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How powerful is Twilight Sparkle?

Thewookie Wooker

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I'd have to agree with the general idea that Twilight, while indeed at the top of her class, is in a low grade (of power) compared to even here brother and caidence


Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.


Back the buck up.


Twilight is way more powerful then her brother. All he can do is create a forcefield, which we've seen twilight do.


"Oh but Shining Armor blasted all the changlings away"


With Candences help.


If twilight had the elements, she'd be able to do it too.


Tl;DR Twilight is better at her brother in everything.


Twilights very talent is MAGIC ITSELF. So any magic that other ponies specialize in, shell be able to learn, and augment.

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A few things I'd like to say:


First, Armor's talent is protective magic, as we've seen. He was maintaining a huge forcefield around the entire city. It was powerful enough to keep out the changelings, which you must remember only broke the shield AFTER chrysalis had been weakening him. He is clearly extremely powerful in this regard. Now, we've seen Twi cast forcefields, but we've never really seen anything test their strength. None of them have been as large as Armor's though, and she specifically said that he was the only one capable of using the spell. This makes sense because, after all, that IS his special talent, and being Twi's brother, it wouldn't be surprising if he was also quite magically powerful.


Second, about Chrysalis overpowering Celestia and Cadence+Armor overpowering Chrysalis; Chrysalis and Cadence both have love-based powers. Love is an emotion, and emotion has no real limits (in other words, there is no limit to how intense an emotion can be). Therefore, both Chrysalis and Cadence have potentially limitless power; Cadence and Armor clearly love each other very much, and when Chrysalis fed off of Armor's love, her power increased proportionally.

If you are familiar with the Marvel universe, it's kinda like the Hulk; his strength is based on his emotional state (primarily anger), and has limitless potential. There's no hard limit to how pissed off one can be, so Hulk doesn't have an upper limit to his strength.

Therefore, Chrysalis and Cadence can't really be used to judge power levels, since their power varies and is potentially infinite.


The reason that Chrysalis was defeated by love is, IMO, because it wasn't actually love; it was Armor's shield spell being boosted by Cadence's immense love-based power. Also, if you remember, Cadence snapped Armor out of his trance before this happened, which I'm guessing cut off Chrysalis's parasitic link to him, greatly weakening her.


Also, I think that Twi's talent being magic automatically makes her potentially the strongest living Unicorn (can't really judge past unicorns, such as Starswirl). She may not have the experience and/or training to use her full power, but we've seen glimpses of it.

However, I don't think she is as powerful as an Alicorn, or at least, Celestia. She wasn't as powerful as NMM, but as Klopp said, she has grown stronger since then. We don't have many details, but I think it's safe to assume that NMM was AT LEAST as powerful as Celestia, since she had to use the Elements to defeat her.

We should also take into account how Celestia was able to reverse Twi's want-it-need-it spell in an instant, so I think it's also safe to assume that Celestia is much stronger than current Twi.


As for the Elements, they have been stated to be the most powerful magic known to ponykind. It is implied they would've defeated the changelings, and I'm sure they would've, but we didn't actually see this.



So, to me at least, the standings are something like:

Armor < Twi < Luna < Celestia < NMM < Chrysalis = Cadence <= Anybody with Elements < Cadence's potential = Chrysalis's potential

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It depends on the meaning of power. Twilight to me has the most raw power most of which she is yet to discover. I agree with her getting stronger through the seasons and think that will likely continue.

When you compare her to Celestia though it becomes difficult because they are two different kinds of pony's. In this sense I think Twilight will become the best at all-around magic and some things that she will be able to do could be more powerful but I think there will be certain abilities that only Celestia can preform like rising the sun that Twilight will never be able to do as she isn't a alicorn.

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Don't you notice that Twilight is so young and already her powers are comparable (as we do just now) with the most powerful beings? Discord seems to be the one, as he can do pretty much everything, including moving the sun.


She's learning, and fast. Even assuming she's half that powerful and 25 years old and Celestia is 1000 years old (which is the minimum that would give the worst [linear] power growth coefficient), in less than 30 years her powers would easily outmatch hers.

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It depends on the meaning of power. Twilight to me has the most raw power most of which she is yet to discover. I agree with her getting stronger through the seasons and think that will likely continue.

When you compare her to Celestia though it becomes difficult because they are two different kinds of pony's. In this sense I think Twilight will become the best at all-around magic and some things that she will be able to do could be more powerful but I think there will be certain abilities that only Celestia can preform like rising the sun that Twilight will never be able to do as she isn't a alicorn.


Hearthwarming Eve's episode mention unicorns moving the sun so maybe when she's older?

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What I was thinking is that maybe Shining Armor is capable of the most protective magic and Twilight is capable of the most offensive magic


Would make sense I think, his name being Shining Armor and all

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I believe that Twilight has untapped potential, like a secret power that only comes out only in emergencies or when she gets too angry. However, wheather or not it is strong enough to be able to overthrow Celestia remains uncertain, but one thing is for sure she would be able to stand and put up a pretty good fight though

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How Powerful is Twilight Sparkle?

Please refer to this Over Used Meme for your Answer


Nappa-Jack: Vegeta-Dash, What does the Scouter say about Her Power Level?

Vegeta-Dash: ITS OVER NINE THOUSAND! *Smashes Scouter" And 20% Cooler


EDIT: Shoot somepony already beat me to it

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Edited by DJTwilightDash
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I'm back whoope! img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png 

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How Powerful is Twilight Sparkle?

Please refer to this Over Used Meme for your Answer


Nappa-Jack: Vegeta-Dash, What does the Scouter say about Her Power Level?

Vegeta-Dash: ITS OVER NINE THOUSAND! *Smashes Scouter" And 20% Cooler


EDIT: Shoot somepony already beat me to it

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Outsmarted me on the "20% cooler" Well played sir, well played. Edited by Derpy Mooves


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Hearthwarming Eve's episode mention unicorns moving the sun so maybe when she's older?


I think it meant that the unicorns collectively moved the sun. As in, a group of them had the job of moving the sun, or something. I doubt any could've done it on their own.

And maybe ancient unicorns knew special magic that have been forgotten or something?

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This is how powerful she is:




godammit you beat me to it.


I believe that Twilight has untapped potential, like a secret power that only comes out only in emergencies or when she gets too angry. However, wheather or not it is strong enough to be able to overthrow Celestia remains uncertain, but one thing is for sure she would be able to stand and put up a pretty good fight though


True, similar to my OC Storm Spark he only uses his full hidden power if somepony he loves is in danger or if you REALLY PISS HIM OFF.
  • Brohoof 1

Storm Spark X Crystal Sparkle

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I'm of the opinion she's currently the third most powerful pony in the show (after Celestia and Luna). Celestia was surprised by her raw ability when she did her entrance exam* and we've see her perform a surprising number of magical effects. She could possibly be as powerful as Luna (or NMM) if she could get over her neuroses and self doubt. And obviously get more practice and experience.


I quite like the fan theory that Celestia has spotted Twi's potential to become a new NMM, and instigated the Friendship project to keep her from going over to the dark side.


*=An even funnier fan theory I've read suggests the dragon egg test is a Kobyashi Maru designed to test a students response to an impossbile task, and that actually hatching the egg wasn't expected. Not sure I buy it, but its amusing.

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*=An even funnier fan theory I've read suggests the dragon egg test is a Kobyashi Maru designed to test a students response to an impossbile task, and that actually hatching the egg wasn't expected. Not sure I buy it, but its amusing.

Ridiculous, but indeed amusing. Sometimes I wish things like that would be cleared up by somepony on the show ^_^




After some thought I have to say it's not as ridiculous... Spike is pretty much unique. Only Twilight has a pet dragon. Young dragons attack adult phoenixes for fun and only Princess Celestia has a pet phoenix. Dragons are considered wild and dangerous. Twilight wasn't the only pony to have an exam, yet we don't see unicorns with pet magical creatures at all. Either every unicorn is given a very different exam (which would suggest they expected a success and thought a pony with a pet dragon is a good idea) or the task is expected to be impossible. It really makes sense.

Edited by Sne
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  • 2 weeks later...

Deep in potential and ergo power strength and intelligence, but lacking in the experience and honing areas. Which is why Celestia took her herself, knowing she would be the best teacher for someone with that much potential.


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Deep in potential and ergo power strength and intelligence, but lacking in the experience and honing areas. Which is why Celestia took her herself, knowing she would be the best teacher for someone with that much potential.


Yeah, she's essentially Harry potter, only more powerful (presumably because of who is teaching her).

Edited by SBaby

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She's definetaly the most powerful unicorn pony in the show although I don't think she is more powerful than Celestia or Luna by herself. Remember in the episode "lesson zero." Celestia cancelled out Twilight's massive love spell in one fell swoop and plus Celestia and Luna have the power to move the sun and the moon-not exactly an easy feat. I don't know where she stands against stallions (particularly her brother) her power may be equal to his or even surpass it. One thing's for sure though, she stands above all other female unicorns. Now if she continues to study and hone her skills she may grow to rival the alicorn sisters; shouldn't be problem so long as it doesn't go to her head.

I'll take a cupcake...AND EAT IT!

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I beleive that twilight sparkle is more powerful than celestia because as it was said before, she is 20-25 and half as powerful as Celestia who is 1000+!

Rainbow Dash: Alright, now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet. Speed, agility, guts, style. Coolness. Awesomeness. And radicalness.

Twilight Sparkle: Aren't those last three all the same thing?

Rainbow Dash: You would think that, Twilight. And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet.

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In knowledge, and magic. She is very, very powerful indeed, in many aspects. She's had much, much experience in her life, her cutie make is even about magic, and not to mention that her very friendship is also power for her magic, and I think vice versa.


I think she maybe even more powerful than Celestia at this point. :blink: She is still very young, ergo she has a lot of potential left in her.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I'm of the opinion she's currently the third most powerful pony in the show (after Celestia and Luna). Celestia was surprised by her raw ability when she did her entrance exam* and we've see her perform a surprising number of magical effects. She could possibly be as powerful as Luna (or NMM) if she could get over her neuroses and self doubt. And obviously get more practice and experience.


I quite like the fan theory that Celestia has spotted Twi's potential to become a new NMM, and instigated the Friendship project to keep her from going over to the dark side.


*=An even funnier fan theory I've read suggests the dragon egg test is a Kobyashi Maru designed to test a students response to an impossbile task, and that actually hatching the egg wasn't expected. Not sure I buy it, but its amusing.


I think you need to think about Celestia's age.

She probably had a a buck loads of other subjects who could of had.




And Celestia had time for her magic and experience to grow.

Unlike Twilight ho probably isn't going to last as far.







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Time to re-inject my thought process, as it seems we are still arguing invalid points.... Epic Paragraph is rendering. Please wait... While waiting, please rewatch Season 1 Episode 6 "Boast Busters"

Riley was here

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I think you need to think about Celestia's age.

She probably had a a buck loads of other subjects who could of had.




And Celestia had time for her magic and experience to grow.

Unlike Twilight ho probably isn't going to last as far.


I'm not entirely sure of the point you're making here. Could you spell it out a bit plainer please?

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I'm not entirely sure of the point you're making here. Could you spell it out a bit plainer please?


I think he meant that Celestia might have had subjects similar to Twilight, and that Celestia is only that good because she had so much time to practice.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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So from what we CAN confirm, again we KNOW this is true and this CAN be confirmed, Twilight Sparkles special talent IS Magic. She even goes on to explain that all unicorns are especially good at whatever their talent is. But If their talent happens to be Magic, much like twilight, we have a scenario in which the unicorn could have a nearly unrivaled power.


Furthermore, backstories Indicate that the Elements of Harmony are not simply "wielded". Like wands in the Harry Potter series, the elements choose their wielders. For what we can assume was a long while while the Two Sisters ruled Equestria, they wielded their power. We know for a fact that they both were required to use them, as that was established in the Discord event when both sisters used the elements to turn him to stone. However, the elements in this sense still only seem to be a weak amplification, as it requires a medium of power, and complete unification of the wielders. The Elements seem to represent a "Friendship" type Magic. I may refer to this later. The other being Love as a Magic. I think that they seem to behave as AC and DC currents, where Friendship acts as a DC and Love, a more recent revelation to us from the pony world, being the stronger AC current.


Love is what allowed Chrysalis to get her power. The ONLY way she was able to overthrow Celestia was by utilizing this power. Love also was what allowed Shining Armor to cast out Chrysalis and her swarms, which seems creates a contradiction, a contradiction easily corrected by a statement made by Twi in "Boast Busters" That being that Unicorns are highly skilled at their tallent. assuming that Shining Amor's special talent is force fields, this would make the field more powerful with Love as an amplifier compared to chrysalis who, not being a part of the pony species, does not have a special talent power.


Since you people seem to love equations Ill do it this way :D :

(* wil be used rather than + because we are seing an amplification, not an addition of power)


Anypony * Elements is not > Celestia + Luna (given elements have not chosen said pony)



Celestia * Elements > Luna (kind of a no brainer there)

(Celestia + Luna) * Elements > Discord


Celestia < Chrysalis*love

Chrysalis < Shining Armor*Love

Chrysalis < Anyponies talent*love

Celestia > Chrysalis


Twilight > anypony with specific special talent

(Twilight + Friends) * Elements > NMM

By transitive property, we can assume:


(Twilight + Friends) * Elements > Luna

Luna = Celestia, therefore


(Twilight + Friends) * Elements > Celestia


Im at a loss here:


(Twilight + Friends) * Elements _ Celestia + Luna

Im thinking we have either a stalemate or the sisters would win, however this is the more interesting of it all:


Twilight*love > Chrysalis

(Twilight + Friends) * Elements > Chrysalis

[(Twilight + Friends) * Elements]*love ... Dear mother of mercy.... Equestria will be bucked

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