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So when the movie MLP movie finally hits theaters


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Imagine, its 2017 or whenever the MLP movie comes out, and of coarse you want to go to the theaters to catch the first showing of the ponies movie on the big screen. So you put on your favorite pony "swag" and head out for the first showing. Meanwhile the fans in Russia, Britian and Japan and etc get super jealous because its not airing in their countries.


Then at the theater you see a bunch of other pony fans, and thats awesome! (Depending on the size of the theater and the number of places that are showing the movie, it could be like its a mini pony convention in some of them). And then it happens, the movie is playing and you and every other Brony there is pumped, "OMG, its Luna!" at one point, and every other fan favorite (Pretty much every character almost) gets a reaction, because holy crap, its Sweetie Belle on the big screen! And the movie was so good you get lunch afterwards and then get in line to watch it again. And its super awesome and these forums and every other MLP fansite exploads, twice.


But think about this, parents don't know about bronies, parents will be bringing their kids, even those whose kids don't watch the show or have the toys because a kids movie is a kids movie. And unlike the Equestria Girls movies who were only a few days at a select few theaters, the MLP movie I assume will have a full theatrical release. Depending on how many parents notice all these (moastly) men watching a little girls movie and how many bronies show up the the theaters, I think this fandom will get noticed by the media.


And we will get made fun of in some of that media.


A bigger consequence is that the MLP movie can very well be the begining of the end for FIM, as 2017 sounds like the right time for Hasbro to start thinking about creating G5 for the next decade, G4 for the 2010s, G5 for the 2020s. If the show itself hasn't ended by then it would likely end not long after the movie hits, thats what I am theorizing anyways, that 2017 will be that last year of FIM.

Edited by Zoraxe
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I'd like to direct your attention to all the other times this fandom got noticed (and criticized) by the media. :P


Of coarse I know of that, I'm just predicting that it will gain a second wind thanks to the inherrent publicity of an MLP movie.


If there are going to be people shouting "OMG LUNA!!!!!1!!" I'l just wait for it to come out on Netflix.


I don't think there will be yelling, I was exagerating the reaction. Or at least I hope there isn't any yelling! Maybe some chearing at the start and applause at the end.

Edited by Zoraxe
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Bronies have faced smears from mainstream media in the past. I think we can handle whatever else they throw at us. And frankly, I would be surprised if many parents of young MLP fans didn't know about Bronies. It's not as big of a craze as it was, but it's kind of hard not to know about it nowadays.


Anyway, opinions aside, the whole theater issue wouldn't affect me at all. I live in a small farming town in ND, so watching it on the big screen isn't an option for me. :(


Additionally, that does seem like it would be an appropriate time to draw FiM to a close. I keep reading statements both here and other places on the Internet either agreeing or disagreeing for varying reasons, but I know nothing for certain. I guess we'll just have to find out.

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I really hope FIM doesn't end in 2017. I mean, the movie is bound to attract quite a few bronies, and what? Did they just enter the fandom, just to see it end? They should keep it going until atleast 2019 (In my opinion). And they very well might end it in 2017, but I don't think very many bronies want to see that happen. And maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. I just don't want to see it end "so soon".

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I doubt the media will care. It's not like they'll be waiting at a theater to film guys go in. It's old news. They've already covered the whole "guys into MLP thing".


As for G5, I doubt that too because Hasbro seems to create new Gs when they've already sucked the life of the old one; when it's no longer relevant.

That said, perhaps by the end of the decade, kids will be bored with G4 and will stop watching prompting Hasbro to revitalize the franchise with a new look, new characters, new ideas, to trick kids into thinking "oh, this is new, I'm having so much fun".

That was the case with G4. They didn't care about quality. They just knew kids weren't watching G3.


And I say this to argue that I don't necessarily feel that the movie will be the end of FiM, but rather FiM itself will decide when it's time for G5. Hasbro, I assume, is hoping the film keeps the gravy train rolling.


Then again, perhaps the film really will be the set up for G5.

Wouldn't be the first time Hasbro used a movie to replace old characters with new ones to sell....


Oh my god... it can't be. The FiM movie MAY ACTUALLY BE THE END!

Edited by pollo20x6
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Wouldn't be the first time Hasbro used a movie to replace old characters with new ones to sell....


I certainly hope that the MLP movie won't kill off a bunch of characters to make way for new ones. :blink:


Joking asides, I don't think the movie will be an attempt to reboot G4, but it is possible we may get a G4.5 of sorts before G5.

Edited by Zoraxe
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I'm not going to the theaters to see this movie.

Why would I?


I'll just wait until it finds its way onto YouTube

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Since I'm not a brony, I doubt I'll be going to the theater to scream at pony references in "pony swag". I'll just quietly wait for the end of the theater run for the chaos to die down to have a nice movie to watch with my wife. That is if we are not in another country at that time.

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Some people do like movie theatres for the experience, don't read too much into that story it was just for fun. I actually hate the word "Swag" but I just thought it worked for that sentence. :)

Edited by Zoraxe
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i don't think it will be a big deal, there was a ton of bronies showing up in theaters for the first 2 Equestria girls movies and the media didn't really care

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I would love to go and see it at a theater, but I wouldn't be able to go alone (I'll be 15 in 2017 (at least until the end of September)). I'm not even sure if you can go alone if you aren't 16. Away from theater stuff, I hope that this isn't the end of gen 4, just a lead into gen 4.5.

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To be honest, I probably won't have the courage to go see it in person; I have family in the town I live in, and I don't want to deal with ostracization from being seen by someone they know or whatnot and having to explain that.
That being said, I'll probably buy a couple tickets to support it and then try and pirate it online to watch it.





On the note of the movie and the transformers movie; there is a bit of a difference though between the MLP movie and the transformers movie. Culture currently in the west tends to applaud girls liking things that boys traditionally like while scorning males like things that girls like. So I expect sensationalist journalism to smear bronies at the time of hte movie for easy stories since tabloid journalism tends to get readers, and either lambasting bronies as being worthy of scorn, or insisting they're a danger for being near young girls will probably happen.

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I hate going to the movies.  It hurts me ears.  Even a silent movie would be too loud for me.  And no matter what movie it is, no matter how short, by the time it's over I've got a splitting headache.  I can watch LOTR at home just fine, but 90 min in a theatre and I'm ready to drop dead.


However, I'll be at the opening of FIM with bells on.  (Perhaps Sweetie Bells.)  I'll just bring my hearing protectors, as usual.  But headache or no headache, this is too important not to show up in person.  I gotta be there to support my brony brothers and sisters!  I want to help generate as much good PR as I can.  I honestly hope that my being there, along with other bronies, creates a minor stir.  My prediction is that it's fairly old news, and nobody will really care.  But I like causing minor stirs.  You know, in a good way.


I think many parents, if not most, already know about bronies.  Last Thanksgiving, my parents went to my uncle's.  I did not attend.  They showed my Mare of Steel work to a very young girl, the daughter of my uncle's late wife's kids.  (That's a mouthful!)  Anyway, when told my age, the little girl just said, "Oh, he's a brony."  Real matter-of-factly.  No bronies in that family at all.  Kids know stuff.  I'd wager at least half of all young female MLP fans know about bronies.  Chances are, the older brother of a friend of theirs is a brony.  The point is, it won't be a shock when we show up to the theatre.


Everything I've heard and read is that the movie is suppose to be the finale.  I really, really hope it is, and I hope it ends well.  The last thing I want is for FIM to pull a Simpsons/Spongebob.  Some of the best TV ever made is really short.  Star Trek The Original Series--3 seasons, 79 episodes.  And look at the best anime!  Cowboy Bebop: 26 episodes and one movie.  Welcome to the NHK: 24 episodes.  The best stuff doesn't drag on forever.  They end it when they've told the story they wanted to tell.

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When the movie comes out, I'll be 18 years old. On the day it is released, I would cosplay as Sweetie Belle and some employee at the cinema will say "Are you watching this with your daughter?" I would respond by "No I am not a Father taking his daughter, I am a Brony." I would be so happy when I see Sweetie Belle on the big screen. After the movie I would tell everyone about it and recommend them to watch the movie. Hopefully it would come out in December 2017 as that year is my HSC year.

Edited by superdogz1999
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I would understand if the movie is the ending of gen 4, but I wouldn't like to see it go. Maybe if it serves as a transition to 4.5 with the CMC possibly becoming the mane characters, granted it would be unlikely, but it would make the transition easier lol I really enjoy the world that they've created with gen 4 and just having it lost to gen 5 would be difficult to accept.

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I'm not going to the theater to watch the MLP movie! People screaming OMGOMGOGOMG IT'S (insert pony here), people coughing, PEOPLE, HORRIBLE Estonian dubs, ew! My parents finding out I'm a brony? I'd rather watch it when it comes out on Dailymotion or Youtube or whatever..


Though I would be happy to see Sweetie Belle..

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