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Seasonal.... Rot?


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I want to know your guys' opinion on a "taboo" topic within the fandom. Is the show going, or starting to go through seasonal rot? Keep in mind, I don't want to hear any BS like season 5 is the worst thing ever, or the show has been crap since season 2, because anyone with a brain can tell you that's not true. The show does have a different FEEL than season 1 & 2, but that is probably due to the absence of Lauren.... So what do you think? Has the show started to decline in quality? Are the bad episodes of S5 (Appleloosa's most wanted and arguably castle-sweet-castle/Slice of life) an indication of the start of decline? Or do the good episodes such as Griffonstone, Bloom and gloom and Make... Keep Discord show that this season is par for the course? Keep in mind this applies to all aspects of the show such as stories, character strength, lore, worldbuilding, animation and music, so post your opinions below!

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Personally, I think we are actually going up right now. My ranking of the seasons are:


1. Season 4

2. Season 2

3. Season 1

4. Season 3


I think the only season I could say I truly disliked was season three. So far, I am loving season five and it may even make number two on my list, but I don't want to jump ahead of myself until it's finale. As far as the episodes go, I think we had a little "pothole" with the season finale of four and third episode of five, but I can't say that I have hated anything else in five. Season three... well, I think you can tell what my opinion is on season three. 


All in all, I think we've got at least another season or two before we start the imminent rot.  :proud:

  • Brohoof 2

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I don't think so, while I admit season 2 is probably my favourite season, there have been some great episodes in this season - the Discord episode, The Cutie Map and Griffonstone are all episodes that I would rank among some of the best (I also really enjoyed Slice of Life, it may not be one of the all time great episodes, but it was definitely a fun one!)

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The show in my opion is only getting better i mean we just had a spike episode that does what a normal spike episode does and my opion it didn't suck or make me want to stop because spike was getting to ebarrased.  HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THAT?  

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No it's not going through seasonal rot. There are good and bad episodes of every season. All this crap about the show getting worse or whatever seem to be arguments that could easily apply to episodes of early seasons too.

  • Brohoof 9



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Season 5 is my least favorite season so far, but I wouldn't really say it's going through seasonal rot especially when a lot of my favorite episodes were in Season 4.


Seasons-wise, I'd rank it as the following:

  1. Season 4
  2. Season 1 / 2
  3. Season 3
  4. Season 5

I liked Castle Sweet Castle, Bloom and Gloom, Tanks for the Memories, Make New Friends But Keep Discord, Slice of Life, and the Griffonstone episode, but none are really my favorite favorites. Cutie Map and the new Spike Episode are unbearable for me though. Hopefully season 5 would pick up more but I don't know, it's nice that other people are enjoying it though.


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I think it's STARTING to go downhill a bit, but it's not ruined quite yet. This season has the two worst episodes so far (In my opinion), and plenty of weak ones, but "The Cutie Map" is one of the best episodes yet, and I also loved "Castle Sweet Castle", "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", and "The Lost Treasure of Griffinstone".


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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I felt like Season 4 had quite a few strong episodes, more than Season 3 in fact. So I don't think it's fair to call it a linear decline. However, Season 5 has sadly been full of episodes that have done nothing for me. It hasn't had a single stand-out episode so far. Although I liked the intro episodes.

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I don't think so, no. They're still experimenting with new things, some of which work and some don't. So far, if anything I've been seeing a rise in the quality of episodes.



They did jump the shark in episode 100, though :lol:


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They did jump the shark in episode 100, though


Why, whatever do you mean?






While Princess Spike wasn't all that great an episode, I am quietly confident that all will be back on form with Party Pooped  :)

Edited by S.F.
  • Brohoof 2

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Season 3 was the epitome of the show as far as I'm concerned. Everything after that seemed lackluster and uninteresting to me. I never finished season 4 after cringing through as many episodes as I could, and never started season 5.



You could argue that I changed and not the show - and I would agree with you for the most part. I think a lot of why people believe the show is in decline is just those people getting older.


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Why, whatever do you mean?






While Princess Spike wasn't all that great an episode, I am quietly confident that all will be back on form with Party Pooped  :)


I certainly hope so, but I share your optimism :lol:

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  • Brohoof 1
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In my opinion, no. It's been a great season so far. The show is getting better and it doesn't seem like it'll be going downhill anytime soon.


Lol, am I the only person who liked season 3?

  • Brohoof 2



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Not including the current season, I can't rank that one yet because its still ongoing. I would rank them in order of...


4,2,1, then 3


Season 3 gets last place because its only half a season, and Magical Mystery Cure is pure awful.

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Am I the only one who didn't like the first season? Honestly though the show is only getting better if you ask me. I came in and binged watched all the seasons to catch up. Every season had its highs and lows like with everything. I really found myself disappointed when I learned how short season 3 was and season 4 has so many things I love. Season 5 is amazing as well only one thing I disliked thus far. But I've been watching with an open mind avoiding spoilers and not going in with many expectations. 

  • Brohoof 3


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Then you're not going to like my opinion if you believe that "anyone with a brain can tell you that's not true." One should not accuse those of having differing opinions of being brainless. In fact, in my viewpoint, I honestly can't understand how anyone hasn't noticed the blatant seasonal rot. But I chalk all of that up to different tastes.


I am of the opinion that the show has been going through steady seasonal rot since the beginning of Season 3 with its boring season premiere, the Crystal Empire. Whilst Season 3 had some decent episodes, the fact that it had to be so short made its episodes seem rushed. One particular offender is the alicorn ascension episode. You may accuse me of objecting to alicorn Twilight, but that is far from the truth. I honestly don't care about it one way or the other. What I'm referring to here is the poor pacing of an episode that should've been a two-parter. This episode altered so much and marked a huge change. I admire it for being courageous like that, even if it was just a ploy to sell more toys. However, because the setup for the change was poor, it permanently left a bad mark on what was to come. Something this important should have been handled with more care, but I do understand that they didn't have control over that.


Whilst the worst of the seasonal rot was in the wayward Season 3, the following seasons still haven't reached the heights of Season 2 and have steadily been declining anyway. Season 4 marked a slight recovery due to its normal length, but it along with Season 3 lacked the sincerity of the previous seasons, now trying more and more to cater too much to its adult fanbase. I think that's what marks the difference in tone. This abundance of catering. And to me, it has lost much of its magic. Now, instead of merely being content to be a children's show with decent writing, it seems to be trying too hard to appease the adults. It shows when you're trying too hard rather than just letting things flow naturally. Something about it seems mechanical and rigid, just unnatural.


Of course, disregarding that sincerity, the quality has increased since the Season 3, thankfully. Season 4 was slightly better, and Season 5 is slightly better than its predecessor, disregarding a few stinkers. Both seasons have become more entertaining, that's for sure, and their plots have explored new and interesting territories. I can definitely say that the writers aren't running out of ideas. However, in quality of characters, the seasonal rot rears its ugly head.


All of the characters have suffered flanderization, or overexaggeration of their most obvious traits whilst removing subtlety. This contributes to the rigid, unnatural feel of the later seasons. Some worse and much more extensive than others. (Rarity and Pinkie Pie being ripe for this sort of thing.) The removal of subtlety makes them far less interesting, and more like cardboard cut-out versions of themselves. I am starting to find most of the Mane Six to be grating in their increasingly over-the-top antics, with the exception of Applejack who is still thankfully down-to-earth for the most part. (Again, disregarding stinkers like that one episode where she kept obsessing over Apple Bloom with the chimera.)


To me, that's the worst part of the seasonal rot. Characters above all are important, and even if I could turn a blind eye to the blatant fan pandering, I would still be off-put by their portrayals.


Remember several things though before you decide to quote me and tear this to shreds - reality isn't that simple. Just because I have criticisms, doesn't mean I dislike the show. I don't even really care that much about the show itself and only find this to be mildly upsetting at best. It's just expressing my opinions and analyzing flaws about anything is fun to me. If you disagree, that's fine. I honestly don't care that you do. Which is why you probably shouldn't bother quoting or arguing with some random person anyway. You cannot change my mind and I'll just disregard you due to the fact that this is all based on taste rather than fact. Do not let my opinions squander your confidence in your own.


But yeah, overall? I think yes, seasonal rot is a thing that is happening and has been happening for a while.

  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Am I the only one who didn't like the first season? Honestly though the show is only getting better if you ask me. I came in and binged watched all the seasons to catch up. Every season had its highs and lows like with everything. I really found myself disappointed when I learned how short season 3 was and season 4 has so many things I love. Season 5 is amazing as well only one thing I disliked thus far. But I've been watching with an open mind avoiding spoilers and not going in with many expectations.


I didn't really like season 1 either. To me, it was just a decent kid's show. It had some good episodes (Party of One, Sonic Rainboom, Cutie Mark Chronicles, etc) but season 2 was when the show became more than just a decent kid's show. I was also disappointed about season 3 being short, but that doesn't stop me from liking it. Even though it only had 13 episodes, pretty much all of them were awesome.


I think the newer seasons are a lot better. IMO, the show is still going strong.


My Season Ranking:

Season 2

Season 4

Season 3

Season 5 (since it just started)

Season 1

  • Brohoof 4



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What I think some people forget is that all of the seasons have their good episodes and their not so good episodes, and if we get a run of a few of the not so good ones, it's it can sometimes make you worry that it is the beginning of a slippery slope - I'm not saying that it's not going to happen, as it might well do one day, but so far they have all managed to pull back up again.


(Edit: Whoo, my cupcake post  :D )

Edited by S.F.
  • Brohoof 1

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Nope. Not at all.


I've seen shows go through seasonal rot, and brutha, MLP ain't got it yet. I bet it'll happen sooner or later, but for now things are gong relatively well.


I think the issue might be that they have a revolving door of freelance writers without a strong leader, as well as some executive meddling.

  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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This may be Rarity fan bias, but I hate season 5 so far. My favorite pony has been turned into comedic relief. Pinkie, I can understand. She represents the element of laughter, so it's expected for her to do stuff that makes us laugh. Rarity shouldn't get this treatment, though. Season 4 did a great job with her, but now she's the butt of a lot of jokes this season. Rarity of all ponies doesn't deserve it. 


Rarity Fan Club

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Season 5 is turning out to be one of my favorite seasons so far. So to me, there has been no decline in quality at all.  :lol:  The only episode that I feel like I could have done without was Appleloosa's Most Wanted but every season seems to have at least a couple or a few episodes that are hit or miss for me.

  • Brohoof 1



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Then you're not going to like my opinion if you believe that "anyone with a brain can tell you that's not true." One should not accuse those of having differing opinions of being brainless. In fact, in my viewpoint, I honestly can't understand how anyone hasn't noticed the blatant seasonal rot. But I chalk all of that up to different tastes.


I am of the opinion that the show has been going through steady seasonal rot since the beginning of Season 3 with its boring season premiere, the Crystal Empire. Whilst Season 3 had some decent episodes, the fact that it had to be so short made its episodes seem rushed. One particular offender is the alicorn ascension episode. You may accuse me of objecting to alicorn Twilight, but that is far from the truth. I honestly don't care about it one way or the other. What I'm referring to here is the poor pacing of an episode that should've been a two-parter. This episode altered so much and marked a huge change. I admire it for being courageous like that, even if it was just a ploy to sell more toys. However, because the setup for the change was poor, it permanently left a bad mark on what was to come. Something this important should have been handled with more care, but I do understand that they didn't have control over that.


Whilst the worst of the seasonal rot was in the wayward Season 3, the following seasons still haven't reached the heights of Season 2 and have steadily been declining anyway. Season 4 marked a slight recovery due to its normal length, but it along with Season 3 lacked the sincerity of the previous seasons, now trying more and more to cater too much to its adult fanbase. I think that's what marks the difference in tone. This abundance of catering. And to me, it has lost much of its magic. Now, instead of merely being content to be a children's show with decent writing, it seems to be trying too hard to appease the adults. It shows when you're trying too hard rather than just letting things flow naturally. Something about it seems mechanical and rigid, just unnatural.


Of course, disregarding that sincerity, the quality has increased since the Season 3, thankfully. Season 4 was slightly better, and Season 5 is slightly better than its predecessor, disregarding a few stinkers. Both seasons have become more entertaining, that's for sure, and their plots have explored new and interesting territories. I can definitely say that the writers aren't running out of ideas. However, in quality of characters, the seasonal rot rears its ugly head.


All of the characters have suffered flanderization, or overexaggeration of their most obvious traits whilst removing subtlety. This contributes to the rigid, unnatural feel of the later seasons. Some worse and much more extensive than others. (Rarity and Pinkie Pie being ripe for this sort of thing.) The removal of subtlety makes them far less interesting, and more like cardboard cut-out versions of themselves. I am starting to find most of the Mane Six to be grating in their increasingly over-the-top antics, with the exception of Applejack who is still thankfully down-to-earth for the most part. (Again, disregarding stinkers like that one episode where she kept obsessing over Apple Bloom with the chimera.)


To me, that's the worst part of the seasonal rot. Characters above all are important, and even if I could turn a blind eye to the blatant fan pandering, I would still be off-put by their portrayals.


Remember several things though before you decide to quote me and tear this to shreds - reality isn't that simple. Just because I have criticisms, doesn't mean I dislike the show. I don't even really care that much about the show itself and only find this to be mildly upsetting at best. It's just expressing my opinions and analyzing flaws about anything is fun to me. If you disagree, that's fine. I honestly don't care that you do. Which is why you probably shouldn't bother quoting or arguing with some random person anyway. You cannot change my mind and I'll just disregard you due to the fact that this is all based on taste rather than fact. Do not let my opinions squander your confidence in your own.


But yeah, overall? I think yes, seasonal rot is a thing that is happening and has been happening for a while.



No offense, but I kinda disagree with some of your points.

1) Crystal empire in itself is a critically solid episode with some great moments like the climax, Sombra's mirror and Pinkie Pie spy. It seems that hating on season 3 is the "cool" thing to do, but Crystal Empire is far from the worst two parter, it only seems bad when compared to Canterlot Wedding and Return of Harmony. I think much of this hate stems from the departure of Lauren from the show, but in reality I think many misinterpret a change in style to a change of quality.


2) Season 3 wasn't rushed, but just shortened in order to have the 75 episodes required for syndication at the end of the season. I don't however believe that this means less effort was put into it. Hell, in terms of animation alone, it seems MORE effort was put into season 3 as the animation there is exponentially better than season 2.


3) Whilst I can understand how many have a problem with how they handled alicorn twilight in season 4, Magical Mystery Cure in itself I think is a great episode! All of the songs, especially celestia's ballad, were beautifully crafted and after all the hype surrounding alicorn twilight died down, people generally considered it to be a good episode. In fact, considering how many good episodes there were in season 3 (Sleepless in Ponyville, Wonderbolt's academy, especially magic duel, too many pinkie pies, magical mystery cure and arguably the season opener) when scaled to the size or seasons 1 & 2 the ratio of good to bad episodes seem to be similar. Hell, season 1 and 2 had many, many bad episodes, like A bird in the hoof, Boast busters, Look before you sleep, Owl's well that ends well, The show stoppers, Dragon quest, Mare do well, Baby cakes, espeically putting your hoof down and Cutie Pox. Whilst I agree in that I believe season 3 is the weakest overall, I don't think it is BAD by any means.


4) Surely your opinion of the seasons goes against the actual meaning of season rot? Seasonal rot means each season is worse than the last, yet you think that season 4 and maybe 5 is better than 3? An increase in quality is the exact opposite of seasonal rot.


5) You complain about characters being flanderized, yet that was happening from the very beginning in the bad episodes. Rainbow Dash was flanderized in Mare do well. Fluttershy was flanderized in putting your hoof down. Rarity was flanderized... Pretty much never so far. Pinkie was flanderized in feeling pinkie keen.... In season 1. Character driven episodes in season 4 like bats give great character representations of applejack and fluttershy. Rarity Takes Manhattan is one of many great Rarity episodes. Maud Pie was a great episode for Pinkie's character. Pinkie Pride was still another great episode for Pinkie, and one of the greatest episodes of the show overall. Even... Equestria games was a very rare good episode for Spike's character. Even in season 5, there are great moments like fluttershy being bold to rainbow dash in Tanks For the Memories (A trait they have been developing from day 1). I think the problem you really have is that seasons 1 & 2 focused many episodes on character development from the blank templates we were given in the pilot. But this is SEASON 5 already! We have complex characters now, and so development driven episodes are less frequent in favour of entertainment and adventure based ones, which you admit make the show more entertaining! This kind of thing applies to all shows...


Anyway, I do admit seasonal rot is beginning to occur ever so slightly, I still believe the show is good, as funny as ever, as entertaining as ever, and can still be as good as it ever was. I really enjoyed reading your contribution to this topic, and I hope to hear a reply :) And sorry, for calling you brainless... That was uncalled for.

  • Brohoof 1
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