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Do you have any fears or phobias?

Probably Lee

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A close friend of mine recently learned that she has trypophobia, a fear of holes in an irregular pattern, such as strawberries, beehives, or anthills.




It got me thinking if i have any fears, as i thought i didn't. For some reason i never attributed my jitteriness around insects as a fear, but it really is a borderline phobia. Some of the worst are moths, they are like the ugly cousins of butterflies, except they also flap in your face and headbutt your lamp. I am way better with insects that don't fly, and i even like bees. While ill be slurring swears every which way if a moth is fluttering around me while in a group of friends, if that moth is switched out with a bee, ill just be chillin as i watch all of my friends flee out of the room. ^_^ 




What about your guys' fears or phobias? :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


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Failure, sure. But that's less a fear and more a conscious effort at maintaining a good public image.


Spiders. Screw those little jerks.


Falling/heights, because my dad fell off our house when we were building it and could've died. Traumatized my little 10-year old mind, or however old I was.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I have some, death, balloons, being alone, abandoned, loud noises, heights, Rollercoasters, lots of different rides at the fair

In my opinion, there is no such thing as "Worst Pony". Everypony is awesome in their own way, and it is what makes them truly special. :)

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Mostly of wasps, hornets, etc, but more in a vehicle, or any place I'm not allowed to move anywhere. Outside I just take a step away from it. I also get scared of something just coming out of nowhere(like a jump scare), but not the same way anyone gets scared of things like that.

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I don't think this is on the phobia level, but bugs scare me. I also fear heights, getting elderly, alone, and dying.

"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist;

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

~ G. K. Chestertonsig-34493.Do4gzZF.png

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Fear of choking ._.' I choked on so much candy as a kid, that there was a time where I couldn't take pills in fear of choking on them... It was really bad.


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I have a serious phobia about a certain group of bugs. No other insect/bug bothers me.


I would rather not say cos people always talk about it after I mention them.

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Anything with more than four legs is an abomination of life...except house centipedes. House centipedes are real bro-bugs since they eat every other house bug, including each other. Also, they are kind of cute in a terrifying sort of way...





Ain't much I can do but I do what I can, But I'm not a fool there's no need to pretend


And just because you got yourself in some shi-, It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it



You handle your own when you become a man, And become a man when you handle your own



Ain't much I can do, but I do what I can, But what can I do if I do till it's gone?


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I have Ommetaphobia


I'm the type of person where gore and stuff has never really bothered me too much. But seeing any kind of injuries involving the eyes, real or fake, and I just can't look. The scene from Dead Space 2...Yeah, I almost stopped playing the game then xD

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Oh, my. Let's see...


  • Fear of heights
  • Fear of flying (had that ever since 9/11)
  • Fear of stinging insects (due to severe allergic reactions that can occur if I'm stung / bitten)
  • Fear of the dark (I sleep with my TV on all night)
  • Fear of Death
  • Fear of Loss
  • Fear of Static Shock (I have a heart murmur that too much static electricity could make worse)
  • Fear of Sudden Loud Noises
  • Fear of Public Speaking
  • Fear of Failure 
Edited by Lance Shield


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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I am scared of most bugs, especially ones that bite or sting or fly around irradically.


I am scared of looking at empty pools...they give me the weirdest feeling. I hate them.


Dont like lotus pods so ya have a bit of tryptophobia or whatever it is called.


Dont like public speaking or performance even if its just in front of a few ppl in my office or even family. I tried to play piano for my dad (who taught me) and i degraded to complete incompetence and then didnt play for about 6 months out of shame and embarrassment.

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I am afraid of dogs. I consider them tame wolves. But i still dont trust them. Even if some can be nice i just have bad experience with it, in terms fearing some of them.

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I don't like Moths (Although I'm good with every other insect) and I especially don't enjoy balloons. Although I don't run away and scream, I will do my best to avoid touching/going near a filled balloon (Used to get pretty awkward at other peoples birthday parties xD). Moths I just don't enjoy touching me. As long as they sit somewhere not near me I'm alright. Dunno why.

Edited by Zombies164
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The Dark

Friday the 13th Don't judge me

Bad Luck



The World Ending



Cooking on an stove (Due to bad experience)






...yeah. I'm not a nervous wreck though, I swear!

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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I find my phobias quite strange.


First one i have which is normal is arachnophobia so i don't like spiders at all... they just creep me out.


The second one i have which most find strange is called koumpounophobia, a fear of buttons. I don't even know why i have this but whenever i see buttons... it puts me off like eating for example if i'm looking at buttons on a shirt while eating and i can't look at them for long. I guess it's not really a fear but a strong disliking but oh well.


My last phobia is called botanophobia which is the fear of plants. Again i don't know how i got this but in a way i am scared of plants :P. I can't sit by a plant or i feel very uncomfortable. I'm not scared of every plant, most i'm fine with but for example plants that kill other animals i'm scared of the most.


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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