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This is something I've thought about a few times.


I've always been interested in the production aspects of movies and cartoons and really like how all the VA's and others working on the show interact with the fandom. This recent video with M.A. Larson talking about Magical Mystery Cure brought it up again.



MLP was kind of doomed from the start, seeing that it was being aired on a small new channel available only in higher level cable/satellite subscriptions that not as many people had. Also MLP's history.


According to Larson, Magical Mystery Cure was supposed to be the series finale. :confused:  Had the whole Brony thing not started, I think that would've been the case.


There are a couple things to keep in mind:

  • What you see airing now is roughly a year old (a.k.a season 3 was a WIP while S2 was airing- the fandom really started picking up at that point)
  • Hasbro isn't going to keep shelling out cash for the show if it isn't bringing in more money from merchandise sales. I mean look at the end credits, all those people aren't working for free.


Even before seeing the video- I figured Hasbro probably would have closed up shop on G4 MLP after season 2 or 3. Being on that small network, I just don't see how Hasbro would have justified the cost without bronies boosting the ratings. That would have been a shame because there is still so much that can be done with the show. HOWEVER, Hasbro now does seem to genuinely interested in the fandom now based on some of season 5's slightly deeper topics, the 100th episode, and some various merchandise licensing agreements. Based on some of the


So do you think the fandom actually saved the show? I bet the fandom does bring them a noticeable amount of profit at this point.


*EDIT--- If you think about it more, technically the internet saved the show BUT it doesn't directly fork over the cash ;) *

Edited by Cirrus.
  • Brohoof 12
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I think it's pretty obvious that the fandom saved the show, for better or worse. I don't know whether or not I would want MMC to be the final episode. It would end it on a good note, but the show was just so good that I would want more.


Actually, the fact that we got more Discord made it worth it, I think. :yay:  :umad:

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WOW.  Holy crap, I wanna see M.A. Larson's real MMC!  His episode sounds soooo much better!  Damn, man!  But I was also kind of tickled to death to hear that that was intended to be the series finale.  That's how I always thought it should have been.  I mean, I'm thrilled to have more show, because it's still great, but I wish that they had known from the beginning how many seasons it would be, so they could have had the ability and foresight to save MMC for the actual series finale, at the end of season 6 or whatever it going to be.  And then the movie would be all about Princess Twilight.


Anyway, I'm not sure if bronies really saved the show or not.  I don't know enough statistics regarding how many of us there are vs how many young girl fans there are.  It sounds plausible that we kept it going, though.


(Maybe they're going to bring Pandora's Box back for the movie.  That'd be sweet.)

Edited by Justin_Case001
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I think it's pretty obvious that the fandom saved the show, for better or worse. I don't know whether or not I would want MMC to be the final episode. It would end it on a good note, but the show was just so good that I would want more.


Actually, the fact that we got more Discord made it worth it, I think. :yay:  :umad:

The main thing I care about is that it doesn't turn stupid. The series opener really impressed me. I thought it was going to be all " :D BEING DIFFERENT IS GOOD :D ." I was not expecting a psychotic power-tripping lying cult leader. :o She is really one of the scariest villans to me. People like that are some of the most dangerous. *COUGH Hitler *COUGH


I also love Discord in this :umad:   I came here from the Polar opposite show Breaking Bad- and De Lancie was there too.

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The fandom did indeed save the show. By continuously watching it and suppirting it we made it's popularity grow to the extent that it would not simply be canceled due to not being popular.

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Im going to answer the question and no one can disagree as it is the right answer.


Yes. That is all.


Haha, no it isnt, if you know me around the site at all, you know I am the largest windbag. Bronies absolutely saved the show. Have you seen kids and tv shows. I had 3 younger brothers (still have as none of them have died, yet(ooh dark humor, not popular around here, ill hold that in next time)) and this is a checklist of what they do with new shows.


1) ooh this show is my new favorite

2) Binge watch on netflix or tv if it isnt on netflix

3) *one week later* (make sure you read that in the spongebob narrator voice) This show is old, what else is there?


Kids throw away tv shows like PC gamers throw away money at the Steam Summer Sale. They dont get into fandoms, their attention span is about as big as that spec of dust that just landed on your screen.


Hasbro wants to make money off toys, the show isnt going anywhere if it ended.The older episodes would still air, new little kids would watch it, and they would buy toys. This is effin genius, it takes no effort to make new stuff, yet they still rack in DAT PAPAAA.


But, this is important, so listen up. A show that attracts a following, especially of teenagers/young adults (aka the next generation) is an entire new swimming pool. Hasbro went from their local YMCA to the Olympics. No longer where they mearly getting kids to buy a toy here and there. They were getting consitent FREE internet publicity and a consistently large stream of income from bronies who wanted to complete their collection of Rainbow Dash plushies.


Hasbro, as the smart corportation they are, realized the value in becoming the biggest internet senstation since Spongebob memes and Rule 34 Sonic the Hedgehog. So they kept it going, realizing that G5 might not be as popular, and they would make far more money with far less efffort if they simply kept it going, because of us. (how sweet)

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I figured this was the case. I heard about it a long time ago. It's crazy to think how we as a fandom took this show from ending after 2 and a half seasons to now lasting all the way up to at least a 6th season in the future. This to me was what Slice of Life was doing, showing appreciation to us because without us episode 100 would have never happened.


Reading things like this makes me love the fandom even more. ^.^ Considering how awesome season 5 is so far and how good season 4 was, I am incredibly happy that we made it possible for the show to keep going.

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his original MMC sounds like alot better


and yeah  cutting back the episodes into a half season usually means the producers thinks the show cant go on wants to end it

i thought season 3 will be the final season

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Who knows how the show would've gone had it never attracted a fandom? The fandom definitely had a role in making the show the success it was, or else it might've ended up being another forgotten "kiddy" cartoon.

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If it weren't for the huge periphery demographic, the show would have ended about two or three years ago. Also, if I recall correctly, the producers of the show didn't even have plans for a second season, which is also one of the reasons Equestria Daily exists.

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Well that certainly explains why MMC was the way it was, it was completely overhauled to match the narrative of the show continuing beyond season 3. 


Even episode 100 was drastically changed from what Larson first wrote. While the show certainly continues on because of bronies one has to wonder how much change is happening in these scripts based on Hasbro's interjections, and what the final product would look like without them. 

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At this rate, definitely. Even in the words of M.A Larson, MMC was intended to be the series finale; with a few tweaks. Some elements in the show are beginning to become nods to the fandom; the purest of it all being Slice of Life. Even Hasbro recognizes Bronies - them coming up with the idea and pushing it to the writers.

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It certainly didn't save the show for myself. I personally found myself less interested with the direction the show has taken sadly. Though I respect the fact that others are enjoying the new direction the show has taken, for me I kind of feel like it needs to end soon.

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I think the fandom was definitely a contributing factor as to why the show continued past season 3. But I seriously doubt that the fandom alone is the sole reason as to why the show is still running. I'd imagine that it's probably also a factor that the show has been doing a pretty good job of promoting the toyline, which, by the way, was its purpose right from the start. 


I honestly doubt that Hasbro would have continued the show just for the sake of the bronies if it wasn't doing what they actually intended for it to do. 


Besides, as it stands now, Magical Mystery Cure would have been a terrible series finale. 

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