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What do you wear to bed/sleep?


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I sleep naked unless it's really cold, and the heater isn't working. That was how the first part of Winter was. No heater, and winter gets really cold here. When it is cold, I wear what I'm wearing at the moment. 

Edited by Rainbow Diamonds
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Jeez, more people sleep naked than I thought. I've never slept naked. I find it strange, I bet it would feel really weird too.


ANYWAY, I usually wear sweatpants or anything comfortable and a shirt. Sometimes I'm lazy and just keep what I was wearing during the day. I also occasionally wear flannel pajamas, because why not.

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Jeez, more people sleep naked than I thought. I've never slept naked. I find it strange, I bet it would feel really weird too.


ANYWAY, I usually wear sweatpants or anything comfortable and a shirt. Sometimes I'm lazy and just keep what I was wearing during the day. I also occasionally wear flannel pajamas, because why not.

only feels strange the first time, otherwise it saves laundry and is far far more comfortable to not have clothes squeezing you like wearing your wedding dress after 20 years




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only feels strange the first time, otherwise it saves laundry and is far far more comfortable to not have clothes squeezing you like wearing your wedding dress after 20 years




Wouldn't it be a little weird to be seen by your parents sleeping naked? whuteva, I'll try it at some point.
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Wouldn't it be a little weird to be seen by your parents sleeping naked? whuteva, I'll try it at some point.


Not for me, since I used to walk around the house naked and no one ever cared


Nowadays though I'd just go around with coffee and a robe muttering swears like a regular 9-5 zombie

Edited by ARagY
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  • 3 months later...

I used to wear shorts and a t-shirt or tank-top, but not for years now. Nowadays I sleep in my birthday suit. Since I like to tuck my blankets in at all sides of the bed and make it all snug like a big burrito, it's nice to have the cool comfort of my own skin without other encumbrances. 

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I most usually wear a t-shirt and baggy swimming shorts to bed because of reasons unknown. If it's cold I usually wear flannel pajama pants to bed and sometimes a hoodie too if it's super cold. 

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I wear clothes while sleeping. More or less because my cats track bits of cat litter into my bed, so it's weird if that stuff gets clung to you. Apart from that, I live with other people, as one might assume.

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