire episode and hope for the best.

But during the week before it and after it I would best advise going into your EQG and Magical Mystery Cure Bunkers and avoiding reactions to the episode.

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the confirmation of Scootaloo being crippled. 

In what episode was this confirmed?


I'll like to believe the staff isn't trying to cater to the MLPForums audience (the "hardcore" bronys), but rather just making a general nod to the fanbase as a whole (and I hope most people will be mature enough to not make a scandal out of it).


I personally hope that Vinyl Scratch will finally get to speak.

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I just wait and see.


But i guarantee you, that alot of bronies will be pisse off. Because this is a headcanon/fanon breaker like we've never seen before. Many bronies will shed their tears, because their fanfics are nothing worth anymore and some will go into straight denial mode, saying that this episode never happend.


I barely have any headcanons and i have no fanons. So there is nothing for me to be mad about. I sit back in my couch and watch the episode.

Yeah, it's been confirmed that some of the fandom headcanons will not be featured in the episode. The homosexual relationships of Lyra/Bon Bon and Octi/Vinyl, plus, Dinky is Derpy's daughter can be forgotten about 

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Yeah, it's been confirmed that some of the fandom headcanons will not be featured in the episode. The homosexual relationships of Lyra/Bon Bon and Octi/Vinyl, plus, Dinky is Derpy's daughter can be forgotten about 


The fact that Dinky won't be Derpy's daughter, will be enough to make some bronies angry. Derpy is the most popular BG after all.

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Just give it a chance.


The worst that could happen is that is that it becomes a mediocre forgettable episode.


We don't even, hear or know about most of these background characters anyways, aside from outside their small cameos and background appearances.


It shouldn't matter that this episode becomes canon. These characters in the grand scheme of the show don't matter to begin with. And let's not forget: the fandom made these background characters who they are through fanart and fanfictions and their views. The show just gave the viewers a template to build off of.


The fact that we even have a fan episode is because the fans cared enough to make it an issue.


If it doesn't work out, the fans can and will just have these characters live on through the fanart and fanfics as they always have. But it can't really hurt that much to see the show's concept for the background can it?


All I ask is the fans just give it a chance. Then you may proceed to judge the episode to your heart's content.

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Not looking forward to this personally, for three reasons. One, they are hyping it up and you should never trust a trailer. (Also why I'm not terribly excited for the premier as well)

 http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NeverTrustATrailer (sorry for anyone who gets lost in here)


Secondly cause it will most likely be the FANDOM episode instead of an episode which simply pays homage to the fans.  While those sound the same the former is completely defined by the term.  It's like having a female hero or a hero who happens to be female. With the latter their gender just a descriptor a simple part of them, the former their entire identity. It's also why Brad Flash Sentry wasn't successful because the descriptor took over his character and I fear that this will happen to this episode as well, that it will simply be the shout-out episode.


Lastly, because it will be pointless.  Given what we've been told it's unlikely the events of this episode will play any role or continuity and simply be forgotten about.  Now this is the weakest point I have and I hope I'm wrong.  What I would love to have happen in this episode is that in reality it turns into a villain introduction episode for our finale villain so we have more build up to their threat and have a more well developed personality by the time our heroes come into conflict with them.  


That all being said I still hope this will be a good episode and plan to wait and see before I make any true judgments, it's just I'm a bit cynical by nature.  You know what they say "Plan for the worst, hope for the best"  and that's exactly what I plan on doing. 

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It might be best to just go in with little to no expectations in regard to the general idea of the episode. I really like it that the writers seemingly want to do this, though I can understand some fans issues with fan-pandering. Honestly I don't think there will be much of that in this case. It's not like it will mess with the overall story or the main characters themselves...at least in my view.

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I just wrote a long, long post about my thoughts on this in the unpopular opinions thread :derp: I'll just quote it and put it in spoilers here :please:




I am absolutely, 100% uninterested in the 100th episode with all the background ponies. It doesn't really serve any purpose at all other than to be an extremely unsubtle fanservice episode to the Brony fandom and thus I feel it will ultimately be one that I am uninterested in and will have no major impact on anything other than being a generic slice of life episode with characters I don't really care about, to put it bluntly. While not every episode is going to contribute greatly to the overall story at hand, many of them show exposition to characters important to the story and allow you to build opinions and feel closer to them. Slice of Life episodes such as "Sweet & Elite" and "Party of One" are just as important, if not more important, to the quality of the show than the ones that have great significance to an overlapping story such as "The Ticket Master" and "Pinkie Pride." They allow us to understand the characters better. They allow us to get a feel of who they are and what they are all about, and a well-developed main cast is just as important to the quality of a show as the storyline and basis of the show are. 

This episode doesn't do anything of that sort. It has no meaning in the slightest other than to be extremely blatant fanservice, and I don't like that. These characters, in all likelihood, won't be coming back to star in a mane 6-less episode again. They won't get much more canon development than this. They won't do anything other than sit there for 22 minutes and provide nothing of note before going back to filling space up in the background. The only really good thing that can come out of this episode for the quality of the show is it gives the writers more reason to focus on the story at hand than thinking up ways to do callouts to the brony fandom, thus cutting down fanservice in the episodes surrounding it in S5 significantly. However, if that is actually going to happen or not is anyone's guess, so it's possible that the only good thing that can come out of this episode is something worth nothing, that being a warm and fuzzy feeling of acknowledgement felt by this fandom. I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I don't think that's going to help make this a good show. I think fanservice such as this should be kept to a minimum and put in the background while the main focus remains on the mane cast and general storyline. 

I also predict that even if it is of terrible quality, people in this fandom are going to go head over heels for it because of how it is a massive callout, barring they butcher the fanon personalities of the background ponies. I'm getting the feeling that it can be a dull, meaningless, poorly executed episode and people aren't going to care about any of that just because of the meaning of the episode itself, which was nothing more than being 22 minutes of fanservice. Because of this, I feel this is evidence of the show's decline. Season 4 saw the smallest amount of growth in the fandom ever by a wide margin according to a poll Equestria Daily performed, thus meaning it'd be a reasonable assumption that the hype surrounding the show has died down and the popularity peaked during S3. The combination of a pure fanservice episode to the fandom as well as a stunted growth during the last season indicates to me that the writers are becoming desperate and I find that to be a saddening thought, because I for one love this show and enjoy it immensely. 


I just feel this to be an unnecessarily blunt and over-the-top amount of fanservice that, at best, will do little to improve the quality of the show and at worst send the fandom into a total outrage due to the canon destroying the fanon they had grown to love. I don't see anything worthwhile coming out of this, quite frankly, and I feel it will end up just being a waste of time and I'm still on the fence if I am even going to watch it or not.



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