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What're your opinions on stereotypes?

Katie Fire

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I get really annoyed at when people use stereotypes to try and win arguments (this happened to me yesterday). The person who I was talking to is a furry and hates bronies and he took it upon himself to describe them as sick old autistic men who ejaculate on children's toys. This really got me mad and told him that is just as accurate as the stereotype of furries... doing things... to animals.


Well, that's my rant over. Just wondering what you think of things like this and stereotypes in general. Do you have any situations where they have been used for the worse?

  • Brohoof 1
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I think everyone falls under a stereotype or label. It usually doesn't bother me though. I just try to be myself and like myself for who I am, regardless of what other people wanna call me.

  • Brohoof 6
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I think everyone falls under a stereotype or label. It usually doesn't bother me though. I just try to be myself and like myself for who I am, regardless of what other people wanna call me.


Right on. I probably have some stereotypical things about me, but I've never tried fitting into a role. Peer pressure is gladly something I've been good not to bend to. I understand why stereotypes exist though. It's possible to group people together based on shared characteristics. However, it's not okay to treat someone badly or unfairly based on this. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I've never liked stereotypes but I think it's human nature to label so it really only bothers me when it's hurtful like that. Considering the horribly negative stereotypes the furry fandom has to deal with it surprises me that a furry would bash bronies with the same kind of hate.

  • Brohoof 1
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Right on. I probably have some stereotypical things about me, but I've never tried fitting into a role. Peer pressure is gladly something I've been good not to bend to. I understand why stereotypes exist though. It's possible to group people together based on shared characteristics. However, it's not okay to treat someone badly or unfairly based on this. 

Yep, right on. If you think about it, it's natural for people to generalize and put things into groups or categories. I think that's just human nature. But like you said, it's unfair to judge someone because of that. :)

  • Brohoof 3
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Everything that's already been said.


Plus--it's seems like humans have a natural and unfortunate tendency to project their own imaginings on others, without knowing any facts.  People seem to want others to fit into their own mental boxes, so that they feel like they can understand them.  If we slap a label on others and assume things about them, it makes it easier to think we understand them.  The truth is much more complex, which means there are many variables and many things we don't know about others.  This may be subconsciously intimidating for many, so they just construct their box around others and say, "Yep, I know their type.  I get them."  This is just my theory.  Take Skoffee's brony-hating furry for instance--he probably wants us all to fit into his narrow, unfair vision, because then he doesn't have to learn anything or think.

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Psh. Its a natural thing for humans. And can be pretty damn funny in comedy.
So long as you don't take them seriously, and actually act upon the stereotypes (I.e: Assuming that somebody is a weird fuck without even talking to them or whatever) they aren't too bad. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Unfortunately people prefer to use stereotypes rather than strive to know a person for what he/she is.

And then .. yes, stereotypes can be funny in comedy, but I don't think that "humans" are smart enough to separate the joke from reality.I mean,at least,not all of them.

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My advice? Don't get stressed over it.


People like to assume and generalize, that's how stereotypes are made. It comes with being human, you mold things to your perspective, and attempt to understand them that way. You make stereotypes, i make stereotypes. You can always give people the benefit of the doubt, some people do and some people don't. And then you might surprise yourself.

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If they aren't offensive I like them. They give us something to laugh at, Especially if they are cultural references usually with hobbies or food related. Though mostly none of the cultural ones don't apply to me Grape- Kool-aid is definitely my favorite flavor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love stereotypes as long as they are not supposed to be offensive and express hatred.  Most of them are supposed to be fun.

Edited by NoeI
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  • 7 years later...

I think it is perfectly fine if you fond yourself fitting into a stereotype as long as a genuine part of who you are. However, judging a group of people purely based off a stereotype is pretty bigoted and should be avoided.

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