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Don't the Mane Six care how their Rainbow Powers ruin their looks?


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I think by now DHX knows how universally panned the Rainbow Power designs were. I'm not even sure they themselves like them.


But now that the marketing for that crappy series of toys is over and done with, couldn't they write a new episode that deals with the Mane Six's perceptions of one another when they transform? Aren't they conscious enough about their looks that they'd want to let Rarity help change them? I can't see an artist like her approving of all the overgrown mane styles, or the excessive cutie marks and streaks of color.

  • Brohoof 2
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Rainbow Dash looks like a freaking super saiyan and Rainbow Dash with More Rainbow = More Rainbow Dash. :P


Also, the mane six have seen the princesses rocking crazy hair for while now, They probably don't mind having crazy glowing bodies.

Edited by Malinter
  • Brohoof 4
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I think that in Equestria what's gaudy and unwise on Earth = good fashion, or at least is an option among many, to an extent. Have you seen some of the stuffs Rarity puts out? In universe Rainbow Power is probably an acceptable look, maybe slightly overblown but impressive like especially pompous and ornate military style or the like. I'd go so far as to theorize (read, I'm a dork) that because of how much brighter the general hues of Equestria as a world are in comparison to ours the ponies may be more used to brightness and color clash? As a result their fashion and design standards would be skewed compared to ours.

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The looks never bothered me personally and I doubt it'd bother the mane 6. In a land where bright and vibrant designs and colors are in, I seriously doubt anyone cares. Plus rainbow power makes them incredibly strong so the look probably doesn't even matter to them.

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Since it's temporarily I don't think this could really be a considerable issue. Only Rarity might not like it but in this case her problem with it will be treated more or less as comedic relief.

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They're a bit overblown, but were they that awful? Seriously, some fans cry about the slightest things. :P


I'm sure the Mane Six could not care less when said rainbow powers help them to save the day. You know, because that's what's actually important. Except maybe to Rarity. :proud:

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They were pretty goofy looking, but I'd only be upset if it was permanent.  What I really wonder about is if it was a one time thing, or is rainbow power still lurking somewhere?  Can it be invoked again, and if so, how?  I hope they can't invoke it at will, because, well, that would be dumb.  I prefer the idea that it was a one time use.  You open the box and let it out, and now it's gone.  I think it would be interesting and provocative if they needed the power again, and opened the box, only to find it empty.

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I don't think they look that bad, but then again we've seen them as Breezies, and before that they were cursed by Poison Joke. To be honest, stuff like that doesn't phase me anymore. Also, I highly doubt AJ and RD care so much about their aesthetics as I'm sure they're super stoked to have that power. Twilight is more of a pragmatic type and is probably more focused on the practical side of having said power, and I'm sure Fluttershy's just happy to have one more ability that will help her protect her woodland friends. Pinkie probably just finds the whole thing fun. Only Rarity might raise an objection based on how she looks, but the burst of power didn't exactly last long enough for her to examine herself in a mirror.

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Yes, they were saving the world from some evil dickhead. And all that power they felt after being drained of their natural magic must have been so much like crack to them, they probably thought they never looked better.


But if they had time to really look back to that moment (like it was caught on film, for example), then surely they'd want to re-evaluate their appearances, right? Opinions do change over time. I don't think it's far-fetched for some of them to have the self-respect to say "What the fuck were we thinking? We looked like a pack of rodeo clowns. I think we should alter the spell so we don't have to look like this when it's time to save the world again!"


Even superheroes care about appearances. That's why they keep changing.


They're a bit overblown, but were they that awful? Seriously, some fans cry about the slightest things. :P

They looked better in those stupid Gala dresses Rarity was forced to make in Suited for Success.

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I don't think they would mind all that much provided there are more pressing matters to attend in that form.


Frankly the Rainbow Power forms are not all that hideous, but I suggest people brace themselves for their Cutie Mark Magic forms instead as I think it is going to happen in the Season 5 finale.

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I have realized that they do look a bit off, but how many times are they gonna actually use the "mane volumizer"? Next thing you know next half of season 5 is covered in it....... Also! It looks like kids put stickers all over their bodies, and Rarity's mane looks better on it's own.


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To quote Boba Fett, "Circumstances, rather than desires, dictate my actions. That's why I'm still a bounty hunter, and you're not."

Well said, i would brohoof you, but im on mobile and dont want to switch to full version.


If i was an all powerful super-saiyan, any style would good. If ponies thought it didnt, I would strike them down with the all-powerful magic of FRIEEEEENDSHIP!

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Rainbow power is there to Sell toys. Hasbro would absolutely KILL the team if they started trash talking a big toyline that they're still selling, yeah?
That's just bad form, its not a good idea to be negative about something that's selling.


Plus, I think Rainbow power is very temporary, I don't think it'll stick around long. They'll probably replace it with another power up Stand in for the elements of harmony, like how we have the cutie mark magic line of toys coming up.






That being said, I'd like to say I'm say that RP wasn't good visually: I LOVE the concept (super forms ala digimon or whatnot are one of my favorite concepts, and woudl fit with the magical girlish side of the series), but they seem like they were dictated by hasbro and not and artist, since they're so bad.

I mean, look at the power pony designs which were NEVER meant to be toys before fans fell in love with them; RD's costume is great, as is pinkies.

  • Brohoof 1
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The Rainbow Power designs has gotten a lot of backlash? I must be out of the loop. I don't think they are that bad honestly. It is kinda weird that it makes their hair go all super poofy but other than that, I like the color schemes and all of that. I don't think the designs are and at all really.


Rainbow Power exists to sell toys, that much is for certain, but really, what harm has that done? Nothing really. It's there, they are gonna use it a few times like the elements if harmony, then they will come up with a new story thing to introduce some thing else most likely, it doesn't seem to effect the regular episodes, only the big ones.

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Anything to sell a new line of toys I guess


You can make a toy that both LOOKS nice and sells well too though. Hell, we got Zapp toys for the power ponies, and it looks nice.


I eagerly await the next macguffin or power up to replace rainbow power. Maybe even someday we'll get armor for the mane six.

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