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gaming How do YOU play Pokémon?


How to you play Pokémon?  

40 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you EV train?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Do you breed Pokémon for specific Natures/Abilites?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Do you only use High-tier or otherwise strategically-made Pokémon

    • Yes
    • No
  4. 4. Do you like the idea of metagaming?

    • No, it's cheating!
    • Yes, there's nothing wrong with knowing how the game works.
    • No, it takes out the fun of playing.
    • Yes, its the only way to survive online play!
    • I don't mind others doing it, but its too tiresome for me.
  5. 5. What does your team look like, for the most part? (pick as many as apply)

    • Rare Pokémon
    • Shiny Pokémon
    • Perfectly bred/EV'd Pokémon
    • Cool/cute/silly looking Pokémon
    • Whichever Pokémon I happen to like training with
    • The first few Pokémon I caught
  6. 6. Do you battle other trainers online?

    • Yeah! I play very competitively and have a good strategy.
    • No, I never got around to it/am not interested.
    • No, I don't have a good enough internet connection.
    • No, because I couldn't win against the hardcore players.
    • Yeah, but I'm not a very competitive player, so I usually lose.
  7. 7. Have you ever made a custrom Pokémon with a Pokémon-creator app, or similar?

    • Yeah, all the time!
    • Yeah, once or twice.
    • Yeah, but mostly for other people.
    • No.
    • No way! That's cheating.
  8. 8. Do you try to catch 'em all?

    • I catch whatever new Pokémon I encounter, but I don't really go out of my way for it.
    • Of course! Gotta complete the Pokédex!
    • I'll usually transfer all my Pokémon from old games instead of re-catching them. It's easier that way.
    • I don't bother trying to catch 'em all. I wont use them, so why should I?
  9. 9. Have you ever tried Nuzlocke or similar challenges?

    • Yeah, just for fun.
    • No, it would break my heart!
    • No, it seems like a pain.
    • Yeah, the games are too easy otherwise.
  10. 10. Have you ever reset a Pokémon game?

    • Well, yeah, how else am I gonna play it again? Buy a new one?
    • Yeah, but only after making sure all my Pokémon are safely transferred.
    • No, I couldn't bring myself to do it!
    • No, I don't feel the need to replay.

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I'm the kind of guy who likes to take a conservative approach when I'm playing Pokemon. I used to be the kind of guy who used to steam-roll through the game and not give a damn about the story. Now, I take my time and I carefully select my Pokemon, natures and EV's for the battles ahead. I know it's a bit time-consuming at the beginning, but it pays off once you start to get to the REALLY hard fights B)


Overall, I'm NOT into competitive battling :adorkable: I've had a REALLY bad experience battling people online, I lack the patience to do online battling and it's just not my cup of tea :please: Also, EV training Pokemon for WI-FI battles (...and creating an effective team that works) is a PAIN in the arse and I DON'T LIKE IT!!! :dry: 


I still don't know IV's that much. All I know is that certain characteristics give 6 iv's / 31 iv's to certain stats and I often have to look it up on Serebii.net to see which characteristic raises which stat...

Edited by SolarFlare13
  • Brohoof 1


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At one point a few years ago I got really into trying to be competitive and I still have all my mons from that. I haven't done any of that since X and Y though. I do have a full living dex in my Pokebank though so when I need data I can just mass transfer stuff box by box

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When I played as a kid, of course I didn't. I just made a ragtag team of the Pokemon I though I liked the most and found the most useful at the time. I tried using them in online battling, and let's just say I failed miserably. I lost all but one battle out of 8!!! XD


Though now I may do some now with my experiences with Pokemon Showdown (I got to almost 1400 ELO playing UU in Gen 6. Not bad for someone who hadn't played since Gen 4). I have an understanding of how EVs and IVs work, and I could make a pretty competitive team. Heck, I'm considering making an NU team for Gen 7 that actually has some PU mons in it.

Edited by Duzzki
  • Brohoof 1
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I'm a competitive Trainer myself who tries to make teams with my favorite Pokemon. There's nothing with using your favorite Pokemon to battles. Sometimes I go on Pokemon Showdown to try out teams but there are times I just breed Pokemon for future team-building.

I'm still looking forward to what new strategies await in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The more strategies there are, the more team-building possibilities there are!

Come to think of it, I think there should be a Pokemon battle section on here for everypony to have fun if there isn't one already.

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 2

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I consider a Pokemon game beaten when I reach the end credits. I don't even try to catch them all.

I usually make a team of 6 different types early on and train them all throughout the journey. Rarely do I switch out for other types.

The only Pokemon games I would reset are the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon spinoffs since they have more of a dramatic story to them I would want to see again compared to the main games.

  • Brohoof 1


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My answer is sort of "all of the above"

I play the games through normally the first time. (Tend to skip generations, I don't go all out on the franchise) My endless project is to create a full dex of competitively groomed mons to create a battle roster to use with friends. Don't do much online battling. Do shiny hunting and focus on training for those I like.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

no to all those polls. Just always seemed an obsessive and elitist way to play pokemon.

I play more as an RPG in general and in recent years have tried to keep the team to the most accurate way I can to my off game RP lore. I have a set RP team that I try and aquire on each new game that comes out, even if it means trading way ahead of national dex. I play for fun and to add to the lore and adventure. I dont play competitively at all. I dont care for shinies and I do not make a fuss with EV and Pokerus gets. Just as long as I can beat the in game AI, thats all that matters.

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I used to be very into the competitive scene in my younger years. I spend about 4 years straight playing Pokemon Online (Showdown just isn't the same, man) and had a blast. I was even a member of the Elite 4 on a server I played on, the final member at that! My specialty was Bug Mono, which I use this day, it's one of my better teams, that's for sure. I play a lot of monotype by the way and have teams for nearly every type nowadays, but most kinda stink.

I kind of fell out of it when my favorite server went down and my friends split apart, (we're back together nowadays!) but still sometimes played with my sister. I'm back into it nowadays, but not as hardcore as I used to be. I mostly play in NU/UU and sometimes LC. (P.S. i'm always up for a battle :P)

Casually, I don't really EV train or breed, I save that stuff for Showdown. I do however, try to get optimal/decent natures. I just try to use Pokemon I like rather then Pokemon that are competitive gems. I mean, it usually doesn't matter...Girafarig was one of my top players in my last game and she didn't have a base stat over 100. Sunflora is, by all definitions, a pretty mediocre Pokemon but she was my ace in my Pokemon Omega Red nuzlocke too. As for Nuzlockes, I've played a few of them over the years. I don't think I'll ever forget the time when a Togetic used Metronome and got Thunderbolt on my Gyarados...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The truth is that Pokemon is, of course, meant to be played in such a way that the player gets the most enjoyment possible. Everyone works to that end in their own way and none is better than the others; me personally, I mostly just like to mess around somewhat and use my favorites like most other people here.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I really love to breed for shinies. Or, I used to love to do it. It’s just sorta something I did in my free time, but I wasn’t too serious with it. This reminded me of the fun moments I had doing that, and now I wanna go do it some more.

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The only pokemon game I ever played is pokemon go and still do. Since I like battling in a gym and raid, I usually collect rare, strong, and legendary Pokémons.  If I want to evolved a specific strong Pokémon, then I focus on catching it for candies. I don't catch pokemon for the hell of it. 



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I haven't played Pokémon in a good few years, but when I did I usually based my teams entirely off of what I thought looked the coolest or cutest (Charizard was my favorite starter, I don't care if he's arguably the worst of the three). I also had a soft spot for ridiculously stupid moves like Guillotine and Self Destruct, so I occasionally used a Pokémon or two that knew one of those moves just for fun.

If you couldn't tell, I'm one of those people who runs around in a full-HE KV 2 in WoTs, or a Dire Star (before the heat system got reworked, anyway) in MWO just because of how absurdly stupid and fun they are.

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I normally like to imagine myself being in the world of Pokémon and I just catch what I would imagine myself catching, or that of my character that I make.  Though tbh, I can't decide between sword and shield right now because on one hand, the wolf with the sword looks cool but on the other, the really cute ponyta is only available on shield.... :coco:

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I'm sort of a competitive trainer. I breed and raise Pokémon in specific ways so they can have certain advantages. It's fun, but it's something that you have to invest a lot of time into.

Edited by Cash_In

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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