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general Interests or hobbies?


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- Gaming, trying to improve my TF2 skills

- Work out in the gym

- Social activities organized by my university

- Meditate

- Internet stuff (YouTube, Twitter, mlpforums, etc)

- Judo and Martial Arts in general, I am in a club but 3 hours a week is far from enough, mostly practicing kata on my own

- Guitar, haven't touched it in a long time, might start again


I'm also interested in knowing how to operate firearms and ride motorcycles but these opportunities are hard to come by.


There is probably more but these are mainly what I have in mind right now.

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-When I have time I take random road trips to different towns and cities


-Discovering new games to play

-Soccer and American football


-Hapkido, it's pretty fun

-Reading a good book

Discovering new music

- My favorite of all , working on cars

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My Hobbies-

 -Internet & Youtube



 -Listening to music


My interests-



-British landmarks & things

-Historcial ruin buildings

-Doctor Who

-Some comedies

-Fictional charcters I fancy, like Akame (Akame Ga Kill)

and Obera Dia Vanille and Hatsune Miku

-Dr Pepper

-Manchester United

-England (Football/Soccer, Criket & Rugby) National team

-Spyro the dragon & his friend, Sparx

-My cats

-My teddy friends

-Chi (Anime cat) & Thunder (The House of magic


-BB8 (Star Wars character)



-Some music

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I take the off roader out for a race 3 or 4 times a year. I mess with the garden railway odd times and more recently this pony malarky, which involves writing stories and making audio books from them for my YouTube channel. I have cosplayed once so far.

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I'm interested in media of different kinds such as TV shows and movies. Not just watching them, but giving my thoughts about them and hoping to create my own someday. I also like to watch YouTube and surf the web.


Outside of the Internet, I love spending time with my friends and I like participating in several extra curricular activities. I enjoy watching/playing sports too. I'm a soccer/lacrosse player, so yeh. Music, writing, and gaming are some other things I enjoy during my free time. I don't do them very often, but when I do, it's fun.

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I am a HUGE car guy. Like, I spend a TON of time at car events, or planning for car events, or talking on the internet about car-related stuff, etc. I'll do lots of other things, but cars and ponies are my real passions right now, and are the biggest part of my daily routine outside school/work. That being said, anytime there's a social event taking place on my college campus I'll make an effort to show up, even if only for a short while.


Oh, and some of my EQTV buddies have been introducing me to some anime. I will admit, I really enjoyed Cowboy Bebop.

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playing and writing music, customizing instruments, cycling, hiking, swimming, target shooting, firearms, melee weapon combat, photography, and studying maps and geography. 

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Horror movies, metal, and books has been an interest of mine for the past month, no I idea why I am like that but if someone could tell me I would love that actually...

Playing video games, building model WWII vehicles, reading, and shitposting on various websites (I recently got back into this one).

Ever tried modelling the German Tiger Tank I? or the US M4 Sherman? Also known as some of the strongest tanks in WWII.

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Collecting My Little Pony toys(G1 to FIM)

Collecting figures(i.e. Daedric Prince from Skyrim)

Playing video games and PC games



Bike ride

Working out

Cooking new recipes



Going to a beach


Doing Vlogs and editing

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My interests/hobbies is:

  • Be with my friends
  • Drawing a beautiful pony/brony fan art
  • Sketching and arranging a new furniture and a new building
  • Making an expert animation
  • Writing and arranging a music for the full orchestra, band, choir, and a solo performance
  • Performing a music with my music instrument at the concert
  • Going to the pony/brony convention with the voice actors and writers of the show (incl. PonyCon, BronyCon, SDCC, and Voice Actors Panel), and also as well with my music instrument brought with me at the convention to play for them
  • Be as a commanding officer and even a pilot/engineer in U.S. Navy SEALs and U.S. Air Force.
  • Watching TV shows/cartoons
  • Playing any kinds of cool games

I'm hoping that I'll seek on my hobbies here in the future.

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Video games are my number one activity. I hesitate to call it a hobby since I put so much effort into it. It's not just something I do whenever I have free time. It's what I put all of my money and brain power into. Gaming is my life.


But on the side I also read webcomics and watch anime quite a bit. I'm not as fervent about anime as others but I'd choose that over most other animated things.


On webcomics, I've run into almost no one who's as into them as I am. I read them almost as much as I game some days. I've read at least 150 different comics and follow half of those (the other half are either finish or stopped updating)

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You know it! This is the model Im currently working on. A late-war Tiger Iattachicon.gifimage.jpeg

 That looks incredible so far.


The farthest I've ever gotten with modeling was making a P-51 Mustang. Needless to say, it still didn't look good.

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I like learning. I try to keep challenging myself with new knowledge every once and a while, like taking an online tutorial or solving a riddle or two. I especially enjoy computer programming and software development, some science (especially the field of robotics) and various Maths. I also play video games, read (I prefer fiction novels, but that's subject to change, along with my mood), and play basketball with friends at my spare time.

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Hello everyone, I am a curious one!  :blink: 


So i would really like to know more about you guys (besides the mlp community)

1. What kinds of interests do you have?
2. Do you have any fun hobbies besides internet ^^?
3. What do you do for fun?

4. do you have a job? if yes, what kind?


I would just in general want to know more about ya'll But ill start by answering my own questions .. and i'll give a bit more information.  :P

Btw my name is Sara, i live in a teny tiny country called denmark, i am 22 years old and engaged.

Well Aswers:

1. I am very interested in ice skating and love to do it, i am also taking drama classes with is tons of fun! I am also a social gamer, i dont really play alone.

2. I am an artist, both digitally, traditionally and with paint, i am a very creative person  ;) 
3. That depends on my mood, i dont really "party" like other young people at my age, i like to skype with my friends or chill with a good book and a cup of tea.

4. No i dont have a job, because of reasons. but my goal is to one day become a bioanalyst!


Now your turn!
And i would be more than happy to know about other things in your non mlp life :catface:


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