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S05:E15 - Rarity Investigates


S05:E15 - Rarity Investigates  

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Sidral's Journal: September 19, 2015


What I liked:

Noir style: Brilliant style change overall and the jazz like score was awesome!

Rarity and Rainbow Dash: Nice to see these two interact for once and both were great here though it could have been better, I'll get more into that later 

Humor: Like the poking fun at the noir tropes and what not.

Animation: Arguably a subset of the Noir thing but damn is this episode impressive to look at


What I didn't like:

The dialog: Lot of the dialog felt a bit chunky and poorly used in this episode, particularly near the end with the climax.

Wind Rider: Really Wind Rider Really? I get you want to protect your record but there are so many other way and why would you just confess at the end?


What was meh to me:

Rarity and Rainbow Dash: Okay so while individually they were fine, I don't like them as a pair or more acruately there are better pairs out there. This pairing runs into the same issue I have with Fluttershy and Rarity, it's one-sided.  Here Rarity is shown to be far more in the right in her approach and mannerism while Rainbow Dash is in the wrong without ever showing the opposite, how Rarity's methods aren't always the best and Rainbow Dash has a point.  This is why Applejack and Rarity work so much better, because Applejack has moments to shine against Rarity and the opposite as well. To (very loosely)  paraphrase Silver Quill, pairings work when both are active participates and showcase their strengths, not when one is out shining the other.  


What was odd:

So who was the girl (the baker said it was a mare that bought the cake if I remember correctly) that bought the cake for Wind Rider? 

How many writers were on this story? 


So overall a good story but one I think relies more on flash than substance. 

Edited by Sidral Mundet

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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1. Love Rainbow Dash's barging into Canterlot Carousel (I've done that before LMAO!)
2. I really admired the noir like setting in certain parts of the episode and Rarity's outfits of course!
3. I'm still in shell shock after finding who the culprit was, man talk about throwing your career and record down the hole

3DS friend code

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So......judging by Soarin's attitude and the way he took charge, is this proof that he's co-captain after all?


I got the same impression too! It would have been out-of-line for him to step on Spitfire's hooves and say Rainbow Dash was banned if he wasn't co-captain.



Ya'll SoarinDash shippers got some material today. "If you weren't talking to her, you'd be talking to me. About matters of heart, and crap. Or something."


Honestly, it would be easier to list who Rainbow Dash -didn't- crush on today... There was SoarinDash, and they also laid the RariDash on surprisingly thick. (Is everypony crushing on Rarity now? It almost seems like it.) and RD also crushed on Wind Rider, though that could have been a fangasm I suppose. But after this episode I have to admit Raridash could be real now... I'll just add it to my list of possible RD ships. (Flutterdash being another one.) 



A fun episode, but the ending felt too much like a Scooby-Doo mystery resolution. If they were going to keep the culprit as obvious as it was, they should have tried for a more parodic ending to such mystery-themed cartoons.


I was hoping there would be a twist and it would end up being Lightning Dust or even Starlight Glimmer testing the waters to see how difficult it will be to affect RD's life to try and change certain things... (The latter in which case they'd never find out who the culprit was, but there would have been some evidence clearing Rainbow all the same.)


Rainbow Dash loses part of her essence when she's in film noir. She needs to be multicolor prismatic for her full personality to come across. Or maybe seeing her in gray reminds me too much of how she looked after Discord got to her...  :(


I suppose RD could have gone to fetch Spitfire as soon as they could read the letter to prove the she didn't want to take her place, though that would have left doubt about her character's innocence. NM, rewatched and they don't learn Spitfire's mission until the end of the 'sode.


New concept introduced - Dragon Cut stones!!!! Some dragons ARE working as part of the Equestrian economy!!  :yay:


Rarity uses her wiles not once but twice to convince males to do her bidding - the blushing textures were on overdrive today. Are us guys really that easily swayed by a pretty face?  :please:


I thought Rarity might end up trying to hook up with Wind Rider by her initial reaction to him, but seeing how he was the villain, that's pretty much a non-starter now.


Huh, four writer credits on this episode!  :blink:

Edited by Truffles

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Sidral's Journal: September 19, 2015



What was odd:

So who was the girl (the baker said it was a mare that bought the cake if I remember correctly) that bought the cake for Wind Rider?

Wind Rider in drag. The final piece of evidence (the scarf) sealed it and the audience was supposed to connect the dots from there instead of having everything fed.

  • Brohoof 1



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New concept introduced - Dragon Cut stones!!!! Some dragons ARE working as part of the Equestrian economy!!


Yep. It's Spike. Rarity just doesn't know it. He's making a killing:icwudt:

  • Brohoof 2


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I liked it, the only thing that kept me from loving it was that the guy who did it was TELEGRAPHED FROM A FRIGGIN MILE AWAY! I get that they have to simplify it, but you have to at least throw in some curve balls somewhere before you basically say its the first guy you see. That mystery express episode handled the mystery part a whole lot better in my opinion. I loved the Noir stuff though, although I would of liked a bit more elaboration on the detective pony Rarity was talking about. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Good morning everypony, welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews."  My my, looky here, we've got ourselves another Rarity episode this morning (and another one after that!  Dear Lord, this is simply the season of Rarity, isn't it?!  :love:).  And what an episode it was.  I have made it no secret in the past that "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" is my all time LEAST FAVORITE episode of MLP; it's incredibly stupid, boring, convoluted, and relies on many main characters acting incredibly stupid and out of character.  I hate, hate, HATE IT, and all the more since it came at the tail end of my still favorite season of MLP, Season 2!  :okiedokielokie:   This episode, "Rarity Investigates," has officially made up for that, by giving us an actual mystery episode that was executed extraordinarily well.  Without further ado, let's dive right in and take a look at "Rarity Investigates."




You've been hit by, you've been struck by... A SMOOTH CRIMINAL!


First of all, as with last week's episode, Rarity was spot-on yet again (maybe even more so).  This week we really got to see her in her element the entire episode, being simultaneously fabulous but also extremely competent in her own way (which we all know she is).  Not only was her changing wardrobe throughout the episode both fabulous and entertaining to watch, but Rarity really tackled this challenge from the start all on her own.  It was actually a wonderful display of her generous spirit; she just completely gave of her own time for the sake of her dear friend Rainbow Dash without asking for anything in return, and it's always nice to see her Element being highlighted like that.  Not to mention that, unlike in "MMMystery on the Friendship Express," where Pinkie Pie is practically too dumb to breathe and needs Twilight to hold her hoof on everything, Rarity figured everything out all on her own.  And she did it because Rarity paying attention to little details in general makes perfect sense for her, it fits right into her fashionista persona and professional life.  Heck, it was even highlighted at the beginning of the episode before the investigation even began when she not only took care to make sure her display was arranged perfectly, but also noticed that the rhinestones she got were the wrong kind.  Lots of little subtle details like that throughout the episode in highlighting what makes Rarity such a strong character, and I really loved that about it.




So she was just lugging all her new outfits AND the couch around the entire time?  If not for her unicorn magic, I'd call BS




Miss Rarity, I believe you're trying to seduce me  :sunshower: 


Next, let's look at our deuteragonist here, Rainbow Dash!  She was... basically what a deuteragonist in this role had to be.  She didn't do a whole lot besides geek out over the Wonderbolts and get impatient with Rarity, but neither of those things were really all that bad.  She was cute when she was geeking out and funny when she was getting impatient, and if anything it was kinda nice seeing her not trying to hog the spotlight, both in the episode as a whole, as well as when she selflessly retrieved Spitfire and risked her own shot at performing with the Wonderbolts.  Not a whole lot else to say about her besides that, but she had a fine episode, and it's fun seeing her interact with Rarity, albeit probably less whacky than it would've been in, say, Season 1 or 2.  But that's a nice quality of Season 5, it goes to show how much these friends trust each other even if they have very different personalities (another good instance of that was when Rarity didn't lose her cool over RD staining her dress, something she most certainly would have done in Season 1).




Rainbow Dash always dances with style!  Ha!  See what I did there?


The other characters here were just fine.  Wind Rider was kind of obviously trying to set RD up (even though at one point I thought Spitfire herself might've just run off), but he didn't really leave much of an impact overall.  It was pretty obvious it'd be him, but we just didn't learn enough about him besides his backstory to really care.  So he was just kinda there, not a very memorable antagonist really.  The Wonderbolts were just fine, I always like seeing 'em myself; Spitfire and Soarin' are always fun to see, and I didn't think their suspicions of RD were unwarranted or unfair, given that they gave her a chance to prove her innocence after all (and RD certainly wasn't doing herself any favors in her defense).  It was very cool getting to meet Spitfire's mom, Solar Flare, I really liked her design and certainly wasn't expecting to meet a character like that.  Very nice getting to see Sassy Saddles two weeks in a row as well, as well as the fact that she and Rarity are getting along just fine now (and on top of that the Canterlot Carousel Boutique seems to be doing quite well as well).  Finally that trio of Royal Guards was pretty hilarious during that interrogation scene, especially that one guard with his line about counting the bolts in the ceiling.  :yay:




Ooooo, hello Raindrops, long time no see!  Love the dress!




Rarilicious: Making even detective work SUGGESTIVE AS BUCK!  Seriously, I'm guessing all three of those guards are glad she can't see under the table  :smug: 


Lastly, I have to of course mention the episode's art-direction and style.  Obviously I always love seeing episodes set in Canterlot, it's a great setting and I love getting to see more of that city, just like we did last week.  The fact that we also got to see two of the Mane 6 there at an event that Celestia herself was attending, and neither of them were Twilight, is also quite noteworthy I think.  It shows that these characters are continuing to grow as adults and, while they're not growing distant from each other, their own real-life responsibilities are taking them further from home, and that's something they're more comfortable with at this point.  Finally, the noir style.  Oh my, the film noir style.  That was simply too fabulous!  It just screams Rarity in every sense of the word and fit her character to a T, from the inner monologuing/thinking out loud to herself (even when she didn't realize it  :please:), to the black-and-white cinematic look, to the jazzy music in the background.  Loved, loved, LOVED everything about this style, and it's the final element of this episode that really makes it not just perfection as far as a Rarity episode goes, but also solidifies its blowing that wretched "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" out of the water.  All in all, yet another lovely Rarity and Season 5 episode, and it looks like we're in store for what could be the best Rarity episode of this season to date next week (helped by the fact that it will include my favorite pair of best friends in the Mane 6, Rarity and Applejack, helping each other!  :proud:  :icwudt:).  See you all next week everypony, when the Rarity shall be tripled!!!  :mustache:   I'm off! *cue dramatic exit*

  • Brohoof 6


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Wind Rider in drag. The final piece of evidence (the scarf) sealed it and the audience was supposed to connect the dots from there instead of having everything fed.

Fair enough but why call attention to the gender of the customer then? Could have easily said that is was just some pony with a raspy voice and so wrapped up the store owner couldn't even tell the gender of said customer.  If anything it seems like they might have originally set it up so Wind Rider's girlfriend/wife was the culprit

Edited by Sidral Mundet

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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While I was all happy playing the new Shovel Knight update, it occurred to me that Wind Rider didn't have to trouble himself with sending Spitfire away, since every spot on the Wonderbolt's flying team was occupied. Rainbow Dash never would have taken over any of the other pony's spots on the team if he didn't set himself up and tried to frame her. It was still a great episode nonetheless.

Edited by JRex95
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This episode was like... fucking amazing... why?


Well, lets start with the music. Jazz is my favorite genre of music so hearing the jazz music in the background during the Noire parts and in the credits was just amazing.


As for the story, to those who say. "Well duh! I saw who did it coming from a mile away." I ask you to remember who this show is written for. Yes the ending and the culprit was predictable and yes it was a missed opportunity to bring back Lightning Dust, but we have to remember this is a kids show, so we shouldn't really expect Ace Attorney level stuff here.


Rarity and Rainbow Dash are a great paring and both were spot on (especially Rarity) but that should have been obvious. Also it took 5 years for a Rarity and Rainbow Dash episode was it worth the wait? Meh... I guess I'm just glad we got one at all.      


After this episode I take back all my doubts about Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco. I was worried about them because of previous writing credits but they have written 2 very solid episodes. So yes they are good writers I look forward to more from these two... let's hope they can deliver.


So to recap, this episode preyed on ALL OF MY WEAKNESSES


Rarity is my favroite of the main 6- This was a rarity episode
I love jazz music- It's my favorite genre 
I love Noire mystery type stuff- L.A.Noire and the Ace Attorney Series are some of my favorite games


This episode was too much and I had way too much fun. 




also... am I the only one who got a George Clooney vibe from Wind Rider? 

Edited by Zantetsuken
  • Brohoof 1
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I liked it, the only thing that kept me from loving it was that the guy who did it was TELEGRAPHED FROM A FRIGGIN MILE AWAY! I get that they have to simplify it, but you have to at least throw in some curve balls somewhere before you basically say its the first guy you see. That mystery express episode handled the mystery part a whole lot better in my opinion. I loved the Noir stuff though, although I would of liked a bit more elaboration on the detective pony Rarity was talking about.

Telegraphing the culprit is pretty standard far in detective stories if the writer uses elements of style to hide the discovery of evidence like they did here, that was the focus of the mystery element (which can still be downplayed in Detective genres). It is a common misconception to thing Detective always equals Mystery. Especially when the mystery aspect revolves around proving the innocence of a charactet the audience knows is innocent. It does not. I suppose this makes it more like Roger Rabbit which was also a Detective story that telegraphed the villain a mile away, but the whodunit was never the point of the film.

  • Brohoof 1



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-Sassy Saddles not being a jerk.

-Rarity's awesome costume changes

-L.A. Noire vibe

-Rarity and Rainbow, a duo seldom seen

-The full Wonderbolts team being awesome

-More Spitfire and Dash interaction

-Awesome jazz

-The whole guard interrogation scene


Yup, this was a great episode! :D

  • Brohoof 1


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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While I was all happy playing the new Shovel Knight update, it occurred to me that Wind Rider didn't have to trouble himself with sending Spitfire away, since every spot on the Wonderbolt's flying team was occupied.


I think that's a fair point. But those who are so scared of losing their status or position hardly stick to calm and reason. Especially so since he had an inner moral of using dirty tricks anyways.  :sunbutt:




But this episode preyed on ALL OF MY WEAKNESSES


You like Rarity, jazz, AND noire? Well, brohoof. :P  /) 




It is a common misconception to thing Detective always equals Mystery. Especially when the mystery aspect revolves around proving the innocence of a charactet the audience knows is innocent. It does not.


If this was golf, that'd be a birdie.  :fluttershy:


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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It was a good episode. I like the crime film allusions and the music (especially the credits music, that was nice). But I find it a little bit predictable. I mean, after I saw Wind Rider, I was sure that he is the antagonist of the episode. A new character with an academy record and a main character who tries to get a new record. That was not so nice for me. And yes, I had hoped that Lightning dust gets her comeback in contrast to a new character. Anyway, I like how Rarity acts in this episode, that was really great. I like her more and more.  :grin2:



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Telegraphing the culprit is pretty standard far in detective stories if the writer uses elements of style to hide the discovery of evidence like they did here, that was the focus of the mystery element (which can still be downplayed in Detective genres). It is a common misconception to thing Detective always equals Mystery. Especially when the mystery aspect revolves around proving the innocence of a charactet the audience knows is innocent. It does not. I suppose this makes it more like Roger Rabbit which was also a Detective story that telegraphed the villain a mile away, but the whodunit was never the point of the film.

I suppose I get what you mean, but personally I think it would of been better if they made it LOOK like it was the dude, but really it was somepony else. Like maybe Spitfire had some secret thing she wanted to do, and so she made this veiled excuse of a letter to get out of there. But when the mystery part shows up they look to Rainbow Dash as a culprit, and as Rarity investigates she FIRST thinks its the new guy, but the evidence ends up leading to whatever Spitfire was doing. It would of been more interesting that way in my opinion. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Rarity is a mystery fan confirmed!

I know this is late to reply, but she was confirmed to be a mystery fan in the comics. It was the one with the story eating worm. Rarity created a mystery story.

My only problem in the episode is how much Rarity hate it's going to spark. Rarity didn't give rainbow her umbrella, so, despite knowing why she didn't do that (perhaps Rainbow didn't want an umbrella) People will only remember that part of her, not that she saved Rainbow's dream or anything like that. Sorry, Rarity haters get on my nerve for that reason. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Rarity didn't give rainbow her umbrella,


That would be silly if that alone sparks hate. I mean, Rainbow in the rain is supposed to highlight her growing frustration with the situation. It was a well composed shot. Also, I have a strong feeling the ducks are a nod to something, but I am struggling to put my finger on what exactly





  • Brohoof 2



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A good episode. I liked how they showed off Rarity's strengths as a characters, Rainbow Dash's character moments and and the switches between monochrome and color. The flaws were, as everyone else has pointed out, the reveal being rather obvious (I was hoping we would get to see Lightning Dust again), and the beginning rather unnecessary. I don't think we needed to begin at Rarity's boutique and see Sassy Saddles again. Though I did like Rainbow Dash being brash as a contrast to Rarity's politeness.


I think what made the episode fun was not who did it or why they did it, but how they did it. It definitely showed Rarity's character's strengths rather well while showing Rainbow Dash being overly worried as a contrast without making her too much of straw loser.


Overall a fun, but flawed episode.

  • Brohoof 1
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I suppose I get what you mean, but personally I think it would of been better if they made it LOOK like it was the dude, but really it was somepony else. Like maybe Spitfire had some secret thing she wanted to do, and so she made this veiled excuse of a letter to get out of there. But when the mystery part shows up they look to Rainbow Dash as a culprit, and as Rarity investigates she FIRST thinks its the new guy, but the evidence ends up leading to whatever Spitfire was doing. It would of been more interesting that way in my opinion. 


Point taken, that would have been more interesting. 



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You like Rarity, jazz, AND noire? Well, brohoof.   /) 


Yes. While I was watching this, part of me was wishing Rarity would have a song in this episode in the style of Elle Fitzgerald.  

While I was all happy playing the new Shovel Knight update, it occurred to me that Wind Rider didn't have to trouble himself with sending Spitfire away, since every spot on the Wonderbolt's flying team was occupied. Rainbow Dash never would have taken over any of the other pony's spots on the team if he didn't set himself up and tried to frame her. It was still a great episode nonetheless.


Unless his end goal was the Wonderbolts ban, which is what was at stake here. 

  • Brohoof 2



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To everyone who thinks the "mare bought the cake" thing a plothole:


As in many mystery/crime related media, a witness' account isn't always solid and since the pony was really covered up its not too farfetched to assume she thought she saw a mare. Plus, that was probably done to throw the scent off of Wind (albeit very poorly, but remember, the show IS aimed at a younger audience). Honestly, I never once considered that moment a plothole.

  • Brohoof 1


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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