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Can a cutie mark change?


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Ever since the "big moment", I've been thinking a bit more about what a cutie mark really is.  Luna told AB that it's just a representation of who you are, nothing more.  I think the way in which the CMC recieved their marks reinforces this.  Their marks didn't appear when they first showed a talent for helping others, but at the precise moment when they said, "This is what we want to do, this is who we are."

It's my belief that a cutie mark has nothing whatsover to do with one's talents.  It has only to do with one's own perception of who one is.  Let's say I'm a pony in Equestria.  If I discover that I have an incredible talent, the best in the world, at hoofball, but I hate hoofball, then I'm not going to get a mark for it.  But if I really suck at singing, on the other hoof, but I love it and decide that I want to dedicate my life to the pursuit of it, then I firmly believe I would get a mark for it.  The mark is just the body's outward representation of who you feel you are inside.  It's your identity.  It doesn't have to be what you're good at, though in the vast majority of cases, it will be.  Typically, what a person wants to dedicate their lives to is something they're good at.

But can a pony's mark change?  I say yes.  Just because it's never happened before doesn't mean it can't.  If a pony's perception of who they are changes, than I believe their mark will change to reflect it.  Just as it's impossible to get stuck with the wrong mark, as explained by Luna, it would be impossible to get stuck with a mark that no longer defines you in the future.  Here's an example: at one time in my life, I was 100% convinced that I would have a career in the world of figure skating.  I believed it, and I would have had an ice skate blade for a cutie mark.  Now, 10 years later, that's not who I am anymore.  It didn't work out.  I still skate recreationally, but it's not my life.  I'm pursuing something else now, and at the moment, I would say I'm 100% convinced that this new path is what I was meant to do, and who I am.  It's already paid off, so it's definitely worked out better than skating.  Would I be stuck with the blade mark?  I don't believe so.  I believe at the moment my goals changed, and I decided this is who I am now, the mark would change.


Look at Troubeshoes for another example.  His mark appeared the instant he realized that the rodeo is where he was meant to be.  He showed no talent whatsoever.  His mark appeared as an outward representation of what he felt inside.  It also had absolutely nothing to do with his klumsiness.  I don't believe his mark specifically signified that he was meant to be a rodeo clown, either.  It just meant that he was meant to be in the rodeo in some way, which is what he felt inside.  He couldn't make it as a competitor, but the mark remained because he never doubted for a second that he belonged in the rodeo.  Despite his klumsiness, he found a way, with the CMC's help, to be where he felt he belonged.  The mark had nothing to do with talent.

The CMC's calling is for helping others to find their path.  Here's something I'd love to see in a fanfic:


Ten to twenty years have passed since the show.  The CMC have grown up.  We meet a new pony, a natural born alicorn (not a princess, just an alicorn) who served King Sombra.  She saw an easy path to power and sold her soul to take it.  She committed many attrocities in Sombra's name.  This was who she was, and she earned an evil cutie mark to reflect that.  Now, thousands of years later, she feels horrible for what she has done.  She's a different pony now, and desperately wishes she could erase her past.  She has spent the last thousand years trying to atone for her transgressions.  Nopony would doubt that her debt to society has been repaid, but she believes that she will always be that evil pony.  Like Princess Luna prior to Magic Sheep, she is wracked with guilt and punishes herself.  She is desperate to rid herself of her evil cutie mark.  She has resorted to drastic measures.  She has burned the fur, even cut layers of her skin off, but the mark remains, right over top of the scars.


During her travels, she meets the CMC.  They do what they do best.  At the climax of the story, the CMC help her to see who she really is now, and more importantly, to truly believe it.

They ask her if she wants to be that evil pony.

She hesitantly says "no".

They ask if she is that evil pony.

She says, "no", more fiercely, and with desperation growing in her voice.

They ask who she wants to be.

She answers, tears welling up.

They ask her who she is.

She answers, eyes squeezed shut, tears streaming down.

The CMC exchange the slightest of satisfied grins, and one of them gently touches the alicorn's shoulder.  Startled, she opens her eyes.  The Crusader whispers, "Look," and gives the tiniest nod towards the pony's flank.  She looks down at herself, and is absolutely stunned to see a brand new mark reflecting who she is now.  She collapses and openly sobs with joy, feeling the weight of her thousand-year burden finally lifted.



Now, wouldn't that be a great fanfic?  If I had time, I'd write it myself, but I have too many other things I need and want to do, and I'll never get around to that.  If someone wants to nab that idea and turn it into a proper fanfic, go right ahead.  It would be awesome.


Anyway, that's it.  Those are my thoughts on cutie marks.

  • Brohoof 6


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I don't think we've ever seen somebody get a cutie mark for something they weren't good at. If it was based on one's own perception of things, ponies wouldn't struggle with finding out what it means. I don't personally think a cutie mark can change, otherwise, what's the point of it? 

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I'm going to also say no, however you make a convincing argument, but only under extreme circumstances would it (law wise) occur and for the show probably no, however it is a great idea and i love it.

Edited by EmeraldBolt/Sapphire
  • Brohoof 1

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I don't think we've ever seen somebody get a cutie mark for something they weren't good at. If it was based on one's own perception of things, ponies wouldn't struggle with finding out what it means. I don't personally think a cutie mark can change, otherwise, what's the point of it? 

Oh trust me, one's perception of themselves can actually be quite difficult to realize. Like me for example, I can do some different things yet I still have no idea what my 'thing' is, what my own life represents. Could it be me love for video games or something? I don't know, but coming down to a complete realization is actually not easy for me. The CMC's had the same trouble because they  were so wrapped up in finding what their Cutie Marks were, that they never could realize exactly who they are.


As for the Cutie Mark changing thing, it is a neat concept but I don't think it is possible. I think one's Cutie Mark encompasses more than one trait of a pony. Like Pinkie pie for example, her cutie Mark does not strictly mean she is awesome at parties but many other things too, like baking, cheering others up, balloons (best thing) and more. So if one's perception about themselves may change, it may not change completely thus negating the reason for a totally new Cutie Mark.

  • Brohoof 1



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We have seen Cutie Marks been swapped and removed before but never changed as of yet. I suppose it might be possible but it would only happen under the most extreme of conditions and circumstances.


However perception of Cutie Marks can change, and that by of itself can have profound consequences, but yeah a Cutie Mark does not define the pony, but the pony defines the Cutie Mark.

Edited by UnknownFry
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Though, I like your theory, as is in my headcanon that a pony can get a different cutie mark depending of what they wanna dedicate themselves (If things turned out differently for the CMCs, each of them could have gotten a different cutie mark for example)

  • Brohoof 1


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This is surely a deep question. The show claimed that cutie marks associates with destinies, and what the ponies are good at. If this is the case, we should probably ask "Can my destiny change?".

I'll say nobody/pony are willing to change his/her mark, a signature of his/hers, into something else - except his/her morals went MISERABLY down.


As for the execution, ask Twilight Sparkle.

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Eh, I'm going to say no. I like the idea of a cutie mark changing. But I don't think it will because it goes against the destiny spiel they seem to have ingrained into them.


Specifically, when you get a cutie mark, somehow your mark seems to "KNOWN" what it is that you'll be in life: Even if you do a job now and then something different later in life, your mark is somehow geared towards what your "final" job is. Like look at Cadence. She was a babysitter without a kingdom for most of her life. Yet her cutie mark was set up specifically to be the ruler of the crystal empire, something she'd NEVER known about before or had any clue about.


Look at shining armor too: He was destined to be the prince of an empire (Though shouldn't that be emperor? ;p). Anyways, he was a guard for the first half of his life and wanted to be a royal guard. he had NO idea that he was ever going to be a prince, and had no desire to be a prince. And yet that's his job now, being a prince, but his cutie mark's the same.

So while I like the idea of evolving cutie marks or whatnot, I don't think it works since cutie marks almost seem predestined.

  • Brohoof 1
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The nature of cutie marks has never really been fully defined so it's hard to make theories about them. Although due to the fact it's been well established that cutie marks don't change I'd say no. And Luna's words was probably just a poorly written line. 

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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That's a different, awesome way of looking at cutie marks! I agree with your perception, but I also feel like you NEVER would have gotten the cutie mark to begin with either if it was wrong for you. There are several ways I feel I can explain what I am saying. Say for example, a kid in college constantly changing majors. Did anything on the outside change? Any extreme changes? No. They are still deciding on the inside who they truly want to be, like the CMC. They truly believed they would get cutie marks in some of those areas they tried. They may have thought it was them and would 100% work, but it was not. It was not what they were truly meant to do. Also, the same principle applies with love I guess. You meet someone and think this is my soulmate, but turns out no. Because you do not truly know what it feels like to be in love YET. You will get there, but just not now. Human perception on feeling something is right for you can be flawed. Great view point though c:

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Since cutie marks can be removed, I think they can be changed. If one loses such interest in what their cutie mark is, or perhaps they delve into magic, they can probably change it.

Otherwise no. It'd probably require lots of magic or poison joke to do so.

  • Brohoof 1

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Specifically, when you get a cutie mark, somehow your mark seems to "KNOW" what it is that you'll be in life: Even if you do a job now and then something different later in life, your mark is somehow geared towards what your "final" job is. 


And I believe that discovering the true meaning behind one's cutie mark is just as important for some ponies, maybe even more so, than earning it in the first place.


I'll also use Troubleshoes as an example.  He always believed that his mark meant that he was unlucky while, in reality it meant that he was destined to be a part of the rodeo.  It took him many years after he'd earned his cutie mark to realize this but when he did, it made perfect sense.

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I don't think so as a pony gets his/her cutie mark when they finally discover who they are and what they are meant to do with their lives.  Or at least in theory.

A cutie mark changing would go against that notion and how they have been portrayed in the show so far.

But it is an interesting concept to think about.


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It probably never happen due to confinement, and somewhat an anticlimax of receiving a cutie mark, but I actually think it would be a really great idea for them to change. People change as they get older, wiser and experience more. Even though they might have found their true talent and interest at one point in their lived, who said it would be forever; they could discover something to be even more passionate about. It happens to a lot of people all the time, so why not ponies too? I think it would be really interesting and create character development.

  • Brohoof 1


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Whatever force that creates cutie mark magic probably doesn't make mistakes. I would imagine it's the Tree of Harmony.

Oh, sweet Celestia, not the Daemon!  Anything but that!  https://mlpforums.com/topic/136267-are-the-6-slaves-to-the-map/?hl=map+slaves#entry4040720



I agree with your perception, but I also feel like you NEVER would have gotten the cutie mark to begin with either if it was wrong for you.

Fair point, fair point, but in my opinion, since I believe it's soley based on what you feel inside, then you can get literally any mark in the world, as long as you truly believe that it's right for you at the time.  But it might not stay right for you in the future.  I guess what I'm saying is that I reject the theory that a cutie mark is, or is created by, an outside force.  It does not have sentience or power in any way.  It cannot predict the future.  It cannot know what will ultimately be right for you in the future.  It appears purely based on one's own perception of themselves.  That's my theory, anyway.


I like analysing things in the show this way because I'm opposed to anything that seems to exert control on the ponies, or take away their freedom in any way.  This is why I've always been opposed to the idea that a cutie mark is some ethereal force that lays out a predetermined fate, or otherwise controls the pony or has influence on them.  This is why I like my theory better.  This is why I also have ethical dilemmas surrounding the cutie map, or the Daemon, as I call it, which I talked about in that other thread.


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But can a pony's mark change?  I say yes.  Just because it's never happened before doesn't mean it can't. 

Can Cutie marks change?


Yes. In fact I have proof. The episode is called Bats; Fluttershy becomes Flutterbat, her personality entirely shifts and she becomes agressive and feral. Most importantly if you look at her cutie mark, which normally is three butterflies...


Is instead three Bats. So there you go, clear and concise proof that cutie marks can indeed Change. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Can Cutie marks change?


Yes. In fact I have proof. The episode is called Bats; Fluttershy becomes Flutterbat, her personality entirely shifts and she becomes agressive and feral. Most importantly if you look at her cutie mark, which normally is three butterflies...


Is instead three Bats. So there you go, clear and concise proof that cutie marks can indeed Change. 



Well...hard to argue with this.  Maybe it's due to the effects of Twilight's magic spell or maybe it's a natural occurrence due to her shift in personality.  Either way, we can definitely say that a cutie mark CAN change.  The exact mechanism behind the such a change is still just as mysterious as the reason a pony receives a cutie mark in the first place.

  • Brohoof 2
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Can Cutie marks change?


Yes. In fact I have proof. The episode is called Bats; Fluttershy becomes Flutterbat, her personality entirely shifts and she becomes agressive and feral. Most importantly if you look at her cutie mark, which normally is three butterflies...


Is instead three Bats. So there you go, clear and concise proof that cutie marks can indeed Change. 


But that's due to a magical spell affecting her against her will and altering who she is, just like how Starlight glimmer gave ponies equal signs that altered them or how Twilight in magical mystery cure swapped cutie marks.




I think the question is more about cutie marks being able to be changed NATURALLY by a pony.

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Can Cutie marks change?


Yes. In fact I have proof. The episode is called Bats; Fluttershy becomes Flutterbat, her personality entirely shifts and she becomes agressive and feral. Most importantly if you look at her cutie mark, which normally is three butterflies...


Is instead three Bats. So there you go, clear and concise proof that cutie marks can indeed Change. 


It doesn't happen naturally. If she wasn't essentially turned into a batpony by twilight, then she wouldn't have had a cutie mark change there. 


Cutie marks can't change, but a pony can get more than one cutie mark. In that episode where Appplebloom drinks Zecora's potion, and randomly gets lots of marks, all the adult ponies run away thinking she has some form of flu, which gives a diagnosed pony loads of cutie marks. 

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It doesn't happen naturally. If she wasn't essentially turned into a batpony by twilight, then she wouldn't have had a cutie mark change there. 


Cutie marks can't change, but a pony can get more than one cutie mark. In that episode where Appplebloom drinks Zecora's potion, and randomly gets lots of marks, all the adult ponies run away thinking she has some form of flu, which gives a diagnosed pony loads of cutie marks. 

There is nothing in that scenario that says it couldn't happen naturally, just that it wasn't natural in this instant. The fact that the cutie mark changed regardless of the circumstance says that it isn't unprecedented 

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